The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 18, 1912, Image 4

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jW HAVK JUST PURCHASED the W. A. Smith stock of Groceries and
S. $ have already added a great many new goods to same, making it one nf t-lie h
- . and most complete stocks of desirable groceries in Red Cloud. In addition to
above we have just finished opening up our new stock of Dry Goods and Ladies'
Ready-to-Wear Goods. Every dollar's worth of our goods are new and are right both
in style and price. We have a beautiful line of Ladies' Dress Skirts, also ready made
dresses in serges and other wool goods. A little later we will add a full line of Suits
and Coats for fall. While in the market buying our opening stock we picked up about
ten dozen Ladies' Shirt Waists which the manufacturer was anxious to clean up. We
bought them at one-half price and will give our customers the advantage of it. Chau
tauqua will soon be here and you may need an extra waist or two. Come in and see
them. We also carry the McCall Patterns, R. & G. Corsets. Corticelli Sill r;mc
and Spool Silks. Splendid new stock of .the very latest novelties in Ladies' Fancy
Neckwear, Hair Goods, Combs, Belts, Irish Croquet Hand Bags, etc.
We solicit a share of your patronage and we hope to merit a continuance of same
by the following system:
1st. A Square Deal with Everybody.
2nd. One Price to One and All.
3rd. Satisfaction or Your Money Back. '
Make this store your headquarters during chautauqua. We have plenty of room
and easy chairs, and any little favors we can do for your pleasure we will be glad to do.
, Yours truly,
' yjSrTnSSHnlNlNN
We Pay the Highest Market
Price for Your Produce. . . .
ftarilMtoRers Prtcecilifts.
Board of County Commissioners met
pursuaut to adjournment. Members
present, Paul Storey, T. J. Chaplin, G.
W. Hummel, L. F. Schmidt and O.
Ohuistede, chairman of said board.
The commissioners appointed to sur
vey the road north of the D. .v M.
right of way across section 30-2-13 re
ported that they had been over ttie Bald
proposed road and that they had had
road surveyed and grade set by the
county surveyor.and that they recoui
wended said road shall be changed to
said north side of the B. & M. tracks.
It is understood that It. C. Burch is to
build the said road from the crossing
at the Narrows west to the crossing
west of sectlou 30-312 free of any and
all coat to the county except such
bridges as shall be needed. Said Burch
la to buy from Wm. Irons right of way
paying him for same.
It is agreed that the county board
will, when said road is made and placed
in satisfactory condition, advertise the
vacation of the -road ou the south of
the B. & M. right of way.
G. Ohuistede
G. W. Hummel
Paul Storey
Report accepted,
Moved and seconded that the county
clerk be and is herebv authorized tn
issues warrent on the general fund
for $03 to C. R. Besse as agent for Cora I
Klddin payment for land takeu for
public highway containing 2.150 acres
across lot one, section 14-111, as survey
platted and recordod in road record no.
I, at page 388. Motion carried.
