The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 01, 1912, Image 1

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    Btatfllllttnrlniil - K " mmmmmmtg
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i-ATflTtrjJiflBWBJl3!SIBsvg-MiL JFnwl ernf acy3l-rTTif'fc..&v?' nR: '5''"'it'WBI1' sW lkciBSSBBBBBBUssBTRinftiiEQBSBlMvEiBSSBlEiwSSiBSBBK
4 Newspaper Hives Tlic 'Mens FIFIy-lHO Kecks Each Year For Sl.dO.
THE New Banking Law is now in force and
the payment of every dollar of deposits in this
institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty
Fund of the State of Nebraska.
Webster County Bank
CAPITAL $25,000
Now Ready tor Business!
The Diamond Milling Co.
Red Cloud, Nebraska 5
, , . Manufacturers at . . .
The "Diamond Brand" Hard
Winter Wheat Flour
Also Graham Flourljure Whole Wheat Fleur,
Corn Meal, Self-Rising'Pancake Flour, fcc.
x Concluded
Tin? lecturcoftlic Hon. Caleb Powers
poso-!sed the (ltiality of liunmn Inter
cist to ntt unusual dcgice. To look up
mm uiun who has been tiled for
murder four times, found guiltv three :Hnco, mid left tin peopl
times, sentenced once to be bung, and nmre , wlUl n 8e,80
demonstrated her competency to pro- .
vide enough to sutisfy the demands of
the Hiidienue for several extended ro-1
cltnls. It U always a plciiMiro to listen .
to one when there Is a sense that there
is no dancer of exhaustion of (ho sup
ply, and no necessity for repetition
when encored. Mis Wiltiicr delight
en me audiences for three annear
ile longing for
that aIio had
almost acquitted once, appeals strong n,ore to Kivt. tUcm UJU, tlme pcrn,-tu.,,
ly to the morbidly em ions in his fellow The yH( ...., n,r.ahl,
He baiUt in blm to tell h thrill- Hlrnri.. u mat i... thai -nm.. v.
lug story of Kentucky politics,
dramatize the vital Issues which
I pected a grout deal from them, if so,
Were Hu. WOl-n l.n 1luntnrvliiln,l It trna
- . - I -'"J -... ..vrv MWIIIMIVIU.VU! IV 1,1
juuiu uui iiirougu i lie lorms 01 con-
The above stock can be found at all Red
Cloud Grocery Stores A complete stock of Bran
Shorts, Corn Chop, Baled Hay, Alfalfa, &c. Free
City Delivery.
The Diamond Willing Co
Of tic and Salesroom - Bon Tor Bakery. Phono, Rod 89
Three Mora Naxt Waek
Why You Should Buy
The Ware That's Safe
"WEAR EVER" Aluminum Cooking Utensils
"WEAR EVER" Aluminum Fireless Cookers
Electric Steam and Radiating
Will furnish You a Kettle or Cooker to prove!
f l.1 Better Cooked rood.
? 2.. Apple butter, etc., WITHOUT STIRRING or
t BURNING and more thoroughly cooKea.
? 3. Pot roast WITHOUT WATER Save time
anil ffllAl
4. Fan cakes, wauies, etc., wnnuui oiw--or
odor. .
5. Accident proof NO INJURY from BURN
6. "Wear-Ever" gives satisfaction ANY un
satisfactory piece replaced ANY time it is reported
For'Free Pan or trial of Kettle or Fireless
Cooker, write '
ifcioud BRUCE PAYNE?!?!!!!!!
Or Phone Ind. 204'. Bell Red 355
veuliotis, elections and election counts,
resulting in the temponiry occupation
of the state ollluos of Kentucky by the
Kepulilicau candidates, their linn! ex
pulsion by the legislature, the assassin
atinn of the finally successful
date, the lllght from the state
defeated opponent, the arrest of the
Seoictary of State, who was Mr. Pow
ers himself, aud the final effect of the
struggle on the railway interests
which were llercely engaged in the
He had it in his power to present in
a graphic manner the circumstances
and conditions which gave plausibility
to the charge that he was part of a
conspiracy to assassinate Gobcl. Had
be been a great speaker, and desired
to put himself right, he would have
taken this course and justified to some
extent tbe various verdicts which were
rendered in his case. Then the cir
cumstances in his favor and his own
declaration of Innocence would have
made his vindication more complete.
He chose another course, aud confined
himself to hu attack on tbe prejudice
and unfairness of judge and juries.
This is tbe least satisfactory method
of exculpation that can be adopted
He could have made an interesting
lecture out of the forensic contests of
the lawyers, who alone were the real
actors in the tragedy, of which he was,
at best, tbe helpless victim. Surely
those who attacked blm and those who
defended deserved some place in tbe
cast. But the speaker ommitted even
to mention tbe names of those con
ducting tbe case
To the uitbinking and sympathizing
multitude he acquitted himself of tho
foul charge. To the thinking, critical
few, he revived tbe suspicion of bis
It is unfortunate that notoriety
achieved from actual or suspected
complicity in crime has come to be re
garded as an asset for Chautauqua and
lyceuui engagements.
