The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 08, 1912, Image 2

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    fit v "V 'r
The rene nt the oponlng of the atnry
will In tlm library of mi old wr.rn-out
outhern titnntnllun. known na tlio uiir
ony. The nluce Is to ba aiiM, nnd lt
history nml that of tlio owncm. tno
Wulntants, In tlm subject of dlncusslon by
lutmtlinn Crcnslmw. u buiilncmi man, n
trntiKor known ns Illuilcn, imil Hob
Vuncy, a farmer, when Ilatinlbnl Wiiytio
lliiziml, a in) Rterloiin chllil of the flu
routhrrn family, makes liln npnenraneo.
Vnncy tells how i.e uiloptetl the boy. M
llmiikl Kerrl uuyii thu Uarony. but tlio
vjulntaritn deny uny knowledge nf tlio
tmy. Vnncy to ktop lliinnllml. Cnptnlti
Mutrrll, it friend of the Quliitanln, ap-pi-iira
nml links qiionlloiiH niinut the Hit r
ony. Troiiblo nt Bcrnlch Hill, when linn lit Mdrinpod b Unve Mount. Cnp
Inln Murn-ll's nKcnt. Vnncy overtokn
llloiint. Rlr him 11 thnmlitiiK und eciiren
tlio hoy. Vuney unpen rs bctoru Squlro
lliilimm, nml li dlsciuirKvd with costn ir
tlio iilnlnllff. Uetty Mulroy. n friend of
the IVrrlKVH, tins uu encounter with Cup
loin Murrtll, who force Ills nttentlnns on
tier, and In lescued by tlruro Carrtngton
Hetty etii out for her Tennessee homo
L'u trine to n tukio the iiamo stae. Yiincy
und Ilnnnlbiil dlsuppenr, with Murrdl on
their trail. Ilnnnlbiil arrives nt tho hoiuu
of Judge Slocum Price. Tho Judgo reco
Idzes In tlio boy. the grandson of nn old
tltnu friend. Murrell arrives nt JihIruh
Iioiiic. Cavendish family on rnft rti-cuu
Ynney, who li uppurently dead. I'rke
breaks Jull. Dot'.y and Carrlnu'ton nirlve
at IKIIu I'lnlu.'s rltlu illfccliiKos
toinu BtartlliiK tiilnRs to tho judK. Man
liluul und Hetty meet again. Murrell ar
rive In Hello l'lnln. Is pin) Ins tor blR
stakes. Yancy iiuiikes from Iouk dienui
less sleep on liourd the raft. Judgo l'lieu
makes ninrlllns discoveries In looking up
lanJ titles. Churlcy Norton, a younn
planter, who iibilsta the Judge, I ms
ii'iluuily assaulted. Norinn Inform Car
ilniiton Hint Hotly has promliid to marry
him. Norton Is mysteriously shot. More
llRlit on Murrell'u plot. Ho plans upils-
mk of neRroes. Jiuiru Trice, with llunnl
hul, visits Hetty, und sho keeps thu boy
us a companion, in u stroll Uetty tulas
with Hannibal thuy meit Hess IIIl-Iin,
dauRhter or tho oversicr, who uumi
Hetty of daiiRer and iounuU licr to
Uavu lielle l'lulu at once. Hutty, teirt
lied, nets on Uuss' advice, and on their
vuy their (.urrliigc It sloipcd by Hlosson,
the tavern keeper, end n confederate, nnd
Hetty und Ilnnnlbiil uro iniiile prlsotit-rj.
'J ho pair uro tukru to llloku' cabin, In an
iilinoiit InucKHsiblo spot, und there Mur
rell visits Hetty und reveals hit put In
the plot and his object. Hetty xputus
Ills pioITnrtd lovo and tho Interview Is
ended by tho arrival of Ware, lerrlllrd
ut pusilblo outioinu of the crime. JudRu
1'iUu, hearing of tho abdiicllon, plans no
tion. The JuilRe takes charge of the
altuiillnn, and for tho mlsslnR ones
Is Instituted. CnirliiRtnn visits tho Judge
ttud allies uro dicuvered.
CHAPTER XXIII. (Continued.)
"And General Qulntnrd Dover buw
lilm never manifested uny Interest
In him?" tho words cumo slowly front
tho judgo's lips; he Eeenied to gulp
down something that rose In his
throat. "Poor littlo lad!" ho mut
tered, nnd again, "Poor littlo lad!"
