The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 01, 1912, Image 5

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    9mfAariji-l&,-1 t'.TWiXi.
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'-DO n. m
J ii. in
It. u M. I me ruble
I Vl liol Ml
No. II lhruimli (ruin, ,le arM
Xo. tit l.Hiil pnsstimi r "
No. 171 AcooiiiiiiiiitnHnii Nnrlli ce
Mpt Moud.iy niul Mid, ilcpiirls 1:;X i in.
No. 173- Xicoiiiiiioilntloii N irth
Moittlnj ami U o.IikiItj rfi ari II Kin. in.
I-C It"! SI)
Nail llirottkili tintn. ili"irls (ti,n in.
No. 1." Local tuiKnniKir PWi. in.
Bulletin or Tito Week's Doings
St-u llr. Ci (), u oi Sluli' Ituik.
Cluis. .SU-ltVn is in (Jmiiil Islaii
John Hovel wu ill ltluo IliU Wed
ne&dity. 1. V. .Mongol of Wiilioo was in town
Fred dil ml of ltluo Hill was in thu
oily Sunday.
(J. V. Hurr of Cowlei mis on our
strools Monday "
V. W. SluifiMi returned from Cir.ind '
Isiiuul Tnevlny.
J. Talliot of Huldwin, Kansas spout
Sunday in town.
A. W. Holm of Hartford, Kas., wns
in town Saturday.
W. I. Saunders is in St runic this
week on business.
B E MoKarlimd whs in (iiilde Uock
on business Pilday.
Speelnl uhiclccn dinner Sunday .'Vic
at the Puritan Cafo.
Ice Crouin Hiid Fountain drink at
Warren's restiuuant.
Howard Alles of McCook vUlted r
latives over Sunday
Frank Cowden is iu the uistcrn part
of the state this week.
Jock Masters lutunieil to Guide
llock Sunday rooming.
Fred flood of Cowles was in town
Wednesday on business.
Miss Grace Dedrlok was a passenger
to Jtlooinlngton Monday.
Mrs. H. U Justus of Hustings vlsited
friends in town Tuesday.
Joe D. Uollii i-f I Listing wns
town on business MoiicUj.
Lyman Es-Ik li in purHiiised a new
Abbott-Deli ni utitiuiiobilu.
F. A. Iennul of Uiveiton was attend
ing the chaiitmiiiiu Kiiiloy.
Mrs. John llouil and ehiidieti lire
visiting lirCole" this week.
Mrs. Herb Ludlow Is inANlcll, Kas..
this week vlslliiikr her s-ter
C. S. Tullevsof MnciKll iMltell Willi
y-ll Jik$h
'ark:, r- & hms "
iw,irf M l
t IS
OT a mere promise
1 but you will find
our delivery on time.
We deliver promptly, which saves
you the annoyance of being with
out and saves you carrying our
bargains home.
B. E. McFarland
All the Phono
- r9 J . . . ..l MV.
relatives Uptown nvfrtyiimniyi jff
tiermird MoNeny was) in Blooming5
tou Monday on legal business.
Fred Wallace and wlfeaio in Oi leans
this week visiting his parent.
Regular meals i"iu and shoit mdeis
at all hours at the I'tultau Cafe.
Mrs. Bessie Ualney of Edgar was in
the city Tuesday visiting friends.
Mrs. Bei mud McNeny entci tallied
the Xinas club Tuesday afternoon
Harry Cramer left last week for
Colorado whole ho went for hishealth.
Dave Kaley and wife lett Wednesday
morniiiK for the East for an extended
Miss May Hadell left Monday morn
lug for Dun ton, Nebr, where she will
visit f i lends.
Hurry Buckles left for Biid City,
Kas., Sunday morningto look after
his father's land.
Dan Garber went to Lincoln SuniUy
raorniug to attend the Republican
state isHiiventiou.
Try our lee Civ.nn Sodas and Sun
daes, posllhcly the best In lliu city.
The Puritan Cafe.
Frank Abol, who is clorklug in Mln
er Bros grocury tolT, Is enjoying n
vacation this wenk.
The host and purest Iec Cream and
Summer diiuks iu the city at the Bon
Ton Care.
Miss Kate Million of Guide Uock and
Miss Ethel Million of Tnavale visited
In Bed Cloud Saturday.
Allan Morltz and brother leave Fri
day for St. Paul, Nebr., where they
will visit for about a week
Dow Kalcv and Verlin Taylor leave
Filday for Boulder and other Colorado
points for several weeks visit.
Miss Maude Moranvllle returned to
Inuvaln Tuesday after visiting rela
tives for n short tlmo In the city.
Mis. Lew Fuller returned to her
home at Lincoln after a visit with her
patents Mr. and Mis. .John (I. Potter.
The ladies of the Christian church
In ' ill hold their monthly market Satur
day. August lid, at Atkins' Furniture
O 0. Teel and wife returned homo
Sunday rnqrulng rom California where
thuy hiufbPen visiting relatives for
spveral weeks.
