The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 13, 1912, Image 5

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S.SM. Ilmolablc
i m
.So. II -I 11 ) 1 111! II lit ,1 a In
o. liV I.nnl inc na.r " BJln. in
No. 171 Ac(finiuinlntlim Nor III t.
ci'pt Monrinv niul nl.. i'( pmn 1-30 p. in,
No. 10 AriiiiiiiiKMtiitiiiii Noiili
Mniulii) ni (I c 'iiiln Unrt ljr n m.
I .r Tint '
No. I! I In muhUiilM il pnrls n.'wi in.
No. Ij I hi ii im-i iui r " S'0 in.
Bulletin of The Week's Doltws
Soo IiiCio moi Sttito limit.
Doit Dickey ns in town 1'riilny.
Wmlc IvootiU wont tu St Joe Sun
tiny. Iin SniiiUui uns in Nulon last l'ii
day. l'luii Uimlcii was in Sunuiior I'll
day. Uuy Toiinant spout Tuesday in
MuiU Hay was in Lincoln the tlist
of the week.
Slioit oiilcrs at nil hours at I ho
1). II. Wuh was down from Nelson
over Sunday.
All kinds of Elcctiioal work clone by
Moilmit llios
HiikIi Brown of Hastings was
town Monday.
D. B. Monroe of Doniphan was
town Monday.
R. H. Small of Heaver City was
town Tuesday.
Chas. Steffen returned from Grand
Island Momlay.
(5o to 1 L. Hansen for your Harness
and Machine Oils.
The boiud of equalization is in
bessiou this week.
A kock! sowing machine for biile. In
quhe at this ollii'O.
C. 11. Slaw'hon made a business tiip
to Orleans Monday.
1!. W. Stouait was u passenger to
Lincoln Wednidiiy.
Ico Ci cam and Fountain ill Inks at
Wan en's rustautant.
.1. W. Oliver of Palisade, Colo , visit
ed C. W. Kaloy Sunday.
Lee Keith was down from Ilnhhege
Sunday visiting fiiends.
The June Wedding Hells have bi-un
working over time so far.
Mrs. C. K. Cross unci son went to
Franklin Mouduypvcning. (
Fob Saw: A line uptight folding
bed. Inquire of S. B. Kier.
K. A. Simpson of Blue Hill was
town on business Wednesday.
Chicken dinner every Sunday
Wnrreu'h restuurant, 35 cents.
Ben Ludlow was in town this week
visiting friends and l datives.
Herman Gruten of Neigh was in tho
city Saturday visiting friends.
Peter Mcintosh went to Kansas City
Wednesday motning with stock.
Mrs. Jim Moranvllle lcturnedfroni
Western where she visited fi lends.
Mr. w.d Mrs. N. Shute of Esbon
Kas., visited In the city this week.
Hot Hamburger and Short Order
at all hour nt Warren's restaurant.
The Rebekah lodge will bold their
district meeting here next Thursday.
The Children's day exercises will be
given at tho Baptist church Sunday,
June 23d.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Williams rtre
the parents of a line baby boy born
S. K Logan and Mrs. Anna Lnughliu
of Blue Hill spent Sunday with Henry
Nyberg and wjfo
The Diamond Hleutrio Vucum clean
er demonstrated in your home free.
Call I'houe Red 07.
'' Mrs R. W. Koontz arrived home
from Indiana Sunday evening whete
she had been visiting.
4&. lit-tit!r:t'r.
iff .mmmm-w
. . .... .'"T".' , trrrr&
T 0 lliukei h r. 'IiumI roi Ij n
I'Ullj f nil f ps i' n u''. n i '
Sl.lll Hsl I I llsl 1 s'l't-
I'tin SuK-A leather b.ibv en
(hi'idim ihmv. Inquiiu of M's.
MrCoito, UK!) tlorn, Ntlt
I'dii i is A new 11 ig tup t a1 1 tit
tvsoiitj tlv' yai Is. Koi fnith r pun
eiil.d s Intiuiie at till olbe .
