The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 01, 1912, Image 2

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Tho scene nt llio opening of the story I
Inlil In Hie llbrnry of an old worn-out
southern plantation, known n tho liar
ny. Tho tlae la to bo aolri, and Its
history nml that of tho owners, the
Qulntanls, in tlm subject of discussion by
Jonnlhnn Crenshaw, n business man, a
tmnxar known ns Bludun, nml Bob
JntK-y, a furnior, when Ititnnlbnl Wayno
Hazard, a tnyntcrlnus child of tho old
jouthern family, makes his appearance.
Ynncy tells how ho adopted the boy. Na
thaniel Kerrls buys tlm iturony, but tho
Qulntanls deny any knowledge of the
oy. Yancy to keep Hannibal. Captain
Murrell, a friend of the cjulntards. ap
pear and asks qurNtlona iiliout the Bar
ony. Trouble at Hcrnteh Hill, when Han
nibal Is kidnaped bv Dnvo Mount. Cup
tain Murrt'll'n nRent. Ynncy overtakes
Ulount, gives him u thrashlnB and secures
tho boy. Yancy appears before Squire
Dalanm, and Is discharged with costs for
the plaintiff. Betty Malroy. a friend of
the Fcrrlses, has an encounter with Cap
tain Murrnll, who forces his attentions on
her, nnd Is rescued by Uruce Cnrrlngton.
Hetty sets out for her Tennossce home.
Currlngton takes the same stage. Yancy
and Hannibal disappear, with Murrell on
their trail. Hannibal arrives nt the home
of Judxe Blocum Price. Tho Judge recog
nizes In the boy. the srandson of an old
time friend. Murrell arrives nt Judges
homo. Cavendish family on raft rescue,
Yancy, who Is apparently dead. 1'rlce
breaks jail. Hetty and Currlngton arrive
at Hello l'laln. Hnnnlbal's rlllu iIIbcIobch
some stnrtllng things to the Judge. Han
nibal and Hetty meet ugaln. Murrell nr
rhes In Hello I'lnln. Is playing far big
Makes. Yancy awakes front long dream
lest sleep on bourd tho raft. Jiuirh 1'rlco
makes tuurtllmc discoveries In looking up
land titles. Charley Norton, a young
planter, who assists the.Judgn, Is mys
teriously assaulted. Nortmi Informs Car
rlngton that Hetty has promised to marry
him. Norton is mystorloUNly shot. Mora
IlKht un Murrt'll'n plot. He plans upris
ing of negroes. Juuku 1'rlce, with Hanni
bal, visits Hetty, and sho keeps tho boy
as a companion. In a stroll Hetty tnkes
with llamillml they meet Hess Hicks,
laughter of the overseer, who warns
Betty of danger uiul counsels her to
leave Illl l'laln nt once. Hetty, tcrrl
way their rnrrlnge It Htnppul by Slossun,
tied, aelH on Hess' advice, unit on their
the tavern kipper,and u confederate, nnd
Hilly and Hannibal are made prisoners.
Tlm pair are taken to Hicks' cabin. In an
iilnuiMl Inaccessible, spot, and thero Mur
rcll vlvlts Hetty nnd loveals his part In
tint plot and his object. Hatty spurns
Ills profTcrtd love nnd tho Interview Is
untied by the arrival of Ware, terrified
at possible outcome of tho rrlmc. JudKo
1'rlce, hearing of the abduction, plans uc
The Judge Takes Charge.
All work on tho plantation bad
topped, nnd tho hundreds of bIovob
men, women nnd children woro gath
ered about the houso. Among theBe
tnored the membera of tho dominant
race. The Judge would have attached
himself to tho first group, but ho
heard a whispered question, and the
"Miss Mnlroy's lawyer."
Clearly It was not for him to mix
with theso outsiders, those curiosity
Beckers. He crossed tho lawn to the
house, and mounted tho stops. In tho
doorway was blR Stovo, whllo groups
of men stood about In tho hall, the
hum of busy purposeless talk pervnd
tag tho place. Tho Judge frowned.
