The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 04, 1912, Image 5

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    j . cwBtw? ? a." n'i(w'J,
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B. & H. Ilmc Tabic
i .t urn vii
.So. II Htruitiji train, ilo urii !!.o. n, in
No. !fl l.ornl iuMtii!ir ii.J'ci. m
No. IT I Ai'iMiuiiiutlnttiiii North i .
rtpt .Miuul.iy Mini V( tl itcji.irts l:,W p. in.
No. ITO ('('tiinnioiIntlon Norlh
Monday ui-it tMiuMln.v ili'ri ll..:un.iti.
wmt not mi
No. lit Tim, , lull train, ili'partf I' I'm. in.
No. 151 ii'.il imtHiiitiT " y: ft) p.m.
Bulletin of The Week's Doings
See Or. Ciovs over Suite Hunk.
MIsh Amite Uilham is visiting
O. C. .lones of WhIioo, wus in town
J. 11. Allen of Naponee, was in tbe
city Friday.
Mrs. Chas McKiinn cy spent Monday
tn Hustings.
J. McCllntock of Kivcrtoti whs in
town Friiluy.
N A. Olsen of StroinburK spent Sun
day in town.
Etl Walters returned Thursday from
Grand Inland.
All kinds of Electrical wotk doneby
Morhurt llros
1'. II. Lewis of (irand Island whs in
town Monday.
Mr. D.ui Primroy of lllveiton was in
town Tuesday.
W. K. Geer of York was in the city
last Thursday.
George Carson of Aurora was In
town .Saturday.
Dr. Cross the dentist is located over
the State ltauk.
Clias. StefTen Sr. is (iiiito sick at his
home this week.
J. C. Stoss transacted bnsitiess in
Hastings Friday.
CliriM els left for Kansas City Sun
day on business.
M. O. Evcriny of Campbell, was
the city Monday.
L. V. Albright wa a passenger io
Hastings Monday.
Oo to 1 L. Hansen for your Harness
and Machine Oils.
II. C. Scott, county assessor, was in
Blue Hill Monday.
Mrs. Jerry .Sullivan of ltiverton was
in the city Friday.
A good sowing niaeliino for sale. In
quite ut this otllce.
Severn' Dancaii of Rowland spout
Sunday In the city.
A. J. Hragg of tJuide Rock was
town last. Saturday.
MissOtuccKinsel was a p'nsionger
to HnsiliiRs Friday.
Mi-m. Clurii Head was a passenger to
Guide Unck Monday.
Ice Cream and Fountain drinks at
Warren's reMatuuiit.
Tom Auld of Omuliii was in town
the last oftho week.
Itert lllair is visiting his brother Joe
at Lincoln this week.
11. O. Ctritlln of Hellaire, Kansas
spent Sunday in town.
C. D. Whltaker and Harry Vondy
were In Bladen Friday.
Wilbur Hamilton and fumlly speut
Sunday in Guide Itoek.
V. W. Eryuin of Forest City. Mo ,
spent Sunday in the city.
W. E. Beau of Inavale, transacted
business In town Tuesday.
Dr. Sanderson and Will Boren were
in Cowles Monday morning.
A. II. Mansfield of Hastings was In
town on business Saturday.
For Sai,k A Hue up right folding
bed. Jnqulie of S. B.
Richard Heacbey of Ebon, Kansas,
was on our streets Saturday
Miss Florence Johnston is visiting
friends in Inavale this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Uobert J. Mooie are
visiting in McCouk this week.
Kn'pli lie, ill came In from Lincoln
Saturday to visit his parent.
Chicken dinner every Sunday at
Warren's testinirnnt, ! cent.
.Mis. John Weesin-r Is visiting hir
! pat cut, in Superior this wiek.
Miss E liel C'uininings Is visiting
relatives in UeHtilce this week.
I. K. Clianev and wife are visiting
lelathcs iu Mipcrior this week.
Iteruaid MeNeuy vus In Hustings
Filduy attending distilct court.
Losr-1'ohntuln pen. Finder ple:.e
letiirn toC. F. Wallin. Ueward.
Mr. John Itcutley of Salome Spilngs,
Aikausas, is iu the city this week.
Miss Mabel Wilson of Hastings visit
ed friends in the city over Sunday.
(5o to the Bon Ton Cafe for the best
lee Cream and Soda Water iu town.
A. G. WahleiiiHiisatid wife of Omaha
visited vfriends in town over Sunday.
