The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 20, 1912, Image 13

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Harpooned From Heavy Boats and
Lanced Repeatedly Ready Mar
ket la Found for the Whale
bone, OH and Meat
The whfilobono whale, known In sci
ence nu hnlnenntitcra miiHCiihiH, bo
longs to the faiciiy of rorjuala, mid Its
catching Is ono of tho principal Indus
tries of, from (In Torre to
CarnveUas. Tho whale c.n.filit nlonB
'this stretch of count hae oil nn uv
.crane about ItCD pi- ty-s of whnloboiio
hanging from the roof of their upper
Jaws. They averago about 32 Indies
in length, and becauso of their short
ness havo little commercial value.
Tho length of this variety of whnlo Ib
from CO to 70 feet. The largest ono
.taken last year gavo 0,104 quarts of
oil from blubber and 412 quarts from
craps. Its lower Jawbone wa3 17.3
feet long;, and Its total' length was 70
feet. '
, The boats used by the Brazilian
whalers are heavy, band made affairs,
capable of standing great' strain. On
each aide of the prow Is 'attached a
hornlike projection of natural bent
wood, around which pass the ropes at
tached to the harpoons. In a boat's
equipment are from eight to twelve
.harpoons, each attached to about fifty
feet of manlla rope. Each boat also
carries from two to four lances, to
which are attached lines easily cut
away, when danger threatens.
As soon as a harpoon la thrown In
to a whale the big creature leaps In
tthe water and starts away at great
peed. At once the sail Is lowered
and the rudder taken In. From time
to time tho whale slackens his speed,
and then the line Is hauled In until
finally the whale Is near enough to
permlt lances to bo thrown Into It.
The lances easily penetrate the whale
.and are as easily Jerked out again,
and again the whale Is stabbed with
them until a vital point has been
struck or tho whnlo succumbs from
.loss of blood.
When the whale Is killed It Is the
duty of one of tho crew to dive under
.the carcass and pass a rope with
which to tie up' the mouth, otherwise
such a quantity of water would be tak
en In that the whale would sink. As
t.Ms usuually takes place at sea and
tho whale Is always surrounded by
.voracious sharks which have been at
tracted by the blood the task requires
no little courage and skill.
The whale Is towed to the beach
and cut up, the fat being separated
from the meat and the bones. Tho
blubber Is taken to nn oil fnctory, tho
meat Is smoked and so finds 'already
salo at Hahla and In tho country.
On one occasion thirteen whales
wero landed at n station within thirty-six
hours. Tho average catch dur
ing the last few seasons has been from
,300 to 400 whales.
That Summer
1 1U111C
Nebraska People
Rrjilce at the Anminccmciit ef the Re-
tarn of the
Concerning Eyestrain.
Eyestrain exhausts tho entire ncrv
biiB system, occasions the most In
tense headaches known to human be
ings, and deranges digestion, to say
nothing of other 111b which It induces.
This being the case, the eyes must be
given rest. They should never be
used for reading when one Is weak
from Illness or suffering any head
ache or fatigue or strain; they never
should be uced In a bad light or with
the light shining directly Into them.
No eyeglasses and this Includes In
jurious cheap smoked glasses should
be used that havo not been prescribed
by an oculist of established reputa
tion, arter careful examination. In
many cases disfiguring glasses would
never need to bo worn If people gave
their eyes tho rest which they re
quire. Harper's Huzar.
With the Children.
Tho chief end of life Is not really
what we call ''success." That may
cost moreMhan It Is worth, and often
does. The chief end of liro Is living,
and chnractor. If llfols'tfroperly lived
and character Is matte Hntfiftted out,
"succoss" takes careof faWlf!
Sport, not winning", Is tho chief end
of games. How tho game la played
1s of far more consequence than who
wins It Dean Hrlggs says: "Hase
ball properly played, baseball bril
liantly played, may be not merely a
great game, but a school of self-control
and honor." So every game should
ue. That Is the use of games. Piny
them to win, of course. They must
.be played to win if they are to be
good for anything: but play them to
"win under the rules and by fair and
honorable courteous competition.
Youth's Companion.
Fought His Way to Position.
Sir William Maxwell Altkcn, ono of
tho now members of tho houso of com
mons, though many times n million
aire, began llfo selling llfo Insurance.
The son of a Canadian rresbyterlan
minister, ho was without means,' nnd
In collego wroto Insurance' whenever
nnd wherover ho could to help pay hla.