Foil Sale Eight' Shoithoru Bulls,
! yearlings past. For further par&Icu
lines inquire of John Oluustede, .Guide
I ltouk, Nebraska. ., -.
... . , iTj i.v:
lieerge nnek wns In Franklin
Shcrllf Hedge was In llimtiiMS Moil
ilny on bushiest.
Special chh'ken dinner Sunday .Tie
nl tho I'm Ban Cafe.
.Mis Diet Smith returned lioniofiom
Lincoln Wediiesilnv.
Ml-s Flotouco Joliiislon Is visiting
'n hiavule I his week.
Lil thiiuey of Supeitor was in town
Wednesday inoriiliig.
.lames Ryan was u pussciigoi lo
II isiiugs Wednesday
A. 12. Fiuucli of Lincoln was In the
city on business Tuesday.
Regular meals t!."ican I shoit orders
a' nil hours at the Piiiltnn Cife.
Hot lliiiubuiger and Short OrJei.s
at all hours at Win ten's icstaurant.
Lloyd fli'lnies and Fred fluuiluutoed
down from Ditto Hill Wednesday.
Roy Palmer and Ralph Hunter of
Inav.ile were In Red Cloud Tuesday.
Hiiny Matircr of Elkhart, Ind., is
visiting his uncle Houry Mauror this
Matt Doyle came home from Am
herst Tuesday for brief visit with his
Ed McDonald of Hastings spet t
Tttosdny night hero with his wife and
Mis. Lavllla Rife left Monday for
Lincoln whero she will vjslt for a
shoit time.
Mis. Augustra StelTcti and Heiny
Steffen were passengers to Hastings
Mrs. fci. W. Coplen and daughter ro
turned home from Hastings Wednes
day evening.
Mr and Mrs. Roy Fearn were up
from Superior over Sunday visiting
their parents.
Mrs. Marie Beck who has been visit
ing her parents at Kencsaw returned
home Monday. t
Mrs. Hettie Martin and baby of
Rivcrtou are visiting her mother, Mis.
Pegg this week.
Luc Marsh, John Simpson and
Nelson Anderson of (lulde Bock wete
iu town Monday.
Try our Ice Cream Sodas and Sun
days, Positively the best iu the city.
The Puritan Cafe.
Will West and family of Hartley.
Nebr., are in the nlty this week visit
ing his mother, Mrs. S West.
Miss Antoinette Mottes of this city
and Claude Prlssnell of York were
married in Hastings Monday.
The iluest line and best assortment
Editor Hale, (Sen. Hutchison. Win.
W'ccsiicr, J. L. Clnistlnn ami Alf Mo
di 11 i etui tied lnntu from Ginnd Isliuid
Wednesday evening where they hud
been attending the Dpmnurntlo stale
com cut ion.
Dm wlf'tt is turning irit good this
.citr nortlieiisl of town .loo IL-witl
tliieslird .'!l! neios ot wheat mid 11 went
'.' bushels per acre and .Ion flow
thieslied 17 uoies of wheat nnil It
jieldi'd ill bushels per nee
I t v li We have fur snhs fai ins on
ens, payments and special terms,
win th the money Several mighty
good deals. The largest list of local
fin ins from which to select,
DN' (1 lllll II . COMIMNY, ClIUT Ollloe.
Farm Loans
At Lowes) Intetest, hist option, least
ovpenso Cull for me nt State Bank,
liClieio.. I C F CATIIhH
Wants and lor Sale
A good sewing niiiehltiii for Mile. In
quiii' at this ortlco.
I'oiiSm.i -A line up light folding
bed. Inqllttc of S.H. Klcr
( hioki'ti dinner every Suiulny at
Win ten's iestaiiinnt,;i eents.
Cnjl rui al phone SlVi If jm have
oieiiui or poultiy to sell.
.1. O, ('AMmm.i..
The IHinioiid Elei'ti lis Vnciini clean
er deinoiist inted In jour home free.
Cull Phono Red 07.
All kinds of Elcctiioul woik done by
.Mm Inn l Itros
Dr Crois the dentist Is located over
fie State llauk.
flo to P. L. Hanson for your Harness
ami Machine Oils.
flu to Hip Hon Ton Cafe fur the hesf
Ice t'icaiii nnd Soda Water In town,
A My leshleiiee piopeity
on Webstei"5t , near Ith avenue. First
good oilVr lakes It. Don't be back
ward innlio lite nn offer. Address
'loo I'. Newhuusi , The'ci, Otogon,
Widow's Pension.
I he ivi out net of April lDlh, 1003
gives to all soldiers' widows a pension
812 per month. Fred Maui or, tho at
torney, has all noocssaiy blanks.
ShuildiiM nnij Henry Pharos return
ed Itoino TiJi-sdiry from Omaha and
De Moines; iowjVto visit their mother
Mrs. Bin barn Phurcs.
The Webster County Teacheis' Insti
tute will be held In Bed Cloud, August
12th to 17th , 1!I2.
.tiKiiutuDH L. Coon, Co. Strpr.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Caipcutcr Sunday afternoon a daugh
ter. A glance at Cloreuce's fuce an he
came down town much earlier than
usual, told the story. It not only, re
Heated in his face, but the rapidity
with which he walked conviuced all
that he had one inoro to provide for.
