V : If" if I' '. SS & i.Vs 6 V The Red Cloud Chief vpua Red Cloud, Nebraska. ; i PUBLISHED EVERY THUKbDAT Kntcrcd In tho I'ostoinro nt Hcd Cloud, NcK, an second ClnM M niter. 0 . HALE runusiiEit fUB ONLY DKMOOUATIO l'AI'KU IN WKII3TKK COUNTY The mulberry crop i' n law oiip tills year republican oratory ditto. V.W.VV.V.VA".W.V. ? Correspondents Tho wife who doesn't boon her trade nt home ought not to i!uuii'aiu about a raring husband. The froluliMiuitv! doesn't add much tu the looks of tho town; but that 1 all tho mull ordr house help to build. Kod Cloud noon's u public p.uk, n V. M, C. A. buildliiK and ullbiary. Any one so 1 noli lied may nre-ent the city with anyone or all three of these con-venionces Notwithstanding the hot ulr in the 'political camps Nebraska Is steadily forging ahead and beeping tin eye firmly on the bumper crop which is mire to come. The prospects for u lHrge crop of com are very bright and all other crops are made. Alfalfa never w.is better either in quantity or quality ntid tho potatoes are th best ever. Wo may not furnish nil the officers for the government Hot wo will go a long ways towards feeding our ninety million people. Surely the democrats have a great deal to be enthusiastic over this year. We have repeatedly stated that the machinery of the republican party was rotten and now the national con vention of thnt party has avowedly ad mitted the eliHrgo. For the first time the public has been able to see the in side workiug of the machine and the trickery nud thievery was something appalling. What it bus beeu in times psst with the doors closed passeb com prehension. President Tuft und his republican miohltiu ought to bo burled no deep that even, the friends from Alaska would never be able to find them. Any d mocrat can beat Taft. The American people will not go wrong when they have posccsstou of till the information. .W.V.V.VAV.V.W.V.V.V.V COWLES Mr. Deakln who has been In Oin ihh for several ditys on business returned Wednesday. MUs Lillian Harris daughter of Geo. Hut rls foimerly of this place came in from Colorado Wednesday for u visit with James Harris and family. A number of our young people went to the river Wednesday on a fishing excursion. There was a large delegation of the people of our I O. O. K, lodge went to Upland Tuesduy lo attend the pic nic al that place. Tlicy all leport u very enjoyable tljne. Geo. Holt of the llitiiof HoitX IIoilU went to Lincoln Monday evening to biiugliack a litiiek car. They had sold every car in their garage. We understand that tho Mount Clair base bull team is coming over to Cow lew Saturday tu cross bats with Cowles Indians. The Indians liereaie always on the war path. Mr. and Mis. Ellis of Superior are here visiting at tho homo of her par ents .Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. Wo un derstand they intend to move- lieie. Earl Paul and wife were down trotn Hustings Wednesday. Tho Ladies Aid Society of the Chris tian chinch will servo ice cream ami cake at Myrt Adaiiison'n garage on Sat'iulav afternoon and evening. At the annual school meeting it was decided lo put in the eleventh grade which will make the tlfth teaehei necessary. It was aho voted that u new school bouse be ready for the cur 1U1IM4 in u new location. Keese Thompson intends to build u house near his sand pit in the near futuie. Mr. Titus of Fall Held will preach in the Christian church on Sunday. Juno Hu, both morning and evening. Mrs. Nate IMutt of Ked Cloud spent last Saturday iu Cowles. Mr. and Mrs. Squires of Hastings spent Sunday at the home of Wintield Scott. I HfflEaSS&aE Let Others Figure Your Plumbing Bill, But Let Us Figure Your Lumber Bill! No Job Too Large, No Job Too Small-We Give Our Careful Attention to All! We have Figured Many Bills in the Past! Figured Some Today, And Expect to Figure Many More in the Future! Let Your's Be Among Them! Saunders Bros. Great Saving! BIG REDUCTIONS Se Us Before Buying, Ours are This Season's Goods Farm Loans The Miner Bros. Co, ." A Mighty Safe Place to Trade." At. Lovvest'lnteresl, best option, least expense. Call for me at State Hulih, Ked Cloud. C. F. Cathlk. NAANVyvyWAS We never can lenrn too much about the really great men who served our country Nvhan it 'was flrst formed. Aiexuuupr uauiuvuo imn mini: uiucu for this republic and If. elves us ex treme pleasure that' the managers of the chant Hiiqua association secured the services ofan excellent authority t.) address, us next month. Mrs. J Redding Cole has spent years in the study of this early American and she will give us the lesiilts of her investi gations. Mrs. Cole is a spo titer of no mean ability and with Alexander Hamilton as a subject, wo are assured of real genuine instruction and in formation. The lectruo is especially appropriate just at this time living ns we do iu a period which is u bit chaotic and confusing. v We believe that it would be nn ex collent tiling to again form a Booster Chautauqua Club and ndvoitise our coming chautauqua by sending auto, mobile delegations all over this terri tory. We have a program this year that is the equal of any In tho state and we ought to let tho public know It. It hardly