"Never once, sir. lie told the
slaves to keep him out of his sight.
We-all wondered, fo' you know how
niggers will talk. We thought maybo
he was Bonio kin to the Qulntards,
but wo couldn't flguro out bow. The
old general never bad but ono child
and she hnd been dead fo' years. The
child couldn't have been hern no-how."
Yancy paused.
'The judge drummed Idly on tho
"What Implacable bato what Iron
pride!" he murmured, and swept his
band across his eyes. Absorbed and
nloof, bo was busy with bis thoughts
that spanned tbo wasto of years
years that seemed to glldo before him
lu review, each bitter with Kb hideous
uiomorlcs of 'shame nnd defeat. Then
from the smoke of these lost battles
emergod the lonely figure or the child
as ho had seen him that June nlgbt.
His ponderous arm stiffened wboro It
rested on the desk, be straightened up
In hU choir an his face assumed its
customary expression of battered dig
nity, while a smllo at once wistful and
tender hovered about bis lips.
"One other quentlon," he said. "Un
til this man Murrell appeared you
bud no trouble wltb Mladen? lie was
content that you should keep the
child your right to Hannibal was
never challenged?"
"Novcr, sir. All my troublos began
about that time."
"Murrell belongs In theso nnrtn."
said tbo Judge.
"I'd admire fo to meet him," said
Yancy quietly.
Tho Judge grinned.
"I place my professional services at
your disposal," ho said. "Yours Is a
clear coso of felonious assault."
"No, it ain't, sir I look at It thls-a-wnyB;
it's a clear caso of my giving
him tho damndest sort or a body beat
ing!" "Sir," said the Judge, "I'll hold your
bat while ou aro about It!"
lllcks had taken his tlnio In re
sponding to tho Judgo's stimmons, but
now hla step sounded In tho hall and
throwing opon the door ho entered
tho room. Whether consciously or
not he had acquired something or that
surly, forbidding monner which was
characteristic of his employer. A curt
nod of tho head was bis only greet
ing. "Will you sit down?" asked the
Judge. HIckB slgnltlcd by nnothor
movement of tho head that ho would
not. "This Is a very dreadful busi
ness!" began tho Judgo softly.
"Ain't It?" agreed Hicks. "What
you got to eay to ruo?" he added
"Hove you started to drag the
bayou V" nuked tho Judge. Hlcka
noililpii -Tint was your Idon?" SUg
gusto '"ilco
"Poor Llttla Lad!" He Muttered.
"No, it wa'n't," objected Hicks
quickly. "Hut I said bIio had been
nctin' like sho was plumb distracted
ever slnco Charley Norrn got shot"
"How?" inquired tho Judgo, arching
bis eyebrows. Hicks was plainly dis
turbed by tho question.
"Sort of out of her bead. Mr. Ware
Eoen it, too"
"Ho spoke of it?"
"Yes, sir; him and me discussed it
Tbo Judge regarded Hicks long and
intently and In silctico. His magnifi
cent mind was at work. If Uetty had
been distraught be bad not observed
any sign or it the previous day. ir
Ware woro bettor Informed as to her
truo mental state why hnd he chosen
this time to go to Momphls?
"I suppose Mr. Ware asked you to
keep an eye on Miss Mnlroy whllo be
was away from boroo?" said tho Judge.
HIckB, suspicious or tho drift or bis
questioning, made no answer. "I bud
poso you told tbo bouse servants to
keop her under observation?" contin
ued tho Judge.
"I don't talk to no niggers," replied
Hicks, "except to give 'em my or
ders." "Well, did you give them that or
der?" "No. I didn't."
Tho suddon and hurried entrance of
big Steve brought the Judge's exam
lnotion of Mr. Hicks to a standstill.
"Mas'r, you know dat 'or coachman
George the big black fellow dat toolc
you Into town las' evcnln'? I jes' been
down at 8hnnty Hill whar Mlily, bis
wlfo, Is carryln' on something scan
dalous 'cause Gcorgo ain't never come
home!" Stove was laboring under In
tense oxcltement, but be Ignored the
prcsenco ot tho overseer nnd ad
dressed hlmseir to Slocum Prlcor
"Woll, what or that?" cried HIckB
"Thar warn't no George, mind you,
Mas'r, but dar was his team In do
8tablo this ino'nlng and looklu' mighty
nigh dono up with hard driving."
"Yen," Interrupted Hicks uneasily;
"put a pair ot lines In a nigger's
bands and he'll run any team off Its
"An' tbo kcrrlngo nil scratched up
from bcln' thrashed through tho
bushes," added Btovo.
