The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 04, 1912, Image 6

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    The Chief
C. B HAhK, 1'ubllaher
L4 ;
Tariff Board Out of Existence on Ac
count of Lack of Funds An
Attack Made on
Winnipeg. Following a day of thun
der storms and high winds a tornado
struck Itcglnu, Sask., at G o'clock Sun
day, leaving death and destruction In
its track.
It Is estimated that from fifty to
no hundred persons were killed and
late reports place tho property loss
at 110,000,000. Tho local telephono of-,
lire was wrecked and it In feared that
fifteen girls employed there were
killed. All telephono and telegraph
wires, with tho exception of ono tele
gruph wire, are down. A special train
left Winnipeg shortly after !) o'clock
with doctors, nurses and telegraph and
telephone repair men. '
Splcer Returns to Shelton.
Shelton, Neb. After a strenuous life
of eight days on iho road and with
only ono hour's sleep to his credit, E.
11. 8picer, the alleged forger and fugi
tive from Justice, returned to Shelton
at 3:30 Saturday, a physical and ner
voub wreck. Alighting from tho Union
Pacific west hound limited No. 13, ho
managed to keep out of tho sight of
anyone who might recognize him and
went directly to his home, where his
wife and a few Intimate friends
anxiously awaited his return.
No Money for Tariff Board.
I Washington. The tariff board went
out of exlstenco Saturday because con
gress has refused further money for
Its work. Tho five members, headed
by Chairman Henry C. Emery, assem
bled at the White Houso and Informed,
the president of the board's most re
cent work, consisting of a cursory ex
amination of tho leather industry, tho
cost of sugar growing In Louisiana and
the glossaries of the leather and silk1
schedules. This uncompleted data was"
turned over to tho president for the
use of tho committees of congress or
any other tariff revision agency.
Fred Mansfield Dead.
Lincoln. Fred Mansfield, for nearly
twenty years "Fritz" of tho Llndell
hotel, was found unconscious in his
bed at 8 o'clock Saturday morning and
at noon, after nil attempts to revive
him had failed, he died Just as ho was1
being removed from tho ambulanco
into tho offlce of St. Elizabeth's hos,
pltal. A half filled vial of powdered
morphine, uncorked, was on the tublo
of his bed-room and Ib believed to
itavc been the cause of his death.
To Prevent Disorder.
Chihuahua, M o x. Precautionary
measures have been taken hero to pre
vent disorder In case of defeat In tho
expected battlo between federal troops
and rebels. All Americans havo nr-'
ranged to gather in ono place in caso
disorders prevail. Tho Amorlcan flag
will be raised and tho American coun
aul will be in charge.
Found Old Letter.
McLennsboro, HI. While cutting
wheat on his farm two miles east of
here. George James found a letter that
bad been blown from Bush, 111., during
n cyclone, which almost destroyed that
town In April. The lettor Is post-'
marked Pittsburg. Pa., AuguBt 11, 1911,
and bears tho roturn card of a savings
Approve Income Tax Amendment.
Baton Rouge. Tho Btato of Loulsl
ana through action of the legislature,'
went on record as approving tho in-
t come tax nmendment to tho constltu
tlon of tho United States.
New York. A million dollar suit
against Charles W. Morse has been
started by the Now York Assets Re
alization company, which nlleges that
Morse Ib a debtor In that amount.
Attack Made on Diplomat.
Mexico City. An nttack on Mr.
Hourlgoutchl, tho Japanese charge
d'affalrs here, becamo known when n,
formal complaint was mado by him'
to the governor of tho federal district.
Mr. Hourlgoutchl was watching on ono
of the thoroughfares of tho city, ac
companled by his wife, when a crowd'
of hoodlums began to throw stones
into tho tonncau or bis automobile.
The chauffeur put on full speed and
tho diplomat was not injured.
Fatal Fire at Garnett, Kan.
