The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 20, 1912, Image 10

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Learning to
While They Last
An Intermezzo
"Do you know," mused tho girl at
the piano, "that singing isn't an art,
nor a talent? It's Just a record of so
many dollars and cents. And tho
more dollars and cents you've spent
.on your voice the better your voice Is.
' "That doesn't mean, cither," she
went on, "that It's all a matter of
training. If I should take n hundred
lessons at $1 a lesson I'd bo considered
Just about one-third ns advanced and
'proficient In vocalizing as I should bo
If I'd tako a hundred Icbsoiis at $3 a
i "Why this pessimistic mood?" in
quired tho man who was sitting near.
"I'm not pessimistic," replied tho
.girl, calmly. "I've Just discovered an
other truth. You try It and you'll see.
With the piano or the violin It's differ
lent. While I grant that with them
dollars and cents count a lot, still, II
fyou can play tho keys and the notes
'the same, people will listen to you,
fand. perhaps, enjoy the playing but
!wlth vocal music everything depends
,on the money cost. There seems to
bo a quality In the tone, or something
that tells people Just who your teacher
ts and what you pay for your lessons
i and you get complimented accord
dngly." '. "Yes?" The man's voice Invited
(further explanation.
"Well," tho girl proceeded, "even If
!one practices alone on tho piano one
,can accomplish something, can't one?
nut when a poor coul tries to practice
singing alone tho neighbors shut the
.windows and the members of her own
family beg for mercy, and even tno
children make fun of her. nut let
that same person nnnounce thnt her
Vocal lessons are figuring In the high
numbers that Professor Somebody
devotes a whole precious half hour to
her voice every once In n while and
.'the neighbors sit out on their porches
evenings to listen to her scales. Her
family In Impressed.
' "Now, I've been singing off and on,
for mv own pleasure, since I was a
iabv. I've nlwoys had n modest de
cree of respect for my own voice but
I have generally seemed to be alone
,ln my opinion. If T sang It was usually
an accompaniment and when I was
younger It used to hurt my feelings."
"Why, I've always told you that I
like your voice." The man took on a
'tone of reproach, but It didn't seem to
'work well.
"You!" Hhe laughed. "Why, of course
you but I mean people who count, In
I "Tin DAnina llcmncn nf inn rffee.
.tlvely," conceded tho man.
! "But ne I was saying," proceeded tho
,'glrl, "It'H absolutely no earthly use to
ihayo a nice voice. You may sing like
a bird, but If your voice has been
Jtraincd outside of a first-class studin
jyou simply can't sing, no matter how
Swell you sing. That's all thero is to
'It! Why, if Melba herself hadn't had
first-class voice teachers no one would
have ever realized what a voice she
'had. People would still be tolling her
'to sing something Instead of forever
nractlclng scales, whereas they gladly
pay $5 or so for a seat to hoar thosn
very scales put into some nanuy
"From all of which," commented the
man, summing' the matter up, "It ap
pears that you are sick of It all and
are going to leave the vocal field to
.the moneyed classes and Btick to tho
'piano. I really think you are wise,
'myself. Singing Isn't such a great
stunt nfter all, unless ono baa a fine
selection of songs and even then the
same things can't pleaso every one.
On tho other hand, If you play, you
can play to please tho whole bunch
and "
"You nre entirely mistaken," Inter
rupted the girl, deeply offended. "If
you think that after all this work I'm
taming to give up Just because, my
Teacher didn't give mo a decent solo
In that recital, so that my voice would
show off well besldo the others, you're
badly deceived.
"I'm going to spend some real
money on a good teacher, that's what
I'm going to do! I'll show them that
they were nil good and mistaken!"
Then she pounded tho piano keys.
"How nice of you to come," tho
daughter of the house whispered to a
gentleman In evening dress whoso
serious face was In strong contrast to
most of tho other guests nt the fash;
lonable ball.
"I only came to stay for a moment,"
was his curt reply.
"Hut pleaso sit down," tho beauti
ful girl whispered. "I enticed you
hero tonight Just to have a few words
with you, and I know that you will
stay If I really want you, won't you,
He bowed silently and sat down.