fair to iist the owners of automobiles to do it all hut we believe that they would be gh'd to lender the use of their machine provided the rest of us Would bear the expenses. The booster Idea Is a good one any way Mi.ee. It tends to lucreii-o tho I've' ing of fricudllui'xg between tho towns. Wo llnd out what they me. doing mid they llnd out what imi nro doing ntnl the result is that we nil got butter ir units. One day glwn up to this moo lueut will result iu a great loil ol goon not only lo the chautauqua movement but to tho elt and -iirrouiidlug conn try. Tl'io (Jiildo Koch Fouith or .Inly lliostei Club was in this city early Wednesday mnruli g with foiirtetn automobiles and a first .class brass band. Tills band played seveial e. colli nl selections on the street which was much appreciated by our people Tho club was malting n complete tour of the county ami impressing everyone that there would bo snuietliug doing down ut (Sulde Koch on tho Fourth We are conlhhmt that they nro going to have a good celebration beeaiuo they would not go to tho trouble of all tills advertising if they had tioth Jug but wind to otter on tnat grout day. The very fact that they are will ing to give their time and energy lo let. tho people know that they have made preparations for a good lime is proof positive that they will deliver the goods, Anyone wanting to spent the Fourth and hare a spanking good time will not miss it by going to Oulde Rock GARrlELL) The furmers iu Gurfield have been working in their corn fields the p.tst week. It bus been a good time to kill weeds. Al Smith lost a tine horse on Sunday caused from getting his leg.bioke. Cluj5'Veavor shelled 'corn for '4uy Barnes 06 Friday.' Mr. and Mrs. Simpson of Ked Cloud visited, with Air. and Mrs. Clyde Kowen Suturday'aud Sunday. Miss Pearl White returned home on Satuiday ufter a two week's visit iu Garfield. The school mee.tliig was hold iu dis trict 8"i on .Monday night with a close ly contested election between X 1 Campbell and Al Smith for Moderator and Smith was elected. They decided to have nine months school thocn-uitig year. George Harris was hauling hay to town on Monday for lialley's tie barn. Will Smith was out on wir.d mi 1 row Sunday iu his unto. Sam Jones is papering ut X. 1 Campbell's this week. Herman Wobberintiu arrived on wind mill low Saturday from Webb City, Mo., wlit-re he bus beeu for sever al months. GUIDE ROCK. . Miss C.ruietia Hush, formerly of this place, but now of Wutong.i, Oklu., was mauled Wednesday, .lone !Mih., to Uoben Woei tier of Supi rior. 'I ho will reside at Superior. Mm. Win lVtlit Is visiting relatives at l'eir.v, Illinois. Mis. Chester Stanley of IJostwicU siienl Sundu with iter patents Air and .Mrs, (ieo. Iltigau. , T. W. Clino and fa'iully of North Brunch, Kas.,spuut 1 rid.iy night and Stturday with his sister, Mrs. I luster C nmer and family, Mr. and Mrs J. II. Trust of Supeiloi visited ovei Sunday In town, Leonard .Howard is sulTerlng with a broken limb, which resulted fioui nn accident while ildlug ids motorcycle Monday evening. The inenibei isbiok on just ubiivu tho knee. itussel Viiughiu left hist week for itiisobiul, S. 1., where ho was man led to Miss Hhiisu l-e, Juno 'JD. ISruudpu Dunbar Is on tho sick list. CASH- Dissolution Notice Notice Is heieby given that the piutnership subsisting between us, II, K. Ashor and I). B. Pine, carrying on u veterinary business al Ked Cloud, Nebraska, under the style or firm of Asher & Pine, was on the 2 1st day of June, 1012, dissolved by mutual con sent, and that the business in the fu ture will bo carried on by tho said II, E Asher alone, and who will receive Vll moneys payable to said late firm. II. E. Aniier " D. B. Pink. SALE Over three hundred Suits of Men's and Young Men's Clothing have been taken from the regular stock and will be offered at the above discount from the regular marked prices Some $25 Suits at . . $12. SO 66 . - W.QO " . - 7.o 66 66 These Suits have been selected and placed in lots "One," "Two" and "Three" Lot "Qne"-Wi be sold at a discount of 50 per cent as hey are cold at (.his price no alterations will bo mado. Lot "AcO'Ai one-third off cc.::t?ii.ung over one hundred suits is the most remarkable bargain offering I have gj.v otb. They came from such makers as Kcrt SchoSfner & Marx and Michaels Stern end r e ai !.cv clean patterns. They are broken loto and I wish to clean thein,up. Hero is you" ? u vcv o iuy suits thnt sold tor 3d.6o for 520.00. Suits that sold for 520.00 for $13.6G. 01,3.0 suits for 5512.00 and $15.00 suits for $10.00. These suits will not last long at those prices and if you want the choice get in early. Lot 'Three9 -Is all this season's goods and only because I am overstocked and feel thnt I must reduce the amount of clothing do I make this cut price which means a saving to you of from One-Fourth the regular price. No suit sold in this sale except for CASH. Any suit that does not give satisfaction yyill be made, good just the same as if you paid me full price for it. Let us show these suits to you. You will find them "right." Do it NOW. i PAUL STOREY I RED CLOUD B - a k- NEBRASKA "? 1 - i wvwi m i J .. ,m. .. y ,t m