Gnrnett. Three volunteer firemen
lire dead and llvo others Injured, ono
probably fatally, as the result of a fire
Friday that destroyed part of tho J. Q.
McAfee furniture factory and the Gar
nett lco and electric plants.
Denver Party Goes East.
Lincoln. Tho Denver chambor of
commerce nuto party making tho run
from Denver to Chlcngo, arrived In
Lincoln Friday shortly aftor 1 p. m.,
tho pilot car reaching tho Lincoln
tote) ut 1:15.
'.'.UJ i.'TjZ1L""' 7" . . ,
Sporting Editors Had to Swim to
Shore Aldrlch Wing to State
Normal Suffragettes
Hastings, Neb, Instead of squander
ing tho $36,000 or $40,000 for which
forgeries havo been discovered, it is
alleged Erwln Splcer, fugitive cashier
of tho Shelton bank, bought a controll
ing interest in the business, built one
of tho finest bank buildings in the
state, built and furnished an elegant
homo and mado other Investments, all
'of which total about $33,000. This is
a discovery mado by Dank Examiner
Ncchelson and President D. M. Ball of
Hastings, Tho actual Iocs to J. II.
Splcer, father of the young man, will
be less than $10,000, according to Dall.
Lost Clothing In the Lake.
Denver. "Sandy" Grlswold, a sport
ing editor of Omaha; Robert Edgrcen,
a sporting editor of New York, and F.
C. Hurley, on Omaha Bport enthusiast,
with Hurlcyis chauffeur, whllo en route
The aviator who recently succumbed
to pneumonia.
In an automobile to Las Vegas, to aee
the Johnson-Flynn fight, plunged into
Stanley lake, near Brighton, whan the
driver dozed and failed to take a turn
in the road. Tho car plunged into fif
teen feet of water and Is still at the
bottom of the lake. The men swam to
shore The four walked to Denver, a
dUtance of nineteen miles. They wore
nolther bats nor coats when they ar
rived at a local hotel, those garments
having gono to tho bottom of the lake
in the car.
To be Called Aldrlch Wing.
Kearney, Neb. Aldrlch Wing, the
new addition to tho Kearney state
normal main building, was dedicated
Friday with appropriate ceremonies,
tho evening being tnken up with a re
ception to tho public attended by over
3,000 people. In tho receiving lino wcro
Governor Aldrlch, tho members of tho
itate board of education, the presidents
of the Nebraska stato normal schools
and the faculty of the local school.
Will Smash Postoffice Windows.
London. A general campaign of
destruction of postofflces throughout
the country has been Inaugurated by
suffragettes. They smashed windows
in tho central postoffice and of the re
form club at Manchester. Some of the
London branch offices and those at
Sltchln and Lctchworth were raided.
Women arrested here announced that
their action wob the beginning of a
campaign to smash the windows of
every postoffice In England.
Trial of Darrow Delayed.
Los Angeles. Tho sudden illness of
Juror J. H. Lcavltt halted tho trial of
Clarence S. Darrow Friday. Leavltt
was stricken with an attack of what
appeared to bo appondlcltls, nnd was
placed In tho enro of a physician dur
ing tho night. The trial was adjourned
until 10:30 Monday afternoon.
Lincoln. Thieves who hauled away
their plunder In two wagons took fifty
two concroto blocks, 2x2 feet In sJse,
from the Bryan sidewalk Thursday
night. This leaves a gap of moro than
ono hundred feet In tho wnlk.
Parkersbury, W. Va. Drury B. Badg
'ey, a wealthy farmer residing nt Pleas
ant Hill near here was attacked by a
swarm of bees, which settled In his
hair and board and stung him to
Marshalltown, la. Ono of tho very
fow survivors of the Mexican war, In
tho lowa Sohllors' home, Is dead. Ho
was James M. Bybeo of Brighton, la.
He was 91 years old and served in tho
Twelfth infantry from May 1847, to
July, 1848.
Good Walking Record.
