The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 27, 1912, Image 7

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Great Interest Manifested by Convicts
In the Chicago Convention Spo
kane Bar Association Turns
Down Hanford.
Baltimore, Md. Former Judgo Al
ton D. Parker of Now York wnB Thurs
day selected as the temporary chair
man of the democratic national con
vention by tho arrangements commit
tee. The cholco of Judge Parker was
inndo over the protest of W. J. Uryan,
whoso friends on the committee sub
tntlted the names of four other candi
dates. Eight of the sixteen votes of
tho commltteo wont to Parker, while
(Representative Henry of Texan re
ceived thrco votes, Senator-elect Olllo
Miss Addams, the famous head of
HullHouse, In Chicago, Is making a
peaking tour of Wisconsin and Is be
Jng greeted by large audiences.
James of Kentucky three otes. Sena
.torn Keru of Indiana one and Senator
O'Gorman of Now York one.
Convicts Watch Convention.
Lancaster While Lincoln and No
oraska arc in tho throes of political
excitement there is no place in the
country so convention mad as the in
terior of tho Nebraska state peniten
tiary, says Warden Mellck. "The in
mates are following every angle of the
convention proceedings, and we have
some of the finest political prognostic
cators In tho country out here," he
said. Every Inkling of nows of the
convention that trickles into the
prison from the city is eagerly
snatched up and passed along from
cell to cell and tier to tier.
Robber Is Killed.
Mammoth Springs, Ark. Sheriff
M. C. Caruthcrs, warned that nn. at
tempt to rob tho Citizens Dank of
Mammoth Springs would be made, se
creted himself and three doputles in
a room in tho rear of the bank and
surprised three masked robbers after
they had forced the woman cashier
Into a vault and whllo thoy raked tho
cash into a gunny sack. Ono of the
robbers was Instantly killed and tho
two others captured.
Refuse to Pass Resolutions.
Spokane. Dy a vote of two to one
the Spokane Bar association Is on rec
ord as refusing to pass a resolution
expressing sympathy for United States
Judge Hanford of Seattlo, against
whom an Impeachment indictment hn
been filed, following his action in re
voking the naturalization papers o
Leonard Olsson, and whose official
acts are to be investigated by a con
gressional committee Eighty law
yers were present.
8tock Growers Meet.
Alliance, Neb. The Btock growers'
convention opened hero Thursday
with the largest attendance on record.
In tho evening the town was ablaze
with electric lights and Alliance hand
ed the key of tho city to her guests.
The visitors number over a thousand,
Including a large delegation of stock
men from Omaha.
Captures Young Coyote.
Lincoln. A young coyote, running
loose, but nppr.rently too tame or too
scared to resist capture, was caught
on the state house lawn by Deputy
Secretary of State Marsh. Tho coyote
had escaped from some local fancier
of animals and was taken In tow by
tho state official without trouble,
Indictment Dismissed.
Omaha. Tho bribery Indictment ro
turned ngainst Mayor Trolnor of
South Omaha has boon dismissed.
Suffragettes Assault Official,
London. As Lloyd George, chancel
lor of the exchequer, Thursday was
about to open tho Welsh bazaar In
Claxton hall, ho was savagely assault
ed by a mob of militant suffragettes.
His hat was knocked off during the
riot, In tho course of which ho was
hustled from the hall. Sovoral womon
were arrested.
Annual Rowing Contest.
Now Iondon, Conn. Tho forty-sixth
Harvnrd-Yalo rowing rogatta will be
held on tho Thames Friday.
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Dr. Doxey's Body Found In Tennessee
River -Mexican Rebels Taken
Prisoners Charities Con
vention Ends.
Trinidad, Colo. Twelve is the veri
fied death toll of the explosion in the
new mine of the Victor American Fuel
company Tuesday at Hastings. The
first body was recovered shortly be
fore 4 o'clock and later four more
were tukqnout. All were badly
burned. Tho mine officials believe the
explosion wus caused by a "windy
shot," which set off a quantity of gas.
