The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 25, 1912, Image 6

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The Chief
C. B. HALE, Publisher
Cold Wave In Michigan Dam Crosses
Mltilttlppl River at Its Widest
Point Frustrate Attempt
to Kill Prince.
Washington, D. C Ono hundred
and twenty million dollars wax lllchud
from tho American pcoplo during the
last fiscal year by Bwlndlora who op
crated largely through tho United
States malls, according to a statement
Just mado In a formal report to Post;
master General Hitchcock. This wasj
an Increase of approximately SfiO.OOO,
000 In the aggregate of tho previous;
year. Of thoo who arc aleged to
hove operated tho fraudulent schemes
1.0G3 wcro arrested by postofllco ln
Bad Fire at Sutherland.
Sutherland. Flro destroyed all tho
business places on Kast Front Btreel
for a block with the exception of tho
State bank nnd Burkland's general
store. Tho Iosbcs aro: C. B. Wood,
hardware; William Carman, general
store; D. Love, furniture; Fordyco,
millinery; Lee Case, livery, and A. B.
Yates, clothing. The balance of the
business places on tho street narrow
fy escaped. Tho lost) will aggregate
about $50,000, partly covered by In
surance. Train Wrecked by Rebels.
Mexico City Fifteen hundred Za
pastta rebels, led by Zapata In person,
attacked a passenger train between
this city and Cournavaca, capital of
the state of Moreolas, sixty miles
southwest of here, Saturday morning
and killed moro than sixty persons.
The train, the first one which nad
been run any distance over the Cuer
navaca division for more than nix
months, was wrecked by tho rebels.
Want to Make Flying Safer.
Chicago Denunciation of dare
devil fllghtB, a warning to aeroplane
builders that machines must be con
Rtructed moro securely and a pledge
that all members of tho association
will turn In for common information
notations of new knowledge gained In
tbe air, marked the first meeting here
8aturday of tho American Aviators'
Fear a Revolutionary Outbreak.
Barcelona. Wholesale arrests werd
mado Friday on account of tho ex
plosion of a bomb Thursday in Plazaj
de Catalonia as King Alfonso's aunt,
tho Infanta Isabel, wob passing. Tho,
authorities fear tho outrage presages
an era of revolutionary violence lnj
Barcelona, which Is normally "ono of
the most turbulent cities in the world,
Trampled by Runaway Team.
Harvard, Neb. A young man named,
Adolph Stlmbert was instantly killed,
Thursday afternoon at 12:45 In n,
grain Held two miles west of Inland,1
on tho farm of Frank Kalor, when in
attempting to stop a runaway team ho,
was knocked down and trampled un
der tho horses' feet and run over by
a heavily-loaded wagon.
Huge Dam Completed.
Koekuk, In. Tho last gap In tho
Mississippi Power company's dam)
across the river at "this place wasl
closed Saturday, and for tho first tlmej
in its history the Mississippi is throt-,
tied at ono of its widest polntB. Tho'
last crib for tho foundation of the.
cement work has been completed'
against tho Iowa side of tho project.
Would-be Assassins Arrested.
Soul, Korea Moro than ono hun
dred Koreans have been arrested by!
the Russian authorities at Harbin andj
Its vicinity in connection with an at-;
leged plot to assassinate Prince Kat-j
eura wnen tno Japanese ex-prcmlcr
passed through that Manchurlan city
on his way to St. Petersburg.
Washington, D. C Severe criticism
of tho government's methods of orect-'
ing public buildings Is contained In;
tho report of tho house committee on
expenditures on public buildings'
which Chairman Cyrus Cllno of Indl-'
ana submitted to tho house Frldoy.
The commlttco points out extrav
agance and waste and the posslbllltlesi
of fraud in public expenditure after
making It clear that its Investigations
were made with no desire to discover
a scandal tho public Bervlce.
Grand Rapids. Mich. A dispatch
from Carp Lake, twenty-eight miles
northeast of Petoskey. says that a
light sprinkle of snow fell there Frl'
day night. Crops were damaged by
the cold,
Tornado Does Damage.
Ellsworth, Kan. A small tornado,
swept through Ellsworth county Sat'
unlay night, doing considerable prop
erty damago. Joso Sochck, a farmor,
was struck by lightning and killed.)
Two inches of rain fell In an hour.
Third Party Tickets on Sale- .'hrte
Killed In Automobile Wreck
Chinese City In Hands
of Brigands.
