The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 04, 1912, Image 3

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    WNmmtwuaitmujxjr.x. .x.-s
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A Mistake
and a Miss
(Copjrlgbt, 1U12, by Aaauclated Literary Vtttt.
Tho manager of the Avenue Garage
turned with nn anxious face from the
telephone. Ho looked across at tho
neat, well-dressed young fellow loung
ing In IiIb offlce.
"By George! I'm In for Itl I
agreed to have my best driver here for
a party this afternoon, and 1 haven't
got a man on tho place; and here's a
call from tho best customer I have. I
can't go myself."
Tho young fellow straightened up.
"Look not bo worried. Gleason, why
wouldn't I do?"
The manager stared, then his anx
ious face cased. "Hilton, If you will
do this for me, I'll be your slave for
tho next decade. But If you go, re
member you aren't driving that big
speeder of yours, and forget, too, that
you nro the only son of a multi-mil-
llonalre, and remember tlmt you aren't
to talk unless you're asked to. But If
you will help mo out I will remember
It, I assure you."
"Oh, I'm game; It's a now iklnd of a
lark; and I will remember."
A little later, as ho seated himself
In the big touring car, In a snug chauf
feur's uniform, ho turned to Gleason.
"I guess I'll keep tho goggles on, so If
I should happen to meet some of my
friends. Now where Is it?"
"1987 First avenue "
"What! Why, man alive, there's
where a girl lives whom I havo been
trying to convince that I am Just the
right age to marry. Jephosaphatl I
don't know about this "
"Well, don't take tho chance then
Hilton Bat up. "Take a chance I
never let one go by. So long."
The big car murmured out of the
roadway into tho smooth avenue and
he sent It humming down tho broad
street. Ho knew that he would have
to play his cards well to escape de
tection, for the eyes of Alice Vernon,
gentlo and blue as they were, were
keen. Ir she discovered him masquer
ading at her expense, he thought to
himself, It would bo one long good
night with an exclamation point In
heavy type. He drew his heavy gog
gles far down over his eyes, sunk aa
much of bis six feet as he could Into
the scat, drew the hat down until It
hid the kinks in his hair, and drew
up in front of the residence of Senator
A maid had evidently been on the
watch, for In a few minutes the trim,
glrllBh flguro of tho girl he loved came
lightly down the broad stepsand was
handed Into the car by tho footman
Hilton thanked his stars that she gave
him not a glance. His hand went to
the brakes, then paused on her order.
Hilton sworo softly and tenderly un
der his breath; for coming serenely to
ward him was his most earnest rival,
8ldney Farland. Hilton wondered
what was going to happen; be found
out. A sweet voice behind him said:
"Good morning, Sidney, I am going for
a little spin out and back; are you
going down?"
Hilton hoped to heaven that he
never appeared soi eager for an Invita
tion or accepted one as eagerly as Far
land did
They rolled off, Farland chatting be
hind In his eager, Impetuous way, and
Hilton, himself, hujnped down in bis
seat feeling like swearing Impetuously.
It was a pretty how-do-you-do acting
as chauffeur for a sweetheart and a
He listened to the merry chatter be
hind him, and the gall in his thoughts
grew bitter He, himself, even came
up for a topic of conversation, and she
said llttlo, Farland very Industriously
went on to amplify Into little details
the miserable story that he had heard
was going the rounds about him all a
lie. Hilton was sure ho had found out
who was Industrious In spreading It;
but tho thought did not serve to
sweeten his viewpoint on life.
As they drew near tho streets lead
ing to the business section, Hilton was
in hopes that Farland would ask to be
dropped, but far from it, and the next
thing he knew, she was asking blm to
go with her on tho spin.
They whirled out onto the smooth
tate road. It was a glorious day
Just the kind of a day to make hearts
beat faster, especially hearts that are
In love.
Hilton beard the voices behind him
grow a little lower after a whllo; un
ider the rules he should have been bus
ily thinking of other things; but his
conscience did not trouble him, and he
.listened with all the power or bearing
he could muster.
There was no doubt about it, be said
to himself. Farland was going to pro
pose to her. Tho thought sent a chill
through him Alice had not been very
kind toward him the last few weeks,
and ho had heard that Farland had
a good show Softly ho heard the
voices running on behind him.