The explosion took place in tho new
slopo or the mine, 3,000 feet from tho
mouth of tho mine, whore develop
ment work Is in progress. The four
teen men who were In tho night shift
were shot-firerB and ontrymen.
Former Nebraskan Drowned.
St. Louis. The body of Dr. Loren
B. Doxey, whose wife. Dora Doxcy,
was ucqultted in St. Louis of murder
ing William J. Erder and is, to be tried
at Clayton, Mo., on a char go of big
amy, was found In tho Tennessee river
at Clifton, Tenn., Wednesday, after
he had been missing for several hours,
according to a dlspatchrecelved here.
Dr. Loran B. Doxey and his wife
were residents for a time at Colum
bus, Nob., at which place thoy were
arrested on the charge of murdering
William Erder, tho former husband
of Mrs. Doxey.
Orders an Investigation.
Washington. The Interstate com
merce commission, upon Its own initi
ative, haB ordered an Investigation
Into tho rates, practices and regula
tions which apply to railroad trans
portation of hard coal. All tho anthra
cite roads embraced in tho so-called
"hard coal trust" will bo respondents
In the proceedings.
Peace Advocate In America.
Now York. The Baroness Bertha
von Suttner, who has boon head of the
Austrian peace society for more than
twenty years, has arrived from Eu
rope. The baroness Is on her way to
San Francisco to address the confer
ence of women's clubs of America.
She Intends to remain In the United
States until autumn.
Long Automobile Journey.
York. Neb. After traveling 2,280
miles In an automobllo, Mr. and Mrs.
Joel H. Humpfman. their daughter,
Nancy, and Mrs. Nola Berry of Tuc
son, Ariz., are in this city, the guests
of friends. They have spent ono
month in making the trip from Tucson
to York. They were forced to camp
at several points along tho route be;
cause towns were so far apart.
Mexican Rebels Executed.
Tucson, Ariz. Thirty-two Mexican
Insurrectos and one federal soldier
was killed in a prolonged engagement
south of Topic, June 16, according to
reports received here. The rebels
numbered 400. Tho federals num
bered 150, led by General Castillo. Six
federals were wounded. All rebels
taken prisoners were executed on the
battlo field.
Notice of Election.
Lincoln. H. E. Gooch of this city
received notice from U. S. Senator
Hitchcock Wednesday of his election
as alternato to the democratic con
vention at Baltimore.
Chicago. More than a scoro of men
and women among tho Georgia Tnft
delegation to tho national convention
wcro Injured, somo seriously, in a col
lision between a Pennsylvania passen
ger trnln and several empty coaches
in tho yards of tho union station horc.
'Cudahys Are Reconciled,
Kansas City. John P. Cudahy, tho
packer, and his wife, who became
estranged whon Cudahy attacked Jero
S. Mills, the banker, at tho former's
home, slashing him with a knife and
disfiguring him for llfo, nnnounce that
they havo become reconciled,
London. Italy has agreod to a con
feronco of tho powers for tho settlo
mont of tho war with Turkey, accord
ing to a dispatch from Rome. If Tur
koy is willing, an armistice will be
speedily arranged,
Democratic Council at Baltimore
Awaiting Developments Bogus
Tickets at Chicago Conven
tion Much In Evidence.
Chicago. Casting its solid vote .for
the Roosevelt candidate for temporary
chairman, Governor .McGovern of Wis
consin, tho Nebraska delegation does
not yet believe that Colonol Roosevelt
haB lost control of tho convention.
"That 0G8 voteB for Root Is Tart'B
maximum strength," suld Don L. Lovo.
"It includes a number of otes he
will uever get for tho nomination. For
Instance, ho will not get these votes
from Illinois. Roosevelt la not beaten,"
"From my observation," said J. C.
Hurphum, "this Is a death Btruggle of
old time politicians to return to tho
old system of running conventions, to
stand pat until what they regard as a
wavo of radicalism Is passed. It Is
still possible that Roosovelt will con
trol the convention."
Democrats Watch Convention Closely.