Constantinople. Eight Italian tor
jpedo boats attacked tho etitranco of
the Dardanelles at 1:30 o'clock Fri
day morning. The Turkish forts re
spited vigorously, sinking two of the
'Italian warships and damaging the
other six. Tho cannonade lasted
;forty-flvo minutes. The cabinet mln
listers were hurriedly called to tho pal
ace, where, at a council of war, It was
decided to close the Dardanelles.
Tewflk Pasha, tho Turkish ambussador
at Ix)ndon, who on July 17 was ap
pointed grand vlsler, has undertaken
'to form a new cabinet.
To Dissolve Steel Corporation.
Washington. Although it Is as
sured that the Stanley committee's
long investigation of tho so-called
steel trust will result in nt least two
jroportB to congress ono by tho re
publicans and the other by tho demo
crats of tho committee both sides
will ugrco to recommendations that
tfrrTZSW.. v
, .. ! V.VWA.
1l? i TVw
rfi y ;k
The health of Empress Victoria of
Germany Is so bad that her physicians
have advised her complete withdrawal
from all functions.
the United States Steel corporation bo
dissolved and endorse the anti-trust
putt the government Is prosecuting
tigalnst It. The minority will not sign
tho majority report, which will con
tain suggestions for remedial legisla
tion. Four Killed by Lightning.
St. Uuls. A bolt of lightning
killed four in n family of soven and
dangerously shocked tho others in a
violent electrical Btorm at Richland,
Tulaskl county, Wednosday. accord
ing to a message received hero. The
bolt struck tho homo of Joe Paddy,
whose family wns gathered in tho
llvlnc rnntn. Tim linlt ott-imV Pn.i.i'a
(shoes from his feet and throw him in
n corner dead. Three of his children
Were killed, their bodies being stripped
or clothing.
Meet Death In Wreck.
Cambridge, la. Two girls were
killed outright, a third was mortally
Injured, dying later, and the driver of
the automobile seriously Injured when
,an cast-bound Milwaukee train struck
nn automobile carrying fdjur young
girls to n Sunday school picnic near
hero Thursday
Sale of Tickets Is On.
Chicago. The sale of tickets to the
,thlrd party national convention in
Chicago, August G, was opened at
'hcaduunrtcrH Thiirmlnv. In n four
'hours, It was announced, $1,500 had
boon recolved, $1,000 of this amount
fbelng for llfty tlcketB from one man,
whose name was not given out,
New Minister Has Hands Full.
Constantinople Townk Pasha, tho
Turkish minister to London, definitely
accepted tho post of grand vizier Fri
day. Ho began tho formation of his
cabinet at onco. Tho sultan gave him
an entirely free hand. Tewtlk as
sumed ofllco with his country at war
against Italy, Albania In rebellion,
nearly tho wholo army mutinous, tho
pooplo on tho verge of revolt against
tho government and an empty treas
ury. Getting Ready to Fight.
Vienna. Montenegro Is reported
mobilizing several thousand troops In
retaliation for a Turkish Invasion of
Its territory, and tho alleged murder
of several Montvnagrans.
Thinks It an Interstate Matter.
Chicago. In n lottor to LaVcrno W
fN'oyes of this city, Colonol Roosevelt
doclared himself opposed to the plan
for Illinois to undertake tho construc
tion of a lukc-to-gulf waterway. Ho
bollevcs this a task that should bo
taken up by tho nation.
MKmcmt' m ,-',
fjfflslHHunBm. -!,
V, jcaa
Weavers' Strike at. Standstill Nine
Injured In Mine Explosion
Ridded Elected Sergeant
Heno, Nov, Ten bodies have been
recovered and from five to ten more
are believed dead as a result of a
cloudburst thirty miles from Lovelock
Thursday, which destroyed the mining
camp of Mazuma and practically de
stroyed the nearby camp of Seven
Troughs. In Mazuma, which suffered
most, it was at first believed that
nearly 100 persons were missing, but
later the estimates place the Iobb of
life at not more than twenty. Seven
Troughs Is situated half way up
the mountain side with Mazuma
at tho basu In a canyon, three miles
away. The wall of water swept down
tho canyon carrying buildings before
it and overturning the Mazuma hotel.
'Strike Not to Be Extended.
New Bedford, Mass. That there
will be no further extension of the
strike of tho weavers and loom fixers
of the local cotton mills beyond the
twelve mills which are already closed
was virtually decided Wednesday when
representatives or six of the seven
mills still running entered into a
verbal agreement with a committee of
the striking weavers not to put in
force the grading system of payment
for weaving. It was announced that
this system was to be used for deter
mining the pay of the weavers that
piccipltated the strike In the other
Six Rebels Killed.
