t'ik&2au&21 .aaL: ,uiWCL- vJsswrx ;iewiriMs"r lav tjt. -jimw" Thw - A- - - rfJ8fc.; a. . . tfMftP fc )' B. & H. Time. Tnlili: v. ir nor vii .S'o. li I'liroititli tral i ill rt 'i a No. 1(1 Loi'iil i:Miiiiii'r " U.Ijii. No. 171 Ai'i'tiniitioiliiiliiii Nortti t x cijit Moinlnj nml Wi-it., Ui;iilts !:." p. No. 170 -Avconinioiliilliin Noith Momlny ami Wi'iIikmIiij' iln-.irti II ton w I .Ml Hot Ml No. 13 Throtmh trnlii. tit puts lii'iti No. to Loral ii.isspiiKir " ,s.:',(lp in lit in. in til. Illl I HOME NEWS Bulletin of The Weck'u Doings See Wr. Cross ovei State H'UiW. D.ivo Wliltuker loft Mnnd'iy for Oenon. Hilly Miller of Hustings wits in town Monday. E. Engberg of Atlanta wus in town Monday. 11.' E McFarlund went to Nnponce Tuesday. Short orders at all hours at the Puri tan Cafe. N. B. Itenson of Superior is in town this week. C. D. Purring of Lincoln was in town last week C D. Itllcy of Tecumseh spent San v day in town. Short orders at all hours at the Puritan Cafe. M. E. Worde of Oxford was in the city Tuesday. All kinds of Electrical work done by Morhart Hros L. R. Mlsner of Henderson was in town Saturday. Jack Masters of Guide Rock is in town this week. For ice cream and soft drinks go to the Puritan Cafe. II. E. lillmorc was up from Guide , Rock Wednesday. Go to P. L. lluusen for your Harness and Machine Oils. Don Fulton returned home from Lincoln Saturday. I a unnil rb iv hie machine for sale. In- quire at this ollice. llert Darwiu of Hostwick was on our streets Tuesday. Chas. StelTen and wife visited in Guide Rock Sunday. Attend the band concert by our band given every Tuesday. W. 11. Clark of Wytnore was in town on business Tuesday. Ice Cream and Fountain driuks at Warren's restuurant. M. M. CJrow of Anisherst was 'In towu visting friends. ' ., , y C. W. Way of Hastings, the arobitect was iu town Monday. Jim Mcintosh and son Elgitr were " in Hastings last week. Ed Amuck and wife spent Sunday in lfluo Hill with frietids. F. F. liriggs of Holdregc wus In town on business Friday S. V. Grosse of Keuiuey visited friends in towu Tuesday. Try Ludlow'ti Jloo chicken dinner Sunday at the Puritan Cafe. FurS.vlk-A tine upright folding bed. InquWe of S. B. Kl.er. ' Chicken dinner every Suuday at Warreu's restauraut, 3S cen'ts. Henry Jdui'H left for his homo at Dcweese after visltiug friends. Go to the Bon Ton Cafe for the best Ice Cream and Soda War in town. Hot Hamburger and Short Orders at all hours at Warren's restaurant. Marion Newman of Mankato, Kas , was In town Monday visiting friends. ' The best and purest Ice Cream and Bummer drinks iu the city at the lion Ton Cafe, v Dan Garter left Saturday morning for Chicago to atteud the republican convention. k J a i bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH LbbbbH ! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH i 'BfBfBfBfBfBaBl, ! bbbbbbbbI ' BBBBBBBH bbbbLI bbLbbH bbLbbH Bf BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBkl'If Mr. nml Mis. (;. McKlmntey ar rived lioine Wednesday fiom their ueddiim' tup Tied Arnold of In ivnle li.m purclm ed ii new Oveiland automobile from .Ins lVtOlMlll, Cuil Simpson and wife tnturned to Clindimi Monday after a pleasant vKlt with his pui outs Mises ll-itlui and Deruico Potter left for Cow If s Tuesday to visit John I'.lmII and family. Rev. II. Atkins of near Lebanon spent Sunday with the Misses Mai gar ct and Fluta DavU, The Diamond Eluctrir Vaciim clean er deinotistinted iu jour home free. Call Phone Red !7. Miss Vet mm Storey is home from Lincoln where pIio has been attending the state uuivcislty. E. U Overman and family left Mon day for California where they will spend hcvctal months. Mrs. N. Lotigtin and daughters Alfa and Marceline left Wednesday evening for Los Angeles, Calif. Editor Hale and wife spent Monday with Mr. Hale's brother A. C. Hale who lives pear Inavale. Harry Harmonson, who has been working for Chas Norrls, left