lfflMi&&&mmi&w3K&trtK: 'mm&zT-jmmwmt f&&mi&tm(!HftlK&imxZ" fer'wtywNWVw'aw'WBtWBWit tHWWmV mmUUfnvcfm. 'ifiWw.. mrsr wr..l ww 3 -?H..AM.. 5 ' V AMOmMi iaii V B. Ji M. Time Table 'l ST lmi'Mi No. It I'liroimlt train, tu nits '.'.(XI u, tn No. 10 Local iusinger " W a. tn No. 171 Accommodation North ex. cent Monday anil Wed., depnrtH i::io i. in. No. KO-Accoitimodatlon North . Monday and Vi'diicriny dcpartH lluWn.m. WKsr hound No. 13-Tlirounh trnln, departs fi:'ija. in. No. 15 Local pusstiiKor " 8::i. in. AV.WAVAW.V.V.V.V.V.V. ,. - ,... J f vollcltltiB1 counnlttee? They are look (io to the Hon Ton Offo for the bust In- (,'ieani and Soda Water ill town. Hot Hamburger ami Slioit Onlcis ut nil hour- tit Warren's restaurant. .1. V Watson, W. V. Meyer and 11. D. Hehvlck of Campbell were in town Monday. Tlie best ami purest lc Cream nntl Summer drinks in the city nt the Hon Ton Cafe. Hnve you seen the Chautauqua HONE NEWS Bulletin of The Week's Doings ftrwwuwwwwtvuuw t V.V See Dr. Cross over State Hank. V. H. Fulton is on th.e hick list. D. !' H.ilslt of HI ui! Hill was in town Fiiilny. K. J. Hull of Superior was in town Tuesday. Ll. Hcmplc of Iineolu wasju town Tuesday. Cliua. Uogate of lilailcn was iu town Saturday. J. W. Can ol of Alma was in town Saturday. I. 1 Gage pf Fremont was in town Saturday. George Hollihter was In MeCook last Saturday. S. .1. Fair Is in Smith Center, Kans., this week. Kenneth Williams is in Hluo Hill this week. Mrs. Allen Tulleys spent Monday in Guide Koek. . , J. 1. Larson of Hastings spent Tues day in town. J. U. Hartols ot Desliler spent Sun day iu town. A. K. Cougdou of Fremont wus in town Friday. Joseph Flaherty of Heatrlce was in town Monday. All kinds of Electrical work done by Morhart Bros L. M. Crablll left for Cripple Crek, Colo., Tuesday. Dr. Cross the dentist is loiated over the State Hank. Go to P. L. Hansen for your Harness and Machine Oils. Jitn Ryan returned home from Superior Monday. A Rood sewing machine for sale. In quire at this olllce. F. C. Cooper of Guide Rock was on our streets Mouday. Ice Cream and Fountain drinks at Warren's restaurant. , vk B. E McFarland was in,, Kansas City the first nt the week. r . 2 Alfred Wiggans of Inavaie vWon our streetB Saturday. 'Dr. C. E. Cross and wife spent Saturday in Franklin. J. C. Mitchell was in Hastings Wednesdny on business. W. P. Waddle of Lebanon, Kane., was in the city Sunday. Hert Stovens was down from Alma Wednesday on business. S. K. Callorlln of Cm n City, Colo., was iu town over Sunday. Von Hall and sou Vou of Bladen were iu town Wednesday. Henry Coulson of Strang was in town Tuesday on business. Don Saunders returned home from Brunniug Monday evening. Paul Johnson of Hastlnge visited friends in town Wednesday. For Sam: A line upright folding bed. Inquire of S. B. Ki.er. Chiekon dinner nvery Sunday at Warren's restaurant, U." cunt. A. K. Atkins and Dr. ). I). Sander son wero.ln Hivertifn Sunday. A. M. Viil'ior Hluo Hid was iu town Tuesday on legal bii-iluess. Losr -Fountain pen Finder per.se return to C. F Waldo, iiewurd. Ing for you jMtnes Doyle and Lnlrd Potter went to Klin Creek Saturday returning Sun day by Htito, Mrs. llleUer living over iu Kansas spent Sunday with her daughter Mis, I. W. Edson! Mis. Sausotu, mother of Mr. Ed. Mu. lister, departed for Colorado Fri day morning. Mi", Maiiu Jernbeig left Wcdnos day for Denver where she will visit for sevel ill weeks. Mrs. O.D. Hedge and Miss Mubol Essig left Saturday fur Indiana for an extended visit. Sunday evening, Phillip .Martin, sou of John Martin fell olT a horse and broke ills arm. Frank Cowden, Dave Kaley and Art McArthur took in the ball game at Superior Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Herrlek are the proud parents of a baby boy born Mouday morning E II. Cook and family of Xnwatto, Okla.. are visiting his parents Dr. and Mrs. Henry Cook. The Dimnoud Electric Vaetim clean er demonstrated in jour home free. Call Phone Hed 97. Miss Doras Croekell