Baltimore, Md. Democrats in coun
cil here gave pause to follow affairs
at tho republican convention. With
the leaders of all candidate for tho
presidential nomination here there
were quiet conferences to prepare
plans for capturing the uninstructed,
delegates. Former Judgo Alton B.
Parker of Now York is said to bo the
likely choice for temporary chairman,
with Representative Olllo James as
the next Btrongest candidate. W. F.
McCombs of New York, campaign
leader for Governor Wilson, an
nounced that Senator Goro of Okla
homa and Representative Mitchell
Palmer of Pennsylvania would second
the nomination of tho Now Jersej
Bogus Convention Tickets Being 8old.
Chicago. Whllo tlckotB to' tho con
vention wore quoted at $100 each,
with the demand greater than the sup
ply, hundreds of counterfeit tickets
wore sold to unsophisticated visitors
at $5 each. Tho swindlers did a thriv
ing business with the fraudulent paBtcy
boards. A Scholze presented ono of
the counterfeit tickets, and when he
was refused admittance, created a dis
turbance and was arrested.
8upreme Tribe of Ben-Hur.
Crawfordsvllle, Ind. The supreme
tribe of Ben-Hur, a fraternal organiza
tion with national headquarters in this
city, began its eighth biennial session,
here Tuesday with a largo attendance
of delegates. The officers' reports
Bhow that the ordor now has a total
of nearly 125,000 members, scattered
over thirty-two states. More than 3.
000,000 has been paid In death claims
since the order was founded.
Bubonic Plague Near 8an Juan.
8an Juan, Porto Rico. Five deaths
which have occurred since Friday last,
In the vicinity of San Juan, have been
diagnosed by the insular board of
health as cases of bubonic plague.
Seven suspects have been confined
and placed under observation.
Norfolk, Neb. J. E. Caldor, twenty
five yeara old, wob Instantly killed
Tuesday as tho result of a shock from
a live wire.
Pioneer Lincoln Woman Dead.
Lincoln. Mrs. Kate Martin, a pio
neer resident of Lincoln, died at her
home hero Tuesday. She was seventy
two years old. She was stricken with
paralysis Saturday and her condition
at once became critical. Mrs. Martin
was for many years tho owner and
manager of the St. Charles hotel, nf
terwards known ns the Boyd, located
near Eighth and O streets. Sho camq
to Lincoln In 18G4, forty-eight yean
Lincoln. Nebraska has more than
1,300,000 acres of land subject to
homestead entry, according to Infor
matlon sont to Lnbor Coinmisslonei
L, V. Guye. The land is listed ns roll
Ing. sandy grazing land, and th
greater' share of It can bo enterod un
dor the Klnkald act, allowing enct
homesteader 040 acres. All entrlei
ran bo completed or proved up within
thrco years and from each year tho
homestonder Is allowed flvo months
absence. Personal Investigations bj
the state labor bureau tvL'I 1m made.
What Is Going on Here and There
That Is of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
Fairmont. Elmer E. Spahr, propri
etor of tho local coal and feed store
here, wns Instnntly killed Friday by
getting caught In tho belt of his gaso
lino engine while grinding feed ot his
place ot business. An employe work
ing with him ut tho time shut tho
engine off and got help at once, but It
was too late. Tho employe, who was
tho only witness of the accident, can
give no accurate account of how It
huppetiud, but thinks Mr. Spuhr
stopped backward into the bolt.
Franklin. Tho "Christian assem
bly" people dedicated their new
church here Sunday. This Ib a new
denomination that has sprung up hero
within the past year under tho leader
ship of Rev. F. Frederick Flske, an
evangelist and former pastor of the
Christian Assembly chinch In Mlnuu
npolls, Minn. They bolluvo In holi
ness, divine healing ami lnw much
stress on fulth In "the whole gospel."
At the dedicatory services an Immense
crowd was present.
Good Peat Near Mllburn.
Alllnucc, Neb. A sample of peat
found near .Mllburn, this county, was
recently sent to the office of tho stato
geological survey at Lincoln, and it
was pronounced to be the best re
ceived by that oillcu. According to
residents of that district there Is a
flno deposit that promises to be of
much initio.