"Wo have not seen each other for
ttarco years, doctor, and I conlcss that
I have looked forward to this meet
ing with great Joy. As soon ns 1 heard
that you were once more back In Her-
lln I told mother It was absolutely
necessary for us to glvo another ball,
and the llrst card I Bent out was ad
dressed to you."
A strange expression camo Into tho
serious face us ho replied:
"This was something that I had
hardly dared hope for lrom you, mud
amc." "You nre still unforgiving. Is it
then not possible to correct a past
error when one has grown to bo three
years older since It was committed?"
"There are errors which never can
be corrected, mistakes which can
never bo forgiven because they havo
destroyed something which cannot be
brought back to life."
"Did you then really take it bo much
to heart that 1 did not say 'yes right
"Take It to heart! You killed some
thing In me."
1 "Which ennnot bo brought back to
life, doctor?"
Ills reply was so curt that sho
looked at him in surprise.
"At that tlmo you looked upon mo
as one of the men who did not give
,nway their love. You looked at mo
las a young, poor physician who was
'huntlnc for a rich young wife to open
'tho way into society for him. Is that
,not true?"
She hesitated. Then she said quick
ly: "I have muny luults, doctor, but 1
may Bay this about myself, I cannot
.tell a He. And therefore I must say to
you now that what you Just Bald was
, "Well and by distrusting mo you
The Oldest Ship.
Tho oldest ship In tho world was re
cently broken up nt Tencrlffe, Canary
Islands. It was the Italian ship Anita,
built In Genoa In 15 IS, und almost an
exact duplicate of tho Snnta Maria,
tho famous galleon In which Columbus
made his voyage of discovery. Tho
Anita was built for strength rather
than grnco or speed, bfoad-benmed and
clumsy, but had weathered hurricanes
and typhoons In nil parts of tho globe,
and escaped unharmed from tho perils
of tho deep from Capo Horn to Hud
son bay. Sho had a world's record
ns the slowest ship afloat, averaging
'J05 days botween Hnltlmoro, Md und
ltlo do Janeiro. As her luck of sneert
was losing money to her owner, ami
sho seemed destined to defy tho ele
ments and enrich Lloyds' indefinitely
ns long ns sho remained afloat, If was
decided to soil her for what sho would
bring piecemeal, and uso tho money
nhe brought toward constructing "
new vessel.
Reach for tho Ideal.
"Your circumstance may be uncon
genial, but they shall not long remain
bo if you but pcrcclvo an Ideal and
strive to reach it. You cannot travel
within and stand Btlll without."
James Allen. .
.killed something in mo which can
mover bo brought back to life."
"But when It Is like thnt, doctor,
Vhen you feel as you do, why did you
accept our invitation?"
"I enmo to guard you against a
1 "How serious that sounds."
"It Is serious, Miss Urnn. By acci
dent I hear1 during my llrst visit to
our inedlc.1l society thnt a young man
was seeking your hand in marrlago
.and that he had every prospect of
success. It may have been an acci
'dent, or maybe my friend told me on
purpose to see what Impression this
iiows would make upon me. xou
know there are friends of that kind.
'I did not show any emotion, but when
'I heard-the name of your suitor It
jtook my whole effort to remain quiet.
'I do not want to ask any questions. I
(cannot spy, but when your invitation
icame I accepted it as a hint frdm
Providence. Here nt this ball I must
find out for sure if the rumor was
(true, and I saw it was as Boon as I
ihad entered the ballroom. For tho
'very first gentleman whom I flaw you
dancing with was ho."
"Herr von Wall?"
"yes, Herr von Wall. You know
jwhom I mean."
' "But wo are not yet engaged," Krna
'exclnlmed; "that is to say "
' "That is to say, wo aro going to bo
lengaged," the doctor replied, complet
ing her sentence. "Now I will tell
'you what seems to mo a .duty. Herr
von Wall was my llrst patient and 1
.know that ho is living a life which is
(ruining him physically and morally. 1
'have tried everything to make him
change his ways. I havo told him that
ho Is practically committing suicldo,
ibut it was no use. I havo found out
'other things about him which JuHtlty
mo In telling you thnt Herr von Wall
,ls a scoundrel, and that the young
girl who marries him will become ns
unhappy ns a woman ,cnn ever be.