"All there' is to It, Alice," Farland
was raying. "I cam more for you than
any other girl In tho world. I am In a
position to prove that. Ono thing Is
certain: There is no ono else who
does love you as 1 do," he added earn
estly. A sweet clear voice said: "Well, I
have others, you know. There Is Glenn
"Pooh! Ho?" Alice, he cares tot
nothing except n clear roud and thai
big French racer of his. Besides, there
are othor reasons why ho doesn't
"Yes, I know. Hcally, I care very
llttlo for him. Ho Is so sure bo sure,
though, that 1 care for htm."
Hilton groaned us ho heard the last.
But ho listened.
"You don't suppose our chauffeur is
111, do you? 1 Just heard him make a
funny noise."
"No, ho was clearing hts throat.
Alice, please look at the matter ser
iously. It It tho biggest thing In tho
world (o me. Glvo mo a bit of encour
agement." "Sidney, as I have said, I like you,
and It wouldn't take much to chango
the I and tho fl for o aid a v no
wait, not here!"
Hilton shut his teeth. Hts mind waa
Arm. If she started to give Farland
a definite answer, he would chuck the
machine Into tho ditch.
There was sllenco a moment, then
she said: "Sidney. I guess I might as
well say "
Then she screamed, and Farland
shouted. Hilton brought the big car
up in the ditch with a Jerk, and im
mediately fell to rubbing his right
wrist 'pardon but I have a cramp
In my wrist." Ho moved around,
doubled up, and gasping. "I guess
you'll have to drive this -car back,
sir," he gasped to Farland where the
other stood evidently swearing under
his breath. "This putB my arm-
out of commission I"
"Well, get In confound It!" Far
land said.
Hilton, still bent over with anguish,
climbed into the seat besldo tho driv
er's and off they whirled.
Not a word was spoken, but Farland
looked at him once as If he would
like to havo craved his skull; and
Hilton was thankful that the big gog
gles hid his faco.
When near tho business section
she asked Hilton If ho felt better, and
Hilton immediately agreed, with the
result that they changed places. Far
land going Into the back seat. Bui
Hilton knew that Farland had missed
his opportunity.
At the corner from which they
turned up the Avenue she ordered Hil
ton to stop so that Farland might have
a shorter distance to go to his offlce,
as she phrased It; and Farland left,
after receiving permission to call that
Up the Avenue to her door they
swept. He brought the machine to a
standstill and sat quiet atarlng straight
ahead. The footman came hurrying
down, and to Hilton's surprise waa or
dered back.
When the door closed, out of the
corner of bis eye be saw the dainty
figure step around beside him, and a
bomb greater than any that ever ex
ploded In a man's knowledge blew up
right there. (
"Glenn Hilton, aren't you ashamed
of yourself?"
8ad music, please, he said to him
self, then to her "For heaven's sake,
Alice, don't scold me; I've suffered as
I never did before." Her face was
calm and cold.
"I did this to help out Gleason;
there wasn't a man available up there.
I didn't know you wero going to ask
Farland; and I didn't suppose you
would recognize me!"
Sbo looked at hts begoggled face
still coldly, though thero was a strain
ed appearance about her expression.
He went on hastily, "But I've learn
ed the, truth."
Then she laughed as if Immensely
pleased. "Why, foolish, I knew It was
you from the moment you appeared
and whirled that car up as only you
can; than thoso little teeny, kinky
curls under your cap a woman's eyes
can see. You didn't fool me a mo
ment." Then her face softened, strangely,
wonderfully. "It was foolish of you
to run the car Into the ditch when you
did for I waB going to say"
"What?" he gasped.
She slipped back from the machine
to the steps. Something In the glint
of her eyes, the poise of her figure,
made him grip the wheel tight.
"Just opposite what I shall say to
you, If you will come up tonight thirty
minutes after Farland." Then she dis
appeared. A few motor-cops eyed tho big tour
ing car that came down the avenue
keenly, and peeked at shining Instru
ments, quickly; at the garage corner,
a few pedestrians breathed prayers of
relief where they did not curqe volubl
and soultully; a moment later the
manager of the Avenue Garage was
begging for mercy as a big six-foot
pounded him In the back, and called
him endearing names, punctuated, with
words of gratitude.