Burned by Gasoline Explosion.
Spencer. Mrs. T. G. llts put a
quantity of gasollno Into u boiler In
which sho was "boiling" clothes on
washday. When cho attempted to re
move tho boiler from tho stove the
gasoline exploded, severely burning
her face, shoulders und arms.
Lightning Strikes Church.
Wabash. Tho Baptist church at
this place was Btruck by lightning
Wednesday, and tho belfry and In
terior of tho building were torn up.
This Is tho third time tho church has
been damaged by lightning In tho past
few years.
Fremont defeated Hastings Tuesday
making It three In a row.
Tho Y. M. C. A. at Hastings has or
ganized a "Twilight" ball club.
Fremont won an exciting see-saw
game from Hastings at Fremont Mon
day. Left Fielder McGlbbon of the Grand
Island team was married recently to
Miss Grace North ot that placo.
McLear, ono of Grand Island's out
fielders, has boon released. His weight
prevented him from hitting his usual
Bechtold of Kearney waB put off tho
field and fined ten dollars at York re-,
cently for wrangling with Umpire
Seward's athletics put tho kalso
mine brush over Grand Island Mon
day by a score of 2 to 0, and with this
victory thoy won fifteen out of seven
teen games played.
No late suppers and a little argu
ment with the wife In the Western
Canada league. Games In the W. C.
L, start'at 6:15 p. m giving tho fans
a chance to feed before taking in tho
Harry Miller of Beatrice has "caught
on" as pitcher with the Htldreth, Neb.,
amateur ball team, and Ib making
good. The other day he pitched a fif
teen inning game .against Wilcox and
won by the score of 3 to 2.
The Polk County Baseball league has
been organized and startol play Tues
day, four teamB being In tho leaguo,
Stromsburg, Polk, Osceola and Shel
by. In the first game of tho season,
Shelby defeated Polk at Shelby by tho
score ot 3 to 1.
Eighteen members of tho house of
representatives played a game of
baseball at Washington recently, the
gate receipts of which were devoted
to hospital and children's play
ground funds.
At tho closo of the Fremont-Grand
Island game at Fremont Wednesday,
Umpire Collins, who Is a giant, pulled
off hlB coat and Invited his tantallzers
to "como on." A rush followed and
ho was surrounded, but tho police In
terfered and hustled him to his hotel
In a back.
Pitcher Canine had Superior entire
ly ut his mercy Monday, whllo Colum
bus hit Gibson at will and won oaslly
12 to 0.
Nobraska City took the first game
of the series from Beatrice at Nobras
ka City Monday by a scoro of ,'t to 0.
Jones of Nebraska City mado tho first
score of tho game, knocking a homo
Kearnoy and York battled for ton
Innings at York Monday, the former
winning 4 to 3. York outbattcd tho
visitors, but numerous errors wero
costly. Kearnoy played a brilliant
garni In the field.
Dodgo county Improved farm land
has been assessed as high na ?3G0 an
The State Health association will
convene In annual meeting In York
Juno 2i,
A Nebraska alumni association Is
to bo formed at Salt Ijiko by former
Tho Crete Commerlcal club has fllod
articles of Incorporation with the sec'
rotary of stnto,
Chris Whltmelor, 74 years old, has
mysteriously disappeared from his
homo near Lorton.,
Tecumsch Is experiencing a short
age In wntor, tho old well on Clay
street being about dry,
J. W. Hillings of llcalrlco wns run
over and seriously Injured by an auto
mobllo on tho streets of Omnhn.
The old settlers association will
hold a picnic In York Saturday, Aug
ust 10, If present plans nro carried
The Junior normal at Alma has nn
attendance of 140 teachers and In
cludes many prominent educators ot
tho state.
Doshler Is arranging to mnko nn au
tomobile trip Thursday, Juno 27,
boosting for the big Fourth, of July
The German Lutheran society of
the Ncbinska and Kansas district
held a celebration called n volkfest nt
Hebron Sunday.