Friday wag the big day of the as
sembly. Tbe Ojibway Indians bad
tbe afternoon and evening to themsel
ves. Of course, they excited tbe in
terest of the children, and the older
folk had to come along to take care of
the little ones, just as they go to cir
cuses. StlP, there was something of
genuine Interest for the scholar nnd
philosopher in tho exhibition. Cap
tain Frame's explanations of their
churnc eristics, his exhibition of the
furs of the wild beasts and tho handi
work of ills proteges was very enter
taining and Instructive. In the even
ing, Dr. Geoige'H illustrated lecture of
the legend of Iilawathii and his gift of
corn to tho savages was of exceptional
merit and attractiveness. Tho ploturcs
thrown on the canvas wore very beau
tiful in themselves and their display
was unusually successful. The lectur
er used tho language of Lougfellow In
bis great poem very freely, and his de
livery loft nothiug to bo desired, The
relative to tho discovery 01 corn is as
beautiful as any myth In tircclan or
Hebrew fold lore, aud it is especially
interesting in this, the corn belt of tho
Cynical criticism might suggest that
the location of the myth on tbe Saul
Salnie Mario was a little too far north
for the most successful exhibition of
corn culture. Tho attendance was
easily tbe largest in tbe history of the
Red Cloud Ohautauquas.
Miss Sara M. Wllmer showed her
self to be the queen of entertainers, In
our fate to have but moderate hopes
Iu fact we had nerved ourselves to n
contest of endurance. We wore hap
pily undeceived There, was nothing
to endure. There was much to intei
est and Instruct Mrs. S.tdlere.xplain-
. 1
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01 lllS It n,l ...till utwtti fulliioita tltif miii't
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one who listened felt that hi was list
ening to one competent and willing to
give nil the information required to
enable for self cure.
Dr. V. S. Sadler's lectin e on Amerl
canltls or High Pressure Life was ex
traordinary interesting. At the be
ginning, he called attention to an
apparatus for taking the blood press
ure of patients, aud invited those who
cared to have the apparatus applied to
them, nnd tests made as to the vigor
of their circulation, to occupy a corner
of the tent especially seated aud roped
oil for tholr accommodation. His as
sistants took the pressures while he
continued with his lecture. Perhaps
seventy-five patients were tested, and,1
the tests1 were read without disclosing
the name", except to tbo persons test
ed. The doctor then gave .the physical
causes for the high pressures which
prevailed among Americans. Alcohol,
tobacco, cocaine and morphine ranked
highest among drugs; meat eating and
overeating, pepper and vinegar aud
mustard, and tea aud coffee, were
enumerated as chief excitants of uudue
heart action, while worry was the chief J
mental factor in diseased circulation.
Tbe doctor's lecture was listened to
with (absorbed attention. Notwith
standing that it was several times in
terrupted by the rain, which falling
on the roof gave exaggerated notions
of a storm, there were few who took
the opportunities as they came in tbe
lulls to withdraw from the tent. Tbe
doctor's style of speaking, aud his
evident knowledge of the things of
which be was speak lug, nade an eag
erly attentive audience, which wished
to acquire all tbe information possible
on tbe subject. Tbe listeners follow
ed him with the enthusiasm which a
class would exhibit In a clinic.
Sunday was a well occupied day. Iu
t te morning, at tbe church hour, union
services were conducted iu the tent.
All tho congregations of tho city aud
many more participating. MrS.Hadler
gave an Interesting lecture on .work
among the fallen an I the poor in
Miss Josephluu Mlor added to tho
interest of the occasion with 11 beautl
till nnthom executed as sho nlono
could rondor it.
In tho afternoon Dr. Sadler gave his
lecturo on Worry, Its Cause and Curo.
This wns undoubtedly tho most appre
ciated lecture of tho entire courso.
Wo have not space to attempt its sum
mary. Aftor tho lecture the womon
retired to tho Methodist church whore
Mrs. Dr. Sadler talked to them, while
tho doctor talked to men and boys In
the tent. Such u lecture as ho then
gave siiouut do given at least onco a
year in every community. One pro
position, however, is'admlt of quest
ion. Tbo doctor contended that par
ents should instruct their children In
tho mysteries of sex, beforo they have
un opportunity to leuru them from
those who will speak of such matters
witb vile Irreverence. Others beside
the dootor am beginning to urge this
duty upon the parents. Parents shirk
this duty, if it bo a duty. Tbe Chief
believes that the Instinct whloh pre
vents tbe father nnd tbe mother from
1 variety of characters, in the skill with such a course U probably a surer, safer,
I wbloh she represented their different guide than tho advloe of others,
voices, humors and passions, thte lady (Continued on page four.)
Our Store Policy
has always been to carry the standard
and desirable goods in every line.
That is why we chose Kodaks for our
photographic department. We felt
sure from careful investigation that
these were the goods that should be
offered our customers. From our years
of experience we now know that we
were right.
Our sales of the
Ok -.'f' ?0 - .,
have been particularly satisfactory to
us because these cameras have proved
so satisfactory to our customers. Pic
tures post card size 3 1-4x5 1-2.
Fast lenses, splendid shutter-quality all
through. Price $20. Let us show you.
Newhouse Bros.
E. H. Newhouse, Prop.
Don't Buy a Wooden Silo!
If you must have a wooden Silo and
' will tiive us your order so we can act . it in
our next car, we will make the following prices for
a full length stave Silo, made and sold under the
Harder Patent. Don't delay as prices are liable to
rise at any minute. Call at pur yard and examine one
ot these silos.
0x24 .... 9144.00 4x24 .... 173.00
OxSO .... 169.80 4x30 .... 230.00
2x24 ... . 162.00 6x30 .... 261.00
12x30 .... 208.00 6x36 .... 331.00
Prices includes complete silo comprising staves, doors
and doot frames, hoops and lugs, ladder,
anchors and roof
Red Cloud,
Piatt & Frees
I fir'tyrtotvtyt?''i)?ftf0i"'"v'tB
The Chief Office For Neat Job Work
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