This was till wrong.
"11ns Mr. Wnro returned from Mem
phis?" ho asked ot Stove,
"No, Hah; not yet."
"Then show mo Into tho library,"
aid tho Judge with bland authority,
surrendering bin lint to the butler.
"Come along, Mahaffy!" he added.
They entered tho library, and the
Judgo motioned Stevo to close the
door. "Now, boy, you'll kindly ask
those people to withdraw you may
say It Is Judgo Price's orders. Allow
no one to enter tho house unless they
have business with mo, or as I send
for them you understand? After you
bavo cleared tho house, you may
bring me a decanter ot corn whisky
top a bit you may ask the sheriff
to step here."
"Yes, sab." And Stovo withdrew.
Tho Judgo drew an easy-chair up to
tho flat-topped desk that stood In the
center of the room, and seated him
self. "Are you going to mako this the
excuse for anotbor drunk, Price? If
bo, l feel the greatest contempt lor
you," said Mahaffy sternly.
Tho Judgo winced at thla.
"You have made a regrettable
choice of words, Solomon," be urged
"Where's your feeling for the boyT"
"Here!" said the Judge, with an elo-
qucnt gesture, resting bis hand on his
"ir you let wblslty alone, I'll believe
you; otherwise what I'bave aald must
Tho door opened, and tho sheriff
slouched into tho room. He waa chew
ing a long wheat straw, and bis wbolo
appeal anco was onu of troubled weak
ness, "Morning," he Bald briefly,
"Sit dawn, sheriff," and the Judge
Indicated a meek seat for the official
In n distant corner. "Have you learned
anything?" he asked.
Tho sheriff shook hja head.
"What you turning all these neigh
bors out of doora for?" ho questioned.
"Wo don't want people tracking in
and out tho house, sheriff. Important
evldonco may be destroyed. I propose
examining tho slaves itrst does that
meet with your approval?"
"Oh, rvo talked with them; thoy
don't know nothing," said the sheriff.
"No one don't know nothing."
iift!3K fiy&wtimtii
"Please (Jod, we may yet put our
lingers on some villain who does,"
said the Judge.
Outsldo It was nolBcd about that
Judge Price bad taken matters In
hand ho was tho old fellow who bad
been warned to keep his mouth shut,
and who had nevor stopped talking
since. A crowd collected beyond the
llbrnry windows nnd feasted Its eyes
on the back of tills hero's bald head.
One by one the houso servants wcro
ushered Into tho Judge's presence.
First he Interrogated little Stove, who
had gone to MIbs Hetty's door that
morning to rouso her, nu was his cus
tom. Next ho examined Hetty's maid;
then tho cook, nnd various house serv
ants, who had nothing especial to toll,
but told It at considerable length; and
lastly big Stovo.
"Stop u bit," tho Judgo suddenly In
terrupted the butlor In the midst of
his narrative. "Does the overseer al
ways come up to the house the first
thing In tho morning?"
"Why, not exactly, sab, but be come
up this mo'nlng, sah. Ho was talking
to mo at tbe back of tho house, when
tho women run out with the word that
Missy was done gone away."
"He Joined In tho search?"
"Yes, sah."
"When wns Miss Mnlroy seen last?"
itsktyl tho Judge.
"Sho and tho young gomman you
fotched Mean woro seen In the gyar
den along about sundown, I seen them
"They had had supper?"
"Yes, sah."
"Who sleeps horo?"
"Just llttlo Stovo and three of tho
women; they sleeps nt the back of
tho house, sab."
"No sounds woro heard during tbe
"No, sah."
"Hicks Says Miss Malroy's Been Acting Queer Since Charley Norton
Wat Shot."
"I'll Bee the overseer what's his
name? Hicks? Suppose you go for
him!" Bald the Judge, addressing tbe
The sheriff was gone from the room
only a few moments, and returned
with the Information that Hicks was
down at the bayou, which was to be
"Wby?" inquired tbe Judge.
