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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1912)
'k v ! ST fr v ran y k "f' tV ,V 4.5 5 ' r.; ?t WSWAVAW.yWy.W.v 5 HOME NEWS Bulletin of The Week's Dcln?,s Sue III'. Cio ovci Spite 1! inU. (lee! Nil'l it tin-so liis, Mii. A. shcelyvvasiu HustiiiKiS.itui diiy. CIiiin. Stfiron spent Sunday in (iniiul Islilllll. V. M Uiown of llimlv wus in ton Friday. .lolui CJhiIiiM' was in l.elmuon. Ka-j , last week l'Ycfl Guild wns down from lliuc Hill Sunday. ' ' ( , J. C. Watson of Hastings spent Sun day in town. 8 0. Green of Uostvvlck was in town Friday. ' Al Decker.Rnd wife were in Cowles Thursday. Walter fallen of Hastings was in town Frtdoy. fluy Bar wood of Rivertonspeut Sjri day in town. Chas. Far nam of Iuavale was in town Tuesday. Judge Kelso' was down from Bloom ington Monday. Lee Keith of Holdrege visited friends in town Sunday. 0. M. Sheeley of Guide Hock was on our streets Friday. M. A. Albright and wife were in Hastings Monday, Ned Grimes and family visited in Blue Hill Sunday John Havel was in lllue Hill and Hastings Wednesday. Fred Taylor and wife were down from Riverton Sunday. J. A. Rogers of Franklin attended" the Chautauqua Sunday. Mrs. Robert McBiide was a passeng er to Hastings Wednesday. Chas. Junker of Iudianola was in town Friday visiting friends. Frauk Cowden and wife were in Su perior Fiiday visiting friends. Blue Hill is planning to have a .big Fall Festival August ',2 to 2. Ed Walters was in Lincoln Inst vveaU on business t etui iiitir Mnudiiy. W. J. Sciivnur mid Walter Warren were Hustings visitors last week. J. I Shiiumel of Uoodluud, Khr., was in town ou business Fiiday. Miss Bertha Cotter leturncd linuie from MeConk Sunday iiioiuiug. ' .-...JtLiUJis LiuJiujur und.wife of Cuwles attended the Cliuutuiimin Sunday. "James Davis unit Ij if. Ki? ltlTinT "of Bloomington were in town Monday. Ed Aiuuuk and Bernard McKcuy were in NclsoulMouday oivbimlfiess. N. R. Simpson and wife aie visiting their daughter at A i inour this week 11 W. KoonU und Kd Amuck were in Grand Island Thtusduy on business. ltalpli Heiill of Aurora wus in town the tlr.stof tlie week visiting lelatives Miss May Hadell of Long Island, Kas., is visiting relatives in town this week. Miss Itcssiu Duekei- and Mis. (Jeo. Hollisier were Hastings visitors last week. Win. Wulteis is painting his resi dence in tin cast pint of town this week. Misses Juliet and I'nttie (inhislin of McUonk are visiting frit ml in the city tliis week. Editor Hiiriy Vuiigliu of Guide Koch was In town Sunday night taking in the Chiiutaiiiiua. Mrs Aithur Ruby and son of Bea trice are in the city visiting hei father K. W Ross this week. Miss Jessie Kellogg returned home Monday from Lincoln cud Omaha where she had been visiting. The finest line and hi'st. ussoitmeiit of Harness eer can Icil befoie. Cull and look it over. MoitilAitr Bkos. LHHHIIIIIIH & BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM sHIIIIH k BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSl bUHbHHHIIH siiiHi lii Ti iiSt .I i E '7 iijmP tfaSBBBBBBBBsYVvBBBBBBL CLEANING UP SALE Anticipating the arrival of a new stock of canned goods we have priced every thing upon our shelves in order to CLEAN UP. Stan dard goods of quality at 15 per ct. discount. B. E. McFarland All thm Phsnss , Bernard Atkins has returned home from Lincoln and Geneva where he h'as been visiting for several weeks. Speelal attention given to diseases of eye and car. Glasses accurately fitted. Dr. Stockman, Red Cloud, Nebr. Miss Elsie Arnold of Bloomington one of our p6pular school teachers vis ited Mrs. Louise McFarland and other friends lust week Dr. A.C. Ames, formerly of Mountain Grove, Mo , and eastern Nebraska has located in town and has associated himself with Dr. Raines. 