The annual meeting of tho Nchrns
kn Methodist Episcopal church will be
held at Beatrice this year, beginning
September II.
Henry Wnltomnth, a prominent
business man of North Platte, broke
his right arm In attempting to crank
his automobllo.
Tho Fullerton Electric Light and
Power company has Just completed a
new Ico manufacturing plant with a
capacity of ten tonB per day.
Work has been commenced on tho
temporary bridgo that Is to span tho
Platte river south of Fremont until
tho permanent structure can bo built.
This Is tho coldest Juno experienced
In Nebraska for Bomo yenrs. Notwith
standing tho low temperature, voota-
tlon seems to bo making good head
way. hX C. Haines, tho Jockey who was
seriously Injured In tho llve-clghths
mllo running rnco at tho old settlers'
picnic at Palmyra, died Saturday
Wild nnlmnls nro not extinct in
Nemaha county, ns Is ovldonced by
the fact that tho county clerk has Is
sued vouchers for 101 wolves klllod In
tho county this spring.
Tho Womon'B Civic Improvement
club at Fullerton Ib Improving a part
of tho public school grounds for a
park. Flowers havo been planted and
scats will be arranged.
A. A. Wick, an employe at tho Bur
lington round house at Alliance, lost
his right hnnd undor the wheel of an
englno Wednesday. He was doing
some repair work on the engine when
It was started suddenly.
Two preachers at Table Rock, Revs.
Wlmberly and Young, havo boon noti
fied by an anonymous letter that un
less thoy discontinue their fight on
the saloon they will bo shot.
Tho Nebraska association of work
ers for tho blind nro in session at
College View. Delegates from various
parts of tho stato will meet to par
ticipate In the question which will bo
Children's day exercises at Howe
were held at tho Mothodlst church
Sunday. The Rev. Chenowoth of Uni
versity Place had chargo of the pro
gram. About fifty children took part
In the exercises.
Tho Rosalie water plant Is well un
der way. The well has Just been com
pleted to a depth of 161 feet and Is
considered by experts to Insure excel
lent water and an Inexhaustible sup
ply. I
Miss Charlotte Lowe, Instructor at
the state normal school of Kearney,
who went to Ballantlno, Wyo., on a
vacation, was seriously Injured at that
place when she was thrown from a
horse. v.
. Hungry, worn out and well nigh dis
couraged, a family consisting of a
mother, father and little girl, reached
Lincoln Friday after walking nearly
200 miles. Tho party started from
Goodland, Kan., with Lincoln as their
objective point.
By actual count It takes 5,400 Lin
coln files to weigh an ounce. This
figure was reached Saturday, after
some careful work on the part of Art
Haysel, snnltary inspector of the
health department, who has charge ot
counting the files In the "swat" cam
paign which started this week.
Tho Nebraska chiropractic college Is
tho name of an organization formed
in Lincoln for the purpose of equip
ping and operating colleges and In
firmaries. Articles of Incorporation
havo been filed with tho secretary of
Tho State Sheriffs' association will
meet In Lincoln on July 9, and Sheriff
HyerB expects practically every sheriff
In the stnto to be present. On the
evening of tho 9th tho Commercial
club will tender the visitors a ban
quet. John Peters, vlco president of tho
First National bank, died at his homo
In Albion Saturday after a period ot
poor health covering soveral years,
A. A. Campbell, a former resident
of West Point and nt ono tltno a largo
land owner there, died at his homo In
San Diego, Cal., Monday at the ago
of 81, Mr. Campbell sottlcd In West
Point In 1870.
That it will rcqulro $30,000 to put up
a dyko and loveo system at Fremont
that will protect tho town from Platte
river floods in tho future Is tho esti
mate of the Farmland, Fremont and
Railroad Drainago district.
Freed From Shooting Pains,
Spinal Weakner , Dizziness,
by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Ottumwa, Iowa. "For years I was
almost a constant sufferer from female
trouble in all its
dreadful forms;
shooting pains all
over my body, sick
headache, spinal
weakness, dizziness,
depression, and
everything that was
horrid. I tried many
doctors in different
parts of tho United.