.Mis. 15. I'ult and MNs (ui'nule
.' Coon 1iiiho Moutliiy for Aiioin "o a'
"J tend tho l 1 O coin out Ion.
J I Mr. IJ l. Ou'iiuuii and futility o..
pt'Cl to leave the tlrst of tho wools on
i!im extended i-it to ('allfi)iui.i
S. C. Floraiice and wife, bi other of
S. U. 1 lorance left Monday for New
Shaion, Iowa to visit it'Iathos.
Sam Liinlsoy letiiiuetl home Sunday
morning fiom Baton, N M., wheie he
took his son Uuy tor his health.
Ditwtuie Cole of (Jolo Ctinip, Mo., at
ilvtd in the city Monday morning to
visit his sister Mm. Boy StoVi tis.
Mrs. Clan Johnston loft this Thurs
day morning for an extended tlll
with telatlves at Blootniugton, III.
IJdw. Jarboo will pi each at the
Biuthioii ohm eh in Gailloltl loiMiship
nest Sunday mottling and evoninu'.
Call mi al phone S0.1 if jou have
cream or poultiy to sell.
Ileruiird Atkins and sister Uetta left
Wednesday for Lincoln wheie they
will visit relatives for several weeks.
If you arc going to buy n Silo this
year, come and see us; we believe we
can save you money. Platt & Fbki s.
Special attention given to diseases
of eye an(T)rer. Glasses accurately
uueu.-ur. srocuman, ucauitnui, a our
Mlirer Sherwood returned home from
Lincoln Saturday evening where he
had been attending the state unlvcrs
ity. Mrs-, is C. Green returned to her
home on delaved 1(! Monday after visit
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Youngron the
past week.
Geo. I'm ter.left Saturday for Lincoln
whero ho has acceptetl a position ns
book keeper with the Consoratlve In
vestment Co
Go to llcudeison's for cauu seed.
Wu just got in an oxtia oholoo lot to
go at SI. 10 per bushel.
l- IJ Hi:xi)Lito.v.
If you aio going to buy u Silo this
year, eoino antl see us; we believe wo
can save jou money. r it Kui.ts.
Don't forget we make farm loans,
money toady the -day the title is ap
proved. GARItnit, HtTClIISON ifcSALUtUN.
Agent for Evan's Laundry at Liu
coin, Nubr. Laundry will bo called
for and dellvoied. Sent every Wednes
day. Chas. Kesler at Royal limber
If your subscription for the Ladies
Home ilouriial or the Satuiday Even
ing Post expiies. phono to Alan Mm It,
he will leiiew your subscription for
Chiis. W. Kaloy left Wednesday for
Chicago atitl Baltimore, where he will
attend the national republican and
democratic conventions and also visit
other eastei u points.
Miss Ida May Harrington of Barlett,
Nebr., and Mr. Frank Ribcho of Red
Cloud were married Sunday afternoon
at 2:30 by Rev. E. N. Tompkins. 'I he
Chief exteuds congratulations.
My residence property on Webster
street near lth avenue for sale. First
good offer accepted but will accept no
offer before :June lQtli. Address Geo.
F. Newhousc, The Dalles, Oregon.
Mrs. N Longtln and daughters Alfa
and Marcollne returned from Hastings
Tuesday and expect to leave the tlrst
of next week for Los Angles, Call., to
visit her sons Sidney nud Silver Long
tin. Miss Fay Tool left Thursday for
Rockford, 111., where she will visit
Mits Gertrude Rlac.kledge and attend
the graduation exercises. Together
with Miss Blackledge they will visit
Miss Uuth Dow, formerly of this city
at Carey, Ohio returning In about six
Polk, Genung,
Polk System
ii building Monolithic J
Reinforced Concrete jS
Silos. We build Silos ft
anywhere in Nebruka J
or we set! the forms and
let you build them . . .
