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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1912)
ra' Getting Matters Adjusted Mid-Summer Goods Fresh Air I i 145 Yis If ( ! Young Cnttorburt groaned. Then ho shuddered ns ho regarded tho frost ,on tho wlndowB. Tor he wns tibout tq phiiigu out Into tho biting cold. It is usually a girl who rousea n joung limn to dccdH heroic or foolish nml It wns n i-artlciilnrly pretty, Huffy girl named llthel who wns losponr. lblo for young C'nttorl)iirt'8 risking hla ponce of mind, to say nothing of his life, out ninong tho pneumonia germs In tho freezing nlr. If Ethel hnd been tho sort of girl who Is content to mnlo magazine cov er pictures or herself before u blazing log flro, or If sho hnd loved to preside over steamy chafing dishes young Cat terburt would have been extremely .happy In her compnny. Hut Kthcl had a mania for outdoor exercise. Appar ently sho never remnlned In tho house If she could crcato an excuse to get out, and young Cnttorburt, being her constant shadow, hnd to go along. Ho didn't daro not to go, for fear some fof his rivals would spring In and usurp 'his place. This winter Kthel had led him n merry pneo. lie hnd not dreamed when he beenmo acquainted with hei ,ln tho summer than sho was going to turn out to bo that kind, for she hnd 'seemed particularly fragile and cling ilnjr". Tho thmgs sho could not Invent tnow' to do out of IoorB could have bceri recited In hnlf a minute. Sunday afternoons when young Catterburt 'would drop lit for -a comfortable, cnll 'Kthel would greet him with energy "I'm so' glad you'vo como,'' Hhe would ,Brty 'Isn't It tho most perfect day for a'Valk! I'm" .simply dy-y-lflg to. get Jout. .'Don't take off your coat, for I'll Jhavd my things on 'In a Jiffy!'.' ' Then Bhe would make young-Cotter Jbtirt tramp nine or 'eleven miles with 'a'1 thousand stinging' needles of cold Jabbing Into his' agonized countenanrr and his feet growing bo numb that hf knew ho would have to excuse hlmsell 'the Instant he got back to her door ahd say. "Beg pardon I'll be bark Just as soon as I get my toes ampu Itated." She would lead htm to the 'arctic shores of the lake and ask him If it dldnt' look lovely, while gallone pt Icy breeze sneaked down his collar. If he asked her to go to the theater She would beg him to take her skat ing Instead. Skating as an amuse ment appealed to young Catterburt nr ,a very special kind of progressive in sanity. i, , ,t , , -This particular evening another skat jlng expedition was on the carpet Young Cattorburt's face wbb so cold when he reached, Ethel's that Jit .couldn't talk. He didn't want to talk, anyhow, for he was feeling consider- lably abused and harried by fate. .Ethel, bo bundled In furs that Bhe (looked like an Eskimo, was full of gay tchnttcr. It added to his resentment. i Finally even she bent her head tc the bitter night wind and plodded on .in silence, which was broken only by the clang of their swinging skates. ' Suddenly Ethel halted. She got around back of young Catterburt, .much as though he were an Inanimate windbreak, and made queer little noises. They sounded like froxen isobs. Wfaaa ahn mitUrf" rhaHaftinpt B-rW lout He couldn't force -hit numb lips (open far enough really to talk, MOHHhr Kthel wept. "It's ihorrld of you! It's all your fault! If a 10 way to treat a girl! H'a brutal 'making me go outdoors la w-w-weather (like th-ththls!" "I make you!" Catterburt stattered, agaast. "You were d-d-dylng to go!" t "HI prob-prob'ly die, all right," Ethel told him Indlanantlv. "hut It's fyour fault! You said once you 1-1-ltked athletic, outdoor girls and I've been jeae aH winter, and I hate it, and I .simply won't any more, and I don't roare If I nerer s-s-see you again! io-o-oh! My eye-lashes are all fr-fr frozen togethgether!" "Ethel," young Catterburt chattered 'avllrtlv "f r.f.fanl nnw Minf T mi, lnu lyou madly. After we get somewhere id drink about two quarts of hot coffee apiece I'm g-g-golng to t-t-tell .you ab-b-bout it!" Chicago Daily (you .laad (News. r One on the Tenor. ; John McCormack, the Irish tenor, told the following story on himself at ,a dinner of the Irish society In New jYork recently: ' "My wife and I had been entertained at