Leper In Revolt.
Japan is having a great many
strikes Just now, but perhaps the
strangest Is that of the lepers at
Kameyama hospital, Toklo. The hos
pital was founded and Is conducted by
a society of French monks, and con
tains about three hundred leper pa
tients. Tho costs of the establishment
are paid "by voluntary subscriptions
and by tno saio or me proauce or the
hospital garden and handiwork of the
patients. The latter receive no pay
ment for their services, beyond their
board, lodging and medical attendance
and a small sum for pocket money,
which Is calculated at the rate of a
farthing a day. Recently tho lepers
demanded an tncrease In their pocket
money allowance to a half-penny a
day, and on tho refusal of tho father
superintendent they struck work, and
.over a hundred escaped from the hos
pital by night by climbing over the
wall. They wero subsequently recap
tured by the local police and recon.
ducted to the care of the monks.
Mississippi Man Invents Device of
Knockdown 8tyle When Not In
Use Takes but Little Room.
A new form of knock-down chick
en coop lma been patented by a Mis
souri man, When erected It forms a
roomy coop nnd when taken down It
occupies llttlo space. Tho structure
Is of metal and consists of a bottom
piece, a top piece nnd sides nnd two
ends. Tho roof Is curved to shed rain
and has u hamllo by which tho coop
can bo carried easily. All these parts
flet into each other by means of
. to Vf? ! vi L-.
Portable Chicken Coop.
grooves nnd extensions. Tho door is
a hinged flap that can be kept open
or closed so that only the fanner can
open It, anil has vent holeH In it. With
this door closed tho chicken or chick
ens are perfectly safe during the
night from cats, rats or other preda
tory animals that roam through poul
try yards and kill so many fowl.
Minnesota Experiment 8tation Recom
mends Device aa 8hown In Illus
tration Herewith.
A good feed hopper for grain and
dry mash feeding Is shown in tho Il
lustration herewith and Is recom
mended by the Minnesota Experiment
station at Crookston. The diagram
explains Itself. The advantages of
this style of hopper are that it will
not choke, the chickens cannot get
Into the feed with their feet, the feed
is kept dry even outdoors, and nono
Is wasted. The wing on each side
shoWB the roof over the trough to
keep the outside feed dry. One side
"Never Choke" Hopper.
of the upper roof may be hinged like
a lid for filling. Tho gable shaped pro
jection, running tho length of the
floor, allows almost every kernel of
feed to be reached by the birds, thus
preventing feed from getting musty
from remaining in the hopper too
Providing Fresh Air.
Birds aro so constituted by nature
that they require an abundance of
fresh air for health and vigor. They
never do well with a limited supply
of air. For this reason all coops and
boxes In which poultry of any kind
Is kept in tho summer should be us
open as possible.
Let tho roof bo tight to protect from
rain, but let at least ono side be open
for the admission of fresh air at all
times. The open side may bo protected
by wire cloth or other material that
will let in tho air, but keep out rats,
Cleaning Up Old Nests.
The incubating season Is over with
poultry so far as profit to the ownex
la concerned, and the Minnesota ex
periment station advises thnt all old
nesting material be taken out and
burned, and that all nesting boxes bo
disinfected and given a coat of liquid
lice killer, after which fresh Btraw nyiy
be placed In them for late layers.
Tho creosote preparations sold at
lumber yardB for wood preserving
have been used with good effect as
llco killers.
Disposition of the Cripples.
The cripple and tho malformed
chicken should bo put to death im
mediately after hatching. Such lit
tle unfortunntes will bring -nothing
but disappointment. They will glvo
you more caro than ten well and
whole ones. They will mnko you sick
of the chicken business and glvo your
entire flock a black eye from tho first.
KjU 'em the instant they are born.
Cf!bXfPaW M
Remove Every Window and Substitute
Wire Netting for Ventilation
of Hen House.
It docs not require much hard work
to keep Hock In good condition hi
the summer, but nlisoluU neglect will
often completely destroy the wlntr
i'KK producing qualities of not only
the old nous, but the pullets as well.
If you have not removed every win
dow tu tho chicken hnitRo nnd substi
tuted wire netting, In order to provldo
perfect ventilation, do so nt once.
