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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1912)
mkmtomkif'&Mw'''Mwmv'im9 ' m&Mwm&zmnsjm2,&& ( The GREAT MOVE ON SAL h ! 'Aii)Mib! 1 " 2aw.w-wWWttiiW L. I J.' i i I' J rt w. J w r j 'J tasBswscwzfvflsxrarairTcx:jsxr5TC3a i maawHgurjwB" .ttt" iracm v j,sesEHrwircrTO7v.u::i;?,zi7" tzrK.TCnsrcnsrcs)!: Sacrificing all Summer Lines in Every Department will Begin Friday, July 12 A Fifteen Days Clean-Up For Cash, with Unrivalled Bar gains, Will be Offered for Your Profitable Shopping. Nothing to Equal This Big Sale Ever Before Offered in Red Cloud Begins, Remember, Friday, the 12th This is Going to be a Genuine Clearing Sale of Summer Goods, and You will Find we have Lots of Bargains For You All Through the Store Closes Saturday Evening The 27th THE MINER BROTHERS CO. A Mighty Safe Place to Trade GENERAL MERCHANTS The Red Cloud Chief Red Cloud, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY '1HUHSDAY Kntt-reit Hi the I'lmlnlin-e nt KiM rlciml, Ncl., us Second Clans Matter. C B. HALE l'UIIMSIlKIl THK ONIiY DEMOC'ItATIU I'AVKK WEIISTKIt COUNTY IN The Fourth of July Boosters mot. with cordial receptions nt Mlverton and Guide Hock iiuil both of those cities wurmly welcomed our club The club took along our baud which was the delight of all. While our chautauqua advertised the real reason for the trip was to bhow our sisters that we weie with them lu t licit cele bration and if we eould add a little to their programs we were more than pleased to do so. The Superior Daily Express Is forg ing ahead these days. It has secured the associated press reports and lias the name use of the wires as the trig papers in the large cities Such enter prise an this is to be commended. We notice by the report of the secre tary of the board of education that there is now in the district funds 9330.10. This is 11 Rood showing and Indicates that tltere is no cause to worry about not having enough money to run our schools Our school district now has a prop erty valuation or fifty live thousand dollars uud there is an outstanding in debtedness of twenty eight thousand dollars and counting the money ou hand this district is worth net thirty thousand dollars. We notice by the exchanges that there will be a state tennis tournament held at Norfolk this mouth which leads us to suggest that a Republican valley tournament be held here. The new grounds will soon bo ready and this will give the playeit four good courts. Warl War! Investigative people have arrived at the conclusion that wheuever the birth of boys exceeded the birth of girls in u country It was a slgu that a war was on the calander as aoou us those, boys reached man hood. Now there were five boys born in this city Sunday night and Monday morning uud not a single girl and we may now look for trouble, What was Mr. Sherman said war has? We agree with the Commercial Ad vertiser as to the advislbllity of secur ing a lease, ou the base ball ground for a term of years for the benctlt of base ball clubs surrounding this city. Guide llock and Inavale and Rlverton would doubtless wish to use the grounds here several times during the season. We do uot need tq, have an expensive league team to have plenty of good ball games and it seems to the Chief that there ought to be two or three games of ball here every week. The liual arrangemetitsure now com pleted for our unusual Chautnuqiia and the management fully expects to be a record breaker so far as excellence of the program ia concerned All in dlcutioiis are that this will be the Invest, in point of attendance also Anyone that carefully looks over the program will be convinced that we have something, really worth while tills year. For those who like lectures there is enough to satisfy the most ex acting, those who enjoy music will ue given a rare treat since there are a number of famous musicians who will be with us, and those who desired to be entertained will ilnd that the very best will be given them. Altogether this Chautauqua is a well balanced affair and there will be something for all. The day used to bo that whe,n u young man hud a new top buggy he was 11 solid Muldoou with all the girls, but it takes an auto now to mow a wide swath. Any young man who lias an auto has mi trouble lu getting plenty of the fair ones to go riding with him. We are told that some machines can be driven with one hand with perfect safety. They are iinpinviug the ma chines every day. It used to he wlipn the machines llrsl came out the man that drove them thought that it was on here and there ought to be a factory installed that will tako care of the products that uie so easily raised. Strlckly speaking the culture of toma toes for instniica is not to be called truck gardening but it is considered a side issue and not a staple. Now wc all know that tomatoes do exceedingly well in this locality and it is our tirm conviction that, a canning factory would lip an immediate success if in stalled lieie. A factory of this kind could be VWWUWWWWVWUWWWUWWWVWWW absolutely necessary that lie hold onto operated with 11 limited amount of the steering wheel with the tenacity of grim death to a