'Arthur Vance, pitcher of the Super ior ball team, who is threatened with appendicitis wus in town Monday en route to his home at Cowles The W. CT. II., will meet with Mis George Pope Wednesday afternoon. July 31. The membership is requested to be present as it is the annual meet lug. , Dr. Warrick, the specialist will meet tye, ear, nose and throat patients aud those needing glasses properly fitted at Dr. DainercU's otilce in Red Cloud Tuesday, 'July" flO.' " ' : : -The Webster county-association" of the. American Automobile Association meets in town Ht the court house Thursday and about 50 members are expected to bejirtuMMit!. 'Tucitdtiy afteriifliii iriuvale defeated jvpickecl tip ttpnm' 6f Rail Cloud by a S3ore of 8 to 1 Butteries: Red Cloud Butler, Hines and Ritsscr; Iuavale Spence and Palmer. Jno. W. Tlei uey of southwest of Red Cloud was lodged in the county jail Sunday ou u charge of threatening to kill the wife of his tcniiant on his farm Mis. Marthu Wlllaid. C. E Stlne aud family und Miss Evaline Brodstoue went to Red Cloud Saturday night for a visit witli friends. Miss Hi'jdiMoue returned this morning. Mondaj's Supeiior Express. We Inadvertently omitted to print an article lust week In tegard to the sacred conceit given in the Congrega tional ohureh last week mid we insert it this week with Bpoligies to the public. The members of the Rebekah lodge desiie to express their thanks und ap preciation to those who so kindly gave the use of their automobiles for the use of the lodge when the Franklin delegation visited the city. The U. S. Pension department has grunted Sarah C. Richardson u widows pension of 912. Fred Mutirer was her attorney. Mrs. Richardson is the widow of Frisble N. Richardson. WE UE 1 m Polk. Genung, $ Polk System it in building Monolithic j Reinforced Concrete S Silos. We build Silos $ anywhere in Nebraska jjj or we sell the forms and jjj let you build them . . . (fi Write us tor Further W Information . ?fj Piatt & Frees Red Cloud, Neb. m Mr Bojd Smith was lu Bladen Tuesday Everyone is tojolcing over the line lain that we luid tliis tnoinlng. Mr. A W. llolmgraln visited his daughter, Mrs. Wan on Longtln in Hastings Tuesday. riojil Holnigiuln of Guide Rock is visiting his giaud paient", Mr. and Min. A. W. Iloliiigiuin today. ' Mis. Oliver Hedge and Miss Mabel Hsslg, who liuc been visiting lu vail ous Indiana points, arrived home1 Tuesday. A young people's puity was held at the homo of John Met rill Tuesdav evening which was well attended and a good time was enjoyed by all picselit Wheat which has been thieshed In the Dutch Flat neighborhood has made an average of 15 to 23 bushels per acre and of first grade quality. Ilubcr Bockmeyer, who has been visiting his two aunts, Mrs. Ed. Me Alisterand Mrs. Roy Rife returned to his home at Lost Springs, Kansas this morning. Faith Rebekah lodge No. Ill will meet Thursday evening, August l,and will install otticers for the ensuing term that evening. A full attendance is desired. Mas. A. C. Si.ahv, Noble Grand. F. W. Stanbarry and wife nee Miss Minnie Amack of Albia, Iowa arrived in town last week to make their per manent residence here. Mr. Stanbarry has accepted a position wlib Ed. Amack in his furniture store. Monday afternoon the Inavale and Bloomington ball teams played ball here. Bloomington had Inavale out classed and won the game by a score of 10 to 2. Batteries: Iuavale-Couslson and Palmer; Bloomlngton-Lambert and Brooks. Miss Editli MoKcigluin and mother arrived this morning from Red Cloud. MUs McKelghan will visit with Mrs. Eruest Hocppner while in Hastings, while Mrs. McKelghan will take treat ment at the Nebraska sanitarium. Saturday's Hastings Republican. Mrs. Chris Jensen met with quite a bad accident Saturday afternoon. While driving her horse near the school house grounds one of the shafts came down causing the horse to run away. Mrs. Jensen leeched a broken rib aud a gash ou her head which re quired four stitches- to be taken and she was bruised about the face and body. Arrangements'are belim made to hold a big Odd Fellow picnic lu this olty in the near future. The lodges of Guide Rock, Cowles and Red Cloud formid a association some years ago to hold a joint celebration each yeaf, each lodge lo taKe turn. It is Red Cloud's prlviledire to conduct tbn fokHTt..s tliisyear and plans have been adbpTeif to make