Omaha. From Kansas City to Om
aha, on foot, In forty-flvo hours, Is somo
hiking, so far as records aro concernod,
but Vnn A. Dyer nnd A. B. May, local
boys, covered tho 194 miles in this
tlmo. It was Just a vacation trip for
tho boys, and dosplto tho heat thoy
mado pretty good tlmo. Leaving the
Hotel Baltimore nt Kansas City nt
noon, Juno 21, they reached Lako Man
awa Tuesday night nt 8 o'clock. Tho
first day out they mado St. Joseph be
fore night, covering the sixty-five
' I1"11"!' ii nil Hn..Thi. WW !
ja 'BBaaaraBaHBBBB
General Estlnoz Reported Killed Shel
ton Bank Brings, Suit French
Seamen Lose Lives In
Washington. Tho senate Thursday
mado the first move to relievo tho gov
ernment from the embarrassing situa
tion arising from tho failure of con
gress to pass many of tho large supply
bills. Dosplto Its agreement to trans
act nouo but "morning business" dur
ing the democratic convention, it ap
pointed conferees to meet representa
tives of the house on the logislatlvo
appropriation bill. This carries the
salaries and mileage of the members
of congress, the president's salary and
many others, none of which can be
paid after July 1 unless the bill Is
passed and signed by the president. It
Is said he will veto it because of tho
provision which abolishes the com
merce court.
Rebel Leader Killed.
Havana. General Estenoz, the lead
er of the insurrection, was reported of
ficially Thursday night to have been
killed. President Gomez at 10 o'clock
received- a dispatch from General
Monteaguedo, the commander-in-chief
in Orlente, advising that Colonel Con
suegra has reported the rebel leader
dead and his body at Songa. Colonol
Consuegra asked In the dispatch for
a special train for the purpose of trans
porting the body to Santiago. There
are no particulars, of tho general en
gagement in which General Estenoz
was killed, but the fall of tho rebel
chief Is the occasion of great rejoicing
hero. Tho government is satisfied this
will end the Insurrection, tho capture
or surrender of minor leaders now be
ing only a matter of a fow days.
Attaches Splcer's Property.
Kearney, Neb. To protect their in
terests, the Shelton National bank, by
President Ball, instituted suit in at
tachment in the district court Wednes
day morning against Erwln H. Splcer,
the absconding cashier of the bank,
In the sum of $25,000, attaching 136
shares of bank stock at $115 per share,
a bank building valued at $6,000 and
a house and lot worth $3,000.
Toulon, France. Five of the twenty
three seamen Injured Wednesday on
board tho French armored cruiser Jules
Mlchelett, off Hyeres, by the prema
ture explosion of a six-Inch gun, aro
dying in tho naval hospital here. Tho
official inquiry Into the cause of the
accident shows that thero were two
Portland, Ore. Mayor A. G. Rush
light, Chler of Police Stover, Catpaln
of Pollco Baty and Dotectives Maddux
and Reed have been Indicted by tho
county grand Jury for alleged conspir
acy to brlbo Deputy District Attornoy
Frank Collier. It Is alleged Collier was
offored $400 to securo tho dismissal of
a previous true bill returned by the
grand Jury alleging extortion against
Reod and Maddux.
In Memory. of Queen Alexandra.
London. Ton thousand women, In
cluding many prominent society wom
en ami several duchesses, nil of them
dressed in white and wearing white
hats trimmed with garlands of wild
roses, sold flowers on thn streets of
London Wednesday, which was called
Alexandra day In honor of tho queen
mother. The proceeds aro to bo given
to tho Motropolltau hospitals nnd con
valescent homes In the namu of Queen
Alexandra, who originated tho Idea.
Chicago. Engineer John S. Kend
ricks of Danville was killed and a
score of passengers wero severely
shaken up Wednesday when tho Dixie
flyer of tho Chicago & Eastern Illinois
railroad was derailed while running nt
a high rate of speed' near Mnrtlntnn,
111., sixty slght miles south of Chicago.
