The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 01, 1912, Image 8
MWfcMMHMONar, ,rHMtmeiMmmi,v0 mimmmamm-tinimm, mvkmCSFil ' it'y hA - -- w r rl " v H IlHntliiRn Saturday l their auto to at tend the HmtliiKH Cltautau'iuu a icw lHyN nnil t vMtnt the home of Mr. WlrtV brother P. W. KoIhiiu. Only 504, jrouSay? Customers often ask this con cerning our line of more than 400 great novcta at this price. In GROSSET 6c DUN LAP'S list of copyrighted fiction you will find the very best works of the greatest writers of the day. we offer such books as "The Master's Violin" "A Girl of the Limb erlost," "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine," at a cost easily within the means of all. Here is a list of new arrivals. Just look them over and re member that there are more than 400 others just as good. Tie Trill of tit Uiimm Fiat. . Joka Foi, Jr. A Waaia o! tht WerM. Ella Wfcttltr Wllc.i TbaMiiaH .Htary CBowltaJ SatllaVcJatr A-liE.Brr Fir GtlUai al GaiaUaa. .Morris B. Wtllt Tk Dik Hia ..jKatiratrtlta YHowi(.a.NIliU...-..-.Rerbrt Qaick Tie Ukl Iktl Lartt FtrcrBrckacr Tk Sataal Wit .Tkaaipaoa Bockoaan Tkt Hoaie ol BoaJif (..BtilaiM W. Raaffaiaa A Catatiril Coarukla. .Rata Doaln Wlf f In Tka CoU Trill BaraM Bia dloii Tkt NmI al tkt Sptrrowkawk.Btroaeii Orcty Call, write or phone for a complete list. CHAS. L COHING The Druggist. WESTERN WEBSTER Mi . W. K. Hlco mid chlldieii visited udutlvi-s south of the river Tuesday. Quito u few from this putt f tl o county nttetidcil the ClHiitaiiquu lit Hud Cloud week. Hcv. J. S. W. Demi Is expected nut In this locHlity this woclc to look ufwr his farming interests. or Fulibury ciiiim I" n the train Saturday night for a Tow days vldt. wltlfhl'i hlider Mrs. O. H Harvey Tlio Uncle ToinVt U.ibln ami 1'ony Show that exhibited in Hlverton lust Th'ursdiiy was In Inuvulo Satuiduv evening. Mr. and Mrs Iloyco visited hur pin fills Mr. nnd Mrs Win. Colliy Sunday. Mis. Knvcitrt of Iineolu who has been visiting at the homo of her son O. M. Kuyourt returned homo Satur day. Mrs. O. M. Knyeart mid daughter Julia lire uttendliig the assembly al Lincoln this week. Miss Hcssto DeUciinner spent Sun day ut Henry Paulson's. Chin eh Mid Sunday school were well attended ut Lone Tree Sunday after noon. C. L. Herrick nnd family spent Sun day at O. II. Harvey's. WAWYIaNMWWWaVaWaVaV : Correspondents Cftvwvyvvvu,aVVaV.VaVa, COWLES Uuy Scott was n passenger to Hlue lllll Mouday. .las. Saunders is having 11 new house erected In the new addition, (.'lausou and Harden of Dladen are doing the work. Mrs Derry of HnlleyvHIe, Kas,, canto in Saturday for a short visit with her parents Mr and Mis Morse. Mrs. M. .1. Bennett is having cement sidewalks put in front of her residence. R B. Thotunou Is having n resi dence build on his section of laud be low town near his sand pit. 'Mr. and Mrs. H Adamson visited In Red Cloud Tuesday. Mrs. Bwigart left for all exteuded visit at I. os Angeles, Calif., Tuesduy evening. She had a cousin accompany her from Hed Cloud. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert of Grand Is land came In for a few days to visit Mrs Swigart and family. Mr. (illbert used to be a former banker in Cowles a number of years ago. Fred Hrubaker was on the sick list Monday. Ernest Kills took his place with the threshing machine. Kanun Sprenkl hud a new Reeves scperator come in on tlietrulu Monday, Chas. Bennett was in llluo Hill Mon day on telephone business. . GARFIELD Threshing is the order of the. day in Oartteld. Will Fisher shot n badger on Satur day In his pasture. Will Miiiintfiird was on wind mill row Monday writing insurance. Jim DeWItt and Will Fisher were hauling lumber for the school house lust week. Lou Mtinger has changed his board lug place and he is working for Graver iter Stauscr. Rube Selmltz commenced work on the school house In Dist 85 on Mon. day. lie will reslungle and repair n in general. , The Moirow Bros, dog aud pony show camped on wind mill row Sunday night and tho ehildreu uloug the line enjoyed looking at the ponlos. Democratic Convention At I he st'itu convention held at Grand Island last Tuesday, nil pre- vlous difference, were ! led iiiiiiV tho democrat- by ui.