dinner by Archbishop Ireland of St. fPaul," said Mr. McCormack. "After "the dinner my wife end I both sang for the prelate, and when Mrs. Mc Cormack had finished the archbishop .turned to me and said: 'You should "be very proud of such a talented wife.' ' "'Indeed I am,' I replied with thuslasm. '"This is the first time be ever made such a confession said my wife, ,looklng at the archbishop with a twin fcle in nor eye. ! " Ho couldn't make a confession In a better place,' remnrked one of tho fcuebts, Indicating the archbishop. "'True,' smiled tho prelate, 'but I cannot forgive him, because he Isn't Wry for It.' " . en "Aren't you a trlllo late?'' asked tho girl when sho met tho young man; at tho door. "1 bollovo 1 nm n little," replied the young man. "A wagon load of coal wan wrockud on the track and that de layed my car lor n tow minutes. Hut I'll go homo n few minutes curlier to night to mnko up ror It. Is that n new gown and that ioso In your hair! You're ccttnliily n dream! I havo got to have another Itiss. Whom do 1 henr In tho parlor?" "That's Mr. and Mrs. Cawsworthy and a niece of theirs und old Mrs. Uwlne. I want you to meet them. Come In." "Hold on n minute!" "What's the matter?" x "It was a week ago tonight that 1 proposed to you and was nccoptcd, wasn't It?" "Yes, silly. Why?" "And the next evening you hnd a family reunion when I called." "Yes. Of course, I wanted you to meet all my relatives." "Of course. And the next night when I called I round n bunch of your old school friends holding down tho furniture. And I had to go homo with a girl who lived out, as it seemed, a little way beyond tho place whore tho sun sets." "Well, I wnntcd you to meet my old friends. I don't Bee" "And the next night the minister of your church was hero with his fam ily. I explained to him in the course of tho evening that I do not drink und do not gamble und that smoking Is not really u habit with me, because 1 can quit any time I feel inclined." "Well, of course, you understand, he, being a minister" "The following night I found some old friends your mother's in the parlor and - ' "I don't see why you take tbat-tono. I guess" "Walt. The next night it was the members or a club you used to belong to when " "Well, they were all nice young peo ple." "And last night It was Mr. and Mrs. Caraway and their son, who thinks he is a natural born comedian. And to night it is Mr. and Mrs. CawBWorthy and a niece and old Mrs. Dwlne." "I think you' are perfectly horrid tonight! What do" "I Just wanted to ask you If I might bring' father over to see you tomor row night1?" "Of course you may! I JuBt know I shall love 'him." "And may I bring mother: over the next night?"" "Why, certainly you mayThe Idea! I hope" - "And my little brother the next night?" "Or cour8e, but" "And the members of our glee club the next night?" "Ye-es, I Buppoae so. But what they've got to do with " "And a few old friends of our fam ily the next night?" "Certainly." "And the nurse, who used to take car of me when I was a baby, the nett night?" "I shall not be at home that night, Mr. Tsiplsssaa." "Hew about the aext night?" "Nor that s4fkt, -Msr.M "Then suppose we give a grand ball soatswhere and Invite all your ac quaintances to look at me and all my acquaintances to lsok at you" "I shall do nothing of the kind. If you feel like that about meeting my friends I perhaps we you have made a mistake. I you are you coming into the parlor or not?" "No." "Very well. I" "I don't think I have time. I have got tickets to the theater. And I have got to coax a girl to go with me, and I am afraid I shall be late if 1 don't hurry." "You should have telephoned to your friend this afternoon." "I tried to, but the telephone was busy." "Well, I will excuse you. I hope you will have a pleasant time." "She Is a little girl about your height and she has on a stunning gown and there Is a rose in her hair. Ob, go In and make our excuses and come on. Be a good fellow! 