The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 01, 1912, Image 6
B f ;i The Chief C. D. HALE, Publisher RED CLOUD NEBRASKA PASSED BY SEMITE BILL TO REDUCE PRESENT DUTY ON SUGAR. GOVERNORS WILL HOLD MEETING Russian Newspapers Raided by Police; Orozco to Attack Capital An dent Ruins About to Be Re tored Dock Strike Ends. Washington, D. C A republican 'sugar tariff bill, tho first purely re- publican revision measure of tho pres-' ent congress, was adopted lu tho son ato Saturday. Tho BUgar bill was a comproltnso between tho Lodgo plan, endorsed by the regular regupllcans, and tho Brlstow bill, behind which the progressives lined up. It would cut tho present migur duty of $1.00 to fl.CO; would abolish tho Dutch stand ird, under which practically no ro lined sugar can bo Imported, nnd would abolish tho 7 cent "refiners' differential," an additional duty on re filled sugar, which It la claimed hus nccrucd directly to tho profit of tho sugar rclhicrs. Western Executives to Meet. Boise. Idaho Fourteen western gov ernors havo announced their intention of being at Bolso, August 1st to at tend tho first annual mooting of the Wcstorn Governors' association. Tho principal subjects to bo tnken up at tho conforenco will be the various phases of tho public land questions In which tho west is Interested; good roads, tho convict, and a fow other subjects receiving more or less atten tion. Tho meeting will last throe days and will be followed by a trip over the state of Idaho in a special train pro tided for the purpose by the Boise Commercial club. To Promote Safer Ocean Travel. Washington, D. C Promotion o! safer ocean transportation has been materially assisted by the resolution introduced in congress by Representa tive Alexandor, of the house mer chant marine committee, authorizing drastic changes In tho American regu lations for protection of life at sea. Tho measure Is based on lessons drawn from the Titanic' disaster and contemplates changes requiring steam Bhlp companies to adopt such precau tions as to mako futuro accidents al most Impossible. To Move on Capital. Moxlco City El Hcraldo, in an ex tra edition Saturday night, doclarcB Goneral Pasqual Orozco has rccolvcd J2.000.000 In gold from Canadian capi talists to flnanco a renewnl of tho en tiro revolution. Tho paper declares that ho has ordered tho entire revolu tionary forco, Including Zapate'H troops, divided Into fourtcon columns of 1,000 men each, and they are to movo on Moxlco City from all dlrcc tlons simultaneously. t Dispute la 8ettled. "Washington, D. C Tho Mlxlcanam bassador and the Btato department Saturday reached an agreement to sot tlo tho long standing dispute regard ing the ownership of tho Chamlzal tract of about 550 acros, forming part of the city of El Paso, on tho basis of Uie purchase of the land from Mexico by the United States. The tract Is be-' Jleved to be worth approximately $1,.' Race War On. Rome, Ga. A pitched battle be-, twoen whites and blacks was fought at Plalnvlllo, according to telephono message received. It Is reported that Sheriff Owens of Gordon county has been mortally shot and two other whlto men seriously Injured. Thd troublo between tho races has beon brewing for some time. Will Not Agree to Plan. Washington, D. C Tho house ter ritories committee considered the, Alaska civil government bill Ftlday, and refused to agreo to tho senate' elimination of the proposed Alaskan eenatc. Rulne Will Be Restored. Rome ThroUKh tho ennnrnaftv Cardinal O'Connell of Boston, one of the oldest and most Interesting of tho ruins of Rome Is about to be brought, to tbe light of public Inspection. Thla Ji one of tbe early, original churched Built by Constantino after his accept, anee of Christianity as tho state re ligion and under which lies also tho remains of tbe oratory and home of Balnt Clement, tbe third successor of Saint Peter. Charleston, W. Va. With the ar rival at Mucklow station of the troops aturday, martial law was declared as a result of the