Madera, State of Chihuahua, Mcx.
Six rebels were killed, another fatally
Injured and a half dozen others more
or less severely wounded In a brawl
that almost provoked a mutiny Thurs
day among tho tnsurtecto troops. Two
men fought over a woman and another
was killed. General Rojas had or
dered tho murderer executed when
frlcnds'fondemned the decision. Bul
lets Hew for a few mlnutcB until tho
arrival of Gen. Luis Fernandez, who
suppressed the trouble.
Waives His Right to Be Present.
Portland, Ore. John Mitchell, vice
president of the American Federation
of Labor, arrived Wednesday from tho
east to deliver a lecture at tho Chau
tauqua assembly on "Tho Ideals of
Organized Labor." He declined to
discuss the Bucks stove and range
case at, length. He said, however, that
beforo leaving Washington he had
placed in possession of his attorneys
a written waiver of his rights to bo
present when sentence was imposed
and this was presented to the court.
Explosion In Mine.
Scranton, Pa. Exploding gas, set
off by a nnked lamp, in Long Cliff col
liery of tho Delaware & Hudson com
pany at Avoca, early Thursday,
burned nine men, three of whom are
not expected to live.
Washington, D. C Tho detailed an
swer which President Taft's advisers
will make to charges that his nomina
tion nt Chicago was procured In Il
legal fashion was one of the first sub
jects that greeted Carml A. Thompson
of Ohio when he assumed the post of
secretary to tho president, Wednes
day. Mr. Thompson discussed the an
swer with Former Senator Dick of
Ohio, who. had charge of the Taft con
tests before the republican national
committee at Chicago.
Pittsburg, Pa. Members of the
Young People's Christian Union are
hero from every section of tho country
for their twenty first annual conven
tion, which assembled Wednesday for
a four days' session.
Troops Come Home.
Cincinnati. O. Three battalions of
tho Ninth United States Infantry, who
aro occupying Fort Thomas ncross
tho river from Cincinnati, arrived at
their quarters Thursday. Tho fort has
not been occupied for tho last two
2-.5c-S 'bbVUUPmP iM iSiawGPL T
fffSfl HP-2T JrX
Kansas "Regulars" Enjoin Roohevelb.
Forces Mexicans Loot Mormkn
Store Lincoln Man Is
Killed by Train.
Washington. Senator O'GorL-an of
NewtYork charged In the senate Wed;
nesd'ay that railroad Influence was be
hind Great Britain's protest against
tho Panama canal bill, and he joined
Senator Ixdge in declaring that the
United States possessed full rights un
der the British treaty to give free
passage to ships of American register.
These speeches marked the debate in
the senate on the Panama canal bill.
Both Mr. Lodge and Mr. O'Gorman de
clared this nation wbb not bound by
the Hay-Pauncefoto treaty to give for
eign ships all the privileges granted
American ships, while Senator O'Gor
man declared the United States post
scssed the full right to give Ameri
can vessels free passage if desired.
Senator Lodge conceded that it tho
case went to The Hague court the
United States probably will lose.
Loot Mormon Store,
Colonla Oaxaca, State of Sonora,
Mex. Soldiers looted the store 'ofi
Haymore Brothers hero Wednesday oft
several hundred dollars' worth ot
goods and robbed William Haymore;
8r., of $200 In cash. The soldiers did
their work in daylight and made no
pretense of concealment. This is the'
second Mormon store that has been
looted, tbe first being at Colonia More
los. When the affair was reported to
the government officers they promised
to investigate, but made no effort to
do so, although Haymore said he could
Identify the robbers.
Restraining Order Issued.
Newton, Kan. A temporary re
straining order was issued by Judge
C. E. Branlno in the district court
hero Wednesday enjoining every
county clerk in Kansas from printing
on the official primary ballot, under
the head of republican party, thoBo
candidates for presidential electors
who"havo openly declared they will
support Theodore Roosevelt If elected.
Tho proceedings were filed by Fred
Staley, republican national commit
teeman, and State Senator F. Duponl
Lincoln. C. J. Shomway, a retired
farmer and ranch owner, wbb killed
Wednesday by a Burlington passenger
train near the stato fair grounds. His
skull was fractured and his shoulders
wore severely lacerated. He was
rushed to a local hospital after tho
train reached Lincoln and died at 1:6G
o'clock in tho afternoon. He never
regained consciousness.
Washington. President Taft sent
to the senate Tuesday the nomination
of Secundlno Romero to be United
States marshal for New Mexico to suc
ceed Crelghton Foraker, a brother of
former Senator Joseph B. Foraker of
Ohio. Published reports have de
clared that Foraker resigned for po
litical reasons.