"There'u n nigger tor you!" said
Hlcka. "Sbo took tho rascal out or
tho Held, dressod him llko ho was n
gentleman and pampered htm up, and
now first chanco ho gotn ho runs oft!"
"Ah!" said tho Judge sortly. "Then
you know this?"
"Of course I know wa'n't It my
business to know? I reckon he was
off skylarking, and when bo'd seen
tho mess ho'd made, tho trilling fool
took to tho woods. Well, he catches
It when I lay baj-.ds on him!"
"Do you know when and undor
what clrcunibtancos tho toara was
6tab!ed, Mr. Hicks?" Inquired tho
"No, I don't, but I reckon It must
hnvo been long after dark," said lllcks
unwillingly, "I seen to tbe feeding
Just after sundown like 1 always do,
tff, Trttdoeti Menttit COfvnt
then I went to supper," Hicks vouch
safed to explain.
"And no ono saw or heard tbo team
drive In?"
"Not as I know of," said Hlcka.
"Mas'r Ca'ington's done gone off to
get a pack of dawgs he 'Iowb hit's
might' Important to find what's come
of George," said Stove.
lllcks started violently at this piece
of news.
"I reckon he'll have to travel a
right Btnart distance to llnd n pack of
dogs," ho muttored. "I don't know or
none this sldo of Colonel Dates' down
below Qlrard."
Tbo Judge was lost tn thought. He
permitted an Interval or silence to
elapso in which Hicks' glanco slid
round in a furtive circle.
"When did Mr. Ware set out for
'Memphis?" asked the Judgo at lengtb.
"Early yesterday. He goes there
pretty often on business."
"You talked with Mr. Ware before
he left?" lllcks shook his head. "Uld
ho speak of Miss Malroy?" lllcks
shook his head. "Did you see her dur
ing tho afternoon?"
"No maybo you think these nig
gers ain't enough to keop a man stir
ring?" said Hicks uneasily and wltb a
scowl. Tbe Judge noticed both tbe
uneasiness and tho scowl.
"I should imagine they would ab
sorb every moment of your time. Mr.
Hicks," he r greed affably.
"A man's got to be a hog for work
to hold a job llko mine," said Hlcka
"But It camo to your notlco that
Miss Malroy has been tn n disturbed
mental state ever since Mr. Norton's
murder? I am Interested In this point,
Mr. Hicks, becauso your experlonco Is
eo entirely nt variance with my own.
It was my privilege to sec and speak
with her yesterday afternoon; I was
profoundly Impressed ky her natural
ness and composure." The Judge
smiled, then he leaned forward across
the desk. "What woro you doing, up
here early this morning hasn't a hog
for work llko you got any business of
his own nt that hour?" Tho Judgo'B
tono was suddenly offensive.
"Look hero, what right hnvo you
got to try and pump mo?" cried lllcks,
For no discernible reason Mr. Cav
endish spat on his palms.
"Mr. Hicks," said tho Judgo, urbano
and gracious, "I bollovo In frankness."
"Sure," agreed lllcks, molllllcd by
tho Judgo's altered tone.
"Thoreforo I do not hesitate to say
that I consider jou a damned scoun
drel!" concluded tho Judge.
Mr. Cavendish, accepting tho Judge's
ultimatum ns something which muet
uounr Hlcka from all further consid
eration, nnd being, as ho wnr, exceed
ingly active and energetic by nature,
If ono passed over tho various forms
of gainful Industry, uttered n loud
whoop and throw hlmseir on tho over
seer. Thoro was a brier etrtiggle and
Hicks went down with tho Karl ot
Lambeth astrldo ot him; then from
his boot leg that knightly soul flashed
a horn-handled tickler of formidable
'i!Bi Jxts) -" H
Tho Judge, Yancy and- Mahaffy,
sprang from their chairs. Mr, Ma
haffy was plainly shocked at tho spec
tacle or Mr. Cavendish's lawless vio
lence. Ynncy was disturbed, jpo, but
not by the moral aspects of the case;
he w.ib doubtful as to how his friend's
act would appeal to tho judge. He
need, not have been distressed on that
score, slnco tho Judgo's ono Idea was
to profit by It. With his hands on his
kneea ho was now bending abovo the
two men.
"What do you want to know,
Judge?" cried Cavendish, panting from
his exertions. "I'll learn this parrot
to talk up!"