Wednes day morning for Oklahoma. Mrs. Roy Talt and Miss Gertrude Coon left Monday for Aurora to attend the state P. E. O. convention. Mrs. John Polnlcky and son Paul left Wednesday for California where they will visit for several mouths. Call ruial phone 205 if you have cream or poultry to sell. J. O. Caldwell. If you arc going to buy a Silo this year, come and see ui; we believe we cun save you money. Pi.att fe Fiikks. Mrs., Ch'ils. Zallman who is living southwest of the city who has been quite sick is reported to be improving slowly. - About 40 of the young folks of the Methodist church held a picnic Tues day at Ainboy. A good time is report ed by all. Oris Fearn, who Is a compositor at the Gazette ottlce in McCook, spent Saturday and Sunday iu this city with his parents. Harry Brubaker and wife, who live on Willow Creek, are the proud par ents of a baby boy which was born Sunday night. Dr. Cross the dentist is lozated over the State Rank. For ice cream and soft drinks go to the Puritan Cafe. " Eld. J. E. Jarboe will preach in the Chrlstaln church at Inavale next Sun day Juno 23d both morning and even ingf AirVrn welcome. Atiiv. ripd Vrs.J,Lpuls Maulevi who live northeast of this city, are the proud parents of a baby girl which was born Sunday uight. Try Ludlow's 33c chicken dinner Suuduv at the Puritan Cafe. Mrs Snydain and son left for their home in Illinois Monday. They wore called here by the sickness and death of hor father, Mr. D. R. Whituker. Go to Henderson's for ciie seed. We just got in an extra choice lot to go at 81.40 per bushel. F B llKNDERsOX. Howard, Foe, Phil Sherwbod and Floyd Turnure arrived home last week from Lincoln whore they had been attending the state university. If you are going to buy a Silo this year, come and see us; we believe we can save you money. Platt & Frkks. Grandpa Warren in highly elated over the arrival of a grand daughter born to Ned Grimes and wife Satur-dayJjMptHej- and daughter doing fine. l4feMMaW have for sale farms on easy 'payments and special terms, wortb the money. Several mighty good deals. The largest list of local farms from which to select. Dan Oakukr A Company, Chief Office. we u m m m m Polk. Genung, Polk System m in building Monolithic J Reinforced Concrete JE Silos. We build Silos anywhere in Nebruka or we sell the forms and let you build them . . . ffi Write us tor Further fl? Information (fj Platt & Frees Red Cloud, Neb. jfi m X Orders Called for and Delivered IWe will be glad to call for your orders and give you advantage of our daily store offerings the same as if you came to market yourself. In fact, we are extremely careful in making up your order, as we feel that if you do not get the very best you might think we were tak ing advantage of ybu. 4 B. E. McFarland All thm Phonm Don't forget we make farm loans, money ready the day the title is ap proved. Oarhkh, Hutchison & Saladen. Dr. Warrick, the specialist will meet eye, ear, nose and throat patients and those neediug glasses properly fitted at Dr. Damerell's ofllce In Red Cloud Tuesday, July 2. A Baroun: My residence property on Webster St., near 4th avenue. First good oiler takes it. Don't be back ward make me an offer. Address Geo. F. Newliouse, The Dalles, Oregon. Kdward K. Nasser died at his home east of this city Momlny Juno 17. Funeral services -were held at the Methodist church this afternoon. Full obituary will be glvcu in our next issue. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Rail are the proud parents of a baby girl horn Fri day morning. Noble was very excited Friday climbing telephone poles but has gradually receded to his normal state. Mr. net, informs us that he has another musician coming from Cali fornia. The professor says he is a number one Trombouo player and is also a good painter. He will work for Mr. Sloss. Mrs. Henry Struyer who has been visiting her sou Ernest aud family at Orleans for the pHtt few weeks re turned home Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mis. Ernest Straj'er "ac companied her home. Mr. and .Mm. Waieu Lougtin of Hastings have been visiting their par ents this week They returned liume this morniug accompanied by her mother, Mrs. A. W. Holmgruiu, and sister Mrs. Rout. Uevvitt Ernest Davis who has held a position witli C. L. Coltiug for the past t! years has resigned bis positisu. Mr. Davis and family aud Miss Rett McDowell departed for Stella, Nebr., Monday where they will visit relativea. Mrs. J. W. McCracken returned home Sunday evening from New Market, Iowa. She was called there about five weeks ago owing to the ill ness of her' mother who died Friday at the age of eighty-three years. Application to the county superin tendent for transfer for' school pur poses must be made' at or before the annual meeting (June 24). Applica tion blanks may be secured from the office of the county superintendent. Oertbudr Ii. Coon, Co. Suit. R. W. KoonUs has added a well e- quipped carry-all and a comodius hack to bis bus and transfer line and is now prepared to take care of all tbe wants of tbe traveling public. Mr. Koontz believes in getting the best of every thing and looks after the comfort of bis customers. 11. C Cutter, of Red Cloud, Nebr., disposed of two cars of hogs here today, Mr. Cutter is a big shipper and sends all of his consignments to this point. He has been a regular patron of this market ever siuce the present yards were built. Monday's St. Joe Stock Yards Dally Journal. The Baptist church preseuted a most pleasing appearance Sunday. The building hadlieen freshly papered aud painted aud the windows stained. As soon as one enters the church he ex periences a restful agreeable feeliug "which steals over his consciousness ere be is aware". The room is bright and cheerful and in itself expresses a cordial welcome to all comers The ladles of the church were instrumental iu securing the necessary materials aud Ker. Cole performed the labor. Tho church ofllclully uxpiessod thanks to Rev. Cole for this work and also for the beautiful individual communion set which he presented them. The llnptlst Suiuliiy school will ob serve Children's Day iiit Sunday at the hour of moiiiliijr servle?; tho exer cises vu'ie deferietl oil account of painting the church, but will occur next Sunday, without full. Coidial in vitation Is given to all. I W. Unxo.s, Supt. Dr. i:. A. Cielghton has hud liU farm adjoining thK city on the west surveyed and laid oil' into lots which ho will offer for sale iu a short time. These lots aio conveniently located and will make excellent lioiueu for many people. Wu understand that the Doctor litis le-eived a few acres for himself and that he will elect a handsome resilience thole as souii as ho can peifect his plans. The now linn of Weesner Perry Co has assumed chatgu of thoMore which was icceiitly purohnsed of W. A. Smith and is now ready' for business. Besides alt the fresh aud nice giocer les this new tlrm will carry a full line of dependable dry-goods and will make a specialty of ladles ready-to-wear gar ments. This tlrm has the confidence of tbe people of this community and we extend to them the glad hand aud believe, that their association with the public will be mutually profitable. It whs hardly dreamed, when the M. E. church building was erected that it would prove too small to ac commodate the audlenoec Sunday eveuing many were unable to enter the church because of Its crowded con dition. The exercises were unusually attractive, it being Children' Day. But the ordinary Sunday evenlngaudl ence fairly fills the seating capacity of the church. Rev. Tompkins seems to be very fortunate In his ability to en list the interest aud activity of the young. His services are attended by young men aud women in numbers greater, probably, than all the other protestant churches