FT" I K VfW i J" i r UVrtrt.. i,trrrfc- ,- T BBBBBct ...i, 'n'Hii.i niLB diyBBEKByHpEBB'aMA jhfe4ll9&LfliLLiLP!i t' '""---"--fc'JBississwissBiS""' ""fiBB KLn flH bEB I LLLKtLLEfrLW HLkiifHeieLLv LLVa-il B -SiHLLLLLLLLLLmLh. V5j3Wii iirt ttriu!!n!!iM"iJEHBSKSNBwl33iHriiuHsSp'BHIB nnnnnnnnnnnnnmPnnnHS-iLnnnnnnnnnnnaLnnnnnnnnnmLnnnnnnn3LnnnnnBLnnnnnnnn QvTlH IUe iME-aiJ ' mUXT -l-7snnBvP9w9lnVBn1V7sTlnnf aniV,jnnnnnnnnnmilnnnnnB?M 'Jnnnnnnnnnnm.Y4' lnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnuannaidMJnfllnnnBlni-. - -" ' i ttt iiwsnnnnnnnTnnMsnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnTW nnV jm knTinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnwjinnEnnnS'&.lnnSMvnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnm 4 Neifspaper That Qlves The News Flfty-tm Weeks Each Year Far $1.50. VOLUME XXXX. KED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JUL Y 25, UUiS. NUMBER 3tft THE New Banking Law is now in force and Sixth Annual Session the payment of every dollar of deposits in this institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 a Grand Success The sixth annual session of the Ked Cloud cliautaiHiua opened Saturday fair t lint he should ccasu to ho the ad voonto of a hobby, unless the hobby is advertised as the thing we pny to hear. J The Appollo Hell Ringers constituted the feature of Monday night's Chau tauqua. This company never 'disap evening with a large audience in atP-nts. either In the high character of tendance. About eight hundred season ."""m-uuonB orsntii lumeirrenuiuuu. tickets were sold before the gates were There seems to bo no instrument on opeued and everything gave promise of a great success The tent is much' larger this year than ever before, the lighting was perfect and the arrange ments complete. The people surround ing this jlty have come to recognize' the ohautauqua movement as a fixed Institution and they have prepared to attend all the sessions. The, support given is very gratifying. Saturday evening the first number of the course was the playing by the Red Cloud band. We all know that we have had a good baud for some time but on this night it seemed as vwww JbWWWWAVWWW-Mft -5 Mow Ready tor. Butlne'. The Diamond Milling Co, Red Cloud. Nebraska . , , . Manfactirir !. The "Diamond Brand" Hard , Winter Wheat flour Also Graham Flour, Pure Whole Wheat Flour, Corn Meal, Self-Rising Pancake Flour, &c. which they are not expert. The fiddle, mandolin and banjo) the cornet, flute, trombone and saxophone are play things with which they are as familiar as other musicians are with a single piece. The bells are but one of their accomplishments. They have one in strument which was especially con structed for them, an Apollophone, newly built, which they were frank enough to say had been conquered by th em for only two tunes. Their saxo phones are supposed to bu the most extensive and beautiful instruments 'of the kind In the world. The above stock can be found at all Red Cloud Grocery Stores A complete stock of Bran Shorts, Corn Chop, Baled Hay, Alfalfa, &c. Free City Delivery .y The Diamond Milling Co- -Ben Ten Baiter?. Office and Selesr Phene, Red 6 Of X. OUR window is full ef Shoe which yeu can pwehaM at Berfi Price. Thee are net cheap eheee but seme of our best numbers. We would rather sell these at bargain prices than carry them over. Look in our window and be convinced. These prices will not last long. BAILEY & BAILEY &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&' ..A s The NEW Feed Store We handle only the Best Grades of Flour, and Feed ol all kinds. Your inspection of my place is respectfully requested Both Phones, Opposite P. U. GEO. W. TRINE tho our boys caught the inspiration which a large audience gives and fairly surprised even our citizens with the excellency of their playing. Strangers from out of town who werfc in attend ance thought that most of the players were Imported for tho occasion and when informed that they wero all home boys tlielr astonishniont was very great. Nothing but commendation was given them and so it bus been thruout the entire chnutauqnu. Tills band of ours has pleased the crowd be yond expression. Night after night the people hare gathered in time to listeti to the Ked Cloud baud. The English Opera company came to our city with high recommendations, their talent had been extolled, by musical critics and wo anticipated, a great musical treut and in this we were not disappointed. This company Is certainly an excellent combination and without exaggeration we' unhesi tatingly say that this company never had a superior at our Chautauqua and we have had some of the very best. The tenor voice of Mr. Flora is ex ceptionally musical, and pleasing. Their program embraced selections -from the grand operas, popular operas saered.sopgp, gipsy scenes and farm aoenes. Every voice was' highly culti vated and when they sang together Very voice bjendjrwlkh pvety other voice and r the reeui"wa they were riven. enfhosiatfo" applause. Oar people would eagerly welcome the English. Opera company next jae. By request of out of taws visitors the, Bed Cloud, band enUrtainld the audience t Sunday evening for three quarters, of an 'hoar. They war not billed oa the program but their play ing was eo greatly 'enjoyed that the management secured them to play. The popularity of our band is growing by leapa and bounds. Sunday was occupied, as to the lec ture part of the program, by Olinton N. Howard. Mr. Howard is a small man physically, but he is possessed of an abundance of energy. Of course he told a' great deal about