The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 25, 1912, Image 8
li r v. wnctsc Clearing SALE .Commencing July 13 and Ending July 27- I TDMURE BROS. I.V m ft To clean up the stock we have specially priced many lines of goods far below the cost to manufacture. In fact, the COST has not been considered. We are simply going to give the public an opportunity to buy DISHES, RUGS AND PARASOLS at their own price For one hour each day commencing at 1:00 p. m. we will sell at Auction the following goods until sold: 50 Axminster rugs 27x84 ins. SO parasols. $400.00 worth of dishes, consisting of white Haveland china, ransom shape white Bavaria china. Ransom shape American decorated and white English semi-porcelain. Dinner sets will be offered in 1-2 doz. lots and single pieces. Also a lot of Fancy China, Salad Dishes, Vases, Plates, Etc. j Ladies' Oxfords IS0 Pair at Special Hall Prica. These are all the Irving Drew Co's make, and without question the peer of shoe makers. When you buy a pair of the Irving Drew Co's shoes or ox fords you have the best. Ladies' Shirt Waists One-third Off A discount of 33& per ct. will be given on all our Shirt Waists and a fine line to select from. $3.00 Shirt Waists for .$2.00 2.50 " " " 1-67 2.00 " " " ' 133 1 50 " " " 1.00 1D0 " " " 67 t75 " " 50 Skirts Ladies' House Dresses One-fourth off - Only a few of these left and they will go at H off Ladtes', misses' and children's spring coats, only a few left at price. Twenty-five par ct. oft ' V s2&i per ct. discount' will be made on all ladies' .tailored Skirts. These skirts are exceptional values All the famous Scheuerman Bros. make. We have sold this make of skirts for twelve years and will continue to handle them so long as they keep up their high standard. Summer Dress Goods One-fourth off ; 25 par ct?' We believe this is the best and most complete stock of summer dressjgoods ever shown in' Red Cldud. Special--100, 9and 10 yard dress patterns' at 42 cts. per pattern. Only 10 offered each day. Silk Underskirts Sample line of 36 Underskirts 36 silk underskirts ranging in price from $3.00 to $8.00 at ?, off. $3.00 Skirt for $2.00 4 50 " " 3.00 6.00 " " 4.00 Muslin ATbig sample' line especially priced1 For this sale At less than manufactuferscost.; t . i . Table Linen A. . This is- the largest line. o .Table . Linen ever shown in Red Cloud at 20 per ct. discount. m , Sample Line of Parasols Special prices for this Sale Special prices on GihgKtm, Muslin, Sheeting and Shirtings t Groceries Overstocked on a few items in this line. While they last "-4 Cans 3-lb Pumpkin for 25c 4 Cans 3-lbHominy for 25c 2 Cans Standard Tomatoes ."'. . . '.-. . . .? :. .". . . . ' 25c 8 Bars Lenox Soap 25c 8 Bars Swift Pride Soap 25c '.R The Democratic Comfy Coimntlen Pursuant to n call by the .County Chairman the regularly nomitmted democratic electors of Webster county met in convention at Blue Hill on Tuesday of this week at 11 o'clock to elect delegates to the state convention at Grand Island July 30th, for the lection of a county central committee and for the transaction of any other important business that might present itself at the convention. After the usual reading of the oall for the convention by Chairman C. B, Hale, a motion was made and unanim ously carried that the present chair man and eecretary continue In offlci Cor another term, which demonstrated the fact that the lervtcea of Chairman Hal and Secretary Hutchison have" been hlfhly satisfactory In the past. After the appointment of the usual ooamlttM on resolutions, the con vention adjourned until 1:30 p. m., at which time everything was in readi ness and the unfinished business be fore the convention was harmoniously and speedily disposed of, the following delegates being duly elected to the state convention: C. B. Hale. V. S. Hall, Wm. Patterson, Ed. Payne, Geo. Hutchison, J. K. Martiu, Frank Delc hoyde, Bernard MoNeuy, J. L. Christ ian, Elmo Goos and Alf McCall Enthusiastic speeches were mtulu by McNeny and Clnistianof Hud Cloud anil Stemml of Line township which closed u most successful session and helped to stimulnto activity In the I'liuipnign now bofoio thu defnocrnts of Nubiusk.i who iuo mho of hiiccess at tho comliiK election in November. The best and piuest Ifo Cieum Suiniucr dilnks in llio oily at tho Ton Cafo. Hot Ilumbmger and .Short Ordois fit all houi- ut Wiiiien'b icstanrant. . -4uftll Dealers in i I l lAU Kinds of. . )? t : : is 21 REASONS ; Three Here Next Week! 1 J. C. SLOSS Wall Paper, Paint and Varnishes. Room Mouldings, Pict ure Framing, Pictures and artist Material. Builders9 Hardware. Plumbing Goods, Furnaces, Windmills, Buggies, Agricultural Implements, Wagons, Paints, Oils, &c., &c. SBMSBMMSwewWMPBWSSftaManBWSMaBBkSWMSMBMSMMM Let us figure on your Hard ware and Plumbing Jobs. We believe it will be profitable for both of us V mid 7 lion t Red Cloud Neb. Why You Should Buy The Ware That's Safe "WEAR EVER" Aluminum Cooking Utensils "WEAR EVER" Tireless Cookers Will finish Yoi t Kettle or Cooker toproTe! 1. TkatyoacaakaTe BETTER cooked food. - 2. Tktt the wire it practically accifcat proof from ate oa tke stove or jiroppiaf . , t 3. Tktt fooi aeed rarely if e?er be kuraeV erei if NOT STIRRED. Cut This Out and Mail to Rod Cloud BRUCE PAYNEWobraaka Or Phone Ind. 204. Bell Red 355 nnppi A Pan to each woman in Webster F IV JIjj; County that keeps house. R. U. PAYNE, Red Cloud, Neb. Please furnish me with a "Wear Ever" Aluminum Pan Free, for which I agree to consider all proof you furnish me that Wear Ever is the safest, cleanest and cheapest ware to buy. I agree further to try at least FIVE tests with the pan. Yours truly, itum.',Mih. , L P.O. Addicss State DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DCNTJ9T OVER STATE iANA ted Cloud " ' ' Nebraska 1) Will C. Crekkr The Tailor and French Dry Cleaner, up stairs over Burden's grocery. Mbo'n ,Wock, , Best Laundry service in the city.' D. D. Sanderson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OINce in Moon Block. Hell, Blaok 4; Ind,, 13 Residence, Royal Hotel. Bell, 47; Ind., 27 I. Calls Answered Day or Night HE!) OCOUD, NEIt. f v. . t The Only Exclusive Stort. Ut uoin pnoaes. i. R'X'i H m ic fct..V ' t.4j i t i. i iMA', itfX'' --- i ; . ...I .' ijiMM.wiKiiimmix imtrr J Mdn a iSemi iiiirt iiiri-1 -- . , mwmmMmmiimw UBtmmtmwnniimraammmtonmmtmum iyi"""i