"Hicks sayB Miss Mnlroy's been act
ing mighty queer over since Charley
Norton wns shot distracted likel He
says ho noticed it, and that Tom Ware
noticed It."
"How does be explain tho boy's dis
appearance?" "He reckons sho tbrowed herself In,
and the boy tried to drag ber out, like
he naturally would, and got drawed
,"Humph! I'll trouble Mr. Hicks to
step here," said tbe Judge quietly. "
"There's Mr. Carrlngton and a
couple of strangers outside who've
been asking about Miss Malroy and
the boy; seems like tbe strangers
knowed ber and blm back yonder in
No'th Carolina." Bald tbe sheriff as be
turned away.
"I'll see them." Tbe sheriff went
iAW',jt Mlttg.i-
fuvsTymots BvBlMeiviu
i, TutCoMS Mhl Commut
from the room and tho Judge dismissed
the servants.
"Well, what do you think, Price?"
asked Mahaffy anxiously when thoy
were alone.
"Rubbish! Take my word for It,
Solomon, this blow Is leveled at mo.
I bavo been too forwurd'tn my at
tempts to suppress tho carnival of
crime that Is raging through west
TenneiiHco. You'll observe that Miss
Malroy disappeared at a moment
when tho public Is disposed to think
sho has retained me as hor legal ad
viser; probably kIio will bo sot at lib
erty when sho agrees to drop the mat
ter of Norton's murder. As tor tbe
boy, they'll use htm to compel my si
lence and Inaction." The Judge took
a long breath, "Yet there remains ono
point where the boy Is concerned that
completely baflles mo. It we knew
Just a little more of his antecedents
It might cause me to make a startling
and radical move."
Mahaffy waa clearly not impressed
by the vogue generalities In which
tho Judge waa dealing.
"There you go, Price, as usual, try
ing to convince yourself that you are
the centor of everything!" he Bald, in
a tone of much exasperation. "Let's
get down to business! What does this
man Hicks mean by hinting at sal
cldo? You saw MIbs Malroy yester
day?" -
"You have put your finger on a
point of somo significance," said the
Judge. "Sho boro ovldonco of tho
shock and loss sho had sustained;
aside from that sho was qui to -as she
has always been."
"Well, what do you want to see
Hicks for? What do you expect to
learn from him?"
"I don't like bis insistence on the
idea that Miss Malroy Is mentally un
balanced. It's n question of somo
delicacy tbe law, sir, fully recog
nizes that. It seems to me be Is over
anxious to account for her disappear
ance In a manner that can compro
mise no one." ,-
The Judge Flnde Allies.
They were Interrupted by tho open
ing of the door, and big Stevo admit
ted Carrlngton and tho two men of
whom the sheriff had spoken.
"A shocking condition of affairs,
Mr. Carrlngton!" Bald the Judge by
way of grcottng,
"Yes," said Carrlngton shortly.
"You left theso parts somo time ago,
I believe?" continued tho Judgo.
"The day boforo Norton was shot.
I bad started home for Kontucky. 1
heard of bis denth when I reached
Randolph on tbe second bluff," ex
plained Carrlngton, from whose cheeks
the woather-beateu bloom had faded.
He rested bis hand on tho edge of
tbe desk and turned to the men wbo
had followed blm Into tbe room. "This
la tho gentleman you wish to see," be
aid, and stepped to ono of tbe win
dows; it overlooked tbe terraces
$? . "'iJriiVk- ftV'JiBajBfo;y,
I TgP"SHejr3p
I Wfts
where he bad said good-by to Hetty
scarcely a week before.
The two men had paused by the
door. Thoy now advanced. One wa
gaunt and haggard, his face disfigured
by a great red scar; tho other was a
shock-headed Individual wbo moved
with a shambling gait. iloth carried
rifles and both were dressed In coarso
"Morning, sir," said tho man with
tho scar. "Yancy's my name, and
this gentloman 'lows he'd ratber be.
known now as Mr. Cavendish."
The Judge started to bis feet
"Dob Yancy?" he cried.
