nirr"n warn 7 SrT S, i' fe ii-1 yw.w..v.vv.v.v0v.vav HOME NEWS Bulletin of The Week's Doings r. V.V.VAW.V.B.V,VV.Vur, A good 1'iln f- lino tliU in iiiiii', r .. M i..i i i . . i . IY ! l-llll III lllllllt' IS III I mi. IlliS week, rr.r Milton .loiis of ohiuwu wms In town I Suiid.iy Miss Murun tCrans visited in IIun Ings Sunday. E. i:. Hun of Gtihl Hock M III , city Saturday. Mrs. M. Phillip of Innvule wus in tow i Tuesday. Jack JlihliTi ot Guide Rook was In town this week. It E. MeKiirlaud is visiting in Cook this week. Dan SullivHti of liCbaiion, Khs, In town Sunday. Mi was J Mrs. A. E Atkins and daughter aro ! home from Genoa. Bernard McNeny was in Guide Rock I u business Friday. Prof. Morltz returned homo Sunday evening from Texas. John Kipp of Hastings was in town on business Monday. (' Editor Hosmer of the Com. -Adv. J was in Hastings Tuesday. 1 Cy Norrls and wife are visiting friends in Iowa this week. i' Miss Rcitha Potter is visiting rela It'ves In McCook this week. i. S. E. Worden and family of Guide ; Rock are in town this week. Attorney Ulaokledgc is in the east ern part of the state this week. s Dr. J. W. Moranville and wife arc . t borne from Minneapolis Kansas. v . ..!. j 1. 1.. W. P. Y iom 01 awrawn vuuieu .is, brother John Yost over Sunday. , MI'S Helen Rltzman of Hastings visited friends in town last week. Don't forget the Hod Cloud Chautauqua July 20 to 28. Miss Nellie Butler of Hustings Is visiting friends in town (his week. Miss Ernm Crimes otlMue Hill is in - town visltiinrherbiotlicr, Ned Gi lines Mrs. Ln-fi Wilson of Lincoln ! Visiting her nut 'cr. Mis .1 lin Pot'er ' Vale P is ilo.vii r i .mt Blooming ton Mondiy n ght vMtluc his patents. Mr. and Mr- It-ione -nunlm- an. the proud patents or a Imby bo Monday. H. Neueih-ig and . -IV Di.imniid Were in the western part.' of tueftato Tuesday. . -. M. B. Cur icr and faiiijly c.pcc;t n leave today tut Michiu'wi tor a two inonthH visit. Ernest Straycr and wife came down from Orleans Wednesday inoining to visit his parents. Prof. Morif. and 0. B. Hale were in Franklin and Bloomiugton Tuesday advertising the Chiiuiuuipia Will Auld left Sunday for Iowa where he will visit his father and ulso att-ind to business matters in Omaha. R. W. Knon t received two new and u cab Friday which he will add to his wellstocked equipment. Mr. .lames Uniiunl nud children left for David City and Bruno, Nebr. where the childien will visit for-ome-time. Mis James Ryan and her In other, James McU.irtney left Monday for a visit at Yellow Stone Park and Hill ings, Montana. Misses Lethiii and Oniric Hewitt were passongeis to Hustings Monday whcie they will visit their aunt, Mrs. Warren Longtiu Andy Halt lestgucd liis position with C. II. Rudd Auto I'o , and lias ac cepted a posiiion with a uniMirt; at Lebanon, Kausns. Miss Mildiod -iiuinoiihho hin- been visiting her sister, Mrs. Edgar Cowdon for i-everul mouths hit Wednesday for hue home at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. ,6c; eeseeeeefe w mmWamamamaWM 4" t!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!maaM$iar1aaa ill w''W'WBfpBpTT izziii B " i CLEANING UP SALE Anticipating the arrival of a new stock of canned goods we have priced every thing upon our shelves in order to CLEAN UP. Stan dard goods of quality at 15 per ct. discount. B. E. McFarland All the Phono Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Bailey visited with frleuds at Cowles last Sunday, having greatly enjoyed their trip de spite the hot and dusty condition of the weather. Ur Warrick, the specialist will meet ye, enr, nose and throat patients and .those needitnr ulasses properly tltteu TA - ,-.-,.,- . ... Tuesday, July 110. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Davis arrived home from Stella, Nebr., Monday eveulng where they have been visiting relatives-. They were accompanied homo by Mis Davis grand-mother, Mr. Miir .Inn. s Mrs. .Inlli-u will make,lor h()ImJ wth (er iUu(,hlcr Mrs. Noah McDowell this winter. How often do we hoar people say: "A'liere in the woild do all the flits come from?" It Is simple otioiuih. The toper miikes the blue-bottle lly, ivro the stern father makes the gad lly, the horn cyclone makes I he house lly, the black -. smith makes' the tire lly, the driver makes the hoise lly, the grocer makes thesand.tlv. and the boarder makes the butter lly. The man or woman who has time enough 10 keep up with every little whimsical piece of gossip about their neighbois, about their town, about anything, anybody and evcrybody such a man or such a woman should I enjoy our Christian sympathy. They arc usiiuliy no goon ana pcriecuy harmless, yet their deplorable condi tion of inltid should ellctlt our kindly feeling. The cannery at Fioinout is going to can 10,1)00 cases of peas. Handling the peas is an interestuig process They must be moved, threshed and canned within an hour in order that they will retain their sweetness. In Anaust the corn cunning season will begin and then the force at the factory will be Increased to 2."t. It Is thought the 4,700 acies in corn will put up 'JOo carloads of the canned product. Hat old Kautner, tlio aviator who is to make (lights at tho Stato Fair, Sept. U-0, from the winning of the Chicago trophy last jear, Is known as "The Speed Demon of the Air,'' he having made a record of lHl miles per hour, and is said to bo one of the most dar ing, accomplished and death defying aviator in the country. lie of his favorite "stunts" is to Voloplatio, ac complished by shutting on" his motor thousands of feet in the air and glid ing down by technical control df the win ping wings and elovalors. WE USE Polk, Genung, .... 1 I J L- 1 1 -' Polk System 9) in building Monolithic jjj Reinforced Concrete 1 Silos. We build Silos $ anywhere in Nebraska J or we sell the forms and let you build them . . . (fi Write us for Further Information m Piatt & Frees jj Red Cloud, Neb. $ W Hoy Sattley Is In Bmr Oak (his week. Ed McAllister wus in luavalo Wed ne id y. .lames MPchell was a Cowles visitor Tuesday. Miss Maty Jones of A.r was In the city Tuesday. Harney Moore was in McCook tho tirst of the week. .Mis. Charles StelVen spent Wednes day In Hastings. Lie (iiavcs Is doing duty as utnpiie in tho stato league. 1. IIilc of Hastings was in town on b isiuess Weducsduy. Air. and Mrs. George VanCamp were in Hastings Tuesday. Oscar Hughes of Hastings wss on our streets Wednesday. L. C. Adams and R. O. Johiuou of Falls City were In town Sunday Joe Blair of Lincoln Is here visiting his parents and friends this week. The 15. of II., met Tuesday evening and held an enthusiastic meetlug. Don't forgot the Red Cloud Chautauqua July 20 to 29. Miss Lena Sutekl of Wuhoo is visit ing John Zajlo and family this week. Will llohrer and son Lew arc in Cowles this week doing craent work. Henry Richmond of Omaha was in town the first of the week vlsltlug friends. F. P. Frohuen of Btoomington spent Sunday with bis sister Mrs. U. A di-amord. Mrs. Dave Watson and daughters of Kas , arc visiting relatives in town this week. V?. D. Greenlee and family of Long Beach, Calif., arc guests of J. H. Bailey this week. Mr, and Mrs Chas. Crablll are home from Lincoln and Wahoo where they have been visiting. The, finest line and best assortment of Harness ever curried before. Call and look it over. Moiiiiaiit Bnos. Special attention given to diseases of eyo and car. Glasses accurately lilted. Dr. Stockman, Red Cloud, Nobr. Miss Birdie Barnes and Humphrey Etherton were mairlcd Monday by Judge Ranncy. lloth ate well known here. Jason Shuck, Will Coons and Chas. Amack were up from Guide Rock Mon day evening attending the I. O. o. F., lodge meeting. Chas. Liudlcr was arrested last' week by Sheriff Hedge for "boot-legging" and his preliminary heurlug will be held August 3d ' '" Darrel Burden 'aud wife left tlifs" morning for Plcasanton, Kas., and Cuilieothe, Mo., where they will visit relatives for three or four weoks. Mrs. Lauru Dnuker and Mrs. Earl Danker aud Miss f'lara Burgess are visiting aud spending their vacation at Denver aud other Colorado points. lu