"Hicks," said tho Judgo, "It Is la
your power to tell us a few things wo
nro hero to find out." Hicks looked
up Into the Judge's face and closed
bis Upa grimly. "Mr. Cavendish,
kindly let him hnvo the point ot that
largo kntro where he'll reel It most!"
oidered tho Judge.
"Talk quick!", said Cavendish, with
a ferocious scowl. "Talk or what's
to hinder me slicing open your wooz
eti?" and be pressed the blade of bia
knlfo against tho overscer'B thront.
"I don't know anything about Miss
Detty," bald Hicks In a sullen whis
per. "Maybo you don't, but what do you.
know about tho boy?" Hicks was
client, but ho was grateful for the
judgo's question. From Tom Waro ho
had lent nod of Fentress' Interest In
(he boy. Why should he shelter the
colonel nt'rislc or hlmseir? "ir you
please, Mr. Cavendish!" said the
Judge, nodding toward tbe knife.
"You didn't ask mo about him," said
Hicks quickly.
"I do now," said tho Judge.
"Ho was hero yesterday."
"Mr. Cavendish ' again tho Judgo
glanced toward tho knire. ..
"Walt!" cried Hicks. "You go to
Colonel FentrcES."
"Let him up, Mr. Cavendish; thnfa
nil wo want to know," said the Judge.
Colonel Fentress.
The Judgo had not forgotten bis
ghost, the ghost he bad seen In Mr.
Saul's office that day he went to tbo
court house on business for Charley
Norton. Working or Idling principal,
ly tho latter drunk or sober prin
cipally tho rormer the ghost, other
wise Colonel Fentress, had preserved
a place In his thoughts, nnd now as
ho moved stolidly up the drive toward
Fentress' big wblte bouse on the hill
with Mahaffy, Cavendish and Yancy
trailing In his wake, memories of what
hod once been living and vital crowd
ed in upen him. Some sense of tbs
wreck that littered the long years, and
tho sharno of tbo open shame that bad
Bwept away pride and self-respect,
came back to him out of the past.
Ho only paused when he stood on
the portico before FentresB open
door. He glanced about him at the
wide fields, bounded by the distant
timber lands that bid gloomy bottoms",
at the great log barns In the hollow to
bis right; at tbe huddle or white
washed cabins beyond; then with his
big flat be reached, in and pounded on
the door. The blows echoed loudly
through the silent bouse, and an in
stant later Fentress' tall, spare figure
was Feon advancing from tbe far end
of the hall.
"Who is It?" be asked.
"Judge Price Colonel Fentress,''
said tbe Judge.
"Judge Price," uncertainly, and still
"I bad flattered myself that you
must have hoard of me," said tho
"1 think I have," said "Fentress,
pausing now.
"Ho thinks he has!" muttered the
Judge under bis brcnth.
"Will you come In?" It was moro jt
question than an invitation.
"If you aro at liberty." Tbe colonel
bowed. "Allow me," the Judgo con
tinued. "Colonel Fentress Mr. Ma
haffy, Mr. Yancy and Mr. Cavendish."
Again the colonel bowed.
"Will you step Into tho library?"
"Very good," nnd tbo Judge followed
tho colonel briskly down tho ball.
Women Win High Honor,
Onco moro women have triumphed
at tho Itoyal academy. For tho sec
ond time In tbreo years the gold modal
has bucn won by a femalo student,
whllo o! tbo fourteen prizes offered
no less than ten have been carried
off by women, in presenting tbeso
and congratulating Miss Margaret Wil
liams on her brilliant achievement the
president ot the Royal academy paid
high tribute to tho perseverance nnd
the tnlent of women artists; but again,
wo ask, why Is It not recognized by
tho Royal Academy of Arts In the ob
vious way 7 In every way women
show their fitness to compete wltb
men for tho honor of admission to as
Eoclatcsblp and to election among the
forty, yet still they stand without tbe
gato. Lfcdy's Pictorial.
Vsal Loaf Always Faithful Standby-
Deviled Eggs Preferable to Plain
Hard oiled Pried Potatoes
Add Zest to Meal.
