The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 08, 1912, Image 4

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The Red Cloud Chief
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Enteral In tlio I'dhIoIUio nt lUil 1'loinl, Neb.,
no Second Clnnn Matter.
o n. hali:
The Hcd Claud (Noli ) Chief, Charlie
Hale's pnper, came out in pink as an
d for their chautauquo, now in sess
ion there. Charlie Is boosting Keel
Cloud and Nebraska In great shape
If all the people would do as Rood a
job of boosting things would be com
ing right along. wlnlleid (Iowh) uea
There is one very'notlclable differ
ence between Webster county this
year and the counties between here
and Grand Island and Lincoln aud that
in in tho condition of the crops. The
farther one gets away from Webster
county tho pooror the crops. Alfalfa
aud corn shows the lack of rain and
the country is actually Nuffering for
moisture. The grass Is short and
brown and the general appearance of
things is discouraging. It wits quite
aohange for us accustomed as we
have been to seeing corn six and eight
feet high around here to sco it only
knee hlah. We look for Webster to
be the banner county at the state fair
this fall.
This editor was very much pleased nt
the outcome of the state convention at
Grand Inland. Wo were very much
pleased at the harmony that prevailed
-there. No attempt was made so far
as we could see to utr personal griev
ances or steam roller anyone The
leaders went in perfect accord and de
termined to do only those tilings
which were for the best interests or
tho state and tlio party. The bitter
ness of the pievious convention had
all worn away unci we were ft lends
once more. Every delegate was good
uaturcd and cheerful and all wero
pleased with the pence and friendship
that predominated. The dominant
Idea which controlled evory action of
the convention was the greatest good
to tho greatest number. Tho plat
form adopted is constructive in every
particular. The candidates arc men
of well known rcpututfou and excell
ence of diameter. The convention
was as near absolute haiiuouy as it is
possible for any convention to be
The outlook for democratic success
in Nebraska this year is very bright
iudeed-' The party presents a united
front to all comers add th'cre is the
very boH feeling existing in every
democratic camp in the state. The
Nebraska plutfoim is sound aud also
progressive. It will appeal to every
thoughtful voter, it satisfies the most
The republican purty is split vslde
open aud both factions are all at seaa
Neither faction knows just what it
wants to do except down tWe other
faction. Both factions acknowledge
that they have no hopes of carrying
the election but they arc eager .to galu
Control of (lie party machinery for tho
next contest.
The people of Nebraska have confi
dence in the democratic party because
that party has madegood in the legis
lature, lias redeemed every pledge and
ha shown its ability to produce real
beneficial legislation.
Now that the Chautauqua is passed
and gone we cati examlue It dispass
ionately to see if it came up to our ex-
-peotatlotis. We are confident that the
geueial verdict aside f mm tho initial
performance is tliut the chautauqua
made good. There was much to en
tertain and much to Instruct and this
community is the belttr otf by reason
oftheKHU ehnutuuquu. The attend
ance whs very gratlftiug. All bills
were paid in full and there was enough
money to take eaie of the tlellelt of
last year. We have, no fault to tlud
with tho present committee on .the
selection of talent because they gave
its an excelU nt program this year yet
we feel that one year with another
there would be hu bdvuntago iu en
larging the membership of the corn
mi It ee. We are an agricultural peo
pl " rl Mve. farmer qi the com-
lailttee would be of material assistance
In selecting talent that would be of
direct benefit of the farmers. The
professional men also should bo re
presented on Mhls committee. This
comiultloo should be largo enough to
be In actual touch with our vuiied in
terests and tliluking.
A Trlt en Elm Sticet
Kim Street Is it long tangle of trees,
bushc, fences, garden patches atffl
houses, of rather tnode&t pretensions
for the most part. The sidewalk on
tho west side of tho street Is continu
ous, and one can sco it, when upon it,
in a stretch of several blocks, but with
the exception of Mr. Cutler' losidonce
and thn lots Immediately north, thete
Is no effort at anything like an extend
ed lawn.