houor of the coming Cliautauiui' the Red Cloud Chief put on a pink dress this week, and looks mighty chipper and attractive. Friday's Su perior Express. Miss Georgia Hudson and Carl Dedrick of Superior came to Red Cloud Tuesday and wore married here. Mrs. Hudson the bride's mother being pres ent '1 he newly married couple left for Yuma, Colo., wher they will reside Mr. and ftlrs. Paul Pope left Tuesday for Chicago, New York and other east ern points for an extended vacation. They will also visit the Thousand Is lands. They expect to bo away sever al months. The Red Cloud BoosterscameThuis day afternoon in a body and entered into tho spirit of the day und assisted Guide Rock in her big colebration, at the same time doing some effective ad vertising for their July chautauqua Guide Rock Signal. The Red Cloud Chief and also the Argus issued creditable Chautauqua ei.i, ions this week, boosting their ohau tauqua. The moiuhauts carried large ads and in i L they were very attract ive and ronumeiatlve editions of two vry crodituble publications. Friday's Supeiiot Journal. While out driving south of town Monday Miss Vera Grecnholt and an elderly lady the team was frightened by the tongue coming lose and theeld erly lady was thrown out striking on her head and shoulders c.uislnir her several severe bruises. Miss Green holt was not Injured. Mrs. Edith Smith Davis, A. M., Litr. D , Is editor-in chief of the Temper ance Educational Quartcriy,a magazine highly commended by noted educators "She has personally investigated the schools and temperance conditions iu nearly every couatry of Europe, and has upon her board of counsolors'some of the most noted scientists of the world " You cannot afford to miss hearing her, t the Red Cloud Cltautnu qua, Tuesday afternoon, July S.'nl. Dr. T, A. Jones and nephew, John Matheny of Hastings, met with an ac cident last Friday which might have cost thum their lives but by good for tune they escaped without a scratch, They were driving ovor from Camp bell ia the Doctor' auto and while Buy Your Suits During Our - - - . J" - --' Jl ' l II l J. I 11 . .H I. I '! IWW aBlaMMMW'aMM"MIIIPnHn"aM"NMMaMaaMHMMNMUWMMNMMMHHnMnaNaMi ww wbwhih tum . .m . . JJJJ -p nun ! n n .i..uj j p July Special Sale fS -" ,i -'te- - :"' MOT JleAwmmiCiSamlatMJLma''fL XaaaWaaaaaaaaaaaaWKf w 4m Ml-ii !.?? warn I XW MMw fflmaaa i m ThefwiTl vw m vu w ucii-ivaic y Clothing Company First Door North of Postoff ice coming down a steep incline tho driver lost control of the mtcuiu) which struck a deep .rut. and iu uu instant turned turtle with the occupants be neath the car. The wind shield pre vented the machine from piuuiiig thum down aud gave them just time to ex tricate themselves before the weight of tho machine settled down. They were very thankful to got out of the deal with their lives even tho the ma chine was badly wrecked. Rladen En terprise. The Republicans of Webster Colin tv are called to meet In mass eonven tiou at the Court Houseju Red Cloud, Nebraska on Saturdav, July 20th at 2 p. in., for the purpose of .electing nine (!) delegates to the state convention to beheld lu Lincoln, July liOth., nccoid lug to the call oLthc Slate Chairman, and for the purpose, of transacting any other business that, may be properly brought before the meeting. Every precinct should be. represented. Daniel Gaiiiikii, CIiui. W. G. Hamilton, Seo'y What Kiverten and Guide Rock Xas to Savofthc Ral Cloud Boosters The Red Cloud Roosters added to the spirit of the moruing'n entertain ment by their presence, aud were a valuable feature to the program, Rlv crtou Review. All three of Red Cloud's newspaper iiiou were iu Rlvertoii with the Roost eis. Bio. Hosmer remaiked ou the great improvement Rlvcrton had made since he lust visited hero. Rio. Edsou remaiked (pardon the reference) on the ueutness of makeup of Ulverton's only newspaper, and Ilio. Hale marvel ed where all the people came from that made up the crowd. Rlvertoii Review. , One feature of the day wus the play ing by the Red Cloud band who