A Teal loaf Is always appetizing In
the woods. An excellent recipe Is:
Three pounds and n half of finely
chopped veal tho leg Is best mixed
with thoo well-beaten eggs, into which
Is stirred a grated nutmeg, a table;
spoon each of black pepper, thyme nnd
salt, a teaspoonfAil of onion Julco and
a dash of cayonno. Add three table
spoonfuls of cream nnd three water
crackors rolled flno. Mix tn n long
leaf, dot with butter nnd bake about
an hour In n moderate oven, basting
Veal loaf may be sliced thin nnd
packed in paraffin paper In n flat box,
but dries out less If taken to tho pic
nic whole. Carry a sharp carving
Itnife, as thick slices are unappetizing
Deviled eggB are usually more pop
ular than plain hard bolted ones. Noll
tho egga fully half an hour, throw
nt once Into cold water and do not
Bhell until chilled. Cut tho esse In
half lengthwise, run the yolk through
a stove nnd mix to a pnsto with s
salt spoon of mustard, cayenne pep
per, salt and a tnblnspoonful ot flnelj
chopped parsley to n doen eggs. CI"
or melted butter enn bo used for mix
Ing tho paste
Deviled eggs carry better tf bott
halves nre filled, then put togcthei
and each egg wrapped In wnxed pa
per. Or they can bo put In a shallow
tin box, with waxed purer between tht
layers. On hot days keep tlte bo
near the lco on reaching "tho plcnh
If each one brings a certain allot
ted portion, ono could take fresh cgst
for scrambling nllow three for cacli
person a Email preservo glass of but
ter, salt and pepper and a skillet oi
a chafing dish, whichever Is morj
Nothing Ib better than fresh scram
bled eggs at a picnic, unless It I:
fried potatoes. Roll the potatoes nl
home In their jackets and tnko t
good supply of butter for frying. A
pound can bo carried In a tin kettle
with Ice packed around It. Have f
sharp knlfo for slicing nnd n fcr!
or short cako turner for stirring.
Leftover cold chicken or veal makoj
nn excellent hot dish for a picnic. Cut
the meat Into small cubes at hom
and wrap In waxed paper. Make o
whlto sauce from a tablespoonful but
ter and ono of flour to every point c:
milk. This Ib tho allownnco for i
quart of meat. Season highly wit!
salt, pepper and a little onion Juice,
An appetizing sandwich for a plcnia
is mada from slices of brown bread on
which Is spread a mixture of choppeq
green peppers, to which Ib added n
can of sweet peppers or pimentos, n
little minced parsley, bound together
with a highly seasoned mayonnaise.
Where a hot sandwich la liked for
a picnic, have two thin slices o
white bread buttered; spread one
with a little chutney, the other with
grated Parmesan cheese. Fry an egg,'
place it on the cheese, and press the
other half well over It.
During Hot Weather It Will Be Found
More Acceptable Than the Hot
Whore beef-tea 1b required on a hot
summer day It tssomotlmes more ac
ceptable to tho Invalid If served Iced,
and in condensed form. Prepared aa
follows It Is quite palatable: Cut up
pound jtt lean, Juicy sirloin steak In
to pieces of about two inches square.
Grease a clean pan with butter and
put it on a fire of red-hot coals, and
as soon as ever tho pan is hot toss
the pieces of steak In It, turning them
rapidly this way and that way with a
fork until seared on every side. j
Bee that not a drop of Juice la In the,
pan, and that each separate square
of beef Is thoroughly heated through
before you flnlBh your work. '
Take the pieces now, one by one,
and squeeze through a wooden lemon
squeezer which has been standing In
boiling water Into a cold bowl. Ex
tract all the Juice from the piece, and
you will havo tho finest beef essence.
Set the bowl In a pan filled with
cracked Ice. The coldness of the beel
essonco which you serve In a tum
bler, having added the necessary salt,
and with a tiny trlanglo of toast doet
not affect Its qualities.
Refreshing Beverages.
Any fresh frutt makes a dellcloui
drink when the Julco, squeezed from
it, Is strained, Bweetencd and filled
.with cold soda or aeratod water, Or a
syrup can be mado to bo kept on hand
b boiling the julco with sugar. To
xnako tho drinks ubo a few spoonfuls
of this syrup and fill the glass with
water, plain or carbonated. '
Tho most delicious lemonade or
limeade can be had at a moment's no
tlco If the Julco of tho fruit be kept
on hand, mixed with sugar to taste,
It Is' Blmpllctly Itself to -pour water
over this and the drink Is ready.
Mashed Potato Doughnuts,
Take two toblespoonfuls of butter,
ono cup of mashed potatoes, ono and
one-half cups of sugar, one cup ol
sweet milk, four cups of flour, twe
eggs well beaten, with a little salt,
"wo teaspoons of baking powder and
'ry In hot lard. These are delicious-
Sharp Pains
In the Back
foht to HMdm
KMnty TrouMe.
