The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 20, 1912, Image 7

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iilMWMW; .
mennii iiitiii
Rei cfoucJ, Nebraska.
Kntireil In tho I'twlolllec nt I ted I loud, Nek.
m Second (.'law Matter.
As n solution to the mixed Hlfalrsj of
tbc Republican party now In convent
ion In Chicago, we oircrtlie Red Cloud
political principle-nominate Llryaiiund
the Democrat will
The man who wonders why there
isn't more work for a fellow in thU
neighborhood Is sometimes the very
chap who Is giving employment
mail order crew somewhere else.
to a
Red Cloud will not celebrate the
Fourth this year consequently we are
waiting for an invitation. We under
atand that Guide Rock will celebrate
aad if such is the case we know that
the good people there will welcome
-the eBtlre county.
We had occasion to travel frer-lhe
Inatale road this week and 'Unif Ave
aaw tbe good effects of patting the
King road-drag into use. ,Th(, road
bed is smooth, without rote, without
chuckholes and snows what, can be
done with Nebraska boII. It costs
money to build a good rood but the up
keep is email if properly handled.
The money ibat Is spent in making
the right kind of a road goes right
back luto the pockets of tbe taxpayer
because the farmer can haul his pro
ducts to market at a reduced cost per
mile and when the farmer saves waste
It reaches indirectly every person in
the commuultv. We arc ueated that
our cpmmibslouers have adopted the
plan of making good roads and keep
ing them good.
Report of the Condition
Webster County Bank
('Iinrti r No 101:1, Incorporated In the Stntc ol
Nehrntkn. til the eliiMj oMmhIiicm .lune It.
191 i.
Umnvnnd IHcoiinU. . .- S7rt.Plrt.SI
Overdraft. Mt-urcd and linmmrtd . XJ.'tl
Furniture mid fixture-. I.VW.w;
Current cinn and taxr paid - ATxjW
Canh Itciin .-- "03."l
Duo from national and Mate
bank r WVTUl.Ct
Chirk and Itciint uf cXL'hiiuec WM
Ciirnnry 3.IWUW
Ciold coin . .. . .. I.WW.00
Silver, nlekil and r nt 2V7.W
Total c.ih mi hand :,SN.W
Total IU,WI.Vi
1.1 Ml 1 1.1 T i k:
Capital Dtock paid In .... . fJJ.Kti.0Q
Hurpln fund . - M0.W
Undivided profit fl.7tri.Htl
Individual depoftlta Rlibjrct
to check.. flO,M0.19
Demand and Time certifi
cate of dcpoMt . 30,403.68
Total depoaltH .. ........... .
Depoftttorn' guaranty lund ..............
. 315.22
Total I 113,031.85
County ol Webater. I ,
I.rt. R. Kf.oRANCB. riwhltr ol the above
named bank, do hereby swear that the above
statement It a correct and true copy ol 'the
report made to the Mate Banking Heard.
attkht: Caahler.
II. K. Miekh, Director.
W, chaiiili., Director.
Hubacrlbed and worn to before .me this
20th day of J unc 191J. O. C. Trki.,
(hkai-) Notary ruhllc.
0rdin.inci: No. DO
An Oitlliiaiii'c lo Amen I !e'tti n II of
Ordinance No M, Hti Ordinance van
cerniiiK the Water Works of the City j
of lied Cloud, Nelitn iUn. !
lieltOrdalnidby the Maor and Council j
oltheCltyol lint Cloud, Nebraska.
section I. fiction U4 of Of dlnnnce .No. M, j
approved UrrimiKr r.'lli, mil, lt neriny
aiiitiulKl to riad a fullou:
birtloiill. "All inonc duo Mild city for
water fiiritUhcd. u 111 U ionic due and pay
ablcon theflrxt daol.lauuary, April, July
and October of earrfyiar. provided however,
that the water commkftlnncr may, at hl
discretion, exact n monthly payuient for
vatiTM ucd, and as hcrelunfter ptovldtd.
Hill for water furnlnlied nliall be rrmlrrid
liylliu vvatir comiukMoner at tho Mine
Rtatnl above, and Rhall designate the number
if gallon rcKliti red at the date ol the bill,
nulMtractlnit therefrom tho number of vail
onrexltcrcdat the time of the lat settle
ment, nutl eomputfiiK In dollar and cent
thcamount due In accordance with the rate
hereinafter provldid."
Hectlon ' Sicilon 14 of ordinance No. to as
heretofore existing I hereby repealed.
Hectlon:). Thin ordinance nliall take effect
Immediately upon It parage and publica
tion. I'tuedJune 14, 1912.