-etl-ig Willuiiit 11. Thompson of (Jiutid Mu. d, -lute clialrmaii to hiiireed .lolni l'. H.Miies The aelioiiM of U. .1. Hijiuiwtlhe Baltimore uiitluiial eouvontlon were iudoiseil aud the Bryitu plntfortn in general was accepted. A more detailed account of the pio ccediugs of I lie (Mil volition will bo given In our next lsue, Including the p'atform uijd-general resolutions. Chautauqua Concluded (Continued irmii pnu one.) It Is not shame, but reverence that foiblds. When lust Is elevated Into love, and love blossoms Into Hie, fat It erand mother come within the sover eignity of new laws, whoio dominion concerns the sufe, the tender, tho wUe cultuic of the helpless promise of llle in the kingdom of life. Tlio babo is rendered holy to their ufffctiuiis, aud nature and religion conspire to bow before the mystery of its birth with sHcrauicutttl devotion. We are not prepared to say that this Is an uu natural, and Irrutloual attitude of the newly made parents to their offspring. In the evening Miss Wilder render ed with wonderfully discriminative power The Sign of The Cross, a well celved tragedy of tho Neronlini perse cution. Iu this rendition she very successfully impersonated several diff erent characters, men, women and a child, and with a passion so intense that she made the story lifelike to the audience. At the close of her peiformitnce, the audience arose and uuaniinouly re quested the return of herself nnd the Sudlcrs next year. It seems thut Miss Wllmorand tho Sadlers live together and travel In company. Mr. Glen Walker and tho Hed Cloud Orchestra furnished tho music for the platform Sunday afternoon, and eath of the participants Acquitted himself with great credit. There are some suggestions which the Chlor desires to make, but will re serve for a future Issue. BMa"aaiiia7iaiiiiiiiiBaBaiiiaiipiBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBMBaaaMiBBajBHai mmmmmmmmmmmmmmimammmammmmmimii-MimmmBmit mrmtmrn ir pCij- f M VHbMbb m F R -4 Dealers m All Kinds of K. WORE IOCAIS. The Red Cloud Baud has been en gaged by the Norton, Kansas Fair As sociation to pluy thete during their fair wjilcli will be held August 27, 28, 21) and 30. Norton has displayed good judgment In engagUig'onrbaud as It Is an attraction wherever It goes aud never falls to take along a good bunch of admirers wherever It goes. The Horse and Cattle Exhibits for the coming Nebraska State Pair, Sept 2 to 0, give promise for a show of re cord breaking proportions. Already Snnoriiitendent R. M. Wolcott of Pal mer reports the reservation of horse stalls greatly in excess of those made a year ago at this time, and Supt. E. R. Danlelson of Osceola says that cat tle stalls are reserved dally. Weather Summary for July Temperature: Maximum 102 on 8, 13, '-'3, minimum 17 on 10th', greatest dally range 42 on 10th. ' I'reclpltatlou: Total 1.54 inches, greatest in 34 hours .47 inches on 18th, number of days with .01 or more 4. ' Number of days eleur 33, partly cloudv 4. cloudy ft, thunderstorms on Builders9 Hardware, Plumbing Goods, Furnaces, Windmills, Buggies, Agricultural Implements, Paints, Oils, Wagons, &c. Let us figure on your Hard ware and Plumbing Jobs. We believe it will be profitable for both of us Red Cloud Neb. A ,J. C. SLOSS x&Ty!rz yw-. "WW 3, 18, Sll. days. Prevailing wind ClIAS. S. south 0 Ludi.ow. State League Ball Gime Here at Odd Fellow Picnic , S. K. Florence, E. II. Newhottse, Ed IIuusou and Harry Gllham of the Odd Fellow lodge were In Superior Wed nesday and made arrangements with tho Superior Hase Ball Association to have the Superior-Hastings state league bull game of August 21st, trans ferred to this city. This will be one of the uttratious of the Odd Fellow picniu and will be free to everybody. . GUIDE ROCK. Mr. and Mrs. C 1'. Norrls are vUlt Iiil' at Fairmont, Minn., and at Has sell, Iowa. They departed Inst week. Mrs. C. 11 Haines of Lulliirpe, 111., is hero visiting her son Dana Uurr und wife.;; Miss Alice llenigitn, who has been visiting her brothers Heorgo and Clove, teturued to her homo at itoseliinil last week, Mrs. 1. Fairlleld returned fiom l'uwnio City Monday where she had been to attend the wedding of a tela the. Guide Hock is going to have u Har vest Homo Jubilee August 27, 2"i, 21). Several families are expecting to at tend tho Epwortli League Assembly at Lincoln, among those who are going are: Earl Grurv, Dr. I. A. Puce, Huva E, h. Harch and families. M.i'8. Amanda Ferguson of Danville III., caino last week to visit the rost of the summer with her brothers and sister, who ure L. L., J F., Frank, Fred, Henry Wuttuiul Mrs. J. 11. Ely. Homer Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs E. M. Parker, is