States, but Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vcgota-
blo Compound has dono moro for mo than
all tho doctors. I feel it my duty to tell
you theso facts. My heart is full of
gratitude to Lydia E. Plnkhnm's Vego
tablo Compound for my health." Mrs.
Harriet E. Wamtler, 624 S. Ransom
Street, Ottumwa, Iowa.
Consider Well This Advice
No woman suffering from any form
of femalo troubles should lose hopo un
til she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound a fair trial.
This famous remedy, the medicinal In
grcdients of which are derived from
native roots and herbs, has for nearly
forty years proved to be a most value
bio tonic and invlgorator of the fe
male organism. Women everywhere
bear willing testimony to tho wonderful
virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound.
If yon want special advice write te
Lydia E. IMnkham Medicine Co. (coal
dentlal) Lynn Mass. Your letter will
bo opened, read and answered by A
woman and held la strict confldeaoe.
Half a loaf Is better than a loaf of
tho bread some bakers turn out.
flnrflelil Ten, tlm A',tiurl Laxative Is made
entirely of carefully selected puru herbs.
Yet Solomon In nil hlB glory never
wore an opera hat that would open
and shut.
Hardly Suitable.
Settlement Worker Since meat Is
so high why not uso vegetables T
Mrs. Grognn They don't do a black
eye no good.
1 Four Dollars for a Cake of Soap.
Soap has never been considered an
extravagance, but now that notion
may change, since tho new French
Imported soaps are costing from two
to three and four dollars a cake. They
are, however, dollclously scented, and
one may take pardonable pleasure la
using such toilet article. Each cake
comes in a little box, and Is satin
covered; they aro quite a suitable Item
for the traveling bag of the bride, for
which the most exquisite trifles ars
always sought out.
Clothes and the Man.
A colporteur In South Carolina,
walking many miles through mud, ac
costed a passerby and suggested the
purchaso of the Bible. Ho was re
fused. The next day, says the Record
of Christian Work, after a night's rest
and cleanup, he set up his stand In
town and had the pleasure of selling
a Bible to the very man who had re
fused to purchase the day before. "I
met a muddy man yesterday with
nibles," said be, "who looked like a
Methodist tramp. When I buys a Bl
bio I buys it from a Baptist gentle
man." ,
Now Gets Along Without It.
A physician says: "Until last all 1
used to eat meat for my breakfast and,
suffered with Indigestion until the
meat had passed from the stomach.
"Last fall I began the nse of drape
Nuts for breakfast and very soon
found I could do without meat, for my
body got all the nourishment necesi
sary from the Grape-Nuts and since
then I have not had any indigestion
and am feeling better and have in
creaBtl in weight.
"Since finding the benefit I derived
from Grape-Nuts I' have prescribed the
food for all my patients suffering from
Indigestion or over-feeding and also
for tbode recovering from disease
where I want a food easy to take and
certain to digest and which will not
overtax the stomach.
"I always find the results I look for
when I prescribe Grape-Nuts. For
ethical reasons please omit my name."
Name given by mail by Postum Co.,
Battle Creek, Mich.
The reason for the wonderful
amount of nutriment, and the easy
digestion ot Grape-Nuts Is not bard to
In the first place, the starchy part
of the wheat and barley gees through
various processes of cooking, to per
fectly change the starch into dextrose
or grape-sugar, In which stato it Is
ready to bo easily absorbed by the
The parts in the wheat and barley
which Nature enn make use ot for re
building brain and nerve centers are
retained In this remarkable food, and
thus the human body Is supplied with
tho powerful strength producers, so
easily noticed after one has eaten
Grape-Nuts each day for a week or
ten days.
"There's a reason," and It Is ex-
plained in the little book, "The Road
to Wellville," In pkgs.
Kver rfd the nbnre letter? A sew
one appear Croat time Urn. They
are Kenalae, trae, aaa tall af hsauw
4 W
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