"Yob, sir, that's me." The Judgo
passed nimbly around the desk and
shook the Scratch Hitler warmly by
the hand. "Where's my nevvy, sir?
what's all this about him and Miss
Hetty?" Yancy's soft drawl was sud
denly eager,
"Please Uod we'll recover blm
soon!" said the Judge.
By the window Carrlngton moved
Impatiently. No harm could come to
the boy, but Betty a shudder went
through htm.
"They've stolen him." Yancy spoko
with conviction. "I reckon they've
started back to No'th Carolina with
him only that don't explain what'B
come ot Miss Betty, does It?" and be
dropped rntbor helplessly Into a cbnlr.
"Bob nro Just getting off a sick bed.
Ho's been powerful porely In consequence-
of having his head laid open
nnd then being throwed Into 'the Klk
river, where I fished him out," ex
plained Cavendish, wbo still contin
ued to regard tho Judgo with unmixed
astonishment, first cocking his shaggy
head on one sldo and then on tbe
other, his blenched eyes narrowed to a
silt. Now and then ho favored tho
austere Mahaffy with a Meeting
glance. Ho seemed Intuitively to' un
derstand thccomradesblp of their
"Mr. Cavendish fetched Hno here on
his raft. We tied up to tbe sho' this
morning. It wan there we met Mr.
Carrlngton I'd knowed blm slightly
back yonder In No'th Carolina," con
tinued Yancy. "He said I'd find itan
nlbal with you. I was counting a beap
on seeing my nevvy."
Carrlngton, no longer able to con
trol himself, swung about on his heel.
"What's been done?-!' be asked, with
fierce repression. "What's going to be
done? Don't you know that every
second Is precious?"
"I am about to conclude my Inves
tigations, sir," said the judge wltb
Carrlngton stepped to the door.
After all, what was there to expect of
these men? Whatever their Interest,
It vap plainly centered In tbe boy. Ho
passed out Into tbo hall.
As the door closed on him the Judgo
turned again to the Scratch Hlller.
"Mr. Yancy, Mr. Mahaffy nnd I hold
your nephew In the teuderest regard;
ho has been our constant companion
ever slnco you were lost to him. In
this crisis you may rely upon us; wo
are ..committed to bis recovery, no
matter what It Involves." The Judge's
tone was one ot unalterable resolu
tion. "1 reckon you-all have been mighty
good and kind to him," saldYancy
"We have endeavored to be, Mr.
Yancy Indeed I bad formed tbe reso
lution legally to adopt him should you
notcomo to claim him. I should 'have
given him my name, and made htm
my heir. His education has already
begun under my supervision," and the
judge, remembering the high use to
which he had dedicated one of Peg
loe'B trado labels, fairly glowed wltb
philanthropic fervor. N
"Think of that!" murmured Yancy
softly. Ho was deeply moved. So was
Mr. Cavendish, who avbb gifted with
'n u'nnlrh nf rnnrlv nvmnnthv Ma
thrust out a hardened hand to tbe
"Shako!" he said. "You're a heap
better than you look." A thin ripple
ot laughter esoaped Mahaffy, but tho
judgo accepted Chills and Fever's
proffered hand, He understood that
hero was a simple genuine soul.
"Price, Isn't It Important for us to
know why Mr. Yancy thinks the boy
has been taken back to North Caro
lina?" said Mabuffy.
"Just what kin Is Hannibal to you,
Mr. Yancy?" asked tbe Judge resum
ing his seat.
"Strictly speaking, he ain't none.
That he come to live with me Is all
owing to Mr. Crenshaw, who's a good
man when left to himself, but he's
got a wife, so a body may Bay ho never
Is left to himself," began Yancy; and"
then briefly he told tbe story of the
woman and tbo child much as be bad
told It to Bladen at the Barony the
day of General Qulnturd's funeral.
Tbo judge, his back to the light and
his face In shadow, rested his left el
bow on tbe desk and with bis cbln
sunk In his palm, followed tbe Scratch
Hitler's narrative with tbe closest at
. . .
