Ji1f.ifcM'WEW'H!yfr1"'''A w IN ft fcU tf 9) if i i;s i 1 !' hi' I rt ft r 1 I i' The Red Cloud Chief Red Clourf, Nebraska PUBLISH BD KVBRV lllUHFDAY -tCntr-rctl In tho I'lmtiilllic nt Hiil I linn!, Nek, ntt ficunil riasi Matter. C It. HA L1C I'UW.tllW'.ll rilE ONLY DKMOCHATIO I'AI'KU IN WKIWTKIt COUNTY WWVWilAWWiViViWiiW 1 Correspondents 9 KANSAS PICKUPS (KHOM HMITII COUNTY) Mrs. Corn Crabb and children of Topeka, Kbb., came up Thursday to make an extended visit with her fath er, Jack Brown and other relatives. MIm Melba Spurrier in over at Red Cloud spending the week an the guest of Mls&es Lelah andNllah Barrett. E. E. Ingram and family, F. M. Brown and family were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harve Whir's. This vicinity is very much in need of rain, as it is near seven weeks since a good rain fell. The Pawnee Sunday school is increas ing in number in spite of the dry and hot weather. Olad to have them all oome. Albert Masterman aud wife spent Sunday with Cbas. Hooper and family. Pawnee township is to have a Sun day school convention the thirteenth of August, hoping to build up the work. T. S. Spurrier, who is lu very poor health, left last Saturday for the Hot Springs. GUIDE ROCK. Mrs. . C. Christy and son Albert departed Friday night for Denver and other Colorado points where they will visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Russet Vaughon return ed home Saturday evening from Rose bud, S. 1)., where they were recently married. Chris Hansen, who lives' south of town, had an arm brokeu Monday. Mr. end Mrs. Chester Cooper spent Monday 1u Red Cloud. Mrs. John Ferguson and daughter Irene have returned from their visit ..inllUnoje. a -Uytll The Normal school girls are return ing from Kearney and l'cru this week. '' Mrs. W. N. Crc'iflnipeut part of lust y; week at Ilurr Oak with her sister Mrs. 2". & While "who is 11 ; ' & V ' y 7 - Ti, .- "- Missy Nellie Columbia spent-lust weeic'vlsltlng her relatives at Ilurr Oak. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ueo. liigtui will start this week by auto for u visit with rela tives In Iowa. A great number of our people are in tending tfie Uhuutiiuquas Ht lied Cloud and Superior this week. Clarence Taylor of Hardy spent Sun day in town. A sister of Mrs. Sumner Vuughan camo Saturday for n visit with her. Miss Nellie DcTour returned to her home at ltladtn Monday night after visiting several days with her sister Mrs. Geo. Fisher. COWLES A. II. Spracher luiH had u sidewalk laid on the west of his village property thus completing a long line of walk which makes It a great convenience for a good many people. Mildred Francis In erecting u new house on his farm north of town. Art Vance who is one of (he twirlcis for the Supcilor ball team, whs lu Cowles visiting friends Ved'nchda . Mrs. (. A. Wells spent Sunday in Red Cloud With her sister Mrs. Butler. Henry Umbaker had the misfortune of having the hasp edge of a square fall on his head while working on the Francis building east of town. It made quite, a scalp wound but he is getting along nicely under the care of JH. Boron. Mrs. Frank Campbell is being visited by her sister this week. Mr. Win. Edsou, editor of the Argus, watt in town Tuesday. Quite a number of our people are attending' the chautauqua at Red Cloud this week. Cliff Titus has been secured as minister for tho Christian ulinrch. He lives ut Fairlleld and preaches every other Sunday in Cowels. A, T. Vance of Hastings was lu Cowels over Minilay visiting relatives Fuller & Bennett shipped u car of fat porkers to St. Joseph Monday. GARFIELD Charley and Frank AUcs were thrash ing on Monday. Corn plowing Is a thing of the paM now iu Uartlcld. Plenty of wind on wind mill row but not much rain. Mrs. AUcs and Mrs. J. A mack went to McCook on Tucsdu). The rain that should, have come a week ago never got here. .loo Mudd thrashed last week ami his wheat turned outgood. .Most of tho folks in (jarlleltlnit at t'lnllng Iho Chautiinqua thin week. .Smith Bros., hired man quit on Fri day night to attend the big doings l Red Cloud this week. Mrs. Clyde liowen left on Sunday for Armour and other phinti in the eastern part of the stile to visit. George Harris gave two of his horses their freedom Monday by taking them over and turning them out In the pas ture. Grandma Allen came down from Mc Cook one tiny last week and is visiting with friends in Oarlleld and canning apricots nt Will Fishers. Al Smith, . Hmertom and Jack Barnes were at Blue Hill Tuesday at tending the Democrat cob vent ion and looking after other business. PfeMMtlY Stttf iMtf Saturday evening the 'relatives aud many friends of Mr. Otto Skjelvcr Sr., expressed their love aud respect for him by pleasantly surprising him at his home in Catherton precinct. About eight o'clock the people gath ered at the home of A. A. Cooper who Ih one of Mr. SktMvprn linni-ont nnlnh. L- ..... .. . . ... I uore wneu an were nssemoieu iney started for the Skjelver home. When they arrived Rev. Luude voiced the sentiment of the people whoave Mr, Skjelvcr a gold chain and a large com fortable chair. The evening was spent in singing and social chatting. At a late hour dainty refreshment were served uiid not until the wee hours of morning did the peon edepnit forlhelr various homes after spending one of the most enjoyable evenings. Mr. bkjeiver Is one of the lirst settlers in thts vicinity and he has dime much lo build up the cumuiuiiitv and has always leiiilel a helping hand when It was needed. "Oni: Who was Titi'.iti:." 