"s.'-y",-'-v'.rV-'v. v-'yv :.:. :.:.:.. ..:..;..!..sa.?..aaa..........-.. :.mmu$k m FfLJr ... -"""""- ::::::-: K I AnnounGeinent! .', rM. . " " """ -- . ... ...-...,, tw.ctrnwwnttinjw;)iiwwlwwwili"iwvirt tflktiMtVMW 4 Tnrer.M tuiiMt I a aVv-v a3H33MKarKiCT!Esisnina J ' f Mebrasba People 'K(!Icc ot Ihc Antiountcntcnt or tlic Re turn of tin1. UNITID D.CTORS Will Be in RED CLOUD AT ROYAIHQTEL TUESDAY, JULY 9th., ONE DAY ONLY ti'onsullallon and Examination Fiee en This Trip The front niul tfood work of these todTs hi thu west tl tiring the past Uhreu yeitrs hits Rained for them a standing that plnees them in the liljjlt j-ank of specialism and merits for them (Ute most Implicit confldencu in every vicinity they have visited in the state. The DOCTORS that constitute this Tttnlzation of Hpclallts were telcot vA from different parts of the country wui are Medical Specialists of ability awl success. The sole object In view, when organizing, that each one might be benefited and enlightened by the experience of the others which natur ally of course Is true, and has led them w success, which is shown by their many cures of diseases of the stomach, tntesiiiies, liver, blood, skin, grauu fated eyelids, nrves, heart, spleen, kidneys or bladder, rheumatism, dropsy, ulcers, weak lungs, and those aJlllutetl with long stundlngdeep-seut-ud, chronic dNeiiM-s, that have bullied the skill of the family physii'iitn, .should not fall to call. According l their xysteut no more opciutiuns foi appendicitis, gall stones, tumors, goiter or certnln forms of can cer. They are among the first in ) America to emu the name of the "Bloodless Sui geons," by doing awoy with the knife, with blood and with all pHin in the successful treatment of tfJic&e dangerous diseases. If you have kidney or bladder trou bles, bring it two-once bottle of your eirine for examination. Their Hypodermic Injection treat clients for Cancer, Tumor, Tubeictilitr Olatids, I'iles, Old bores, is the best Ciii'rttlve treatment in thu world. Slurried ladles must come with their ftu-diuuds mid minors with their par uls. Real Estate transfers. tteal l-Ntate Truusfers for week end ing Tuesday, June !Mth, l'JIS. 11.. l W r.......... II. ....1 t . V.1H ICI , IIUIlll- Compiled by M -id Abstractors. A. . lloren and wife to Andrew . J. Vise. vd, ptsejf 4-2-10 !W0o Katie Sleliruss and husband to JultuH Meyer, wd, lots 1, 2, II, lllk, 7, Rohrers Addition to IllueHIll :iTi0 Fred C. Hock und wife to Julius Meyer, wd, el lot t, itlk. 7, Uohrers Addition to Blue Hill M) -John l'olnlcky, et ul to 10. A. and Jl. l OatiutiU, wd, lot ft, Itlk. 31, Red Cloud 5(H)0 Mary A. Smith to C. II. & Q. It. R. Co., Right of Way Deed, pt ue.'i 3fl:Ml 1.0 3umiiel Somei holder and wife to C. U &, (J. H. U. Co., Uiht of Wav Deeil. it vK nw 7 1-0. . l.'iu James MeConnid and wife U C. H. & Q. U It. Co., Right of Way Deed, pteij mv4 7-1 I) 10 Henry K Asher add wife to Mary S, Crolghtoii, wd, lots I to 111, Ullc. 30, Red Cloud HUH) Jehu W. Davis and wife to Rob ert K. James, wd, e nw '4 , w l3 uuU :t0-4 V2 .' lilnOO xltobert II. .lamos und wife to Kd ivard A Johnson, wd, se)J 2fl- W2 -s iriooo 'A. I. Bmiuey, County Judge to A. 10. Merldlth, Decree, pt oeI KM M Myrtle O.Iell Hamel to Ida U tJltmore, wd, lot 1, pt lot 2, lllk. :i, Valines add to Guide Hock 2!0(i Kmnin S. Moot to Joseph L. Wat bon, wd, se 4 se 0-a-J'J 1 I'Yunk McCarter to Bert E. 'Bliekenstatr, Agrcumont, wjtf uvt, u ls seH :w t-10 r.7.-0 Frank A. Wilcox und wife to D. J. O'Kcefc, wd, pt out lot :t, I ISW1HM muitmtwi'9iriitiiimjit-mnittwir mmwjrmttmtuimmM KiiBnNmnf?fUfM)rirmm'i; " Dealers in All Kinds" off Builders9 Hardware, Plumbing Goods, Furnaces, Windmills, Buggies, Agricultural Implements, Paints, Oils, &c, Wagons, &c. Let us figure on your Hard ware and Plumbing Jobs. We believe it will be profitable for both of us. ....... Red Cloud Neb, NvV U i viz ft m m m ' St' We Carry the Celebrated Marvel Line of Dressers of JAMESTOWN, NEW YORK A FINE LINE of BUFFETS and CHINA r CLOSETS, Manufactured and pat ented by the Penn Manufacturing Company, of Montgomery, Penn. Be sure you have examined this fine line of