To Aid the Insurgents.
Lincoln. At a called meeting of the
executive commltteo of the insurgent
Woodmen of Nebraska, who aro fight
ing tho increase of rates Inaugurated
by the head camp last January an ap
propriation of $1,000 to aid tho law
committee was made. This money Is
to bo used In carrying on suits now
instituted and to undertake new suits
In Nebraska and other states to enjoin
the head officers from putting the new
rates into force.
Atlanta. Go. Rochael Edelson, aged
9 years, is "lobbying ' enthusiastically
among Georglu legislators In the capl
tol these days In the Interest of a bill
that would. If adopted, create the now
county of Kent.
Jefferson City. Mo. The votes for,
women petMon mailed to Secretary of
S tu to Roach, it Is announced, lack nj
sufficient number of signatures to forco,
tho submission of the woman's equal
suffrage amondment to the constitution'
under the initiative and referendum,
Totals In Report Submitted for tha
First Time Run Over the Hun
dred Million Mark.
Tho secretary of tho State Bank
Ing board has made his report for
thu month ending Juno 14, 1912, which
shows a commendable. Increase in the
right direction. For tho first time
in the history of tho banking board
tho totals havo run over tho hundred
million mark. Following 1b the re
port: "Number of banks reporting, 681.
"Number of depositors, 266,188.
"Average resorve, 30 per cent
Loans and discounts.... $71,250,086.26
Overdrafts 505,210.38
Bonds, securities, Judg
ments, claims, etc 830,941.54
Due from national and
state banks 20,925,722.29
Banking house, furnlturo
and fixtures 2,694,656.86
Other real estate 273,698.15
Current expenses, taxes
and interest paid .... 1,288,037.21
Cosh items 36,517.32
Cash 4,605,589.66
Total $102,416,459.66
Capltnl Btock paid In.... $13,169,740.00
Surplus fund 2,800,846.74
Undivided profits 2,825,525.31
Deposits 82,825,356.02
Notes and bills re-discounted
Bills payable 348,140.54
Depositors' guaranty
fund 367,081.8:
Total $102,416,459.64
"Since the report of March 16,
1912, deposits havo Increased $2,496,
380.26 and loans havo increased
$1,474,104.94 nnd thero has been a
gain of ten in the number of banks.
The reserve is tho same, being 30 per
cent, double the amount required by
"Compared with a year ago, June
1, 1911, the increase in deposits is
$10,948,872.86 and tho increase in
loanB amounts to $8,254,076.58, and
an Increase of twenty-three in the
number of banks reporting.
"With deposits the highest In the
history of the state, an average re
serve double the amount required by
law and a reduction of $63,000 in
notes and bills redlscounted and bills
payable during the last year, a very
satisfactory showing for the banks of
Nebraska is presented at this time,
and indicates a most safe and sound
condition, a substantial growth in bus
iness, and the careful and conserva
tive lines upon which they are being
Unveiling Lincoln Statue.
The members of the Abraham Lin
coln monument committee met' and
discussed tho program for the un
veiling which Is to take place Septem
ber 2. As that Is Labor day and a
legal holiday and the first day of tho
stato fair, a big' parnde of civic so
cieties and labor unions may precede
tho unveiling ceremonies.
Charged With
On Information
Oklahoma sheriff,
arrested Crocket
Catttle Stealing,
received from an
Detective Schmitt
McIIenry, colored,
on the charge of
Henry had been
past week at the
dining room.
cattlo stealing. Mc-t
employed for tho
Commercial club
Legislative Reference Bureau.
Assistant Director Hannan of the
legislative reference bureau is col
lecting election data and figures from
state records for publication in the
blue book which is to be ready for
members when they arrive in Lincoln
early in January for the 1912 session.
Primary and general election figures
for several yenrs past will bo given
by counties and for all ot the offices
voted upon at each election. The In
formation will be a small part of gen
eral data relating to the operation of
the state government and designed to
give the Incoming legislators ready
reference to matters which are likely
to come up during the session.
Headquarters at Lincoln.
Lincoln will have the democratlo
stato headquarters during tho com1
Ing campnlgn. A decision to that ef-,
feet has been arrived at by candidates)
on the democratic stato ticket and'
their wishes In the matter will be'
followed by the now state central
committee to be chosen at the com
ing convention at Grand Island.
' Bids for Printing.