Forward Movement Affects.
Burma's government la ono of tho
sufferers from the Chinese revolution,
08 China Is tho chief market for Bur-
meso Jado. f
Powerful Warship Battery.
The newest two American battle-,
ships will be the first In the worli to
group three 14-lncb guns la, single turrets.
"If," snld tho girl who likes to talk,
"you happen to own a two-by-twice
plot of ground outside of town with
anything standing on It In tho way of
a slinck with n roof over It, your
friends who don't possess such a ploco
of property regard you reproachfully
as spring comes on. At Inopportune
times they thrust at you remarks' llko
tl.rsc: 'Well, I suppose you'll be leav
ing poon for your place lucky i-refi-turn!'
'If we only felt that we, too.
could Idle-in the ronntry all summer!'
"You feel horribly apologetic. You
know that your envious friends could
buy a hundred places sich as yours
and dump them Into tho lake Just to
hear the Bplosh nnd never miss the
money, so it Is a surprise to find your
self rernrded as n wretched plutocrat
when the overwhelming reason that
led you to flee from town was that the
bill collector doesn't come around so
often In the woods.
"Two days before I am taking the
boat for Michigan I always get Invita
tions to the opening dinner at the
country club, an automobile ride and a
theater party, all to take place the
week after I am gone. As I wad tis
sue paper Into the sleeves of the new
gown I am packing and which I won't
have a chance to wear again all sum
mer I remember what It cost and
seethe with anguish.
"It Is dark when the boat pulls
away from Chicago and If It doesn't
rain Bogglly when I start I rest as
sured that It will be raining when 1
arrive In Michigan. It has to rain at
one or the other of these times, be
cause I nm wearing my best flower
trimmed hat that Is too huge to pack
and I have Just had my suit pressed.
There seem to bo acres of my lucgnge
on tho Michigan dock the next morn
ingtrunks, new porch rugs, n sew
ing machine and a kitchen stove and
besides I have to wade around town
In tho sand, buying grocerlos nnd nnlls
and mops nnd matches, before plung
ing Into the calm country ten miles
from anywhore.
"The boatman who comes for me
does not seem exactly overwhelmed
with the Joy I rather expected him to
show on seeing me again. 'Huh!' he
groans. 'Have you got lead In these
here trunkB?'
"Some time I nm going to make an
exhnustlvo study of the psychological
causes leading baggagemen Invariably
to be overcome with surprise because
packed trunks cannot be wafted about
on one finger. They nlwnys nro so
righteously annoyed at this discovery!
"It Is mining as usunl when I am
shunted off at my own dock with my
luggage. This la particularly good for
the Ironwork on sewing mnchlncs and
stoves and Is fine for the contents of
trunks. Tho cottage seems oddly
veiled nnd investigation shows tho
veiling to consist of unbroken spider
webs and sheddings from tho bcoc'i
trees. It docs not seem possible thnt
there nro so many spiders In the
"The strong-armed scrubwoman who
was to meot me Is beautifully absent,
but tho full tragedy of this , grows
slowly as I raise window shades and
see the thick dust on every Inch of
everything. There are more cobwebs
Inside than outside and at the sight of
the pantry I shed tears. Spiders rush
from everything I touch. In a sort of
desperation I open the box couch to
find a work dress, whereupon a rattle
of beech nuts nnd cherry pits follows
the hauling forth of the top layer.
Then something furry and agitated
darts out and I sit down on tho floor
and shriek. It was a chipmunk routed
from his winter lodgings and he now
darts nervously nnd malignantly un
der a bookcase, I would Just as soon
live In the came house with a man
eating tiger as with a chipmunk!
"'No; said tho men who brought
up my soaked belongings from the
pier. 'Mnry won't he here. She'moed
away. No, there ain't nobody else
you can get to scrub No, we don't
know any man you can get to clean
the yard nnd fix the pump every
body's busy planting the crops. No,
there ain't no one In town wh wants
a Job. No, you can't get no lettuce
nor berries nor garden truck tlioy
ain't ripe yet, don't you know that?'
"This when people back In Chicago
are rioting In asparagus and straw
berries nnd head lettuce and cucum
bers! "Ther mav bo hundreds nt h'rrtn
outside amid the lovely greenery of
June, but I don't know It, for I am
wrestling with unaccustomed back
breaking taBks Insldo tho house, ny
7 o'clock that night I eat some store
bread and butter and cheese and a
banana nnd tumble Into bed more dead
than allvo. There Is dust In tho air
and It Is pltah dark and outside the
tree frogs arc dolorously singing.