strike in tho mines in this district. No fresh outbreaks have been reported. Danish Explorer Returns. Copenhagen Capt. EJnar Mlkkel en, the Danish Arctlo explorer, with Engineer Sversen accompanying him. Tooth of whom started during the sum mer of 1910 to cross Greenland, have arrived at Aalesund, Denmark, arrived at Aaltsund, Norway. ILL REM FIRM TURKISH CHAMBER WILL SUBMIT ONLY TO ARMED FORCE. POLICE WILL GUARD RULERS Americans Will Build Grecian War ship British Government Has Narrow Escape Rebellions to Be Probed Aviator Falls. Constantinople Tho demnnd of the military longuo Thursday for thu dis solution of tho chamber of deputies within forty-olght houru was tho re sult of a congress held nt Salonlkl four daya ago, which was attended by flolcgatcs from tho unions of olllccrs adhering to tho leuguo. Tho congress decided to luslst on tho dissolution of tho chumbcr und tho reappointment to oltlco of Kamlcl Pasha, formerly grand vizier. Ten olllccrs havo boon ,Hont hero to obtain the realization of tho demands of tho military league which led to violent speeches being mado by Boveral deputies, who do 'ciared they were determined to sub mit only to armed forco. Army Council Concludes Work. Washington, D. U. Tho army coun cil called by Secretary Stlinsoh to de termine tho nccdn of the army, com pleted Its two. weeks of sobbIohb Frl dny. Secretary Stlmsou expressed himself as gratified with tho woik of tho council, which rovlowed the con dition of tho army nnd formulated BUggestloiiB for botterlng tho Borvlco. Tho secretary naHerted that through exccutlvo nnd army orders Btcps would bo taken to Inaugurate such re forms suggested as can bo Inltiutcd without congreslonal nctlon. Orozco Denies Charge. EI Paso, Tox. General Orozco, late Friday, denounced ns unauthorized any demand for $100,000 lu gold with n threat to destroy tho Mexico-North-wostorn railroad If It was .not paid. Orozco declared tho demand was not THER0N E. CATLIN Theron E. Catlln Is ths congress-, man from ths Eleventh Missouri die-trio-whose election has been declar ed Invalid by the committee on elec tions of the house because too much money was spent In his campaign. authorized by him and that ho will nut permit the wanton destruction of tho railroad. Appropriation Put Through House. Washington, D. C A special appio prlatlon of $10,000 for expenses or the Archbald Impediment trial was put through the house lato Suturday. Amorlcan Firm Gete Contract. Athens, Greece Tho Bethlehem Steel company of America was Fri day awarded tho contract to supply tho armor and guns of tho new ar mored crulaor Greece, which la to have a displacement of 14,500 tons. Tho hull of the vessel la tn ho lmiit In tho Vulkan ship building yards at Settln, Germany. Xondon Tho British cnvnrnmnnt was nearly turned out of olco by a snap division In tho houso of com mons Friday. In tho prcsonce oftha usual thin attendance of mombers, David Lloyd George, chancellor of the exchequer, moved that Monday bo de voted to tho dlBcusslon of supplemen tary appointments. The opposition protested and forced a division. By dint of a hurried Bearch In tho lobbies of tho house, the government whips lust managed to save the situation. Exposition Park. Pa. Thrco lives were lost and one man had a mlracu lous escape from drowning on Con .neaut lake early Friday when a row boat containing two women and two men capsized. Aviator Unhurt by Long Fall. Hopklnsvllle; Ky. After dropping 100 feet to tho ground In a damaged areoplane and lauding unhurt In a shock of wheat, Deloyd Thompson of Chicago, made several short flights In another machine here Thursday, He was practically unscratched. M vV ' 5' ? &9hNh. SEA I -.' f f, f vXBSkS SKtX t I'l.V ? vtBSSIIk BP"- ' :r- ' " BBBBBBBB Vl.' ?, ? '., V f s NBSSSSSSH BaH'- 'ii-'' '; -"'x '-jdBBBH Ek& W"2m if -- iBBBl ssK21vx;islBBS.'