himself, aud his wife, child, mother and father were by no means overlooked. His political purty ties were frankly re veuled. There whs no unpnrdonablo shyness or modesty evident. He told ft number of good stories, many of which were new to most of tho mull enee, and some that were not uow luid been long forgotten, so that thoy pass ed as now. As the titles of hjb lectures were selected with the idea of conceal ing the subject mutter of his discourses, ho wns under no restraints ns to tliu tlelds over which ho might range, His lariat allowed abundant grazing room. Two facts were emphasized by him. He said that tho .voice was the most distinctive feature of each indi vidual Through all changes of ap pearance, of age, and culture, un In dividual could always be recognized by his voice which preserved its dis tinguishing peculiarities. He criticised the church people for their failure to attract the young by-occasions of clean mirth. Ho finally proved to be a pro hibition advocate in disguise, and availed himself of the opportunity to inflict upon a Ohautauqua audience a I radloal prohibition speech which dls- I gas ted the greater part of bis bearers, Mrs. Dr. Edith S. Davis, national superintendent of scientific temper auee instruction, occupied the plat form on Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Davis Is a cultured ladv of lilirh in tellectual attainments aud her address whs most carefully prepared and well rendered. She has an unusually good voice fur out of door speaking making herself easily heard all over the big tent. The sneaker never left her sub ject for a moment aud she so present ed her Ideas as to be easily grasped and ussinuilated. Her plea wus for individual sharing ot the icsponsihillty of the conservation of the entire man. She showed tun ovll clTectof Immoder ate dt inking and that tli'i remedy for the suppression of alcohol was educa tion. This work was not completed until every boy aud girl in the laud should be free from all wrong in fluences. The lecture was u thought ful intelligent presentation of the sub ject. Wednesday's lecture on Hamilton was of the class which should be en couraged in the Chautauqua assemb lies. Biographical sketches of the notable men in the. history of tnecounq try could be made both entertaining and instructive. , The speaker' on Hamilton evidently shared the views of the author of the conqueror, and, perhaps, gave jop, much' attention to the romantic element in the career of the , great) statesman', Hamilton' ' la specifically connected with the manu- faatnriag development of the new na tion. He, more than anyone -fleet pointed. out to the people of Massa caoeetta.aad New Jersey 'the advant ages of their mountain streams, and the grant usee to wbloh the waterpow eroftha Merrimiao and the Barltan might be eventually"' pat. He; of coarse, was the author of the first pro tective tariff and the first legislation encouraging American manufactures. J. Redding Cole did good work in stimulating interest in the life and services of the foremost man of his day after Washington and Franklin. Dyron's Troubadours proved to be just what they were advertised and a little more. This company has render ed some of tho best music ever given in lied Cloud. Thoy are hII specialists and have hud training from tho best American and European musters. They play everything from a trap drum to the Itallun harp As soon as tho llrst peico was pluyed the audience was satisfied that they weiv listening to a company that was first-class. Their varied programs delight tho popular fancy aud during the very hot weather which we have beon having their efforts wero especially pleasing. The audience repeatedly called the troupe back and showed by their gen crous applause that they thoroly ap preciated the music uud the singing. In a word the Troubadours guvo us de lightful entertainments. ,WI)N's Pculag. The recent act of April 10th, 1006 gives to all soldiers' widows a pension $12 per month. Fred Maurer, the at torney, has all necessary blanks. Farm Loais At Lowest'interest, best option, least expense. Call for me at State Bank, When we hire a man to talkjt Isalx Red Cloud. O. F. Cathbb. Our Store Policy has always been to carry the Standard and desirable goods in every line. That is why we chose Kodaks for our photographic department. We felt sure from careful investigation' that these were the goods that should be offered our customers. From our years of experience we now know that we were right. Our sales' of the K C i t . .' tV r 3 A Folding Pocket Kodak have been particularly satisfactory to us because these cameras have proved so satisfactory to our customers. Pic tures post card size 3 1-4x5 1-2. Fast lenses, splendid shutter-quality all through. Price $20. Let us show you. Newhovis Bros. E. Hi lwiwitw, Prt. " ; '''. WrfV ''..I Don't Buy a Wooden Silo! CONCRETE IS BETTER BUT you must iave a wooden Silo and 9 will give us your order so we can get it in our next car, we will make the following prices for a full length stave Silo, made and sold under the Harder Patent. Don't delay as prices are liable to rise at any minute. Call at our yard and examine one ol these silos. 10x24 $144.00 14x24 173.00 10x30 .... 169.50 14x30 235.00 12x24 162.00 16x30 .... 261.00 12x30 208.00 16x36 331.00 Prices includes complete silo comprising staves, doors and door frames, hoops and lugs, ladder, anchors and roof Rd Cloud, Ntbraska Piatt & Frees The Chief Office For Good Job Work I "f'W 'i j a .1 m M m ' l l TV fm a ;l 4 w&: -& ,tf At1. Jiv 8iy M mi' ,'A '" m t ilhuifM fs,&&m$,kk ,uA'Jim