This placo Is really very noticeable
on tills stroet because of the flue well
kept lawn. One beautiful sycaniote
tree, perhaps, the finest in the city, is
handsome enough to please anybody's
taste. Two box ciders, standing, un
fortunately, a little too near each other
guard the entrance to the grounds and
spread their cooling shadows over the
closely mowed front yard. Mr. Cutter
formerly had an Iron fence in front of
his residence, but with true civic pa
triotism he has removed this, although
it was doubtless the best fence on the
Just now this placo is most interest
ing to us because of the chicken yard
in tlio rear. We have seen advertise
ments boa's clng of tlio money to be
made from chickens on a city lot. Carl
Wullbraudt, on n tract of less than
fifty feet square, Is illustrating what
may be done in this respect. lie has
three hundred chickens, all nicely and
securely cooped in a dozen coops, and
the chickens show the result of careful
treatment under cleanly and healthful
conditions, even though they occupy
so little space. Anconas, Rhode Is
land Reds and White Orpingtons arc
shown especial favor by Carl. With a
little experience, Carl will be able
soon to show what can be done on a
larger scale. He converts seventy-five
percent of the eggs lie puts in his in
cubator aud his hens into healthful,
pi ofltablc chickens. This is a good
average The Chief expects iu the
near future to write up the various
chicken yards of the city. Wo have
some enthusiastic poultry men aud a
compurisou of their methods and re
sults should be of iutctoit ami value,
The tallest mountain asli iu the city
adorns the grounds of Mrs. KM Fry's
home. Mrs. John (J. Potter probably
planted this tree when Iho place whs
her residence.
The building north of Crablll's barn
is, perhaps, the oJdestrsJuY'ce iu the
city, .sit wus' built 1iynarney Swift,
the first lumber dealer of lied Clpud.
Ills lumber yard occupied the site of
the barn. On the oast sldeof the street
Dr. Cook resides in a house in 1873 by
this sumo Barney Swift. The house
north occupied by Mrs Fry built a
little later by John O. Potter tho Hol
land house was represented by usmall
building used for saloon aud bakery
purpose. The building in which Mrs
Williams resides was erected by Thus.
J. Ileal in 1871. These are the only
pioneer residences on the street.
We must not forget to mention the
very pretty lawn of Mrs. G rice's at tho
extreme north of the street on the
west side. This shows what an in
dustrious and tasteful woman Can do
to make a street attractive.
Kim Street does not show to advant
age at this tlms of the year. Iu the
early summer it takes the lead of all
tho streets in the richness and variety
of its flowers. But the flowers have
generully ceased to blossom, and the
ragged bushes are all that now meets
the eye Well kept lawns with high
trimmed trees are a more lasting pleas
ure than (lowering shrubs Cultivate
the latter by all means, Jbut they
should not be in the frout yard. Klin
street would look better, were all its
fences converted into kindling wood
and nails.
lone Albright
Don Saunders
Helen "
John Wittwer
Mrs Arch Boieu
Miss Hot lie Lilly
Klleti Tompkins
Stella lladley
Irina (Jiliiies
Miss Cot 1 1 tig
MI-h Phelps
Ileitha Canney
Mils Orn K'napp
" Alice Pope
11 ltlaiich Cox
Win Crnbill
h. L, Iloren
Dr. Mitchell
Fred Maurer
Mrs. Grimes
Mrs. A If. McCall
Mrs. Tait
Mrs, Oeo. Coou
Frank Wittwer
Mrs. Don Saundeis
Hay Saundeis
Mis. McKeehy
Harold Turn tire
Dr. Ackley
K, N. Tompkins
Mrs. Tompkius
Miss Kleiner
Chas. (Jurney
Mrs. (,'lias. (lurney
Will It rcn
Miner Shorwood
Phil Sherwood
Mr.ntid Mrs. A Cox
Mrs. Win. Crnbill
Mrs. tj. L. Iloren
Mis. Dr. Mitchell
Mis. Fred Maurer
Mrs. C. C. Cox
Mrs. McFarlatid
Miss Mary Petersoti
Everett Coon
llenew your subsc'ption for the Chief.
A least If nI Picture
Did von ever notice how really beau
tiful gum chewing makes a girl appear?
Take her do far to, and gazing steadily,
ono can not find a more ideal plct'irc.