. vBBBBBJ BBBr assiPlak flBB'BV Hr ''"ST' ?"v-W'i ii ssCr? v' ? "v7 BBBJF-- i i' i BMV . ,' k i is A w;''1;'?''1 jsbV PlP ' ' JBBBBsV Jk I BBBB mA '-' iH BBuT .BBBBBBBBBBB HP-vir-"' jBBBBBH aVf' y 'bIbbbbbbbbVI HUf islSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB CHAMPION ATHLETE OF THE WORLD h"r.7,P(kwBii',''T IbBjBHbVbBBBBBhBbVU" -Swrt l'BHBBflsBBsMBDaBBBBfll IIbsssssssssssbIbBbLBBbBssssV ' Jtty v fBBBvSHHHhfafH I sbbbbbb1BBJsbbbsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV 53k && bbbsBBBBBJIss3BbBbBbbbbb1 I r ST t aMBj BBBBBttlJBHBBBBVBBBBj'BBBVV-'BBBBBBBr fj i h F b9EJBEKKR ta WwpilHHWMpl ;'-' HPPiimBi3bsssPI1 C WmilnX9lfmUmi'''i W'IbbisbpbV! uBflBB f ftiflMttlMW evmseHvcw o - v i Jim Thorpe, the American Indian, hore snapped in midair while making a broad Jump at the Olympic games, won the Decathlon and the Pentath lon, thereby gaining tho title of the world's champion all-round athlete. B0XERISM DEVELOPING IN CHINA PROPERTY L088 BY PENNSYLVA NIA FLOODS 18 INESTIMABLE. Claims of American Citizens to Bs In vestigated Hall-Kills Child Eng land Has Good Will for All. Flag Restored to Mall Ships. Shanghai Boxerism is developing alarmingly In parts of interior China, according to up-country reports Thurs day. The nation la not settling down as was hoped under tbe republic. Out lawry and political troubles are ramp ant. Many Chinese attribute this to adverse foreign influence. -This is re sponsible for a growing anti-foreign bcntlment and may result any tlmo in violence. ' Child Killed by Hall. Sheridan, Wyo. Word has Just been received from the ranch of M. Walsh northwest of Sheridan, that a 5-year-old daughter of Mr. Walsh was caught out In tho hailstorm that fell Monday and e badly bruised by the hailstones that sho died Wednesday. It is estimated that $100,000 damage was done by tho storm in Sheridan county. Aviator 8erioualy Injured. Hampstead, N. Y. Edson F. Gal laudet, a wealthy amateur aviator, well known In New York and Wash ington, while flying on the aviation field at Hampstead Plains Thursday, fell with his machine from a height of about 100 feet and was seriously In jured. Pittsburg, Pa. Death and desola tion spread broadcast over the south west counties Wednesday and last night, through cloudbursts and over flowing streams.. Three scoro or moro lives are tho toll, whilo the damage to homes and industries cannot bo estimated. Have Quarrel With None. London Amity and good will for all, with Germany singled out for spe cial montlon, formod the kcynoto of a Btntement mado by Premier Asqulth In the houso of commons Thursday nftcrnoon In connection with the esti mates of tho committee of imperial defense. Directed to Investigate Claims.' Washington The senate Wednes day passed a Joint resolution direct ing tho secretary of war to investi gate claims of American citizens growing out of the troubles in Mexico. It provides for a commission to deter mine what sums are due Americans and to press them for payment. The senate's action follows closely Sena tor Fall's condemnation of the govern ment's falluro to secure redress for Americans. Washington, D. C Postmaster Gen eral Hitchcock Thursday signed the contract which restores the American flag to tho mall ships .of the Pacific service and provides a new faBt ser vice from San Francisco to Australia. Held Responsible for Wreck, Corning, N. Y. In a verdict r turned Wednesday, tho coroner's Jury held Engineer William Schroeder and Flagman Edward Lane responsible for the wreck on the Delaware, Lacka wanna ft Western railroad near here July 4. t . "- -fcj.' i i i m r wi-m HEAVY DAMAGE CAUSED BY FIRE FOURTEEN MINER8 KILLEDWHEN RE8ERVOIR 8UR8T8. Street Car Plunges Into Roman Forum Twelve Women Killed In Lon don Fire Police Guard Homes Agslnst Suffragettes. Unlontown, Pa. With fourteen minors already drowned and at least twenty-six others trapped In tho work ings of tho Superba mine, three miles from here, rescuing parties are work ing frantically to reach tho diggings before the waters flood the whole mine as a result of the bursting of the company's reservoir. 