Rloh Melodies Are Everywhere
in This City.
In the Variety Theater Volcee Are
Heard That Would Make the
Owners Headline on the
American Stage.
Naples, Italy. Tho songs of Naples!
In these perhaps Is tho real art of the
city concentrated; and theso aro likely
to prove your most pleasant memory
of tho plnce. You hear tho seductive
melodies everywhere and tho voices
that sing them nro usually very Bweet.
If you would have an evening of Bong
go to La Fenlco, a curious small
"theatre of varlotios," which 'consists
of a pit, a tlerof boxes In tho first
balcony, and a single row of seats in
tho gallery. Tho nudlenco 1b a noisy
ono, and tho women .are beautiful and
gorgeously dressed perhaps too ostcn
tatlousto suit tho Puritanical taste. Tho
performers, too, are hardly models,
ethically Bpeaklng, but vocally they
are marvels, and they give you the
best that Naples has to offer in the
way of nntlvo songs. A dozon singers
or so, follow each other in succession,
nnd nearly every ono of them of n
quality that would win the title of a
headllnor" In America. And thore
are somo stunning beauties among
One should not fall, while In Naples,
to visit tho Nationnl museum; it con
tains one ot the finest collections of an
cient bronzes in the world, and, somo
splendid treasures or Herculaneum and
Pompeii; and by all means do not fall
to tako In Pompeii itself. If the ruins
at Rome are more Impressive for their
grandeur, the Pompellan ruins are
likely to prove more absorbingly hu
man. Here you witness actual evi
dences of human life, nnd if you nro
possessed of eveu a modicum ot Im
agination tho whole thing is, capable
moro or less of mental reconstruction.
And as you look down on tho excellent
ly pavofl narrow streets, Impressed un
mistakably by ruts of wheels; the nar
row sldownlks, In good condition and
as good ns thoso at Naples; and ns
you examine th wnlls and Interiors ot
tho houses; nnd ever bo many evi
dences of tho pleasure-loving chnractcr
of tho people, you cannot escape- re
flecting upon certain physical sent-'
blancos it has In common with Naples.
If you nro'a poet you aro likely as not
to write sonnets to tbo present deso
lation of tho city. If you are a phlloso
pher you will perhaps reflect upon the
futility of things, the Inevitable cycles
of time, the eternal recurrences of his
tory. If you are a moralist with ortho
dox tendencies and an ax to grind
you will think ot Sodom, you will think
Castle dell 'Ove, Naples.
of Gomorrah and then you will think
ot Naples. And In the end all three of
you will return to Naples and watch
from 'tho embankment ot via Carcclolo
the smooth, sappblre-htted waters of
the Mediterranean; In tho distance, the
vague outlines of the lovely Isle of
Capri and, above all, the still smok
ing mount of Vesuvius, all gorgeous In
its sunset raiment of an lndescrlble
rose-purple, and below It the squatting
city with Us hundreds of roofs, re
sembling for a brief Bpace so many
patches of resplendent rose-gold.
Couple Penniless Because Big Fund
le Tied Up In Trust by
Pittsburgh Bank.
Pittsburgh, Pa. Claiming they own
property worth over $480,000, yet are
'pennlleBs, with no Income for their
own support or to keep their son, who
;ls a freshman at Princeton university,
iThomas MacConnell and his wife have
filed a petition In the common pleas
court asking that the Safe Deposit
and Trust company be compelled to
Ifurnlsh them with an Income. The
iMacConnells state they placed the
'property in the hands of the trust
company to manage, and charge the
trust company bo manages the prop
erty that the People's Savings hank,
which Is alleged to be closely connect
'cd with the trust company, entered
Judgment against the property and so
(tied it up that the plaintiffs are un
able to borrow any money.
3Jtop Jingling Coins.
Cincinnati, Jingling coins and
changing money in a church will be
topped by an order ot Archbishop!