Hot Hamburger and Short Orders
at all hours at Warren's restaurant.
Miss Uciia Herrlckstead of Denver,
Colo., Is visiting Miss Dorthy Potter.
Chas Crabill left for Wahoo Mon
day where he will engage In biulness.
Jack Waller of Cowles, was iu town.
Tuesday cnrotite home from Franklin
Mrs. C. K. Barr of Js'oreatur, Kas.,
was visiting friends in the city last
.1. F. Grimes of Blue Bill was visit
ing his sou Ned Urlnies and family
Fi Iday.
Merlin Butler left Monday for Su
perior where he has accepted a
Judge Dully and Dwight Jones of
Guide Rock, were in town Tuesday on
The best and purest Ice Cream and
Summer drinks iu the city at the Bon
Ton Cafe.
John Christian returned from a
business trip to Kansas City, Mo ,
Mrs Harry Cloud and Mrs. Ralph
Hunter of Inavale were on our streets
Mr. and Mrs. Koseoe Weesner are
the proud parents of a baby girl born
Morris Groat and family ami Clyde
Wlckwire of Iuavale, spent Sunday in
Bed Cloud.
Have you seen the Chautauqua
soliciting committee'.1 They are look
ing for you.
Ralph Huuter and Chas. Waldo of
Inavale were trans-acting business iu
town Friday. $
It 13. McFarland ' returned from a
buying and business trip to Kansas
City Thursday.
The" 10th annual picnic of the Breth
ren church will be held tomorrow in
Eshelmau's grove.
The Diamond Electric Vacum clean-
op iliMiumstiated in your home free
Call Phone Bed 07.
Mr,. Stewart left for her lioulo in
! Lincoln Monday after visiting iher
son 11. B. Stewart.
Mrs Jessie Bogard of Denver, Colo.,
Is visiting her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Frank S. Heuderson.
D. 0 Bell returned to Hippyville,
Co'o., Friday ufter attending to busi
ness matters in town.
Chas. McKeighan has returned from
Greenwood, Missouri, where he has
been for several weeks.
S. J. Fair returned from Smith
Center Saturday where lie has been
for the past two weeks.
Wm. Doyle left Tuesday for Salem
Oretron. where he will visit several
mouths with a brother.
Miss Greta Turnure left Wednesday
for Paw Paw Lake, Mlcb., for un ex
tended visit with friends,
Miss Laura Osborne lias accepted
a position as operator with the Glen
wood Telephone Co. at Blue Hill.
Mrs Fannie Dow and daughter
Auva left Tuesday for an outing of
several weeks at Colorado Springs.
Anticipating the arrival
of a new stock of canned
goods we have priced every
thing upon our shelves in
order to CLEAN UP. Stan
dard goods of quality at 15
per ct. discount.
B. E. McFarland
All the Phones
iiutnl ft-of the Chautauqua. Bed Cloud
will turn out ennuie to hear The
English Opera Company.
1 4 .s n We have for shIc farms on
easy payments and special tonus,
worth the money. Several ltuKht.
good deal. The largest list ot local
fauns fninj which to select
DAN G Iiiii.K A CoMl'XNY, Cllll.l' Otllee.
Mis, r.llalieth Millard, mother-In-
law of .lelleisoii Grant of Cowles. died
at hi r home two miles north-east of
Cowles Saturday evening aged 7il
years, i months and It days. Funeral
services were held Tuesday at the
family home.
SImm 111' Hedge iccdved word ft mil
Sheriff Uohertsfif Johnson county to
apprehend one Fred Gress of Tecum
sell charged with wife desertion.
Sheriff Hedge arrested tint man Satur
day and Is holding him for the John
son county authorities.
A marriage license was issued to
Chester B Drake last Thursday, of
Bed ('loud, and Miss Cora N. Medford
of Guide Hock. Saturday Mr. Irwin
B. Reed and Miss Murrcl A Simpson
both of Long Branch, Kansas, were
united In marriage by Judge liiiuncy.
Mis. I'M 1 1 h Smith Davis, who lee
times at the Red Cloud Chautiitiqn'a
Tuesday afternoon, July 2:ird, has
been a writer of stories from childhood
and has had a number of books and
sketches published. She will not only
please and entei tain you but will In
struct fts well.
m . . . 0 0 P 0 Bl !fc PE
SLk&r krk'h'h'jw' v' flkyrpvrV B Pi 1. . Pr kt e 0PEiiP
.T. V..-f... --- ---. ---. - - l
Polk, Genung, S
Polk System m
in building Monolithic J
Reinforced Concrete I
Silos. We build Silos $
anywhere in Nebraska W
or we sell the forms and fo
let you build them . . . fli
Write us tor Further W
In tor mat ton ?f?