8uffragettes Cause Trouble. London Additional police guards were detailed Wednesday to protect tho cabinet ministers, their families and homes against suffragettes. It is. believed Scotland Yard has been warned that an unprecedently vigor ous demonstration Is planned. Though Dr. Ethel Smytho, the muBlcal com poser arrested Tuesday, sayB she has a perfect alibi, the authorities stick to their charge that she was con cerned in the attempt July 13 to burn Colonial Secretary Harcourt's home-at Oxford, and will push the case in lice court Friday. Town Is Flooded. Wausau, Wis. Damage estimated at $1,000,000 was caused by the break ing of two dams on the Wisconsin river, north of here, early Wednesday. No lives were lost here, tut, according to reports, several farm houses on the river bank were carried out by the flood. Suburban telephone wires were still useless at noon, and It was im possible to ascertain whether lives had been lost. Ruins Further Ruined. Rome Jumping tho track at high speed, a street car plunged into the Roman Forum Wednesday and mount ed tho ruins of the rostrum whero Mark Anthony delivered Caosar's funoral oration. ' Boxerism la developing alarmingly in parta of Interior China, according to up-country roportB Thursday. Twelve, Burned to Death. Ixndon T'ylve women were burned to death and several others in jured by Are Tuesday aftornoon tn Moore Lake, the center of the danger zono of the city of London. The tiro occurred In a building occupied by a number of clothing manufacturers and Christmas cardjuakers. The women tried to escape."by the roof, but the flames on the floor below out oft any possibility of assistance by the fire men. Constantinople Rumors for two days that the Albanians have cap tured Prlstlna, a town In the Vllavet of Kossovo, are officially confirmed. The town foil Sunday, the garrison surrendering. Killed by Explosion. Wllkcsbarro, Pa. Two miners we're killed and three others Injured by an explosion of gas Wednesday in ths Hlllraah slope of No. 1 colliery, oper ated by the Delaware ft Hudson com pany at Plymouth. IRE NEBRASKA GIRL SHE'S A WINNER IN WALK AS WELL AS IN WORK. A JOURNEY OF 1668 MILES Brother and Sister Do a Stunt Under Great Difficulties Other Ne braska Matters. Miss Delia Anthcs, and her brother, R, G. Anthcs, tho two Sutton young people, havo reached San Francisco. Tho pretty Nebraska school teacher has probably broken all wulklng rec ords for women In tho western part of the United States. Sho Is the first woman to walk from Nebraska to Ban Francisco, though several men have dono it. Tho two walked 1.CS8 miles in forty-three walking days, averaging thirty-uluo nnd one-fourth miles a day. Fow women could endure tho hard ships experienced by Miss Antlies on this trip. At first there were tho sore, swollen feet, the aching muscles, tho scorched faces. Then camo tho Btretclic.3 through the desert, with long walks between places whero wa ter could be obtained, nnd occasion ally almost n day without anything to eat. In some parts '-snakes orawlcd over the tracks In front of them, or thoy heard tho whirring rattles along tho road bed, They slept In hay lofts, herders' HhantleB, and In other odd places, Including ono night lu a livo by flvo telephono booth on a trestle. Miss Antlies showed her grit, and won through. Tho first part of tho trip, the feet of both of tho "hikers" were so soro that they could scarcely keep on going. Every time they saw a pool of water, or an engtno tank, thoy would run to soak their feet in it, and cool them off. The first week was one of the hottest of the summer, and one of the days thero was a ter rible wind storm to make matters worse. They had to walk with their yes ehut a good part of that day. In Wyoming they encountered a now storm, and Mr. Anthes froze his ears. They walked as much as forty seven miles in one day and forty-five or more several days. Miss Anthcs and her brother left Button early on the morning of May 27. The Sutton boosters and a band gave them a "send-off." The first week, In Nebraska they