of Franklin is visiting Miss Alice Popo and Mis. B. M. Griee this week. The Mlscs Hazel Robinson and Allison Cowden visited friends in Superior this week. HerrWilliams and Harry Eldredge spent Sunday iu Guide Rock. What's the attraction boys? Mrs. Myra Jones and baby of Clay Center ore visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Grlffeth. Rudolph Kubiok and wife of Table Rock spend Sunday with bis sister, Mrs. Fannie Moranville. Mr Morton Smith visited her brother- Jesse Norton and wire in Superior the first of the week. Mrs. Beltler and sons living near Cowles were in town Saturday visiting Her Bister Mrs R. G Runchey. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Edson went to Grand Island Saturday. to visit' ,her parents returning home Monday. lV 'Trle W. C. T. uKhas posponed their meeting 1foVoiicreek and will meet with 'Mrs". l)ow July 10th at 2:30. .Edwin Jarboe will preach at the Indian "reek sohodl bouse next Sun day nt 3 p. m. Everyone welcome. Call rural phone 'JO.') if you have cream or poultry to sell. J. O. Caldwixl. Lloyd Brndbrook came down from Hrunniug Monday evening for n visit with his mother, Mrs. Finkenbinder. Mr. and Mrs. Finland Miner of Orders Called for and Delivered tJWc will be glad to call for your orders and give you advantage of our daily store offerings the same as if you came to market yourself. In fact, we arc extremely careful in making up1 your order, as we feel that if you do not get the very best you might think we were tak ing advantage of you. B. E. McFarland All tho Phonos Shollrook, Iowa arc in the city visiting at the home of Mrs. L. M. Stonebreiik er. Mrs. Rob't Dewltt returned home Saturday from Hastings where she visited her sister Mrs. Warren Long tin Claude Smelser and wife of Hay Springs, Nebr., are visiting his parents Mr. aed Mrs. Frank Smelser this week. Mrs. L F. Pool of Lyons, Kas., aud Mrs. Whitley of Inavaie are the guests of Mrs. J. L. Norrls and family tills week. John L. Martin and family of Good- laud, Kins., arrived in towu Thursday to help care ror his mother, Mrs. M. S. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Perry are in Oma ha this wei'k where Mr. Perry is buy ing goods for tin new firm of Weesner k I '.MTV W ii , IV . U 2 CI iH, .e;:eee6ee6e Polk, Geniing Polk System -ft (5 in building Monolithic eg Reinforced Concrete A Silos. We build Silos (f anywhere in Nebraska Jj? or we sell the forms and let you build them . . . ji Piatt & Frees Red Cloud, Neb. W Write us tor Further Information D.ui Garber returned liomu from Chicago Tuesday morning wlietc lie had been attending the Republican convention. Miss Myi a Cook and a lady friend who mi toed to Omaha Friday for a few days visit. They returned homo Wed nesday evening. Just as we go to press we learn of the death of Mrs. Win. Cloud of Ina vaie. Further particulars will be given next week. Owing to next Thursday being the Fourth of July The Chief will go to press next Wednesday night so the force can celebrate. George Hanbrock and wife have moved to Red Cloud from Hastings and has accepted a position with the Dumas Cigar factory. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Moranville ac companied by their nieces, Vera and Winifred Vlcrsreturned homo Sunday from Minneapolis, Kansas. If you will carefully read the Chau tauqua program you will' agree with what lias been said It's the best pro gram Red Cloud has ever bad. Go to Henderson's for cane seed. Wo' just got in an extra choico lot to go at 81. 