1 mq..x:-.4"-H"-w I Miner Bros. Co. 14 The . 0. D. Feed Store We carry a full line of Feed, Hay, Flour, Oils and (las. Try our Machine Oil on your mower. At present we have some choice Cane and Millet seed, come, in aud con tract what you need before its gone. F. K. HKNDERSON. IV t V Y (Jo to tho lion Ton Cafe for the best Ice Cream and Soda Water in town. PntateafFtreltMivlll, Notice I hereby tvcn that a petition hiu been 11 led by Krunx A. Coulwm In the County Court ol Welmter County, Nebronka, pray ing thai tho Initrunicut therewith prcnented and filed purporting to bo a copy of tho will of llency A. (Hidden. deceone1. late ol Orleans County, New York, and of 'the pro bate thereof duly authenticated and praying that Ruld Instrument be allowed an the last will and tentament ol Mid deceased, and the copy nied and recorded and the will admitted to probate to havo the name force and etrect aa If originally proved and allowed In this court. ' Whereupon I havo fixed the loth day of August 101'i at ten o'clock a. m. at which time all persons Interested shall appear at the county Court In Hrd Cloud, Webster County, Nebraska, and attend the probate of said wUI and show cause It any exist, why the said instrument should not be admitted to probate and record as prayed for. It' is further ordered that notice be given by the publication of this order tor three weeks successively In the Red ('loud Chief prior to said day ol hearing. Mated July Iff, 1911 JHt-Ai I A. I. KANNKY, Hh,AI' f county Judge. 1.. II. BLACK l.KIM) K. Attorney for Petitioner. NvViV'V Vr"v'WvvvWSa Make Our Store Your Rest Room during Chautauqua You are Welcome LICENSED UNDERTAKER-NEBRASKA-KANSAS all mm mHOMta ED. .AM A C K n r t J' - .. " . r m v .. . - 7Tn7R V s :. r THE HOME GROCERY P. A. WULLBRANDT, Prop. We Carry a Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, also the Latest Patterns in HAND PAINTED CHINAWARE V f T It Will Also Pay You to Remember That in Order ft- to Secure the Best in Canned Goods Obtain " A. B. C. " CANNED GOODS Bell Phone 201 Independent Phone 44 wA- wyNyv 1'. I "' '"'" , " ' Move On Sale Closes Saturday Night, July 27th :Rcd Cloud's Greatest: Clearance Sale Of Summer Lines. The t Season's Rarest Values 4 are to be Found Here T s I The Miner Bros. Co. A Mighty Safe Place to Trade X"mMm8hM'hMh.X'hO.mXmXXm4 far iiM ifS SPECIAL RATES FOR SUMMER TOURS GO SOMEWHERE Tf TMK KMmr. Kxutiralnn rates to New York anil Boston, via nil routed Katun one way, returuiu au ltlier. A most attractive tour of the East may be made at t hose rate. TO THK PACIFIC COABT. Low excursion rutes every dny; still lower rate tour on spouirtl tlntes; the sreatoht railroinl journey In the world and at very low rates. YKLLOWBTONS PARK. Special rates for auy kind of tour rietdrctl; ko in via Coily, the ttcenia entrance, come out via (lardiuer; iieiNonully con ducted cami Iiik tours; the Wylie camp tours. Ask ajjeut for 'Park liter.' in inc. MOUNTAIN TOUHS. Asl; Hifeiit for handbook of Colorado resoils Look up Hot. Hprlims, S. I) , and ask for Illuck Hill booklet. You mlnlit llku the Ut Horn Mnuntainq at tho Sheridan and Uanuhcstor resorts; ask forlcallet. tiet iiutonch with us. Ask for rates uud publications for any kind of a vacation tour. If. K. FOK, Tickit Agmnt. L. W. WAKKLKY, OentrMlfaengr Agt., We Rather Suspect That You are Going to Build Something, Sometime! Most Everybody Does! It May Be That You Are Going To Build Some thing Very Soon! If So Come In And Tell Us The Size Of It. We'll Make The Size Of The Bill As Small As Possible! Saunders Bros. VVV.V.V.VV.'AV.V.V.V.V.V.V.-.V.V.V.V.V.'.VAV.- 1 I Buy Hot Weather Garments At Cool Weather Prices (lo to MeudersouV for cane seed. We just Kot in au extra choice lot to go at SI. 40 per bushel. - F. B Hhndk.rson. A Bargain: My residence property on Wobstcr St., nourUli avenue, First Kood offer takes It, Don't be back ward make me an offer. Address (iea. V, Newhonse, TlK-DalleB,Orejrou. Ij a n We have for sale farms on ttusy payments and special terms, worth the money. Several mighty good deals. Tho lurgest list of locnl farms from which to select. Dan (iauiiku & Company, Chief Ofllce. Cannot tell you in this space what we are doing but would like to show you some bar gains in every line in the stock. Our Special Sale will continue through July. MudsfMw i t t ? A -4 '.VUVAVAV.V.V.V.V.V.VVVV.VAVNVAVVW1AWWW1S -.U. tf""S ll