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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1912)
WHY NOT TRY THE NEW STORE? W t pi if n I. R i -' " E HAVE JUST PURCHASED the W. A. Smith stock of Groceries and 'I )) have, already added a great many new goods to same, making it one of the best iT an( most coniplete stocks of desirable groceries in Red Cloud. In addition to above we have just finished opening up our new stock of Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Goods. Every dollar's worth of our goods arc new and are right both , in style and price. We have a beautiful line of Ladies' Dress Skirts, also ready made dresses in serges and other wool goods. A little later we will add a full line of Suits and Coats for fall. While in the market buying our opening stock we picked up about ten dozen Ladies' Shirt Waists which the manufacturer was anxious to clean up. We bought them at one-half price and will give our customers the advantage of it. Chau tauqua will soon be here and you may need an extra waist or two. Come in and see MBWBnBBtKllWNBnTCWW?yTiaBEjK!i. '..y.saw WEESNER, PERRY & s BB Ba. B B B Ba. Bk Ba BV aBBt B Bk Bk aSB. B Ba. Bk Bk Ba Bk Ba. Ba. Bk Bk Bk y& Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk sa. Bk .Bv Bk Bk Bk .Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bt sk sk av a av av asr bj aw rBj' bf B' W" sav bf bf bT av b bf bt bT Bf B'B'B'B'B'FB'B' 'FBP'B' D - bv - ''ByBTeFw'BrBr'p'BBB bbY bV a a VWtrWUWWUWUWWWUWU) Correspondents GUIDE ROCK. Mrtt. E E. Burr has returned home after bur several weeks visit in Ohio. Wm Greenlee and family came in Saturday evening from California where they now reside. They were former residents of this vicinity. Miss Martha Pettit Is home after a year's stay In Oregon. Mr. Nelson, brother of Mrs. M. Lovitt, and wife are visiting at the Lovltt home. Clarence Taylor of Hardy spent a part of last week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Panders of Dlller spent Sunday with Mrs. Panders1 parents W. 8. Lambert and family. Mrs. P. W. Roland aud children re turned to Hastings Prlday after a month's visit with relative. Mr; and Mrs. Kay Glenn of Seward are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs, G. M. Albin. Chancellor Oescbger of Cotner uni versity is holding revival meetings at the Christian church this week. J. J. Cassell and family of Oregon arrived Friday to visit their rclntlves the Hunt and Lambert families. COWLES The threshing machines have all started around here and the wheat is turning out. well. Win. lleltler had one field which yielded thirty bushels per acre. E. II. Poe is building an addition to his residence which will make quite uti improvement. Curtis Beal sold his village property to N. V. Auderson, We are not going to get rid of Curtis as h purchased thc Fuller A Dennett property in the -east part of town the same day. P. A. Good his his cement we o working on u bridge north of town. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mutter u eight and a half pound boy. Our implement dealers aro getting short on binding twiuo and they claim it is very hard to get, Will Dealcin and family of Omaha is hero visiting his parouts for a fow weeks. Mrs. Noley Herrlck'of Red Cloud Is liero visiting her parents for a short time. Ileal Estate transfers. Heal Estate Transfers for week end lug Tuesday, July llth, 1013. .Compiled by M. W. Carter, Bond ed Abstractors. Owen Lalley and wifo to John Strltt, wd, K seK 4-3-9 1 4000 John Strltt and wife to Barbara Lalley, wd, n se 1-3-9 Edwin T. Foe to Anna Clatte, wd, Blk. 3, Foe & McBride Add to Cowles 4000 500 Mary S. Crelghtou and husband to Piatt A Frees, wd, lots 4 to 10, Blk. 30, Red Cloud 1500 Wllolla Payne to Francis E. Payne, qod, ne 22-3-12 loOo Remington J. Tenant and wife to Red Cloud Hardware Co., wd, s) Blk. 33, Red Cloud 3200 Amy Davis mid husband to Fred Maurer. wd, lots 10 to 12, Blk. 10, LeDucs Addition to Red Cloud 2500 John E. Jarboe and wife to Will iam Rosenorans, wd, lots 31 to 24, Blk. 14, Smith &. Moore's Addition to Red Cloud Ellas Uptograffe and wife to Lvlia P. Bohrer, wd, lots 20, .10, :1, :, Blk. 3, Garber's 2nd Add to Rod Cloud Mortgages tiled, $37,300.00. Mortgages released, 88,210.00. 5.15 00 WldiN's PessUs, '1 he recent act of April 10th, 1008 gives to all soldiers' widows a pension 812 per month. Fred Maui or, the at torney, has all necessary blanks. trier Tt Sliiw Cause. Stnto ot Nebraska, I r, ,.,,,. ,. ., Webster County, f "T'e(-"untl ' -ourt Ara County Court held at the County Court room In niut tor said county Jtuiu'JSitlt I0U In tho matter ot the estate of Amelia Kleharclx, Deceased. On rending and HIIiik tho petition ot Annie h. HlehnrdK, tiled on tho arth day ot June, A. t Wl'.', prnyliiK tor the examination and allowance ot lit r llual account ot the name date, a decree of nxHlunmcnl of tho lands be IohkIui; to kald estate to tho persons entitled to the same, an order distributing the nsl dueot personal estate and there upon nu order dlseharulUKlur from further burden and service In her said olllco as administra trix. OiuiKiiKti, That Saturday, tho lilthday of July, A. I)., liili, at ten o'clock a in., U assigned for hearing said pMltlon, ulun nil persons Interested In said matter mnv imnwtr 1 at a County Court to beheld In ami for said , county and hhowcaute why prayer of peti tioner should not bo granted; nud that notice of the pendency of said petition and tho hear ' lug thereof Ih given to all persons Interested In said matter, by publishing a copy of this order In tho Ited Cloud Chief, a weekly news paper printed In said county, for three con sccutlvu weeks prior to said day of hearing. JKALl A. I). ltANNKV, County Judge. them. We also carry the McCall Patterns, R. & G. Corsets, Corticelli Silks, Ribbons, and Spool Silks. Splendid new stock of the very latest novelties in Ladies' Fancy Neckwear, Hair Goods, Combs, Belts, Irish Croquet Hand Bags, etc.. We solicit a share of your patronage and we hope to merit a continuance of same by the following system; " 1st. A Square Deal with Everybody. 