Moeller of southern Ohio. Pew rent!
will take the place of contributions
H -aLjJBv9K
JsIbbBbJbBH - BSaW
afs9laSBaaa!'';' .PHHbbbbBBBBM'
vf; srt ''iesjH -kj IibBsBssBssbbT v
bV. '"LL' JBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai':
yft&tfiiti'' v..r.LittIlLL
Every Man Has an Affinity Somewhere
on the Earth, Is a Law of
Every man has a best girl waiting
for him somewhere in the world. The
moment thnt ho is born, the catalogue
clerk In Time's great factory assigns
him to a best girl or else puts him oa
tho waiting list.
There Is no escaping your best girl.
No matter where sho may be born or
how far apart from her you wero when
you startcd the Inevitable attraction
will work your destiny, and when you
meet you will both know it.
All thnt Is lacking is the material
realization, and Inasmuch as all Ideas
eventually And their way to the sur
face, yours Is bound to come.
Sometimes a man's best girl is home
ly; sometimes her mouth is not a
cuptd's bow, and her features are lrl
regular; that makes no difference; he
will love her Just tho same when he
meets her.
Also, she may be another man's wife.
Such things have been known.
Herd's hoping that it will not hap
pen to you. Life.
Result of the Primary.
It had been' a hard -day at the poll
The addition of nearly a thousand
women's votes to the poll made the
counting a prolonged proposition.
"Well, James," said Mrs. Walllcky,
as her husband returned from hla
arduous labors as a teller, "how did
the vote go?"
"Nine hundred and two votes for
Bildad, seven hundred and fifty-three
for Slathers, eight recipes for tomato
ketchup, four wash lists and a milli
ner's Bill," said Walllcky. "It was a
mighty Interesting vote." Judge.
Would If I Could.
Before his wedding Pat confided to
his priest that he loved his girl so
much that he could eat her.
Ills marriage had been an eye
opener, and he was Inclined to
grumble at his lot
"But, Pat," said the priest, "did ye
not say ye loved her enough to eat
"Ycb, yer rlv'rlnce," answered Pat,
"but the thrubble is I didn't do It."
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottlo of
CASTORIA, a saf o and sure remedy for
Infants nnd children, and seo that It
Bears the rff yfjTS
Signature ot CjtczT-cJUl
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's CastorU
A 'Formal Figure.
"A delegate doesn't get a chance to
take much more than a perfunctory
part in a big convention nowadays.
"No," replied the prominent citizen;
"if he Is associated with a successful
candidate he feels-tike an usher at a
wedding. If he Isn't he feels like an
honorary pallbearer."
To remove nicotine from the teeth,
disinfect the mouth and purify the
breath after smoking, Faxtine is a
boon to all. At druggists, 25o a box
or sent postpaid on receipt of price by
The Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass.
Can't Afford It
Hostess Mr. Mann, you eat roast
beef rare, do you not?
Guest Yes, rare -and rarely. Bos
ton Transcript.
Colc'a CarbotlaalTe
RalleTs and cures Itching, torturing; dl
e of the akin nnd mucona membrana,
A aupertor Pile Cure. 15 and CO cents, by
drugcUta. Fur free sample write to J. W.
?ol A Co., Ulack Ulver Valla, WU.
What Did He Mean?
Geraldlne Can't you read your an
swer In my face?"
Gerald It's plain to bo seen.
The Tendency.
She What's the matter with
woman's club?
He It's always hitting the men.
Don't Kick
about your
Let it kick out all the disor
ders, such as Gas Pains, Fouf
Breath, Constipation, Kidney,
Liver-and other complaints.
Then it will add strength, en
ergy and vigor to your blood
and body.
OO years without rival
CUbhm a
r"-,. i swat.
Fravanta alr nlllnir.
IUY I00D und &Kr&:s
tieai Mexico, writs Tor inrormaiioo.
TIIM J" IjH l fJI,.. J
I W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 11-1912.
oor prices oa Keltpia Block Machines ana Mixer,,
BUZ tbe Beit. UrMir Bw, ., WUUU, ts