II a. v a mi a.
Pletirt fttll
lame back, ach
ing any and
Do you feel a
sharp pain after
bending over?
When the kid-
neys seem sore
and the action
Irregular, use
Doan's Kidney
Pills, which have
cured thousands.
An Illinois Case
nJ..mi ?ftv," m Commercial at,
Danv lie, III., says: "I was complete
ly laid up with kidney trouble and
rheumatism. I spent several weeks In
the hospital but was not helped. Ah a
,n8t 55f.?rt began using- Doan's Kid
ney rills and was entirely cured. I
lmvo had no troublo since'
Get Doaa's at any Drug Store, 50c a Box
Doan's "MST
Users of the Telephone Will Be Apt
to Condone Mr. Butlman's Brief
' Loss of Temper.
Ho was Just about exasperated with
the telephono, was Mr. Buslman.
Ten times thnt morning ho had
tried to get on to a number, and each
time something had prevented him
from speaking. Either It wnB "num
ber engaged," or the person ho want
ed to speak to was out, or else ho
had been suddenly cut off. At last
he got through.
"Hallo!" said he. "Is Mr. X. there?"
"Yes," replied a voice. "Do you
want to speak to him?"
That wbb tho last" Blraw. Bacs
camo tho reply In ley tones:
"Oh, no! Nothing of the sort. 1
merely rung up to band him a cigar!"
A West End woman called the attcn
tion of her husband to n littlo baby
which wob trying to sleep on tho porch
of its home on tho opposite sldo ol
tho street. '
"It's lying on tho baro boards, lsn'C
It?" ho observed.
"Yes, they haven't evpn placed a
rug for the little chap to rest Ills head
The husband took another look.
"And what do you think of that?'?
he ejaculated. "They haven't everl
painted tho bonrds." Youngstowtj
(O.) Telegram.
Their Peeling.
"Woll, old sport, how do you fool
I've Just eaten a bowl of ox-tall soup
und feel bully."
"I've just eaten a plate of hash and
feel like everything." New Orlcan
Trouble's Way.
"He always climbed a tree when h
saw troublo coming."
"And what did troublo do?"
"Set fire to the tree and smoked
him out again."
Some men's la of luck Is to owe
more than they can pay.
Kansas Man 8aya Coffee Made Him
"Coffee has been used In our famllj
of eleven father, mother, five soni
and four daughters for thirty years
I am the eldest ot tbe boys and hav
always been considered tho runt of Um
family and a coffee toper.
"I continued to drink It for years un
til I grew to be a man, and then 1
found I had stomach trouble, nervous
headaches, poor circulation, was un
able to do a full day's work, took medi
cine for this, that and the other thing,
without the least benefit In fact 1
only weighed 116 when I was 28.
"Then I changed from coffee to Pos
ture, being the first ono In our family
to do so. I noticed, bb did tbo rest ol
the family, that I was surely gaining
strength and flesh. Shortly after 1
was visiting my cousin who said, 'You
look so much better you're gettlni
faf ' '
"At breakfast bis wife passed m
a cup of coffee, as sho knew I was al
ways such a coffee drinker, but I said,
'No, thank you.'
'"Whatl said my cousin, 'you quit
coffee? What do you drink?'
"'Postum,' I said, 'or water, and
am well.' They did not know what'
Postum wbb, but my cousin had stom
ach troublo and could not Bleep at
night from drinking coffe'e throe timet
a day. He was glad to learn abct
Postum, but said he never knew cof
fee would hurt anyone." (Tea Is Just
as Injurious ns coffee because It con
tains caffeine, tbo same drug found
In coffee.)
"After understanding my condition
and how I got well he knew what to
do for himself. He discovered that
coffeo was the cause of bis troublo as
he never used tobacco or anything elso
of the kind. You should see tho chango
in him now. Wo both believe that if
persons who suffer from coffeo drink
ing would stop and uso Postum they
could build back to health and happi
ness." Name given by Postum Co.,
Battle Creek, Mich. ,
"There's a reason." Bead the little
book, "Tho Road to Wellvillo," In pkgs.
Ever read the above letter. A new
one appears from time to time. They
are genuine, true, and full of human
Brr read the akov letter? A ew
appears from time to time, Tkey
are acaalae, trae, aad full of buaua
UttTMl. .
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