Mother and daughter doing nicely and
the sunshine brought into the home
by this little new arrival, will more
than compensate the father for a little
extra "hustle."
Was there every such a time for
dally newspaper rcadcrsY Kveryooiiy
wants a dally pper now, and hey
want one that will give them the
"straight" of everything going on.
The State, Journal is that sort of a
paper, ami to Induce you to become a
reader now makes the very low price
of only 81.C0 from now until January
I, lt)i:, for both the Dally and Suuilay
paper. Send your order and money
now and the paper will btart at once.
It will stop on January 1st. Write to
Tho State Journal, Lincoln, Neb.
. MfC V9K.
Polk, Genung,
Polk System
Knilrlinor Monolithic (f
Reinforced Concrete I
Silos. We build Silos $
anywhere in Nebraska Jg
or we sell the forms and
let you build them . . .
iSBfei , f'Vf , ' t tT it. ".- i j, L V.MJSBSl
'HAtJ f i.Tiy"- - JLB
Piatt & Frees
Red Cloud, Neb. m
Write us tor Further
fcj 9lyHBHBHBJBjBjfeprr
m. i
of Harness ever carried bcforeiCall
iii iook it over. aiohiixiit urom
Special attention given to diseases
of- eye and car. (1 hisses accurately
tilted. Dr. Stockman, Bed Cloud, Nebr.
Sunday" the Afnboy bull team went
to ltluo Hill and crossed bats with the
team at that place. Amboy won the
Hr.rry Gllham, C. H. Budd, E H.
Newhousc and Ed Hanson were in
Superior Wednesday to see the ball
(co. Kaley and O, A. (luy and Misses
Amanda Climrilde and Nellie Chuster
of Guide Rock enjoyed the chautauqua
Mr. and Mrs. Tanner returned to
their home at Hastings Monday after
n pleasaut visit at the home of John
0. Potter.
Geo. Warren and wife, E J. Over
ing, Dan (larber and W. N. Rlchardsou
returned homVj from Lincoln Wednes
day evening.
Ed Amack, J. B. Stanser, Frank
A mack, C. D. Roblqsou and A. B.
Pierce returned Wednesday uornlng
from Lincoln.
(Jhas. Llndley plead guilty Saturday
before Judge Rauney for selllngllqiior
without a license and was soiitenned
to four months in jail.
I). A. Stroup and wife loft for their
home at Beukloman after a two months
visit with their ton Harry Stroup mid
daughter Mrs. Andy Voting,
Ch'as. Fiuiko returned to his lion e
at Muscatine, lowu Monday nfter visit
ing his sister Mrs. (Seo. Hummel. Mrs.
Hummel accompanied him as far as
Bob Avery and wife of Rlverton
were in town via auto Tuesday. They
had beou spending the past week at
Superior and Edgar and were on their
way home.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Wurreu left
Sunday for Omaha aud Lincoln where
they will visit. Mr. Warren also la a
delogate to tho republican conventlo'i
at Lincoln Tuesday. (
The Dogrce of Honor met Tuesday
and elected Mrs. Julia Warren as dele
gate and Mrs Win. Llpplucott as al
ternate to the' grand lodge held at
Lincoln in October.
Mr. and Mrs. Orve Holmgruln and
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holmgrain near
Guide Uock visited with Mr. A. W.
Holmgrain and wife Friday und at
tain! the chautauqua.
C. F. Allison and wlfoof Esbou, Kas.,
were Iu tho city Saturday attending
the marriage of James C Allison of
Esbon and Mi's Ida El'oy of Kirk,
Colo., who were married by Judge
We Rather Suspect That
You are
Going to Build
Something, Sometime!
Most Everybody Does!
It May Be l"hat You Are
Going To Build Some
thing Very Soon!
If So Come In And Tell
Us The Size Of It.
We'll Make The Size Of
The Bill As Small As
. Possible!
Saunders Bros.
Buy Your Suits
zDuring Our
Special Sale
Our Special Sale is Still On
Men's and young men's odd auits 1 f C A
worth 915 $18, and 920 at ... V IviUU
Men's and young men's odd suits OIC AA
worth 922.60 and 928.00 at . . VWvV
Some Extra Choice Suits
at 20 per ct. discount
Special prices on Oxfords
and Straw Hats
Firat Door North of
Pot Olfle
.Clothing Company
Red Cloud, Neb.
I Mid-Summer Goods
A new line of emb. flouncings 45 ins. wide from . 90c to $2 yd
The new advanced styles in heavy work from . . . $1.50 to $2 yd
Galoon bandings to match flouncings from 60c. to $1 yd
Cool Underwear
Gauze' vests from 10c to 65c
Union Suits from .... 30c to $1.25
Just a few silk Messeline silk skirts
lefty will close them
one to each customer
Agents for Hols Proof Hose for Men
Women and Children
Agents for
Butterick Patterns
Barbara Phares, Prop.
rifH i'i !,!&