walked Just 180 miles, and she lost eight pounds doing it They expected to average thirty miles a day, but except for the first few days', they far exceeded this. They did not walk on Sundays, and took one or two other days off to visit pots near their line of travel. Lots of 8puds In Sight Omaha. Housewives will not lack for potatoes this year. There will bo a plenty of'tnem and they ought to be cheap. That is the word that comes from tho sandhills of western Ne braska, whero a bulk of the potatoes are grown. Not In a dozen years has there been such a crop, and tho crop U of first-class quality. Drowned In Fuller's Lake. Fremont. Joseph Blaslcl lost his llfo In tho waters of Fuller'B lake, near Morse Bluff, when ho stepped Into a hole while' seining. Blaslcl, who was employed as a farm hand, went to the lake in company with two other men. to soln: Splendid Wheat Yield. Central City. Theodore Osterman has JUBt threshed a second Held of wheat containing twenty-five acres, which ran fory-slx bushels to the acre and tested sixty-three pounds. St. Pail Man Drowns. St. Paul. Phillip Hoffa, a farmer living about six miles south of St. Paul, was drowned In the Mlddlo Loup river. He had swum in only a short distance, trying to cross tho river, when be was eeized with cramps. 8nakes In Barn Roof. Tokamah. J. A. Guorman, who lives near Syracuse, is putting a new roof on his barn. William Guerman, who was engaged in removing old tjblnglcs, was greatly surprised, upon reaching under tho shingles for a nest, to pick up a big snake. Threo of tho snakes wore found in tho roof. They had gono there to eat tho young sparrows. Ready to Buy Bonds. 8tate Treasurer George Is ready to buy a lot of bonds and has asked half a dozen school districts and cities and villages which are next on tho wait ing list to send In their securities and get the cash. Few responses have been made. In most instances the bondB are not ready or something wrong Is found in the record and more time is required. J STATE BASE BALL NEWS . ..1....f.J..f..i.iit.iiiTifnl.ifn--,- -jJLjL West Point won from Snyder Mon day In an Interesting game of ball. Features of tbe game were tbe pitch log of CaBey and batting of Tomsik. Columbus made It two out of three from Seward by winning a fast uphill game in an exciting eighth Inning tnlsh, soorlng five runs and winning, to. BRIEF NEWS. OF NEBRASKA. Douglas county's $1,600,000 court house is noarlng completion. The Nebraska State Bankers will hold their annual meeting in Omaha August 26 and 27. There are close to 4C0 incorpo rated municipalities in the state, ac cording to figures submitted by the) stato legislative reference bureau. Rev. Savage of Omaha Is going to build a $40,000 home for old men la Florence. Ho has no money, but say tho Lord will send it. Tho first day v after announcement $1,000 came in. E. L. Gore, chlof of police of Os mond, sustained a broken hip when tho excavation for the connection of tho big pumps lu ho water worku power houso caved In on him. Ho was taken to Sioux City hospital on Tues day. Mrs. Penrlman of Fremont was badly hurt in a fall down tho cellar stairway. Sho stepped through tho wrong door when Intending to pass from one room to another, and plunged down tho stairs. Her injuries though sovcro, are not necessarily, fatal. Syracuse was visited by a heavy rain, accompanied by an electrical display; 1.18 inchrs of rain fell. Du-r. ing tho Btorm lightning struck the tower of the High school building nnd dameged It considerably. Bits ot shingles and boards wero picked up nearly n block awny from tho build ing in different directions, TJchllng Is to havo a four days' car nival and town fair August 7 to 10, in clusive, nnd tho citizens nro making grout preparations for It. Governor Aldrlch Is to mako an address tho closing day. Tho auto owners of tho' town and vicinity will multo a tour of t tho territory for a radius of fifteen or twenty miles to advertise it. The -elghtcen-hour sorvlco of tho Wahoo city electric