Perth Aniboy, N, J. Girl strikors,
formerly employed by tho Perth Am
boy Clgnr company, made a demonstra
tion at the plant and hurled stones at
mombers of the police, force, who
soucht to check their ntlvnnre.
'in'-, ..J..iH'.'..'U,.p.iin .i.m.f.i.i -.-..i.-y-, y
Arms and Ammunition Smuggled Into
Chinese Provinces Victim of
Suffragette Attack Crooks
at Work in Baltimore.
Hong Kong. British troops havo
been dispatched from hero to guard1
tho frontier, whero they will remain
for an indefinite period. The city of
Canton Ib In a fermcut and all trains
coming from Canton to Hong Kong
have been delayed owing to the trou
bles on tho road. The leaders of the
Manchu movement nre known to bo
resident in tho Portugese dependency
of Macao and In tho city of Hoim
Kong. Quantities of money aro com
ing Into tho southern provinces and
arms and ammunition have been
smuggled extensively into the province
of Kewan-Tung, while secret meeting?
have been held to organize an uprMng
In Wu-Chow and Canton.
Attacks Queen's Party.
Cardiff, Wales. King Gcorgo and
Queen Mary, who aro making n tour
of South W.ilcb wero brought face to
raco with suffragette militancy when a
suffragette broken through tho pollco
cordon and sprang at Reginald Mc
Kenna, tho cabinet minister, in im
mediate attendance on their majesties.
Simultaneously with her attack upon
the minister, tho woman shouted an
appeal to the queen to help tho suffra
gettes. The woman was promptly
dragged away by tho police and lodged
In Jail.
Mrs. Senator Gore Robbed.
Baltimore. Thloves wero active dur
ing tho convention here, Mrs. Thomas
P. Gore, wire or tho senator rrom Okla
homa, being probably tho most heavy
loser. She reported to the manage
ment of a leading hotel that she had
been robbed of $125 In cash and a con
siderable quantity of Jewelry. Senator
Goro, who made ono of the striking
speeches at Wednesday's session, en
deavored to cash a check in order to
return to Washington. He was refused
by the hotel management. Friends
came to his assistance and ho and Mrs
Gore wero temporarily relieved.
Indianapolis, Ind. Resolutions con
demning tho action of Federal Judge
Hanford of Seattle in refusing natural
ization papors to a socialist; demand
ing direct participation or the people
In amending the constitution, and pro
testing against alleged efforts of re
ligious organizations to obtain control
or public schools were adopted at the
closing sesslou or the convention or
the North American gymnastic union
St. Josoph, Mo. J. II. Pierce, who
got 20 cents with which to buy br6ak-
fast on n forged check was found
guilty and given a five-year sentence
y a Jury. Clemency was recommended.
Amoy. A force of 4,000 Chinese
counter revolutionists is reported to
bo occupying a strong position In the
mountains along the North river about
fifty miles from this city, and to be
threatening the city of Chang Chow.
Ely, Minn. Already there are five
brush fires between Ely and the Inter
national boundary. Tho .state forest
rangers rrom tho Ely district were out
fighting fire Wednesday ono nenr Ver
million luke, ono on the Ranoy lake
railroad north from Virginia and ono
ulong tho Canadian boundary north
from Ely. Desplto heavy rains the
woods are vory dry. A report from
W.innlpeg says that. more than SI,
000,000 damages havo been done in tho
vicinity of Superior Junction.
No Money to Pay Wages.
Washington. Employes of all tho
United States navy yards In tho coun
ts'', to tho number of 20,000 or more,
will bo laid off July 1, unless congress
makes provision for pnymont of tholr
wages, This announcement was mado
by Acting Secretary or tho Navy Win
throp nt tho Whlto House.
Berlin. Solomon Goldzwelg died nt
Znbarncz, Poland, at tho ngo or 112,
Goldzwelg was in excellent henlth un
til ho was attacked by paralysis a fow
days ago,
I'IMVJIJL l,ltyrryDWlMiWHi'l
What Is Going on Here and There
That Is of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
Shelton. Discrepancies wero dis
covered In the accounts of E. 11.
