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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1912)
f vu HWoHoirniTciVtV rtl 1 4 B-J"q.VV"JS lMWgU J -tu-vs-jJLr4.-Sriiki V? mi J'f'i i l 5 J afPlil -liaBaaMM : It V ". zi vr-.t. A NewtMier Tkat fllves The News Flfty-twi Weeks EMh Year Br SI.5D- VOLUME XXXX. HED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, AUC1UST 8, 11)12. NUMBER 33 JHE New Banking Law is now in force and,The J1"!011 the payment of every dollar of deposits in this institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. Dollar Waste INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 kW 21 REASONS Three More Next Week: Why You Should Buy The Ware That's Safe - r j "WEAR EVER" Aluminum Cooking Utensils "WEAR EVER" Aluminum Fireless Cookers Electric Steam and Radiating Will furniih You a Kettle or Cooker to prove! 1. Better Cooked food. 2. Apple butter, etc., WITHOUT STIRRING or BURNING and more thoroughly cooked. 3. Pot roaat WITHOUT WATER Save time and fuftl. 4. Pan cakea, waiuea, etc., wunuui arums. or odor. 8. Accident proof NO INJURY from BURN ING OR DROPPING. "Wear-Ever." 0. "Wear-Ever" fives sauaiacuon-Jtnx un satisfactory piece replaced ANY time it is reported to COMPANY OR SALESMAN. For Free Pan or trial of Kettle or Fireless Cooker Cut out this address and mau to . nntTin T A ".T lTsT 5TT T Red Cloud KKUIL JT A I Wweprain Or Phone Ind. 204. Bell Red 255 iFtx nn jLnjUlAA m 0S0 urn. . THE FNTIPE CHEYENNE (WYO.) frontier Days Show SAILY t5 & $13,000 IN RACES 'VAORTHAM FALLEN SHOWS ww wrw ..... . -w - , ... Emi MoftrfiAas fi(iew2Di Tlio gioutost wasto in any single Ih dtistiy in tills country U ni.ide with llii? corn crop. The grain of the hiiUuhI corn cinp of the United States it worth on the far ins one ami a htilf billion dollars. In a ripe corn plant fit) peicent of tho feed vulue is con tained In the kernels and II) per cent in tho stalk and leaves. With the grniu worth one and a half billion dollars, the feed value of the test of the crop is a billion dollars. At least 00 percent of the feed valuo of the stalk is lost under the present system of fa mi management iivwaste with this ci op alone of almost a billion dollath j tiii ly. No other business hut fanning could statid such an enormous los. In the New England and the Middle States most of the stalks tiro saved as fodder, and there Hro many lilos, but with the damage from weathering, the waste luhandling and thu loss lu digest iblllty from drying, the farmers are very far from utilizing the full feed value of the coin stalk. In the coin belt, wheie the bulk of the orop is raised, comparatively few cornjgrow eib harvest the stalks, and the only re turns most of them secure from the forage is by pasturing the dead stalks iu the cold and storms ot winter. Frequently the death of stock past urcd in the stalk fields makes a loss that far exceeds the returns from the feed. Contrast this waste by the corn grow er with the practices of larKe business organizations. For years the great packing houses have sold dressed meat for less than they have paid for the live weight of the animals. Yet every year these packing houses return millions of dollars profit be cause they utilize to the fullest extent the value of their by-products. The Standard Oil Company takes crude oil into its refining plants, puts it through costly processes, using apparatus that requires an outlay of millions, pays the freight and delivers the kerosene and gasoline direct to consumers at s lower rate than is asked for mineral water, where the only expense is to run the water through a pipe from tbe spring into a bottle. At tbe lame time the corn grower are wasting most of 40 per cent of the feed value of over one hundred million acres of corn. The silo provides the corn grower with the means for utilizing tbe larg estproportlon of the feed value of bis entire crop, grain and forage. Tbe whole crop can be stored economically in the silo in compact form. Tbe silage can be kept for days, months or years, or feeding may begin as soon as filling the silo