deceased African; he didn't even dare to take one hand from the wheel or to glance to either side but had to keep both eyes straight ahead glancing neither to the right hand nor to the left, lint it's differ ent now. With the improved steering mechanism the driver can glance around and even guide his car with one hand. This latter cuts consider able ice with the single fellows. The Winileld, (lowu) Beacon. The big ditching machine has held the center of attractinu this week. The crowds seemed to delight in watch iug the dirt fly and nt no time since! the iiiaohiuc t truck the city have the workers been lonesome. They have ' had company to their hearts content. This machine does the work of slxtv men and so far it has not uttered a cross word. The large alfalfa crop this year again emphasizes the necessity of in stalling an alfalfa mill in this city. It has beeu demonstrated that by grinding the alfalfa into meal every particle of nourishment of the food is readily accessible Mid that us a fat producer the ground product is far ahead of the hay in Its natural state. The alfalfa can he ground up, sacked and stored away so that there is no loss from severe rains or .storms. This industry lias passed the experimental stage and needs no argument to show thai it is a paying investment, There is capital enough lu thin city to equip a tlrst-chiss plant of tills character and tlio enterprise would meet with instants success. There is n growing demand for tills product and the sooner it is met the better. hi view of the fact that politics are of an unusual character this fall, we have concluded to offer two columns of the Chief to republicans who desire to advocato their views. Our plan is to permit the organizations of the two republican faction, supposing there will bf two, an equal opportunity iu these columns to gut their claims be fore the republican readeis of the Chief. Of course, the Chief will iut be responsible for anything that may appear in those. columns, and reserve sumer, the right to reply to the erroueiis con clusions which tho writers may draw and correct any mis-statements nf fact. Until the several factions per fect their organizations, so that we may deal with them otllclally we shall leave it to the writers themselves, re serving tho right to reject anv article which may seem to us unsuitable for our paper. In this s-ne, Mr. .las. (illham attempts to answer Senator Cumiuings latest utterance. It is needless to say that the Chief does uot take sides in tills republican family quarrel. Even without the domestic broil on tho part of our opponents, the democrats under Wilson are sure of victory. Wc have had our house clean ing, and Mr. Bryan has proved to bo a very cllleient practitioner of domestic science, The democratic party has no dirty linen to exponse to a curious public capital and by making arrangements with the farmers to plant an acre or more of the plants before the season started, the institution would be as sured of plenty to do. It seems para doxical that for the greater part of the year the people in an agricultural dis trict should depend upon cauned goods that are put up by other communities ami shipped in here. The amount of canned goods consumed in Webster county would total up to a very large sum and if the institution saved the freight in addition to the regular pro fit its position would be assured. Tomatoes are uot the only vegetables that would pay altho they might he the main product. Apples arc always in demand and of late years our apple crop has been quite large and usually the summer crop goes neggmg simply because it is peristiauie. isow witli a canning factory these apples could all be saved and they would represent a pro tit to the grower, the manufactory and a reduction iu price to the con- To a less extent tho peach. -plum uud cherry crop could also bo utilized If private capital can not be induced to take up this enterprise it would be an easy matter to organize a co oper ative compuny among the farmers and in this manner they would realize all the proilt themselves besides making a market for an important article of commerce. The advantage to the city and coun ty would be considerable because of the employment of labor and the sav ing of money. Agriculture is always benefited by having manufactories close at hand. The two go together ami are mutually dependent. It would give the Chief much pleasure to have such a factory In operation by the time tho next season rolls around. Buy Hot Weather Garments There Is one industry that would pay big if introduced lu this city. It has been clearly demonstrated that truck gardening can bo successfully carried At Cool Weather Prices i Every rorson who appreciates a good musical, lecture or entei laliuent uud wants to help make the Chautauqua a permanent institution in Red Cloud must render personal assistance. How? Buy a season ticket for yourself and family. Cannot tell you in this space what we are doing but would like to show you some bar- gains in every line in the stock. Our Special Sale will 1 continue through July. i5T5r L, . Mm mule fr !ZST Sf Z. ""Fry - ja. A 'WWAWUrWVWWtfWy,WWi it.kt, ih W-Au 'itr..