Secretary Thomas of tho state
printing bureau has advertised for
bids for tho printing of fifteen bien
nial and annual reports of state de
partments. Bids will be .received up
to noon of July 29. ThlB is tho an
nual letting of printing contracts that
formerly took place In the month of
April. Tho fiscal year of the stato
closes November 30 and reports of
departments will close on that date,
but contracts can bo awarded this
month and much of tho copy can be
sent immediately to tbe printers.
Voles of Consclsnce.
A western Kentucky negro was Im
Jail awaiting trial for stealing a calf.
His wife called to see him. On her
way out the Jailer, whose name was
Grady, hailed her.
"Mandy," he inquired, "havo you
got a lawyer for Jim?"
"No, sah," said his wife. "Ef Jim
was guilty I'd git him a lawyer right
away; but he tells me he ain't guilty,
and so, ot co'se, 1 ain't almtn' to hlrs
"Mr. Grady," came a voice from th
cells above, "you tell dat nigger worn
an down thar to git a lawyer and git
a dam' good one, tool" Saturday Eve
ning PobL.
The Paxton Toilet Co. of Boston,
Mass., will send a .large trial box of
Pnxtlno AntlBcptlc, a delightful cleans
ing nnd germicidal toilet preparation,
to any woman, free, upon request
The Writer Who Does Most.
That writer does tho most who
gives his reader the most knowledge
and takes from him, tho least time.--
C. C. Colton.
Stop the Pain.
The hurt of a burn or a cut stops when
Colo's Carbolisulvc Is applied. It heals
3ulekly and prevents scars. 2c and 60c by
riiRglg's. For free sample write to
J. W. Cole & Cft,. Black Itlver Falls, Wis,
An Epigram.
Job was a patient man, but he
never found the cat asleep on the
a piano Just after he had varnished it
Mr. Window's (toothing Hyrup for Children
teething, eoftena the gum-i, rnluceH Inflamm
lion, allays pain, cure wind colic, 25c a bottle
The Cheerful Color.
Gabe Do you ever get the blues?
Steve Not If I have tho long green.
LEWIS' SI-.rIo Binder So cigar: so rich
In quality that most smokers prefer them
to lOo cigars.
It Isn't every woman who will make
you a good wife who will make you a
good husband 1 Satire.
Patience Is
No Virtue!
Be Impatient
With Backache!
Too patiently
do many women
endure backache,
languor, dizzi
ness and urinary
ills, thinking
them part of
woman's lot
Often It Is only
weak kidneys
and Doan's Kid
ney Pills would
cure the case.
An Iowa Case
Mrs. J. Hunt, 108 8. 6th St.. Fairfield.
Iowa, says: "For thirty year I suf
fered from kidney trouble. I had se
vere backaches, headache and dtzsy
pells and my limbs became so swollen
that I could not walk. Doan'a Kid
ney Pills cured me after everything
rise failed, and I ran never recom
mend them too highly."
Get Doan's st sny Drug Store, 50c a Box
Doan's KKfir
f-t-qq-r .- xr
run naniriu old rAsniuntu
ngnt-ruDi hootdlck
'Every home should make root
beer in springtime fot its dell-
ciousness and its fine tonic
Om ptekif mikM tiUtu. If
yn irmt tea' I -pUM, wt vlU
141 j-oa r. picktit ea Mlpt l
ISC. rUMtglTtfeUBUM.
Writm for premium pnasM.
205 N. Broad St., Philadelphia. Pm.
Nebraska Directory
Omaha. Nebraika
Rooms from 11.00 up single, 75 cents up double.
ft .
and Photo Supplies of all kinds. We do OEftltN
INS lid rtlTIa for amateur. Hend us jour or
ders. LINCOLN PHOTO SUPPLY CO., Uscsla, Nth.
Wear Anchor Brand
Braid linen collars
nunuuury diiis, win not mill,
elegant, stylish, strictly san
itary. Bold by all dealers.
Capital Collar CuS Co., Mfrs.. I.lnool
Auctioneers are not all
alike. Soma are much bst
tertninatusr. The better
tho auctioneer tbe larger
yourcbeck. Tbe Best selling
service colts Ton no mora
than the poorest. There's
rirotlt. security and sstlsfsc
Ion in dolus builnes with
Z. H. 1IUANHON. Lltt DlMk
sa Rtl Met AatlUet', It
itsn siptneue, uicou, BU
Lincoln Sanitarium
Sulpho Saline Springs
Located on our own premliei and uitd In the
Natural Mineral Water
Uniurpatied in the treatment of
Heart. Stomach, Kidney and Liter Qlieaiee
I40S M Street Lincoln, Nto.v
it m
itori. rv
. 9
T-nT iVm
wt '2jmr
1., t