Approved June 14, Ittli
At tent: O. C. TRKI., II. W. TllHNUIIR,
(Seal) City Clerk. Mayor.
j ,vv V V V V V-y 'vv'-ov'v
As we examine the program for tbe
Chautauqua more carefully we Hud
that we are plcuacd more and more.
Take for instance tbe attraction call
ed "The Saddlers,"a whole chautauqua
in music. Dr. Saddier
is a practlclug phyftlcluu of Chicago, is
a professor iu one of the leading
bchools, a director in others and a
member of many societies. He is one
of the very few Amuricau physicians
of high professional and ethical stand
ing who has consented to stand upon
the lecture platform and instruct the
layman iu tbc science of living or the
adept of keeping well. He uses plain
every day language so that all may
understand. After the lecture ho Will
answer questions. Ills time Is neces
sarily limited and only a few clmutnu
quas ucceCd iu Booming his services.
Mrs. Saddler travels with him.'aKo a
a physician, and tnlks about the vital
question! of the home. She tells all
about the children, how to cuie for
and feed them, how to dress the in, how
to educate them utid what to do wlflh
they nie sick. She Is assisted by Miss
Kellogg, a traiued nurse, who con
ducts classes of Instruction for moth
ers iu teaching them how to Intelli
gently use hot und cold water aud
borne remedies. All three of these
people'detuotiHtratu as their lectures
proceed. They have with them a not
ed reader, Miss Willmer, who capti
vates every audience. These people
give four programs a day the like of
which has never appeared on tbe1 Red
Cloud chautauqua platform.
wl Estate IrawTtrs.
Real Kstate Transfers for week end
ing Tuesday, June 18th, 1012.
Compiled by M. W. Carter, lloud
ed Abstractors.
Eva Dlerhaus and hush., to
Enuna H. Moot, wd, m 6-3-1'.! 1
Fred Vogel, Jr., to Vngel Invest
ment Co., wd, cjtf sc4 23-1-10. . l
Mary 8. Creighton and hush., to
George E. Coon, wd, pt mi of
sew sec 21-2-11 1 lull
David E. Whitakcr to Ethel E.
Whltaker, qud, lots .'I, 1, Blk.
Ifi, Red Cloud 200
Stella M. Mies and hush., to X.
E. Harvey, wd, lot !, lllk. 0,
LcDucs add to Red Cloud 1500
Edwin T. Foe to eo U. Holt,
wd, lots 1 to 12, Blk. 8, Foe &.
Aicitriue addition to uowics. . . sun
Edwin T. Foe to Richard Green
halgb, wd, lots 1 to 12 and 111
to 24, Blk. !, and lots 15 to 20,
Blk. 1, Foe & Mclirido add to
Cowles 1050
EJwIu T. Foe to .1. B. Hruhaker,
wd, lots 0 to 12, lllk. 12, Foe &
Mcllrlde Addition to Cowles.. 200
George E. Coon und wife to Mary
S. Creighton, qcd, part mv)
scjf SCO 31-2-11 lOo
Mary 8. Creighton and btisb., to
Creighton sub division, dedica
tion deed, part bo sec 31-2-11
A. A., Boren to, Chester J. Cox,
Agreement for Deed, c ejn
nw1 1 sco 3-2-10 2300
Mortgages tiled, 50,750.00.
Mortgages released, 81,050.00.
II. tl
An Ordinance to Amend Section 0 of
Ordinance No. 17, relating to the
Electric Light system of tbe City of
Red Cloud,
lie It Ordained by the Mayor and Council
of the City of Red Cloud, Nebruka.
Section 1. Hectlon () of ordinance No. 72
approved April 24th, 1909, It hereby amended
to read as follow: Hectlon (9) "lllll for er
vice and current arc duo on the tlrt day of
each month for the preceding month."
Hectlon 2. Hectlon (9) of ordinance No. 72,
a heretofore exUtlug I hereby repealed.
Hectlon II. Thl ordinance nhall take cUect
Immediately upon It paigo and publica
tion. l'aMcd June 14,1912.
Approved June 14, 1912.
AtteM: O. C. TKKi., D. W. Tdiini'uk,
(Seal) City Clerk. Mayor.
Great Saving!