Piatt & Frees
Red Cloud, Neb. m
Call rural phone 0."i If you have
cream or poultiy to sell.
.1.0. C.i.nwi:r.t..
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Gorman uro the
proud parents of a baby boy born
Sunday. Mother and baby doing well.
Eugene Jay of the light plant will
spend the it It at Alma and will move
his family hero for permanent location.
Edw. Jarboc will preach at the In
dian creek school house next Sunday
July 7th at H:0U p. m. Everyone wel
come.' The ladies of the Christian church
will hold their monthly market Satur
day, July Oth . at Deidrick's Millinery
Howard Yost while cranking Dr.
Cook's auto last Thursday received a
bruised arm narrowly escaping a brok
en arm
Miss Nellie Flncher of this city and
John F. Stuudago of Manhattan, Kan
sa", were married Monday by Rov. C.
h Rose.
George Oiifreth and family, of Clay
Center, Kansas, are visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John GritVeth of
tliis place.
13. J.sBuschanu and wife of Grand
Island arrived Monday and are visit
ing Mrs. Btischane's mother, Mrs.
Chas. Schult..
If you will carefully read the Chan
taiupia program you will agree with
what has been said it's the best pro
gram Bed Cloud has ever had.
Go to Hendeison's for cane seed.
We just got in un extra choice lot to
go at SI. 10 per bushel.
0. 0. Teel and wife left Wednesday
for Los Angles and Fresno, Calif.,
where they will sojourn for several
weeks and visit Mrs. Teel's brother.
The Webster County Teacher's In
stitute will be held in Red Toud,
August 13th to 17th . 1012. v '
Oertrudk L. Coon, Co. Sur'T.
Mrs. A. E. Atkins left last Thursday
for Llueolu and Omaha where she
will visit relatives and will also visit
her parents at Geneva before return
ing. What constitutes aisucccssful Chau
tauqua in Red Cloud? A good pro
gram aud 700 season ticket holders.
Are you one ot the 700? If not, get in
The W. C. T. U. will meet with Miss
Cotthig on Wednesday afternoon July
10th at 2:.l0 o'clock, instead of meeting
with Mrs. Htoncbreaker as previously
Mr. and Mrs T. C. ScheiTer and
daughter of Lincoln, have been visit
ing with Mr. ScuaiYer's sister, Mrs,
Walter Warren and family, for the
past few days.
A Baroain: My residence property
on Webster St., uear 4th avenue. First
good offer takes it. Don't be back
ward make me an offer. Address
Geo. F. Newhouse, The Dalles, Oregon.
Rev. J. M. Bates will hold regular
services at Grace church the next two
Sundays. Mr. Bates left Wednesday
night for services at Blootnington aud
Franklin aud will return Saturday
The building formerly occupied by
Sherman's restaurant is being de
molished and contracts have been
let to move the other Grlce, Albright
building into the street immediately
after the Fourth.
Every rorson who oppreclatesagood
musical, lecture or entertainicut and
wants to help make the Chautauqua a
permanent Institution in Bed Cloud
must render personal assistance. How?
Buy a season ticket for yourself and
Efforts are being: made to have all
places of business close at 7:!l0 p. in.,
Saturday, July 20 for the opening
Miss Hazel Williams of this city and
Frlt.C Merten or Blue Bill, weie mar
ried List Thursday by County .Judge
Runtiey. Mr. Merten Is a young busi
ness man of Blue Hill and sou of
Peter Meiten of that place. Mrs. Mer
ten was one of Webster County's
school teachers and a well known
young lady of Red Cloud. Mr. and
Mrs. Merten will make their home iu
Blue Hill. The Chief joins their many
friends in extending congratulations.
Chas. Beed and wife or partner,
who were bound over to the Oc
tober term of the district court were
released on their own recognizance
by SheHir Hedge. Our readers will
remember these parties as being ar
rested at the instigation of Frank
Helnrichs near Campbell, who charged
them with attempting to tleece his
father, Joseph lleiuriehs, out of his
farm and other property. Mr. Heln
rich has been sent to the insane
The following mimed business (Inns
will close at 7:110 p. in. Saturday, July
'20th for the opening number ot the
Red Cloud Chautauqua.