combined. VkrWArWWWWWJWkrWW. Correspondents WVVJWWYWfWW.V.VV GUIDE ROCK. Mrs O. Neel and son Harry were re ported quite sick Tuesday. Dr Reed is moving into his of Dee, which, was recently built. Guide Rook is planning on having a great.o,elebratlou this 1th of July Win. Klrknatrick made n business trip to Htirr Oak, Kansas, Tuesday. The Guide Rock Concert Band have began their regular Saturday evening concerts. Tho I'roudilt Lumber Co., is moving into.their new ofllce which is now completed. Mfg. C. L. Holes has returned noine fronv Woodbine, Inwn, after several wcetts visit with relatives. Rev. Steele and Rev. Leiuliiger, past ors of Cowles assisted Rev. Etislow In tho meeting Tuesday night A gYent many people from Cowle-, Eckley, North liranch nm' Rostwiuk attended the tent meetings hero Sun day. V Mrs. Hummel and daughter of Web ster City Is visiting at the homo of M. Lovltt. Mrs. Hummel and Mrs. Lovitt are sisters Howard Wirt spent a part of last weaken Omaha attending the Under takers' Association and a couple of daysitl) )iis mother in Iowa. Mrs Laura Johnston, mother of Mrs. Stlckicy and Mrs. Sabln, died at the former's home Sunday evening. The funeral was held at the Christian church at 10:30 o'clock Tuesday and intejpnent was made in'the Guide Rock cemetery. While Mr aud Mrs Chris Strauser pT Republican City were driving in their car east of Guide Rock the steer ing rod broke and caused the auto to turn turtle without doing any serious iojury to the occupants The top was completely demolished. ' Mrs Eva Dickerson and daughters Olive and Ethel expect to start the latter part of this week for Los Angel es, Calif., where they will -spend tbe summer visiting Mrs. Diokerson's suiters. On tbeir way they will stop a week' at Manitou, Colo. " GARFIELD. We are having fine nights to sleep now. The ground Is in One shape since the rain. Roy Kent finished drilling in bis millet on Monday. Rert King was on wind mill row Monday braking a colt. Disking and cultivating corn is the order of tbe day in Uarfield. Al Smith aud wire visited in Red Cloud Saturday night and Sunday. Miss Pearl White was a pleasant caller on the Fisher girls one day last week. Leu Munger was at Clyde Bowens Sunday doctoring his mule that got crippled, Charley Campbell shipped bis fat cattle to market Sunday. He went with his stock. Call Simpson and wife of Chadrnn were visiting at Clyde Howens a few days last week. Miss Pearl Whlto is visiting at Mrs. Ida KeutH for a week or so and is also visttfng old neighbors Nothing to Worry ! ! W l ! fc M III l MMMMWMMWBBnaaiaBBMBMMBHMMI ...About Now!... HMUXW Good Rains. Good Crops and Good Times are here Dress up and Look the Part You can't look Prosperous in Old Clothes We will' dress you up at such a low price it will surprise you. Come and see our June wearables in Underwear, Shoes, Straw Hats, Shirts, Men's and Young Men's Nobby Suity all priced at the lowest prices possible The Best Makes, B. Kuppenheimer Co. Clothcraft Clothiers TheGouideD-Kaley Clothing Go. OMK PRICK CLOTMim Some Summer Cloaks Still Left . . . Get One Ele&ant Selection of Press Embroideries 40 in. width . . . $1.50, 1.25 and 85c yd 27 in. width . . $1.25, .75, 60 and 50c yd 18 in. width . . $1.25, 1.00, .75 to 25c yd Wide Bandingf . $1.00 yd All widths and prices in Galoon Bandings Now is just the time for the embroidery Summer Dress ,Widet range of patterns and prices in all classes of Summer Dress Goods, prices from 60c yd down to 5c yd . . . Oxford Jut received t shipment of New Skoes, all dif- fereit leathers, styles and prices. Its oir business to keep ap on all lines of merchandise and we're here with the goods Turnure Bros 'vAWvvvVvtAAv1 THE CHIEF Recognizes no Equal in the Advertising Field of Red Cloud or Webster County at a Price . . . S it M)i i Shoes. "'ii Jros. I vAWAaA M ifj. Is, '! 1 I ii J4 i i l Ml M W 1:1 m m .. iM M i J 41 J to m tfi Vi 1 $ . : 14 if I J tf