slowly recovering from uu attaok of muscular rheuma tism. Mrs. Kate Million is expecting to go this week to St Joe to ace her son Uareld who is In a hospital. Howard Wirt and family went to Christian Church ARMHRcemeats lllblo School ut 10 a. in. Communion and preaching at II u. in. Morning subject, Vl'ower, What It Is, and How To Get It." Every mem ber is urged to bo present us there is a matter of business of great Importance to be uttoiided to, for all are concern ed. The evening service at 8 o'clock, the (itlt chapter of Involution will bo the study, the breaking of six seals, uud their TuHHlmcnt in history, Your presence, will be appreciated. Come. C. F. Hosi:, Minister. Real Estate transfers. Heal Estate Transfers for week end ing Tuesday, July 2-I, 1912. Compiled by M. W. Carter, 'Hand ed Abstractors. Ernest C. Jounsou and wife to Albert M. Slmerson, wd, sw 18-3-11 "200 Oliver D Hedge, Sheriff to Ber nard McNeuy, Sheriff's Deed, to lots 11, 12, Hlk. 30, Hed Cloud 1 Bernard McNeny and wife to Raymond W. Koontz, qcd, lots' 11, 12, Blk 30, Red Cloud 1 Kenneth M. McKeusie and wife to Katie Siebrass, wd, lots 1, 2, 3, Husoh. Sub. DIv. Rourers Add to Blue Hill lQOo Hattle J. Segner et al to John H. Hlnkins, cicd, lots 10,11,;i2, 13, in Section 7-1-12 2000 Clay Iverson and wife to Frank "N. Eohternuch, wd, lot 1, Hlk. 0, Bladen 900 Mortgages tiled, 822,400.00. Mortgages released, 80,234.70. Heal Estate Transfers for the week ending Tuesday, July 30th., 1012. Stephen A. Etherthon and wife to A E. Turner, wd, lots ft to H, Hlk. 8, Kuley & Jackson's Addition to Rod Cloud OOo Stephen A. Ethcrtou nnd wife to A. E. Turner, wd, lots 3, 1, Ullc. 8, Kuley iV Juuksou's Add to Hed Cloud, Audrow J. Mace,.Adtu'r., to Ruth Qulgglo, wd, lot 10, Blk. 12, Kosemont, Mortgages filed, S.S.'iOO. Mortgages released, SHIOO, Wall Paper, Paint and Varnishes. Room Mouldings. Pict ure Framing, Pictures and artist Material. The Only Exclusive Store. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS ' DKNTIBT VEt STATE ANN Red Cloid ' ' ' ' Nebraska In Nebraska Puts Omaha to the Front Grain That Nebraska has mudo good In her wheat crop this year is shown by tho faet thut Omuhu hus forged to third pluce Among the markets or the Hulled States iu wheat receipts. According to reports from Washing ton, which have been received by the Bureau of Publicity, Omaha was third in wheat, second In corn, Mfth iu oats, and third lu general roceipts for the month of May Total.receipts In Oma ha from Nebraska shippers for the moutl', were 4,212,200 bushels. The receipts are the loudest sort of a boost for Nebraska. The state is coining into her own as uu agricultur al state and Is getting the recognition se deserves. M) A.C. AMES. M. D. Physician and Surtfeon RED CLOUD. . NEBRASKA Officowllh Dr. R&lnca D. D. Sandenon, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Olllce in Moon Block. Hell, Blaok 4; Iud 103 Residence, Royal Hotel. Bell, 47; Ind 27 Calls Answered Oaf or Night UEII CLOUD, NKIt. i W IV M tnUT.Y.U I I iwWNWW' Si'iiu--. AMONG YOUR PAPERS Uiero's none that may suddenly be come more Important than your llro Insurance policy. Fire U no respecter of either timo or persons and it may be your turn Jiext to suffer from 11 IF YOU'RE NOT INSURED better havo'us uttondto the matter at once. Tho fact that you have ofioapod lire so far doesn't for an instant mean you will always bo so fortunate. O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. G. L R. REUNION FRANKLIN, NEBRASKA August 12-17 Good grounds, tents, water, shade Well known Speakers, Major Hendershot's Drum Corps, Carnival Company, Free performances, Negro Minstrels, Military Band, Ball game every day; teamsAlma, Orleans, Ingleside, Hildretb, Bloom ington. Camp Fire at Night The Official Program will appear in the next Issue BE SURE TO COME r'V,W,'WA'W W-A. AWA'WwrV-V. WAWW 7" CHICHESTER SPILLS BRAND DIAMOND !! "R SP ." wv m 5ft OO' f .ADfES I Atk Mr VraMl.1 for Cnt-CIIKS-TBR' DMHUIIU UKAHII 1-lL.l.a Ooto Birulllo bosM, teal Ulhbon. Takb mo otbbe. '-A BU k A.b Hrllll lAMVNV BKANW PUli, for IwrojTf ers retarded Betlalwt, Always RelUbU, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS 1& EVERYWHERE JS888.' 8 A io urn "ou nzzzsv iEa.TCHa v s s "W A' '-WS' ?'$:,& r a.ttAhaMa.M.,,. .. ,.. ,.a .. ... . . . ' l .... ..-.: J jl. n ti. l;- i -,'v u ;.r --. ,,'..'"' mwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi0mmmimmmimmmmmmmm