ac companied the R, C. Boosters, who were advertising their Red Cloud furnished somewhere be tween 500 and lOuu people for our cele bration, und our people will certainly reciprocate during their chautauqu, Guide Rock Signal. Farm Loans At Lowest interest, best option, least expense. Call for me nt Btato Bank, Red Cloud. C. V. Catiier. U Will C Creldtr The Tailor and French Dry Cleaner, up stairs over Burden's grocery. Moon block. Best Laundry service in the city. Roth phones. Our June Sale will con tinue during July as long as these suits last Men's & young men's odd suits at $10.50 Worth $15, $18 and $20 Men's & young men's odd suits at $15.00 Worth $22.50 and $25.00 A lot of young men's suits at . . $ 4.50 Worth up to $12.00 All attractive bargains for "bargain seek ers and big money savers. During your visit to the Chautauqua come in and see these bargains, you will buy, we are sure Red Cloud, Nebraska 4 New Suit That Prnlr.s InterutlRft Questions and SematltMl literest The brothers and sisters of Mrs. M. R. Huntley, have brought an action against I lie brothers and sisters of Mr. M. R. Ileutly, In the district court of this county claiming half of tho properly' belonging to the dead hus band and wife in this locality' A farm of three hundred Hiid twenty acres gIc-0 to GuIiIh Rock, aud the brick block, lu which the State bank is lo cated, are involved, The li I e k block is now iu the name of John Hentley and a man named Fm lies, the brother and brother-in-law of the dead husband. The Cooks claim this propel ty really belongs to the es tate and seek a half interst therein. The Cooks claim that Mr. Bontley was entitled to one half interest lu all this propei ty, either n part owner, or us tiie heir of M. R. Uentlcy. Roth the Rentiers died on the same day accord ing to the petition of the plaintiffs, but it is not alleged which died llrst. Whether the muuuer of their death will be made u (iieUlon lu the case or not, we aro not hn-'yer enough to d- termiue. inn tint coultovcrsy will tlrilllll 1.11.W fll,ri4-,..l t ....!,. ,'IIHII IlllllllflLl. ' ing phases. Business Locals All kinds of Electrical woik done by Mnrhart Rros Dr. Cross the dentist is located over the State Rank. , Go to I'. L. Hansen for your Harness aud Machine Gils, Ice Cream and Fountain drinks at Warren's restaurant. Chicken dinner every Sunday at Warren's restaurant, '15 cents. Ge to the Bon Ton Cafe for the best Ice Cream and Soda Water iu town. Hot Hamburger and Short Ordeis at all hours at Warren's restaurant. The best aud purest Ice Cream and Summer drinks In the city at the Ron Ton Cafe. Have you seen the Chautauqua soliciting committee? They are look ing for you. The Diamond Electric Vacum clean er demonstrated in your home free. Call Phono Red 07. Wants and for Sale A good sewing machine for sale In- quire at this otllce. Foil Sau: A fine up right folding bed. Inquire of S, B. Lost -Fountain pen. Finder please return to C. F. Wallin. Reward. Call rural pkone 200 if you have cream or poultry to sell. J. O. CALmvKLi.. .l vvr II f Go to Henderson's for caue seed. We just got in uu extra choice lot t go at 81.10 per bushel. Ifjff F. K 1Ikni)KRso. A Babciain: My residence property on Webster St , near Ith avenue. First good offer takes it. Don't, be back-, ward make me an offer. Address Gen, P. New house, The Dalles, Oregon. J.i A N n We have for sale farms ott easy payments and special terms, worth the money. Several mighty good deals. The laigcsl list of local farms from which to select. Dan (iaiiiikk .t Comimny. Cnmr Oillce. Really Lucky Candidate. It is a lucky candidate who Is mort talked about than talklmr. -L Dressed Lumber Is Like a Dead Dof- The Bark Ii All Off! You'll Find No Bark On Our Lumber, Although We Do A Good Deal of Barking About it. We Have The Stock And Feel Justified In The Barking. When You Want The Best Lumber Bark Up This Tree And You'll Find It! Saunders Bros "' ' ' ' -. - --- i ' ' ' H H 1 ; 1 ti m m I 3 2 I ' IV P tf I 1 4 M s it m "VI 03 ffl V"?! fill ... . &rk .iMal