plant will bo changed on August 15 to a twenty-four-hour sorvlco. This is don to furnish power nnd heat for tho Wa hoo Brlok company, who are install ing an electric brick burner, by mean of which all brick will be burned by heat generated by electricity. As the results of a family quarrel betwen Leo nnd Marlon West, broth ers, living In Auburn, Marion, the elder, 1b lying at death's door due to a knife wound in the left side which Just missed the heart and entered the left lung. The stabbing was the outcome of a quarrel over a board bill. The Injured man cannot live. Records worth many thousands of dollars, some of them irreplaceable, have been damaged by dampness la storage vaults of the Union Pacific headquarters building in Omaha, The vaults are located in the basement,, some of them undor the sldjewalk, and various officials concerned are rack ing their brains for a solution of the ventilating problem, so that the docu ments may be preserved Intact ' When a traveling agent for the Searboro companyy of Indianapolis. Ind., arrived in Merrfek county and made ready to canvass his maps ho rnet with a little opposition. The company In publishing a map of Ne braska failed to mark the Platte valley routo through tho Btato and consequently local good road en thusiasts did not think It did Justice to modern methods of travel. The agent agreed to forego an attempt to sell any maps until ho had communi cated with tho company and had the defect remedied. Nebraska is n great state. It hasv an area of 49,157,120 acres. Of this, there wero 38,022,021 acres In farm in 1910, nn increase of 8,710,242 acres, or 29.1 per cent over 1900. .The acre ageage of Improved land In farms ltv 1910 was 24,382,577 acres, an Increase of 5,949,982 acres, or 32.3 per cent in ten years. This .left 14,239,444 acres of land In farmB still to be "tickled by tho plow." In all there were 24, 774,542 acres of tho total area of the state still to be doveloncd to tbe ag ricultural possibilities of which it is capable, comprising nearly one-half of tbe state. Paul Glazier, 19 years old, a, Stan ton county boy, died suddenly of heart disease, Boon after bathing la the river. ' Grand iBland. The stato of Ne braska is in tho harvest Held In this city, and la at onco hauling Its wheat to tho market. On the section of land given by tho citizens of Grand Island to tho stato for tho location of tho Soldiers' homo in this city, in tho '80'b, forty-flvo acres of wheat havo been cut. It has threshed 39 3-1 bush els per acre, the wheat testing sixty two pounds to tho bushel. In tho case of tho Nebraska Power company against Koonlg et al., la which the former company represent ed by the H. E, Babcock and Doherty interests sought to havo ownership of all of tho Koonlg filings for Loup- river water power adjudged In its favor, Judges Hollonbeck and Thomas, at Columbus, banded down a decision upholding thp plaintiff concern. The matter wbb argued' some time ago be fore the district court tho Babcock. and Doherty interests contending that all of the Koenlg filings had been made by the Omaha engineer as their agent and not a an individual. There are 2C7 autoB In Merrick county which havo a total value of $19,242. So declare the assessors. According to tho valuation placed by the assessors the average automobile in Merrick county Is worth $93. The body of an unidentified man was found on tbe railroad tracks, about t;wo miles southeast of Oak land. The body was badly mutilated. Both hands were cut off and his legs were also cut off. Men who saw the body think they recognize the man who went through Oakland, saying he expected to go to the harvest fields. la te Dakotas. I mzl n, &,,$&& -ab>ftti .. .. vfU; J y fta. to&&' V-yV -V , , . i. " .tiJM . ,,(,' x u - .-? v Ir'ri .".j? t'nm iw w i iwii m m nil iiii nn nm ni hi , fcj I Tu 1 i -. nt vmr imiPtyi-i Tss iii i I riwiiyMiB)HimiMji"i. "V- vvrtfc f , r V .?j..UrMUi) " l-liMII. I nn IWHIMeMM, iji j n i -rtiirir - ., ..j.,,., i i - -. '. .'-'