10 per bushel. F E I! KNDERHO.V. Don't forget we make farm loans, money ready the day the title is ap proved. G.Hium, Hutchison &. Salauex. What constitutes u successful Chau tauqua in Red Cloud? A good pro gram and TOO season ticket holders. Are you one of the 700V If not, get iu line. Mrs. M. Hedge accompanied by Miss Irene Moon, visited nt the borne of her daughter and family. Mrs. Orin Harvey, near Inavaie last Saturday and Sunday. Dr. Warrick, the specialist will meet eye, ear, nose and throat patients and those needing glasses properly fitted at Dr.Damerell's ofllce in Red Cloud Tuesday, July 2. A Bargain: My residence property on Webster St., near 4th avenue. First good offer takes it. Don't be back ward make me an offer. Address Geo. F. Newhouse, The Dalles, Oregon. The ladles of the Congregational church will hold their monthly market at P. A. Wiillbrandt's store next Satur day mid will also havo on salu their eoolt books which will bo sold nt ti.'i cnts eaiih. IMorts are being made to havo all places of busiitoss elosi) at V:!l() p. in., Saturday, July 20 for the opening number of ihuChtiutaui-iia. lied Cloud will turn out ciiina'sn to hear The r.nglish Opera Company. Jj A .v i- m have lor sale farms on easy payments and speelal terms, worth the money. Several mighty good deals. The largest list of local farms from which to select. Dan UAnur.it & Company, Cuir.r Olllce. IJvery person who appreciates a Rood musical, lecture or entcrtaltnent and wants to help tiiako the Chautauqua a permanent institution in Red Cloud must render personal assistance. How'.1 Buy n season ticket for youiself and family. Si Jamison, of Sm Diego, California a iirt class baud man and a sign paint er by profession, arrived in Red Cloud Monday auu will mane mis nis ruturo headquarters. Mr. Jamison Is an old friend of Prof. Betz, who was the cause of Mr. Jamison locating here. The trambone seotion of the band is now complete and Tuesday evenings con cert was one of the best ever heard of in the city. The people of the Baptist church gave the newly wedded Mr. aud Mrs. Cbas. II. McKiramey a real old fashion ed surprise Saturday evening. Fully forty members were ptesetit bringing with lliein plenty of lec eioaui and o.ike. A very enjoyable evening was spent and at the proper time Rev. Cole presented the new couple with a set of solid silver lea spoons. The pres entation speach was botli pleasing and pithy. In ns much as we will not celebrate the Fourth iu this city wc suggest that the vhi lolls stores bo closed at eight o'clock in the morning. This arrange ment will give plenty of time for the people to do their trading for the day and will permit those who deslte to celebrate In other places to make all train". The other towns iu the county were kind enough to give us full swing last year and we should return the compliment, A vet v pretty and appropriate ex ercise uns given ill the Baptist church Sunday uioinlug in'honorof Clilldicu's D.iy. The decorations weie simple but pleasing and entire program was well rcndcied. There were soul's and recitations, class drills and exeiel-es ami all were dellghtfut. The children entered into the niwiiim with .est and enthusiasm and seemed to fully appreciate their responsibility. The church was tilled to over-How ing and the audience certainly appreciated all efforts of the children. Mr. Farmer, one of your great prob lems may be to enthuse your boy or girl to give honest, earnest assistance In farm woik during tho summer months. Why not hold out ns an In ducement it trip to the Statu Fair at. Lincoln, Sept. '.!(, where the best ex hibits and iricatest attractions arc gathered together'.' Just think, in ad dition to the best horso races, will be seen aeioplanee lliglits, the entire Cheyenne Fioutler Days show, Liber atlVt great band and Grand Opera Con cert company, night attractions, tiro works, and a number of other events in addition to the very best exhibits of stock, products of the soil, Improved machinery, etc. Is It not worth trying? Carier-ReUle One of the prettiest weddings of the season took place Wednesday uoon, Juno iiOtli., at tho home of Mr.' and Mrs. Ephram Carter living four miles northeast of Inavaie when their daugh ter Ada Floe was joiued in holy matri mony to Mr. Grover Reigle. Llder J. Kdwiu Jarboe of the Brethren church officiated. The bride Is a christian young lady of highest type and Is most highly esteemed by ber host of well wishing