is completed. The silo can be filled in good weather, when it is rain ing, or iu times of extreme drouth and hot winds. Silage is good fed, dally, both in winter and summer. When grass is ready in the spring, the feed that remains in the silo onn be covered and will keep well until needed when the summer drouth comes, Silage furnishes a green, succulent, appetis ing feed through the winter, the 6ame as grass through the summer It keeps the animal's system iu as good condition as when the stock is on good pasture, and feeds given with it are I better digested. Corn makes the best silage, Katllr corn, Mito and sorghum follow, their valuo being iu the order mentioned, (Jreen pea-vlncs, husks and cobs from the canning factories make good ma terial to put in the silo, hi continuous rainy weather alfalfa, clover nud other hay crops may bo saved In tho silo. The vast dry farming sections of the Southwest will bo as thickly settled with comfortable farm homes as is the northern corn belt whenever stock raising, drouth-resistant forage crops and tbe silo are adopted, instead of ex clusive grain farming. Every live stock growing district in True Progressivism Tho significantly progressive plank in the state democratic platform is tlie 0110 demanding the investigation by congress of the conduct of Judge Wright of Washington for his con tempt pioceedlngs against Uoiupers and Mitchell. This little federal ap pointee, who has a court in the city of Washington, took jurisdiction of n suit Mguinst (lumpers and Mitchell and punished them for contempt by giving them a peat's imprisonment iu jail, tils conduct was outrageous, but no political party took any action on the matter, and ,fiee speech and n free press found itself stifled when the laboiers of this countiy undertook to express their opinions. lini naul McNeuy ,of thlsclty, bi ought the uuittei befoio tho last democratic convention at lir.iud Island, and secur ed the adoption of a lesolutlnn in structing congi ess to investigate the action ot this Utile tyrannical judge with a view to his impeachment. Iu Monday's Dee, a special from Washington reports interviews with Cougio-sman Stephens, Magnire and Lobcck, lu which they my they will obey the command of tho party iu this state and investigate and, if proper, impeach Judge Wilght. This, to our mind, is much the big gest thing accomplished in the Grand Island convention, ami the Chief feels pi olid that it was a Webster County man who brought this mutter before the convention. Mr. MoXeny is some times called u re-actionary by those who do not know' the mcsulng uf the large words they use, but his action, iu this one instance, entitles him to a front seat among the most progiesslve men in politics to-day. We venture to piophcsy that this action of Judge Wrights will bo the last of lie kind iu Amerleau courts and to tho Grand Island convention and Mr. McNeuy will be due the termi nation of this arbitrary conduct on .the part of these judicial pickaninnies. Odd Fellows Celebration The Odd Fellow's of this city are rapidly completing arrangements for their big celebration wbicb will be held here on the twenty-first of this month. Prominent speakers will be in attendance, tbe Superior and Hast ings state league base ball teams will play here that day. There will be a tug of war, foot races and plenty of a musements of all kinds. Everything will be absolutely free and a general good time Is expected. Odd Fellows from all'over are preparing to attend. The Ladles' of tho Rebekah assembly will entertain tbe Ladles' lu the even ing and Beu Adhem lodge will oxem II fy the work at night, Tho general public is iuvited to all the games, a- musements and program during tho day. This will be a regular fraternal celebration. DelRftstf IheSchMl Bard Ueii Cloud, Ni:u July 2fl, W12, Upon call of president Hoard met In special session Members present . llhuin, Storey, Trumble, Cook, Coou. Upon motion Mr. J. K. Wagoner was employed as music teacher at 80 per week to give 2 hours Instruction per day on Tuesdays, Thursdays or Fridays of each week