Se Us Before Buying, Ours
are This Season's Goods
Let us democrats thank lieaveu that
our convention will be free from tbe
disgraceful sccnM Which are happen
ing in the republican gathering. We
have no pie distributor in the presi
dency bribing the uegroes and the
negro drivers of the South. We have
no Taf t, for which let us be devoutly
grateful.. We have no Barnes Let
us again rejoice. We will have no
delegates in the convention who re
present no electoral voles. The re
publican party is now reaplag., the
punishment of its mistakes and its
ains. It gave tbe negro the vote in
the hopes of acquiring power in the
southern states. It gave the southern
states equal representation In their
national convention. Since hTO' no
outheru state has oast ati electorlal
vote for the republican candidate, aud
there is no republican party in tbe
southern states' except organizations
to divide the pie and furnish delegates
to the president as boss pie cutter.
Now tbe republicans of the north
find themselves embarrassed, and the
will of the people, shown by the
primary elections, threatened with de
feated by u lot of criminals who dis
grace the p'irty in the south. The
llaltlmore convention will have no
auoli element to confuse Its delibera
tions or prevent its patriotic judg
ment. We have our Itryuu, as the Re
publicans have their Roosevelt. By
their ovei shadowing eminence these
men, perhaps exercise more lnlliience
than 1s desirable, but their inlluoncu
is due tu superior mental power, and
not to scurvy politics, Whatever the
outcome of the Chicago convention,
victory for the nomine at Baltimore is
Farm Loans
At Lowe.ft;lntercst, best option, least
exponse. Call for me nt State Hank,
Red Cloud. C. F. Catiier.
Woman Prison Warden.
Tho nowly-appolnted warden of tho
prison for the Canton Wandlnnd In
Switzerland is a woman, Frau Fanny
Porchet. In ber application for the
post, she said that in the course of
her hiiRband'B administration as war
den, and particularly during the Illness
which caused bis death, she had act
ed as warden and fouad that abe was
In every way competent to fill the
place. Knowing that there might be
ome doubt as to ber physical ability
to handle obstreperous prisoners, she
offered to meet the strongest man on
the police force in a wrestling contest,
.frau Porchet was invited to appear be
fore the appointing board and Bade
such a favorable Impresslos that she
was appointed without donatratlwjf
her strength. She Is 41 years oM.
New York Tribune.
ailing, Faked uttsrtllee.
One of the meanest frauds on rec
ord Is that which Is said to have been
practiced recently oa entomologists.
It appears that there Is a systematic
trade in forged butterflies carried on
by coatlnental dealers. The method
as described Is to cover the wings of
moths after setting with a heavy coat
of powder, which is then tinted with
pastel colors to suit the taste of ama
teurs. r ,
Not content with Imitating the rar
er Bpecles, the forgers have recently
been Improving on nature and selling
hitherto unknown varieties at unheard-of
prices. One expert was for
a while taken in with a red butter
fly with blue polka dots, but this bold
piece of Imagination ultimately led to
tho exposure of the fraud. London
Letter to the New York Bun.
Ireland's Era of Prosperity.
Irish exports Inst yenr exceeded
Irish Imports for tho first time on
record. The amount of money on de
posit In tho joint stock banks was tho
highest over recorded.
The Climax.
Howard Horribly cruel, isn't he?
Coward Yes; he'd rob a pessimist
't his Omar. Harper's Bazar.
I) Will C Crclder
The Tailor and French Dry Cleaner,
up stairs over Burden's grocery. Moon
Best Laundry service In the city.
Roth phones.
The Miner Bros. Co.
Over three hundred Suits of Men's and Young Men's
Clothing have been taken from the regular stock and will be
offered at the above discount from the regular marked prices
Some $25 Suits at
" 20 " - .
Thtse Suits have baan aalactad and placad in lots "One,'
7. so
' H Oil! 7
Z-iV 1
"Two and "Threa"
Lot "One "-Will be sold at a discount of 50 per cent as
thay ara sold at this prica no alterations will be made.
Lot "Two "-At one-third off containing over one hundred
suits la the moat remarkable bargain offering I have ever made. They came from auch makers
as Hart Schaffner It Marx and Michaels Stern and are all new clean patterns. They ara
broken lots and I wish to clean them up. Hera is your chance to buy suite that sold for 430,00 .
for $20.00. Suits that sold for $20.00 for $13.65. $18.00 suits far $12.00 and $18:00
suits for $10.00. These suits will not last long at these prices and if you want the choice -get ':..
nearly. ' $-
Lot Three9 -Is all this season's goods and onlv because I
am overstocked and feel that I must reduce the amount of clothing do I make this cut price'?'1'
wmen means a saving w you ui irom unvrourui ui regular privv. no uii uiu in iiu wn
except for CASH. Any suit that does not give satisfaction will be made good just the same as
if you paid me full price for it. Let us show these suits to you. You will find them "right,"
Do it NOW.
. i
i )
'I'JP.'Wi.W'WW .Jl;"(rrv.,i
, A.U-irTraVftgi