Hotter thnt tho chicks roost in tho
trees than that they be contlned In a
vertnln-rldden building.
Body llco will worry n flock to
death, or so nenrly so ns to destroy
Its usefulness. These enn bo killed,
but not easily,
Good Ineect powder will do tho
linslneRH. It should be applied with a
powder ppiny by one person, whllo
another holds tho fowls by tho legs
so that the powder may reach every
part of tho hi; In through tho dis
turbed feathers.
Small Pen In Town Is Absolutely Not
Suitable for Rearing Meat For
Christmas Dinner.
For those persons In town who nro
thinking of raising a turkey or two in
their back ynrils thero is trouble in
store. Tho back ynrd or pen Is not
the place for n bird which rcfuson to
bo domesticnted, W. A. Llpplncott,
head of the poultry department at tho
KnnsnH Agricultural college, says.
The farm is thu place to raise tur
keys. They must hnve n good rnngo.
During tho llrt few months it Is bet
tcr to glvu them no grain, but let them
forago and eat bugs. If sinnll turkoyn
nro cared for In this way, tho fatality
will be much less.
Professor Llpplncott suggests that
you let some farmer tako your young
turkeys and rear them. You might nr.
rango to pay n llttlo rent to a farmer
for allowing your birds to roam In his
pastures. Then, along about Thanks
giving, all you have to do Is to go out
and harvest your turkey.
Shelter la Provided by Means of Salt
Cloth Where Trees or Bushes Are
Found 8carce.
By means of a sail cloth, duck, or
factory cotton curtain shade may easi
ly be supplied chickens where there
are no trees or bushes. In such n casu
Shading Chicken Coop.
as Illustrated herewith the stakes nro
about 2 feet long, nnd driven 4 to 6
inches in the ground. Tho curtain is
tied only nt the corners. On tho
windy side tho tying is closer to tho
ground than on the loo side. This
Is of special help In spring.
Keeping Birds Graded.
Be sure to grade your birds accord
ing to size as tho weeks pass. When,
you And that some aro outstripping
the others, take them away nnd put
them with birds of their own size. If
you hnve toe-marked the feet and hnv,
put on legbands, you will bo able tq
tell the fncts regarding them nt any
Here Is where the value of record
comes In. Keep nn accurate record oj
every hatch, nnd then grado tho blrdi
without having to feel that if you mis
them up you will not be able to tell
them again when you want to know
certain things about them.
The contented and happy hen Is the
laying ben.
Round pebbles will not do for rough
edges to grind tho grain.
A writer recommends boiled rice
for diarrhea In young turks.
Imitnto nature as closely ns possible
and your turkey crop will pay out.
Eggs should always be protected
from the hot sun while being taken to
Windows should now bo out of tho
poultry house nnd wire netting tacked
in their places,
A floorless brood coop on clean,
dry ground is better than one with a
board floor in it.
Tho average hen outlives hor use
fulness in two years, and 1b more prof
itable sent to market.
Whether kept for hatching or mar
ket eggs ought to bo kept frco from
any form of moisture.
When eggs nro soft shelled tho hens
are either too fat or do not get enough
mineral matter in their feed.
Don't neglect tho wnter supply at
plenty of wnter helps to keep the
hens in good laying condition.
A safe rulo to follow' in chick feed
ing is to give them Just as much at
they will clean up nicely nt ench feed
Tho incubator Is no longer an ex
periment, nnd tho demnnd for poultrj
products suggests Us more general
1 use. ,
Tho "utility" bird Is ono thnt Is not
without its faults, but it is often from
a good strain, benco has its own eco
nomic values.
Ono feeding rule la to glvo tho hens
half as much ns they will eat of n
morning, nothing at noon and a full
meal at night.
One Way to Make Country Level.
The Newly Weds were driving
along a very hilly mad In northern
"Such horrid hills!" she exclaim
ed. "I think there are entliely too
tunny of them." '
"Hither that," replied the mnn, "or
thero nic only half enough."
A splendid nnd highly recommended
remedy for tired, weak, Inllamed eyes,
and granulated eyelids, Is 1'axtlne An
tiseptic, nt drugglBts, 2fic a box or sent
postpaid on receipt of prlco by Tho
l'axtou Toilet Co., Boston, Mane.