to grades 1 to 7 inclusive. Carried. Moved to adjourn, I ' 11. D. Montr., Secretary. Our Store Policy has always been to carry the Standard and desirable goods in every line That is why we chose Kodaks for our photographic department. We felt sure from careful investigation that these were the goods that should be offered our customers. From our years of experience we now know that we were right. Oursales of the fj' t 3 A Folding Pocket Kodak 1 ' f-i have been particularly satisfactory to us because these cameras have proved so satisfactory to our customers. Pic tures post card size 3 1-4x5 1-2. Fast lenses, splendid shutter-quality all through. Price $20. Let us show you. Newhovise Bros. E. H. Ntwhouto, Prop. '"V D. C. Heath Co,, II. S. Hooks. . 22 10 Silver Hrudctt Co., grade books 15 CO C. E. Merrill Co., grade books. 101 78 Wm. Store v. Ubor 1 00 RkdClouii, Neil, Aug. 5, 1012, Regular meeting of the Hoard met. Members present (Jilham, Trumble, Storey, Crcighton, Minutes of pre vious regular and special meeting read and approved. The following bills were lead and ordered paid: C. A. Crnhlll. tvncrntiitltn nun. . t ll Ofl tho United A. Flanagan, supplies 21 91 States needs tbe silo. The general use American Ilk, Co., grade books 58 33 of the silo will make the high-priced . Frank Smelter, drayage 2 76 small farms of the corn belt profitable Macmillan Co., grade books. . . 10 10 ' growers, as well as finishers of oattle ' Argus, printing 3 00 and sheep. H. M, Cottbkm,. Saunders Bros., lildg. material 343 9'' Moved and seconded that the Super intendent be Instructed to pay light Hnd water bills hereafter the first of each month. Carried. Upon motion tho supply committee was Instructed to purchase Domestic Science equipment. Upon motion the rules were sus pended and Sara .lowell elected as Pri mary teacher at $50 per month. Board adjourned. It, D. Morit., Secretary. Pifeley te AMrtM aikers at State Omaha, Neb., Aug. flth. -Professor O. W. l'ugsley of tho State Experiment Station at Lincoln, Neb., will address the State Bankers' Association when It uonveucs in Omaha, August 20th and 27th. 'J he bankers of the state are anxious to give any assistance that they may be able to sire the farmers of Nebras ka toward increasing agricultural pro ductions iu our great state. Mr. Fugs ley will tell the banker bow he can help tbe farmer and will map out a plan of procedure. Tbe agricultural products of Nebraska stand second to none, yet 1 lL A 1. 0111 . A . ,1 Atfniilf. n l.tala AM I WIIU lUO aUJIIBtvu Cliuuo ui uwnn and farmer, great things can be ac complished for iaprovement. Tbe Association has sueceeded la getting William J, Burns, the famous detective, to address tho meeting Mr, Burns is of world-wide fame and this number on tho program alone should draw a large attendance. His subject will be "Bunk Protection." 1). 11. Forgim, of Chicago, III., wll. speak on "The National Reserve Asso elation or the Unitod States". 1'. L Hall of Lincoln, Neb., has obosen for bis topic, "The Record''; Heury W Yates, Omaha, Neb., "Separate Re serve Associations"; C, Of Hulburt, Utlca, Neb., "The Guaranty of Depos its Law"; J. A. S. Pollard, Ft. Madison la, "Soil Culture." Messrs, T. h. Mathews of Fremont, Neb , and Georga M. Mangold, Bennington, Neb., will also address the convention. Wm-kmm Ir DcaiM The Burlington repair track force was put on a (en hour a day schedule Monday. Last week thev were put on a nluo hour a day schedule, six days av week, after having worked for sever I mouths eight hours a day, five days a week, It Is said more help will be em ployed on the rip track if it can be secured. Bridge work on the Wyraora division of the Burlington is said to be far behind, and men are being em ployed for the several different gang working out of bere every day. Really Uetty Caete. It ts a lucky caidMaU.wka la MM talk afcent taaa XAiBUaWe m Mia . 1C I f -A . ' J .'. irv AT . . . zmi mi . m 9-f J .. 'P.'k . . , S .rtteAYV:!? rijl :.. siO )rKiil sJiT f, i PS !Km? sVarf ,&A2&g&$ i&jj&fils&iu' . . kji,4t TT t"fw W-W3i 'I.V&g'WaiUBB i . fc i