Furniture before buying. All the Phones v t s IK kj E have purchased th wv W. A. Smith Gro cery Stock and in addition to same will carry a full and complete stock of Dry , Goods and Ladies' Ready to Wear Garments. We are ready for Grocery businese now, and Dry Goods are arriving every day, but it will probably be July 1st before our stock will be complete. I We solicit a share of your trade and hope to merit same by good treatment and a square deal with everybody. Will pay the highest market price for produce. r Weesner, Perry & Gomp'y .a.:.:.: :x::"-.:..xh:.a.:: :: :: ":::,: Noved to Our New ' jl LOCATION A. E. ATKINS, US e ft to to to to to to to to to to to to to to m m m secGc-eeeew-ff You will find us now in our new location in th. NEWHOUSE BLOCK with our large line of RUGS, CARPETS AND FURNITURE Always Glad To Seo You ED. AMACK LICENSED UNDERTAKER--NEBRASKA-KANSAS ALL THC P HON CB The Furniture Man and Undertaker. Uohrers nil.l to liluu Hill I.Vin 1 Mury K. I'uliner mid husb., to Charles H Aldtidge, wd, loth U7, 18, Ullc. -1, Uudullir add to Med Cloud ,. f00 .Il.lO Uihiiey, lteferee to Daniel -TFItugcr, Huft'ree'h Deed, to e hwH. wfse4 1-t-U 13400 Clarence li. Carpenter mid wife to Mrs. L. K. Fruit, wd, lots !1, 4., Blk. 1, Smith .t Moore's Add to Red Cloud !2u0 Mortgages tiled, 910,300.00. Mortgages released, 90,100.00. .oU,c To 4'ri'tllor fhtijUiol .NVIiniskn. I TI..,Ci.iniH C.iurl. uiHUT oiniiy, i ' In the mailer of the pitiiii- of .lolin I'tter htiinn, Ducensuil, Notice Nlicrutiy vx tn nil persons liuvlni; ehilmsanil(lcuiun(lsiik'iiinl-loliit l'ctir.Slunn, luto of WeliHttr Ciiiinty, ilueoaseil. that the time tlxcd for llllinr uluiins ;uulnl tulil estiuu WkIx months from tlieUStli il.iy of .lunu I'JIi All kueh ersmit are reiiutred to iirusont their ulalins, with the ouehcrs. to the County J'ucUe of N.ild county, at his olllon therein, ou or Defore the'Xth day of Pii'i'iiilur, lri; und all elulms so lllud will he heard before the said mli.'oon tlielWtliiliiyof Diceiiilxr, 1912; atone o'cloeli p. m ; andthat the ndmliilxtrntor Ih allowed one j oar from the '.Mil day of May, IUI2. In u hluh to pay the debts allow ed auittW bald estate and nettle the Mime. (SKVI.) A. I. ItVNN'KY, rouuty .hulne. -3pecinl attention given to diseases af eye and ear. Glasses accurately ..Utted. Dr, Stockman, Bod Cloud, Nebr. g Now Romdy for Business! I The Diamond Milling Co, i i Rei Cloud, Nebraska , , . manufacturer of . . . The "Diamond Brand" Hard Winter Wheat Flour Also Graham Flour, Pure Whole Wheat Flour, Corn Meal, Sell-Rising Pancake Flour, fcc. Red Cloud Chautauqua, July 20-28 D. D. Sanderson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OOJee In Moon IHoeU. Hell, Dlaok I; lad., 102 Ucsidenee, Hoyal Hotel. Bell, 47; Ind., 27 Calls Answered Day or Night 11ED Cf.OUD, NK.ll. The above stock can be found at all Red Cloud Grocery Stores A complete stock of Bran Shorts, Corn Chop, Baled Hay, Alfalfa, &c. Free City Delivery. The Diamond milling Co. Office and Salosraem -Ben Ten Bakery. Phene, Bed SB I f 3HHBb1 ! jBBBBBBBBJ ' 'BBBBBBBBBBBsl vBBBBBBBBBBBBBj ' jW'HBBBBBBai . tSJ? BBBBBl vGkK BBBssl JjL.''" fBBBJ Among the Attractions for Wed., July 24 Why Mrs. Cole is a Success' MTT Mrs. Cole's Lectures are Life Pictures on Ivory. 1 They are the result of years of study, and she de JJ livers them with a force that leaves no doubt of her meaning. Her knowledge of her subjects is pro found. Her interpretations of men and their motives and her dramatic portrayal of Events, arouses in her listneners a desire for a deeper knowledge of the lives of men who made history. She is not an IMITATOR. Her style is uniquelyiier own. The stilted method of the average platform speaker is absent in all she says and does. She combines grace of expression and lepth of thought with a personal magnetism and plat form presence which compels the admiration of all. Her talks linger in the memory and stimulate one to higher ideals and better living They should be in cluded in every Chautauqua program and Lecture Course as a stimulant to student and teacher. For highly intelligent audiences she will be in demand. z