Now I havo dono my duty and with
'your permission I shall leave."
Ho aroso, slowly and was about to
turn away from her when alio took his
"Stuy," sho whispered. "I thank you
for your sacrifice, and It is hardly
necessary for mo to say that 1 bollovo
you. But what do you want mo to
do now?"
"That Is for you to decide, MUa
lima. I havo dono my duty. .My re
ward will bo tho Uuowlcdgo of having
saved you from a dreadful fato. if 1
had wanted any other roward 1 uhoulil
not havo dared to speak."
Sho threw herself on a couch, bury
ing her face In hor hands, and' It
seemed ns If iho wcra crying. When
sho looked up again ho had gono and
her mother camo rushing Into tho
small boudoir.
"But, child, where have you been?
Aud bow Is it that you look so? I
really kelleve you hare "
"Yes, mamma, I have but It's all
over it was only a little intermezzo."
She looked at har dance card.
"I Buppose I have to go back to
work now."
30 x 3
32x3" 20.60
34x3 ..... 22.35
We have Tires for all Sizes and Makes
Exclusive Agent for the South
Half of Webster County for the
These cars range in price from $700 up
to $3,000.00 and are fully guaranteed.
You are requested to call and investigate
We Carry a Full Line of
Repairs, Oils and Automobile
We carry the very Best grade of Filtered
Gasoline. . . . Ring us up on either line
s C. H. Rudd Garage
there's none that may suddenly be
come more important than your
lire insurance policy. Fire Is no
respecter of either time or persons
and it may be your turn next to
sillier from It.
. better have us attend to the matter
at once. The fact that you have
escaped llro so far doesn't, for an
instant mean you will always be
so fortunate.
Reliable Insurance.
c7i H1S
ladies t " -r
Alc lr.irV.t for CIII-CUKS-TRR'S A
I'.OM) metallic, tented with Bluett)
Ribbon. Takb no otur.n. Vnr7r
MIAMOM nilANU IMJ.I.h, tor Iwentr.flte
ve.ira rcraidcd ns Hei t.Bnfcst. Always Reliable
Tho finest Hue and best assortment
of Harness ever carried before. Call
and look It over. Mouhakt Bros.
Sheds as Assets!
A Good Investment!
Plenty of Shed Room
Will Not Only Yield Good
Dividends in the way of
The Extended Use
And Better Condition of
The Tools arid Imple
ments Housed Therein.
But Add to the
Equipment and Value of
The Farm! Get Our
Prices on Shed Lumber!
Saunders Bros.
Economical Mothers Note thoZPrlcts
Dollars and Cents Saved are one
good reason for buying those little garments.
M ill II Ifllla Wl B
whti fill 1 w3
But not the BEST reason. The
charm of the styles, the excellence of the
materials and making would make them
wise purchases at considerably higher
prices from 50c to $2.50.
Agonts for huttcrlck Patterns
Bakiiaua PiiAkks, Prop.
More to Be Remembered,
The man of now has much moro
1 excuse for muklni; mistaken than did
Jullua Cnesiir or Alexander tho Great.
Tho world 1b blpger and thero is moro
in it. Thero In moro to be remem-
bered. Thero aro machines now in
everyday uso that would have given
I tho Conqueror of Gaul a headache to
have even looked at. There 1b enough
complexity in a single business day to
drive Alexander into a brainstorm.
Preparations for Shocks.
For moat of tho wrenches and Jolts
ef life thero aro, happily, conditions
which allovlnto what would otherwise
eem unbearable conditions which
soften mid break tho most cruel
shocks. Death, for Instance, the great
est shock of all, unlcsB it is very sud
den, seldom comes as nn unbearable
wrench, becauso weakness or suffer
ing has prepared us for it