Ed Ainak Henry Newhousu
Barbara 1'bares Henry Cook ,
Pope Bros. ICt'tl Cloud Imp. Co.
Miner Bros. Perry it Weesner
Cutting & Mitchell Frank Smith
M.A. Albilght
John Vost -B
E. McFarland
Moihart Bros
A. E Atkins
Bailey k Bailey
Paul Storey.
G i ice .v. Co
W'ill Koon
Tin mil u Bros.
.Iiiiues Burden
P. A. Wullbii.iult
Cuwdeu it Kaley
Nothing to Worry
fc o
Occasionally n pioneer farmer can be
found who refers to early days as hav
ing bee!! full of pleasure in the frontier
neighborhoods where little houses were
far apart. But E. P. Kellogg of Red
Cloud, Neb., does not look at it that
way. Mr. Kellogg has lived there 42
years. He recalls hauling wheat 120
miles aud sell lug it at 40 cents a bushel.
'Two weeks were required for us to go
to mill witli a load of grain," he said.
'When I look about now and see these
cattle bring such high prices, aud
when wheat and corn command very
high prices, I cannot help recalling
those early days when wo were living
out there iu the Republican valley 120
miles from a railroad point. Going to
mill that distance was a big undertak
ing. We can raise as much corn or
wheat to the acre now as we did tlieu."
Kansas City Droveis Telegram, June
A Flue Rala
Monday night tills section of the
state received a shower of raiu, sufllc
lent to cool off the atmosphere und
give renewed vigor to the crops, which
could have waited a few days without
set ions injury. However, the refresh
ment was very welcome to vegetation
and to men. After the' exhibition of
the wonderful resources of Irrigated
tracts' tn Colorado at 'the Tepee there
was a little longing to invest in the
lands of sunshine, regular climate and
Helen ti Ileal ly applied moisture. The
Chief has nothing to urge against the
Irrigable lands of the mountain states
Doubtless there Is a satisfaction in the
knowledge that the weather can be
relied on, and the water can be forth
coming as required. Man aspires to
deal in certainties, Evidently, on the
other hand, it was not intended that
Ids life und labor should be, the result
of mathematical calculation, or con
ducted, entirely under the laws of
Card t Tkanki.
Inavai.k, Nun., June 'A BU2. We
wish to thank all those who came to
iu and ero so kind and sympathetic
in our sad 'fioii r of grief.
About Now!...
Good Rains, Good Crops
and Good Times are here
Dress up and Look the Part
You can't look Prosperous
in Old Clothes
We will dress you up at such a low
price it will surprise you. Come and
see our June wearables in Underwear,
Shoes, Straw Hats, Shirts, Men's and
Young Men's Nobby Suits, all priced
at the lowest prices possible
The Best Makes, B. Kuppenheimcr & Co,
Ctothcraft Clothiers
Some Summer
Cloaks Still Left
. . . Get One at a Price . . .
Elegant Selection of Dress
an in iiUh i Gn i ai ; j
-w aua rww, imv wu ww J
27 in. width . . $1.25, .75, 60 and 50c yd
18 in. width. . $1.25, 1.00, .75 to 25c yd
Wide Bandings $1.00 yd
All widths and prices in Galoon Bandings
Now is just the time for the embroidery
Summer Dress
Wide range of patterns and prices in all
classes of Summer Dress Goods, prices
from 60c yd down to 5c yd.
, Oxford Shoes
Juit received a shipment of New Shoes, all dif
ferent leathers, styles and prices. Its our
business to keep up on all lines of merchandise
and we're here with the goods
Turnure Bros
Tht C. t. D. Feed Stire
We carry a full line of Feed, Hay,
Flour, Oils and Uas.
'Try our Maeliine Oil on your mower,
At present we have some choice
Cane aud Millet seed, come in and con
tract what you need before Ha Roue.
I) Will C. Crefar
The Tailor and French Dry Cleaner,
up stairs over Burden's grocery. Moon
Best Laundry service in the city.
lloth phones.
Special attention given to diseases
of eye and tar. Glasses accurately
fitted. Dr. Stockman, Red Cloud, Nebr.
F. Il
! 1
9 1
, $
,mi .fMlm
iu? 'LilJMibnh. i