With n sharp click! claukt her teeth,
so white and pearly, lire clashing to
gether ns, with coulsh glee, she masti
cates her cud. Then, too, olio can
note her health tinted, well-.'ouuded
'checks hs they grow u little more
rotund, through the mutcilal assist
ance of a big "hunk" of gum. And
really, who can imaging a fuller spec
tacle than that of her dainty up'utned
nose, as it gently ilses and lulls ill
wave-like undulations over the abys
mal depths revealed at each pressure
against the mass? Oh, how delicious
ly tempting that rosebud mouth is as
the maiden (Ills It with n soft nliablo
chunk, and champing like n festive
goat revelling in the luxuries of the
; succulent tomato can, she greets you
In tohes husky with gum.
The HEW Feed Store
We handle only the Best Grades of Flour,
end Feed of ell kinds. Your inspection o!
my piece is respectfully requested
w r s r - w w b e e w
We Invite Your
Careful , attention to
our stock when in S
the market for any- S
thing in the Furniture, Car-
pets or Rug line ....
Lady in attendance in our Undertaking Dept.
. vyVi y vAv-A-
JryJ V J - S
The C. t. D, Feed Stare
We carry a full Hue of Feed,
Flour, Oils and Oas, f
Try our Machine Oil on your mower.
At presunt we havo some choice
Cane aud Millet seed, come in stid con
tract what you need before its gone.
C. II. Potter Is having part of the
old Star livery baru tore down this
The subjects of the sermons nt the
the H.iptUt church next Sunday are:
morning theme, "Mender of Itrolten
Hearts"; evening theme, "Shirks." All
are cordially tuviteit to attend these
hAN n Wo have for sale farms on
easy payments and special terms,
worth the money. Several mighty
good deals, The largest list of local
farms from which to select.
Dan Uaiuikr A Company, CuiEf otllce.
.loli u Gilbert eatno down from Ited
Cloud this morning on his way to Oak
whore he will assist In locating the
placo for tho Oregon Trial monument
to bo erected. Mr. Gilbert was one of
the old settlers in the vlciuitv of Oak
having resided there during the big
Indian raids. Wednesday Superior
A great uiatiy of our people make a
practice of spending a vacation some
where Iu tho wost eacli summor usual
ly alone but this year a largo party of
our citizens will make a tour thru thn
Yellowstone. National 1'iuk together
They left Monday evening aud will be
gone about a month. Tho following
comprise tho company:
TilHoCook Mrs Newberry
h. P. Albright Mrs. L. P. Albright
We Carry a Complete Line of Staple and Fancy
Groceries, also the Latest Patterns in
It Will Also Pay You to Remember That in Order
to Secure the Best in Canned Goods Obtain
" A. B. C. "
Bell Phone 201 Independent Phone 44
The Winer Bres Co.
mammm MMmeHMaMevBsmmBsmsniBMBMBaii ujummsjmbssmsmv hiiii i rs r n - "" "'"""i"?1'"1
Dry Goods
Women's Wear
Lace Curtains
I The Miner Bros Co
$ A Mighty SafcVPlace to Trade &
5 S
Buy Hot
- ... Cl
4 Km
- 4 -c
.. ...(
At Cool Weather
The Cody Way over Sylvuii I'ass Into the Park Is one of the most attrac
tive routes for" Park tourists. It is th.i only scenic way inte the Pink;
alongside the perfect irovernuicnt road Is the maeliltleent Dim,-tlio
highest dint iu tho worlds The outlook from Sylvan Pass is oue of the
world's ghyxt views. The regular oxcurslon rate includes automobile,
stages, hololr., etr. Then bo-ldes, there are personally conducted 10-day
caiimpiug tour- and tho Wylle Tours You can go via Cody and come
out via Unrdiner, tho north entrance. Thousands of dollars have been
spent in developing tho Cody Scenic Way into the puik. Ask nearest
agent for "Tho Cody Way" booklet.
Trans-Nlssl.-jsipul Ctnftress, Auft. 27-30. Natl'ial IrrUalUs CsRlrcM.
Srpt. 3D-Oct. 3. The-e occasions make an unusually attractive time
for a visti to Salt Lake, through Scenic Colorado
H. K. F OK, Ticket Arit.
L. W. WAKCLKY, mnmrIWa mngmr Agt. ,
Cannot tell you in this space
what we are doing but would
like to show you some bar
gains in every line in the
I -,-" THK Ci.Q7&72Z y
SBsasMSssmsWHsssMsl . . t
Remember that our job lep(rt-l ' j
ment has no equal in VVebsterx
County when it comes to turning t
out high-class work Try us.
V. .