"Rack In Chicago my brual friends
who envied mo aro dining on luxuries
and Just starting out for nn evening's
spin down lilac-scented boulevards
through the parks.
"Something drops kerplunk on .the
countcrr-mio, and I know It In a large
fat spider. There Is a mouse gnawing
busily Bomowhore In the room. Then
I pull tho sheet up over my head and
nervously shudder mysoir to sleep!
'This is the renl truth about the
way In which you start off summer re
lortlng." Chicago Dally News.
Will Be in RED CLOUD
Consultation and Examination Flee en
Omaha on .July 1 iitxl 2, The associa
tion numbers among its numbers,
doctor-, from Iowu, NebrasUa. South
DiiUotn, Iviiii.ihs, Missouri mil Ninth
An exhaustive program is being pre-pnit-d
by the officers. Kiilertultitneiit,
which will begiveu by Omaha, Includ
es h iilht at Ak-Sar Ben nnd a banquet.
The New tnestead Law
The liberality of our Government lu
dealing with those who want to estab
lish homes upon the public land Is
ajruln shown by thi' new homestead
act imosoil on .luiio lUli and signed by
the piesldtMit. Under this law entry
men eiui make proof in three jenii by
hhovving uti actual re.sltl.iire of 7
moiil lis ttii'li yi'iu; thus nn eiilr.utnm
eiui liHi-cuttei- seiMHH patent, to Ills lutul
by 21 month leMilcticc dining three
yours llmo instead of the GO mouths
continued residence herutofoiu requir
This nw law gives those who have
The great and good work of thesoinlr-,,('y lived upon their claims three
Doctors in the west during the past
three years has gained for them a
standing that places them iu the high
tank of specialism nnd merits fortliem
the most implicit confldeuce In every
vicinity they have visited in the state.
The DOCTORS that constitute this
organization of specialists were select
ed from 'different parts of the country
and are Medical Specialists of "ability
and success. The sole object lu view,
when organizing, that each one might
be benefited aud enlightened by the
experience of the others which natur
ally of course la true, and has led them
to success, which is shown by their
many cures of diseases of the stomach,
lutestlnes, liver, blood, skin, granu
lated eyelids, nerves, heart, spleen,
kidneys or bladder, rheumatism,
dropsy, ulcers, weak lungs, and those
afflluted with long standing, .deep-seated,
chrouiu diseases, that have battled
the skill or the family physician,
should uot fall to call. '
According to their system no more
operations for appendicitis, gall stones,
tumors, goiter or certain forms o'f'eah
cor. Tney are among the Hist iu
America to earn the name of'rthe
"Bloodless Surgeons," by doing away
with the knife, with blood and with
all pain iu the successful treatmeut of
these dangerous diseases.
If you have kidney or bladder trou
bles, bring n twoouoe bottle of your
urine for examluation.
i Their Hypodermic Injection treat
ments for paucer, Tumor, Tubercular
Glands, Piles, Old bores, is the best
Curative treatment In the world. , I"
Married ladles must come with their
husbands nnd minors with their par
ents. '
years, an opportunity to offer proof
now aud secure patent to their homesteads.
Notice to Water and Light
All patrons of the Water nd Light
Department of the City of Red Cloud
must pay their bills to S. R. Florance
City Treasurer at the Webster County
Bank ou or before the 15th., of each
month. On the 10th., of each month
all delinquents will be disconnected
by the Water and Light Commissioner.
No statements will be mailed out
Please do not forget this.
Diteil at Red Cloud, May 25th., 1012.
O. C. Tkkl,
City i. lerk.
Nebraska Embalmers Against
Burial at Sea
A resolution, declaring ngalnst burial
at sen, was unanimously adopttd by
the Nebraska Funeral Directors Asso
ciation which held its auuuiil meeting
in Omaha last week. The association
declared itself in favor of a law, forc
ing all ocean steamers to carry licensed
H. (J. KarstetiH of Nebraska City was
elected president, E. C. Wagner, Arapa
hoe, vice president; R. B. Skinner,
Neligh, secretary; Peter Merten, 8r,
Blue Hill, treasurer.
More1 than four hundred members
of the association attended the meet
ing. The members were Bhown a royal
time by the Omaha members aud dealers.