1 haven't had an evening with you since we were engaged, you know I haven't." "You silly! Of course I'll go. But you've got to go in and entertain them while I get ready." "How'll I entertain them?" "Just put a rug over you and growl like a bear; that's the way you've been entertaining' se." "No, but honest" "nMy, It any eallors ever happen to drop in hero on your nights after this I shall give them slices or bread and butter and tell them to run home to their mothers. Stop! They'll hear you and you're spelling my rose!" COOL DRESSES A new line of emb. flouncings 45 ins. wide from . 90c to $2 yd The new advanced styles in heavy work from . . . $1.50 to $2 yd Galoon bandings to match flouncings from 60c. to $1 yd ( Moslem Faith Growing. The proportion of Mohammedans to the aggregate papulation of India has jsteadlly risen since 1881. It is esti mated that the number of Moslems under British authority In the Indian Smplre is now 68,000,000 as compared rltk 50.OO0J000 30 years ago. 2tZ.Ul.ZZ- jriti 4Z&. 4&S-J'i i J:xrirxrxm Ttw Qumfy Way .- - w The Cool Underwear Gauze vests from 10c to 65c Union Suits from .... 30c to $1.25 Just a few silk Messeline silk skirts left, will close them out while they last only one to each customer .(. u t. Agents for Hole Proof Hose for Men Women and Children, rr-. F. NEWHOUSE Agents for Butterick Patterns Barbara Phares, Prop. H SPECIAL ;A SMI Commencing To Find Source of "liver. Ono of the world's unsolved geo graphical problems concerns rho sources of the Brahmaputra river, hi Tibet. In a reeent attempt to explore this region two European travelers were klHed by the natives. A punitive expedition has been organised by the British government, and It Is expected tfcat foe scientists who ere to accom- It will at last solve Uae pusste. 1 m m m m m m m m m m m m m i m m m m m m m m s m m m m m m m m m Monday July 22 And Ending Saturday, July 27 On Two Inch Continuous Posts .alBflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBtaSSBSSLa atfwaWaIaBBataJ M I f"JBBBBBBBBBaaaaSatWW aWllHBmSSlnf" CT SSF ll T SSSV ME ."bEIbHswT' BBs(4BBBBw1kBisSSmVSBKK4BBBBBBM4 BSaSBBV'IS WEBr''' "IsbbbbbIbbbbbbbbbbVP Vernis i Martin Beds See display in our Windows Special Price on during this sale at only "ffi65 Absolutely the lowest price ever made on this bed A. E. ATKINS The Furniture Nan and Undertaker Both Phones : Red Cloud, Nebraska I alBBaSSBBBBBSBaBSsi Bcnchnaster J. C. BCTZ F'lof. Hct, of lio.l Cloud, with nls f.cillont litmtl mill OjuIiosIm will Hll'onf Cliaittiiiiqu xisltois u rule musical tiout throughout tin- ses sion. Lovuih of gooil tiuisiu should not niKs this mre treat. If A Watch Of Ours Goes Wrong We make it right for you or we make it right with you. Which means that you can not be a loser. No we don't take any great chances by offering to do that. Because our watches" are wateh certainties. They have Reputation'' be hind them and t;h,ey aren't likely to start now to disap- P9nt. ...-.. . i : 1 But if one should', we agree to be the loser. What better watch assur ance could you have than this? Newhouse Bros., K. H. Newhouse, Prop. C. B. & (J. Watch Inspectors isV it m Or I m m m $ m m m m m m a. 'ft Ui i Of ib ft ft ft ft 0 Oil Ui DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIBT tVEK STATU BANK Red Cfoud" Nebraska Vl . llVtf1 a4 a-CU. CHICHESTER SPILL -.- rtk" "DIAMOND :iJmA 00 IS m ItftAW Tm 6W!e LADIES "" V mP ' Aik y. BnU for CHt-CHRS-TKR'S A Gold metallic boxes, sealed with Blue(0 Kibboa Tak mo otbb. iitrnrW Braottot mm ak f.p CBI4)SUtS.TfBS V BIAMONB BBJkND P1J.I.S, for twentT. year regarded as Beat, SaRst, Always Reliable, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS && EVERYWHERE jgjggl J. C SLOSS Wall Paper. Paint and Varnishet. Room Mouldinf s. Pict ure Framing. Pictures and artist Material. The Only Exdwiv Stora. AMONG YOUR fA there's none that may suddenly be come more Important than your lire insurance policy. Fire is so respecter of either time or persons and it may be your turn next to suffer from it. ir YOU'HK not iN9ummo better have as attend to the matter at once. The fact that you have escaped tire so far doesu't for an instant mean you will always be so fortunate. O. C. TEEL, Rtllmbf insurance The finest line and best assortment of Harness ever carried before. Call and look it over. Moriiaht Bros; U iftf. wEslLii!S' . . , v xrgriwunjanmjWBMMH aM MMMlMMHWWIM il f j r r1 i 1 1 - i i i i ii i in i . 7 .iimi -'"ff . 'n i ii , ' ri,i STBHwTarfcSWi nwiiiiiMMiiiwr:.?:i U'ftWKihWwt S