Splcer, caBhlcr of the Shelton National
bank by the bank examiner Thursday
afternoon. Splcer, when culled in to
explain, stepped from tho bank build
ing for a moment, Jumped into his
touring car and drove 115 miles to
Lincoln. Dashing up to the Rock Is
land station at 10:45 Thursday night
Just as the castbound passenger was
pulling out he leaped from the car
and caught the train. His destination
Is unknown.
To Build Church In One Day.
Lincoln. Members of the South Lin
coln Christian church have made all
preparations to shatter previous rec
ords for rapid lire church building by'
erecting a house of worship in ono
day. Bright and early Wednesday
morning, the weather permitting, fifty
.clever carpenters who can hit a nnll
squarely and saw to a narrow line will
begin tho work. Members of tho Havei
lock, Bethany nnd local churches wIL
aid In the labor.
Blind Workers Elect Officers.
Collcgs View. Tho Nebraska Asso
elation of Workers for tho Blind, which
Just closed its convention hero, elected
tho fcowing o Ulcers: L. M. Muck,
College View, president; L. A. Harris,
Beaver City, vice president; Mrs. A.
O. Wilson, College View, treasurer;
Miss Maude Prltchnrd, Sutton, record
ing secretary.
Lightning Bolt Fatal.
Curtis. During, a sharp thunder
shower hero Monday, T. J. Hcadley,
his wlfo and daughter-in-law, Mrs.
James Headley, started for homo about
eight miles southwest or Curtis. When
two and a hair miles out a bolt or light
ning struck the team, killing Mrs. T. J.
Headley and one or the horses, and
seriously injuring Mr. Headley and
Mrs. James Hcadley.
Investigates Silica Deposits.
Alma. New York parties have had
a representative in Alma this week'
investigating the several deposits or,
silica in tho county, with a view of
opening several beds for active opera
tion. Mines In operation in Harland
county ' are shipping two carloads
Girl Hurt In Race.
Alllnnce. During tho girls cow
pony race at the fair grounds here
Miss Bonio Hegemnn was thrown rrom
her horse and painfully though not
seriously Injured.
-M -H-4-Htf
$f4rl!l!"laar "fXTVTtTTTT,I'TTTT
Walter Smith, who has been playing
shortstop with tho Beatrice Minks tho
last few weeks, has been traded to
Superior for Hodges.
Humboldt at home shut qut Falls
City in a very pretty gamo Saturday,
5 to 1. Cook for the locals made a
home run in the fourth inning.
In a listless game in which four
pitchers nnd three catchers partici
pated, Hastings defnted York by the
Bcore of 9 to 3, at York Thursday.
The baseball association of Kearney
several dnyB ago closed a deal with O.
H. Crumley of Shelton by which all
the Sunday games scheduled for Kear
ney will be played at Shelton, eight
of them in all.
Tho managers of the York ball
team havo several new men they will
give a tryout on tho team In a few
days with the hope or strengthening
York's bunch so as not to finish at
tho tail end of the procession this fall.
McCormlck's swat of tho Bull Dur
ham sign on the Lincoln park In one
or the Wichita games wns the first tap
against that particular "bull" In the
three years it has been In place. No
wonder tho Lincoln runs considered
that a feature or the game. Wichita,
Mrs. M. Bechtold, mother or Outfield
er Bechtold or the Kearney team diuil
Saturday during tho progress or the,
York-Kearnoy game. Tho star left
fielder was culled from tho first gamo
during its progress by the sudden lib
ness of his mother whoso death was
caused by heart failure.-
No lato suppers and a little argu
ment with the wlfo In the Western
Canada league. Games In the W. C.