friends. The groom is the sun of Mrs. J. S. Reigle and be needs no introduct ion to our readers us he is one of our best and moat successful young men. - The fUB was dressed beautiful iu pure' wlilte silk, The bride's maid Miss Laura Reigle sister or the groom was ulso dressed iu pure white. Mr. Omar Carter brother of the bride acted as best man. After the simple but. very Impressive ceremony aud the Usual congratula tions the bridal party all weariiiu carnations and carrying beautiful boijuots of carnations rind roses enter ed the dinning room and with forty live guests sat down to a bountiful feast which only mothers like Mrs. Carter 4knov how to prepare. The rooms and tables were most beautiful decorated throughout. Mr. and Mrs. Reigle were the recipi ents of many very useful as well . us beautiful presents. They will be at home at once on the farm of Mrs. J. S. Rilgle's which the groom has lately furnished and nrenared for his bride. Kveryone present spoke very highly of the grand way in which Mr. and Mrs. Carter entertained them and all went away wishing the newly married poople joy and prosperity upon the sea of life. Nothing to Worry ...About Now!... Good Rains, Good Crops and Good Times are here Dress up and Look the Part ' You can't look Prosperous in Old Clothes We will dress you up at such a low price it will surprise you. Come and see our June wearables in Underwear, Shoes, Straw Hats, Shirts, Men's and Young Men's Nobby Suits, all priced at the lowest prices possible. ..... The Best Makes, B. Kuppcnhclmer Co, Ctothcraft Clothiers IMGouiden-Haley Clothin j Go. one rmicc cLOTHimmm , p Some Summer Cloaks Still Left . . . Get One at a Price . . . Conftreftatlonal Church Notices. "Light on tho Hidden Years of the private Life of JesuV will be the sub juct of the sermon Sunday morning. Sunday school at 10. If you do not attend else wheie come and join our classes. Kvenlng preaching service at B'. Subject of sermon: "Transformed by B.'liolding." , Brotherhood meets Tuesday oveniug at 8 o'clock Mid-weuk meeting on Wednesday evening. Subject: "Our Religion and our Country." As thin is tho icgular evening for the quarter ly business meeting of the church a full attendance is desired. Make a special effort to come, John J. IIayni:, I'astor. Card of 1 hanks We wish to thanlc our kind friends aud neighbors who so kindly assisted us daring the sjekuus and death of our beloved father, Edward Uasser, and also for the beautiful flowers donated iu token of affection. Mr. and Mrs. John Holcomb. Mr. and Mrs. John Saladen. Mr. and Mrs. John Kasscr. Mr. and Mrs, Connie Kasscr. Henry and Edward Kasscr. EleSant Selection of Press Embroideries 40 in. width . . . $1.50, 1.25 and 85c yd 27 in. width . . $1.25, .75, 60 and 50c yd 18 in. width . . $1.25 1.00, .75 to 25c yd Wide Bandings $1.00 yd All widths and prices in Galoon Bandings Now is just the time for the embroidery Summer Dress -" Wide range of patterns and prices in all classes of Summer Dress Goods, prices from 60c yd down to 5c yd. Oxfsrd Shoes BIB I) Will C. CreMer The Tailor and French Dry Cleaner, up stairs over Burden's grocery. Moon block. Best Laundry service in the city. Itoth phones, Just received a shipment of New Shoes, all dif ferent leathers, styles and prices. Its our business to keep up on all lines of merchandise and we're here with the goods Turnure Bros 'ViAvsAvAviA' )S. t The C. f . D. Feed Slere J We carry a full line of Feed, (lay, Flour, Qlls and (las. Try our Machine Oil on your mower. At present we have some choice Cane and Millet seed, come in aud con tract what you need before its gone. F. E. tlKNDEKSON. RfpHbltcan Rally Friday Nkkkt. The republicans will have a ratifi cation meeting Friday evening, the band will be on band, a parade of tb bandanna troops, a Rough Rider will address tho meeting, one who served under Koosevelt at San Juan. All citizens are invited. llv Oiioer ok. Committer. f c r 4 U ' I " i l!i i.'i -3 i tl v.r m iMJi )W S&J&& i