this u veiy enjoyablo affair Not one of the least enjoyable jncl. dents of the Chautauqua was Rev. Tompkins' imltutiou of a toadswullow lug flics und the idea he sought to con vey was one that the Chief has ti led to inculcate. Red Cloud audiences are too apt to set toud like swallowing and give no outside evidence of their satisfaction with which an entertain ment is received. After the talk of the Rev. Manager, a marked impiove merit was manifest. The Chautauqua manngeincut has arranged to leave the bund stund mid the electric lights on tho-school house grounds and hereafter nil tlip band playing will be done there. This is a most welcome change as it takes the children off the stiects where they are out of danger and the music w ill sound much better away from the down town buildings. We are pleased Indeed at tills Htruugment and we are sure that our people will cordially welcome the change. Sunday evening at the Congrega tional church one of the best sucrcd concerts was rendered which in many respects was one of the best ever given by homo talent. The choir sang sever, al high class anthems in which they weie materially assisted by Glen Walker. Mr. Walker also sang sever al solos. Ills voice is developing In it very reumtkable manner and it is ouly u question of time when he will be re cognized as one of the best tenors of the country. Professor Beta played a few pieces ou the violin and showed that be was muster of that instrument. Also Mr. Jamison delighted the uudi ence by his skillful manulation of the trombone. The eutire program was greatly appreciated. The republicans of Webster county met lu mass convention xiu this city last Saturday ufternoou. Judge J. B. Stanser was elected chairman and Wil bur Hamilton secretary. A motion was adopted to tlin effect that no dele gates should be selected to attend the state convention who were favorable to the endorsement of the Tuft admin-' Istratlon. The following were elected delegates to the state convention and they were instructed to vote with the progressive wing of the republican party: IS. J. Oveiiug Jn, F. It. Amack, A. 11. Pierce, C. 1). Robinson, D. M. (larber, J. II. Stanser, Ci. J. Wan en, J S. (iilham, Ed Amack. W. U, Hamil ton wus elected chairman of the coun ty central committee nnd S, R. Flor mice secretary for the coming year. Buy Your Suits During Our July Special Sale aw&SaB I II ' Cowden-Kaley The First Door North of Postoflicc Mid-Summer COOL DRESSES A new line of emb. flouncings 45 ins. wide from . 90c to $2 yd The new advanced styles in heavy work from . .. $1.50 to $2 yd Galoon bandings to match flouncings from 60c. to $1 yd L-.TtJ.. -riya Tfu Qumy Wi ay ip( The .' Af silts for Hols Proof Hoss for Hsn 4 Women and Children F. NEWHOUSE Agents for Butterick Patterns Wants and for Sale A good sewing machine for sale. In-iiiii-u at tliis otlice. For Salk A line up right folding bed. Inquire of S.B. KUr, Lost -Fountain pen. Finder please return to C, F. Wullin. Reward. - Our June Sale will con tinue during July as long as these suits last .... Men's & young men's odd suits at $10.50 Worth $15, $18 and $20 i Men's & young men's odd suits at $15.00 Worth $22.50 and $25.00 A lot of young men's suits at . . $ 4.50 Worth up to $12.00 All attractive bargains for bargain seek ers and big money savers. During your visit to the Chautauqua come in and see these bargains, you will buy, we are sure t f. Clothing Company Red Cloud, Nebraska Cool Underwear Gauze vests from 10c to 65c Union Suits from .... 30c to $1.25 Just a few silk Messeline silk skirts left, will close them out while they last only one to each customer Barbara Phares, Prop. Cull rural phone -'Ou if you have cream or poultry to sell. J. O. Camiwkm.. The Diamond Electric Vacum clean er demonstrated In your home free, Call I'ueue Red 07. i All kinds of Electrical work ddneby Morlmrt ltros Dr. Utosn the dentist is located over the State RanW. Go to 1 L. Hansen for your Harness and Machine Oils. Goods ; 1 B1 IS !B I 141 1 I ' I" rrsrZfrfr v & Hisaxi Al W rWI ,.j. $'iilmtm4ii 'f - "a.V lV