Moved aud seconded that the follow
ing claims be and are hereby allowed,
and the oounty clerk authorised and
instructed to draw warrants ou their
respective funds In payment of same
Gknkrat, Fund
D E Cloud 4 oo
Robt Newton 4 00
A R Larrlclc 4 00
WR Brooks 409
GWHlte 400
CWFulton 400
rurope 4 0
A J Spires 400
BGCaldwell 400
WGWarren.... 400
I B Colviu 4 00
JFWatt 400
Lee DeTour 7 ao
FA Vance 490
FHCaldwell 400
J W Hamilton 720
CAGuthrie 400
CEAlbin 4
Louis Baugert . 4
PC Laird 4
TheoSchutte 4
BVSheppard 4
Grant Shldier 4
J Mudd 4
Frank R Amack 0 00
H A Johnson u 10
CRSwartz 4 00
WCCox .' 4 00
Fred Hurd 4 00
EH Coon 7 00
Jaa McBride 4 00
CE Putnam 4 00
O R Abbey 4 00
Fred Huppert 4 00
H Schmidt 4 00
Philip Fassler 4 00
AKopisch 4 00
IT Amack 0 40
L P Johnson 4 00
Len Wllmot 4 00
E'BGoble 4 00
UG Martin 4 00
WH Thomas 4 00
Frank Bean 4 00
Chris N9lson 4 00
A Kudrua 0 80
J R Horn 8 20
RE Denton 4 00
JPEgllngton 4 00
R L Stratton 4 00
H Farnham 4 00
HEHersh 400
CAWaldo ;.. 070
WHClond 4 00
Unas Kenkel 4 00
L G Genereaux ,- 8 00
u uringelBon. . . . : 4 00
J Steen 4 00
a G Wheat 4 00
w a i'atterson 4 00
Fred Glebe 8 50
E Pulsipher 10
GW Hummel 04 00
T J Chaplin 180 00
Leroy Marsh 4 00
CL Boise 400
HCScott 10 06
WCWillahan, 4 00
HB Miner.... 4 00
CD Fishel 8 20
Geo Meeuts 4 OO
Clans Rose 4 00
Levi Wright 8 20
Omer Crowell 4 06
W H Fisher 4 00
FSFrlsble , 4 00
SamGlger 400
CO Bennett 4 oo
M H Davis 400
0 A Arnold 4 00
J B France 7 20
E H Funk 8 20
Wm Green 4 00
Chas Aubushon 4 00
Alex Bentley 4 00
GO Mann 400
J M Weesner 20
1 II Thomas 4 00
Joe Hubatka ' 4 of
OLLlngren , 4 00
TIioh Duffy , 4
Alf Coulsou II
Frank Blankenbaker 4
O RBovce 4
Oliver Wright 4
Chas Reigle 4
Jno Griffith 0
ChasMcGuire 4
OCTeel 0
E J Overing 0 00
A D Ranney 43 55
GH Overini? 204 20
R BLeinret 12 00
Arthur Gilbert 0 00
Wm Bohrer 2 00
CE Vaughn 5 00
J R Horn 5 50
R B Fulton 5 00
E McBride 3 00
Belle Spanogle 22 00
Mabel Day Albright 64 58
RD Post 0 00
Turnnre Bros 44 00
Henlgan Bros 10 11
CBHale 120 00
AE Atkins 5100
H JMaurer 150 00
GOhtnstede :15 00
HCScott 163 00
G Ohuistede 83 45
SPFox 0 25
ComAd .' 28 00
WR Carpenter 3 25
Argus 150 00
Com Ad 135 00
W C Gilliam 20 00
J E Yost 5 00
P.uil Storey 204 80
LF Schmidt 197 05
H Ludlow 3 25
R D Carpenter 2 50
RB Fulton 10 00
J N Hutchins 2 00
Otis Leggett 0 00
Wm Rundberg & Co 4 70
G Ohmstede 130 30
Biudoe Fund
Chicago Lumber Co 515 &V
Chicago Lumber Co 402 15
Malone Avery Co 130 00
Araboy Milling Co 7 08
wm irons 35044
VSHall 403 75
JB Simpson 723 00
Jake Frey 20 50
G A Crow 18 05
RDPost 2 00
SG Stanser 3 00
J V Smith 0 00
JFSchultz 11 00
County Faiim Fund
Elmer Wilson 150 00
Wolfe and Whltaker 0 25
Pope Bros. 103 30
Joe Fogel 30 80
Ed Amack 0 25
Elmer Wilson 12 00
Morhart Bros 20 83
Wells & MoTaggart 140 00
Oscar Vennatta 25 00
Jas Beauchamp 2 25
JnoWittwer 2 75
On motiou Board adjourned to check
up'the several county officers.
WMw's PcmKi.
The recent not of April 10th, 1008
gives to all soldiers' widows a pension
812 per month. Fred Manrer, the at
torney, has all necessary blanks.
Dealers in
All Kinds of .
Builders9 Hardware, Plumbing Goods,
Furnaces, Windmills, Buggies,
Agricultural Implements, Wagons,
Paints, Oils, &c, &c.
Let us figure on your Hard
ware and Plumbing Jobs. We
believe it will be profitable for
both of us
Red Cloud
: Neb. t
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