L. start at 6:1.5 p. m., giving the fans
a chance to feed before taking in tho
Auburn shut out Hiawatha Monday,
6 to 0,
Tho annual ball gamo between ladles
in bloomers and men in skirts wns
played nt DeWltt Thursday, the pro
ceeds going to the city library. Tho
ladles won, 22 to 18.
Tho Walthlll Indians dofeated Rosa
lie Saturday afternoon on the Rosalia
grounds, scoro 9 to 2. Tho features ot
tho gamo woro tho excellent pitching
ot "Big Smoke" Johnson, an eighteen-year-old
Omaha Indian, who struck
out seventeen men, and the bitting of
the Walthlll Indians.
' ,1
rjttfiww'MM1''"11"111'" ""'";'"'"''", "' '" ' '' " '."'' j,'iiMiiwffl,jr,iMwii,iiMiiHwWMirtimiin,itiwm
Is '
WHEN it's meal time
and your appetite is
keen ami you try to think
of some tasty things to eat
don't tax your mind
don't fret and fume. Order
Hot or cold, thev are
servable in a jiffy, and equal
the imported kind in taste
and flavor.
Once you have learned
their real quality you will
always want them.
Always Buy Libby's
Don't accept a substitute.
Libby's Foods present a wide
assortment, all the acme
of quality and reasonable in
At Eviry Grocers
Libby, McNeill
& Libby
rucago m
Ready to
Class One of Chess Fanatics Properly
Objected to Garrulousness of
His Opponent.
Two elderly chess fanatics were ab
sorbed In a gamo at the Mechanics
Institute in San Francisco recently.
Both were experts and rigid follow
ers of all the rulos or tho game, writ
ten and otherwise. For nearly flve
'hours neither had spoken a word.
Backward and forward, moving and
countermoving, the game swung, with
no perceptible advantage to either
player. Finally one of the old fel
lows made a fatal, break. Quick as a
flash his opponent moved his knight
into position and softly murmured,
Tho other player, making no effort
to conceal his displeasure, rose from
the game.
"What'B the matter?" demanded his
friend. "Going to quit?"
"I certainly am. I'll bo hanged If I
can play chess with a darned old chat
terbox!" Saturday Evening Post
Not Always.
"Ono reaps what one sows."
"Allow me to differ with you."
"How so?"
"When one sows wild oats one gen
erally reaps a crop of lemons."
If some people have any good in
them they evidently keep it bottled up
pretty tight.
And many a sober young man turns
out to be a gay old boy.
About What Her Husband Would Say.
A Mich, woman tried Postum be
cause coffee disagreed with her and
her husband. Tea Is Just as harm
ful as coffee because It contains caf
feine the samo drug found in cof
fee. She writes:
"My husband was sick for three
years with catarrh of tho bladder, and
palpitation of the heart, caused by
coffee. Was unable to work at all
and In bed part of tho time.
"I had stomach trouble, was weak
and fretful so I could not attend to
my housework both of us using cof
feo all the time and not realizing it
wob harmful.
"One morning the grocer's wife
said she believed coffee was the causa
or our trouble and advised Postum. I
took it home rather dubious what my
husband would say he was fond of
"But I took coffoo right off the table
and we haven't used a cup of it since.
You should have seen the chango in
us, and now my husband never com
plains of heart palpitation any more.
My stomach trouble went away in two
weeks after I began Postum. My chil
dren love it, rand it does them good,
which can't bo Bald of coffee.
"A lady visited us who was usually
half sick. I told her I'd make her a
cup of Postum. She said it was taste
less stuff, but sho watched me make
It, boiling It thoroughly for 15 minutes,
and when done, sho said it was splen
did. Long boiling brings out the fla
vor and food quality." Name given by
Postum Co., Battlo Creek, Mich.
Look In pkgs. for tho famous HttU
book, "Tho Road to WcUvHlo."
IJtrr mid thn alinve letter? A new
mil- npprnro from time to time. They
nr- venulne, true, nnd full of kim
SnU'rrit. i
. v, mmm.Mmmmsimmmiit4ii.kmm