A special teachers' examination will
be given on Friday and Satin day. .In tie
21 aud '-'2, 1012, iu all county curtlHfBte
subjects. No profession!! nnd city
state cerlilieato subjects will begiveu
at Mils HMiniiuiiti' n.
The July special teachers' cxamiuit
tlon will be given on Thursday and
Friday, .July 2ft and 2.'l!)l2.
Both the June and July srecinl ex
aminations will be held at Red Cloud
County Superintendent
Autlt'e Tii Creditor
I In The County Court,
the est ute or John Peter
hlaleol .s'fbrnsku
Webster County,
la the matter ot
.Sturm, Oeccuscd.
Notice Is hereby itlven to alt persons hiivlnit
clulnisumUlemumlsuifiiliist.lohn I'etcrSuiriu,
lute of Webster County, deceased. Mutt the
time lined for Mini claims airuluitsuld estate
Is six months from the -8th dny ot .luue IMA
Alt such persons are required to present
their claims, with the vouchers, to the County
Judge of .said county, uthlsoflleo therein, on
or before the 28th day of December, 1912; und
all claims so Hied will be heard before the said
ludue on tbettOth day of December, 1912; at one
o'olook i. m ; and that the admlnlitrator Is
allowed one year from the 28th day of May,
1913, In which to pay the debts allowed against
said estate and settle the same.
County Judge.
Five NiNrti Veleriiarles Extrctei at
Onaha Mectlii
Five hundred veterinariesare expect
ed to attend the annual meeting' o'f
the Missouri Valley Association, which
will hold its annual convention in
D. D. Sanderson. M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Oftlce in Moon Block.
Bell, Black 4; Ind., 111.3
Residence, Royal Hotel.
Bell, 47 Ind., 2V
Calls Answered Day or Night
11E1 ri.OI'11, nkii. ,
Compulsion Is the weapoa of
I . -
To the Public,
Red Cloud, Nebr.
Dear Sir: The Program for the Sixth Annual Session
oj the Red Cloud Chautauqua has been completed and
appears in this issue oj the paper.
In presenting this program, the committee assumes
the people of Red Cloud and vicinity that the talent se
lected is the very best available on the American plat
Jorm today. Each and every attraction which will ap
pear, comes to us with a national reputation in Chautau
qua, Lyceum and Assembly work. ..,,
Our aim has been to exclude all utry outs" politi
cians and attractions o'J questionable success. In pat
ronising the Red Cloud Chautauqua we absolutely guar'
a u tee to the public a course unexcelled by any Assembly
this year. The program committee has done its duty in
making this the pJ Chautauqua a success, wilt you do
your duty now in making it a complete success
In order that you may Verily the truth ot the above state,
mont, a Soliciting Committee will call on you 'next week to tako
your subscription for Sossen Tickets. The Committee has for Us
slogan. "700 Season Tickets or BUST.". Clvo thorn your patronage
and help aveM a oatastrophy. Yours truly,
Chautauqua muakiaaa Managar
WE have purchased the
W. A. Smith Gro
cery Stock and in addition
to same will carry a full
and complete stock of Dry
Goods and Ladies' Ready
to Wear Garments. We
are ready for Grocery
businese now, and Dry
Goods are arriving every
day, but it will probably
be July 1st before our
stock will be complete.
I We solicit a share of your
trade and hope to merit
same by good treatment
and a Square deal with
everybody.. Will pay the
highest-market price for
produce. .
Weesner, Perry & Gomp'y
. ,''V .
Moved to Our New
You will find us now In our new location
with our large line of
Always QtatPTo 9c o You
' A A aawsa
Red Cloud Chautauqua, July 20-28
' rtaawiaam&tfaamaww:J
vLvV' !i Haw JVPrCw -i
Among the Attractions for July 27 and 28
E can not think of anvthing at this time which
contained so much sound instruction, entertain
ment and helpfulness as the popular health
demonstrations by Dr. Sadler's company. From the
time Dr. Sadler began his splendid talk to the close of
his demonstration, he had the audience with him. The
fact that he held them after it was time for many of
them to be at home preparing their evening meal, and
the fact that the audience even then could not refrain
nfrom expressing its interest and profit, speaks for itself.
We have heard many physicians speak on health sub
jects, have seen health demonstrations of various kmds
but we cannot nt the present moment think of anybody
who does work along this line, and who does it so well
as Dr. Sadler. And when we say this we are express
ing merely the general sentiment of the people." ,
- . .. A
t A
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