2nd. One Price to One and All. , 3rd. Satisfaction or Your Money Back. .. . , Make this store your headquarters during chautauqua. We have plenty of room and easy chairs and any little favors we can do for your pleasure we will be glad to do. Yours truly, Ail Opportunity for flic B M and Larg est Band Ir. the State if F'tbtaska Tho His' week In Ooto'u'i' I want to place in the d:iu1 room licie, n young baud tif 45 ice -. All I usk is fori each linliviiliinl , i ftiniKli Mich mwt instrumenis 1 wll teuoli this baud iu connection with the old band, as I did last year. Instrumentation 0 cornets, 10 clari nets, 2 oboes, 2 bassoons, 3 flutes, 4 saxaphones, 0 nltoes, U trombones, 3 basses, 2 baritones, 3 drummers. This will give Red Cloud a concert band of GO pieces next year What speaks better for a town thuu uu or ganization of this kind. Theyouugest member to be not less than fourteen years of age. Now to get this organ ization ready by Oct lit., we must be gin in about 30 days. Think it over. Band Vastkr Bktz. Preparations for Shocks. For most of the wrenches and Jolts of life there ure, happily, conditions which allevlnto what would otherwise teem unbearable, conditions which often and break the most cruel hocks. Death, for instance, the great est shock of all, unlesB It Is very sud den, seldom cornea as an unbearable wrench, because weakness. or suffer ing has prepared us for It. mm COMPANY Letictlng the Chinese. Two man have just been convicted of BmugsIIiiR- Chinamen into tho coun try. Tho detectives adopted a plan marvelous in Its HlmpJIcity and effect iveness. They wanted to b rum whether the four Celestials In ques tion had ever been In the country be fore. They were dressed in Amerlcaq fashion and the detectives took tha coats off the men and required them to put them on again. They put them ov backward. Oilcloth Wrinkle. Very little water should be used In washing oilcloth, as some of it will soak through the cloth beneath and rot It. Use a flannel cloth well wrung out and wipe the floor until clean. Sal soda will aid greatly. Wipe the white spots caused by spilling any hot liquid on the oilcloth with a few drops of ammonia. Little Things of Life. "Life Is made up of little things. It Is but once In an age that occasion Is offered for doing a great deed. True greatness consists In being great In little things." George MacDonald. Sentimental Woman. Woman often dies for love, as spot less maidens havo died to live for-e-ver in the Panthron of sentiment. Junius Henri Browne. 'WJ m 111 11 m (toi "'. ? '. 1 II 'I WtWi - We Pay Price for nmw m . o iTviyvjr i ' rr i ii i LAND Farms listed and sold on straifht commission basis at owner's price. Cash buyers for improved farms and ranches secured through careful, lib eral and systematic advertising . Any desirable real estate listed up for cash sale or exchange. Improved Alfalfa Farm Lands "". In the Great Republican Valley Our Only BptclMlty Umt Your Farm With (. Cet And Us Some of the best'farms in Webster and Franklin counties listed. Excellent opportunities to get in right on a good farm. Several for sale on easy payments and special deals worth the money. The largest list of local farms to select from. Several desirable pieces of real estate now listed for trade or exchange. DAN GARBER& CO. REAL ESTATE LOANS AND COLLECTIONS Red Cloud, Nebraska. Headquarfrm In thm KD CLOUD CHIEF" Oltlcm. '' ese The following named business firms will olose at 7:30 p. m. Saturday, July 20th for the opeuing number ot the Bed Cloud Chautauqua. Ed Amnck Barbara 1'bare.s Pope Bros. Miner Bros. CottlngA Mitchell M.A.Albright JobM Vost B ifrMcFarlaud Morhart Bros A. B Atkins Bailey & Bailey Paul Storey. Henry Newhouso Henry Cook Bed Cloud Imp. Co. I'erry & Wecsner Frank Smith Qrice & Co. Will Koou Tiiriiure Bros. James Burden 1 A. Wullbrandt Cowden & Kaley x ? (II the Highest Market Your Produce mmm DIsstlutlM Nstlce. Notice is horuby given that the partnership subsisting between us, H. E. Ashcr aud D. B. I'ine, carrying on n veterinary business at Red Cloud, Nebraska, under tho Btyle or ilrm of Asher & Tine, was on the 2lst day of June, 1913, dissolved by mutual con sent, and that tho business in tho f u turo will bo carried on by tho said II. K Ashcr alone, and who will receive all moneys payable to said lato Hrm. H. R. Ahiier D. B. Pink. See Dr. Cross over State Bank. a V '. A ttmmmMumm'iintij'y-gpxz i, 1 1 1 y"'"" " '" "' '" ' ".' " . Mm iiaseoiiinifcflaaiiaHteasBsWssssiirsMM "wfMwiiwiifmyiffm'iig r--j.-j j- urn MA.iVA5"'ft:'"V'fr ' ' r?BBBBIlBBM