Pleasant Feature of Winter.
There Is this cheerful fnct about
winter: Nobody makes any money by
starting a report that the crops have
been mined. St. Louis Times.
Stop the Pain.
Tlio hurt of a tnirn nr a cut ntoim whrn
C'oIo'k Cnrhulltmho In iipplli'il. It Jienln
quickly nnd prevents nciirn. S5c m! SOo tiy
dniKKlPtn. Kor frrn Kiiinplo write to
J. VV. Colo & Co.. Murk lllvcr Falls, Win.
A woman can easily win In any
kind of an argument with n man It
sho knows just when to turn on tho
briny How.
It nlwnv iimVm good' What! (JurllcM
Tea, tlin N nt u nil I.ixviithc. rompo'cd entirely
of pure, wIkiIcmmiiu sad licultliitlvliii; liorln.
A man ts Judged by the company
he keeps, and by the cigars ho gives
AYegdabk Preparation Tor As
similnling iheFoodamlRegula
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digcslion,Chcerful
ness and Rest .Contains neither
Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral
Pmpt tfotH DrSAMvsirrmrsti
Aauvfi'lt SuJ'
MxStmnm , V
Anin Stid I
ptiiiitamliMA I
TtinmSttd . I
niokrtmit fliwrer I
A perfect Remedy forConstlpa
lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss OF Sleep
FacSimit Signature of
The Centaur Company,
'Guaranteed under tho Foodaw
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
No Wlfe'a Cooking for Them.
Mrs. Crimsonbcnk Thin paper says
thnt rarely Indeed Ib a wculthy Turk
seen nt his wife's dinner table.
Mr. Crlmsonbeak Yea, I under
stand the Turks live a long time.
The man who paddles his own canoe
today may own n stenm yacht to
morrow. Quality quantity Is aomelhlng to con
sider In purchaxInK a remedy for oonMlpa
llon or ai a laxative. How about tlarlleld Tea?
A JealouB woman enables nls
Satanic majesty to take a vacation
now nnd then.
Mrs. Wlniiloir'M Soothing- Hyrup for Children
trrtlilnir, nftriia tliepumn, rcduceit Intttiniwiv
(Ion, allay palu, cure wind colic, tto a bottle.
Every time n girl sees a handsome
young mnn she wonders whose sweet
heart he Is.
(Jarfleld Ten, a laxative of superior qual
ity I For tlioM) sulTcrliitf with coimljmllou,
Failure Is always spoiled by suc
cess. Many a man looks lllto a statesman
who la not guilty.
When a man's conscience troubles
him he thinks he has Indigestion.
'jfiiaWMW "'' xr-zH-XA ' M'i
A vanished thirst a coot body and a refreshed one; the
sure way the only way is via a glass or bottle of
Ideally dellcloui pure as puritycrisp and sparkling u froit.
Fret r nrw booMrt.
"J Demand tbc Genuine u m!a by
THE COCA-COLA CO., Atlanta, ca.
Health All Important.
Tt Is more suislblo to pay cerloun
attention to tho health of I lie nation
than to sine patriotic rtotigs
You Owe it to Your
Stomach to Keep
it Right With
It wards off age by
aiding and strengthen
ing the stomach, cor
recting liver, kidneyand
bowel disorders, re
stores appetite, puts
new life in run-down,
worn-out bodies.
Use it Now for
Bettor Health
vncHllon aril KuumnHrrt hosiery; the Una
Hint rfpmtii; our ctpiIII iiIhii hvlpa yuli, writ
fur purtlculnra I.KIIK CO., Itrnrrr, Colo,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
tan qutckiy be overcome oy
Purely vegetable
act surely ana
gently on tne
liver. Cure
ache, Dlzzi.
ness, and Indigestion. They do their dot
Genuine must bear Signature
OImmm aid bmatll
rromoMfa knilut (rath.
rmmi uu luiinjr.
vnrprlcM i on ollpaa Block Machine and Miisra.
Bur thu Beat, cattoxfcar aw, am., Wttfclu, Kim,
ttlllnf of Coca-Cell
Ton ie an
Arrow ttUJe
f Cod-Cell.
AW ,
mi w a'
a av
mmMmmmr IHr,1a.w
jmv '&mtiM