Write n tor Further
PUtt & Frees
. Red Ooud, Neb. m
We Challenge
Comparison with any
store in town. Wu chal
lenge a price comparison,
quality considered, with
anyone and we offer the
following bargains in our
Challenge Sale:
Good Coffee . . 25c lb.
Olives .... 35c qt.
Heinz Apple Butter .
. . 25c, 40c and $1.25
Oranges 20, 25, 35, 40c doz,
B. E. McFarland
All the MoifM
For ice cream and soft drinks go to
the Puritan Cnfe.
Tho Degree of Honor moots next
Tuesday evening and every member Is
icqiiestcd to be present as n report of
the Degiee of Honor Day which was
held at Guide Hock Tuesday will bo
Tiy Ludlow's !l.)o chicken dinner
Sutidnv at the I'utltuu Cafe.
Ljiiiun U-sig, Cl.irk Unuv, Jou Crow
mid .Mm Doyle wont up to Amherst,
Nubr., via auto last wiek to visit
friends and iclalhes, They had to
come li.ick on tho train on account of
tho lain.
Shot t oi dors at all hours at tho l'tiii
tan Cafe.
Tomot row, 'June 1 1, being Flag day
our business inon and in fact all patii
otic citions should show their devo
tion to the Union by a liberal display
of the stiirs and stripes. Theio will be
public excicises for the occasion
T. C. Shelfor of Lincoln stopped off
in this city this week for a short visit
with his sister Mrs. Walter Warren.
He is a representative of the 131k
lodge and was on his way to Denver
where he will make his future home.
Lt A x ii Wo have for sale farms on
easy payments and special terms,
worth the money. Several mighty
good deals. The largest Jlst of local
fui ms from which to select.
Dan Gaiiiikr & Company, Ciiikf Oflice.
Two of tho Red Cloud boys who
have been attending the state univers
ity the past few years received their
degrees this week. They are E. Honrj
I'hares, Bachelor of Law and Uruco H.
Beckwith graduated from the engiueei
ing department.
The following marriage licenses
were lsyied by Judge Kanney this
week: Mr. Joel Peterson, age 25, Car-
tin, Nebr., and Miss Daisy Olsen, age
22, Cartin, Neb. Mr. Archie R. Davis,
age 22, Lincoln, Neb., and Miss1 Agnes
R. Rumbaugb, age 2Q, Bladen, Nobr.
Application to the county superin
tendent for transfer for school pur
poses must be made at or before the
annual meeiino (June 21). Applica
tion blanks may be secured from the
otlice of the county superintendent.
Qeutiiudi: L. Coon, Co Supi.
Holt V Boren, implement dealers of
Cowles Neb., havcbillsoutunnounoing
an auction sale of all kinds of fanning
implements 'to be held at their place
of business on Saturday June 15th.
This Arm is by no means going out of
business but simply desire to reduce
their stock in soma of the larger
lines. J. H. Blliuger will be the
Uncle John Powers of Trenton is
in the city visiting with his nephew
Rev. E. N. Thompkins. Mr. Powers Is
well known in this state having been
one of the first leaders in the populist
movement back in the nineties. He
has lived to see practically all the
measure be advocated at that time en
acted into law. He has a most plead
ing personality and is still an active
leader in the Populist party-.
Ed Beaton, who formerly conducted
a large farm one and a half miles east
of this city is now a resident pt Okla
homa. He has sent up samples of the
production of his farm near Blackwell
in that state, which are now oa ex
hibition at Piatt's lumber yard. The
samples comprise new potatoes
large as hen' eggs, alfalfa cut Jane
let forty-two inches high, wheat stalk
fifty-eight inches In length, rye tke
same and corn forty-six Inches high.
Oklahoma is unquestionably more for
ward than Nebraska in the Matter of
crops and some portions of tke state
are better supplied with moisture.
Wl1 III 111,1 O.M
Dr Cii.s, t'i
itt titiil is In iitod over
the Slate'f
Ti.v Lmilow s .,"n chicken dinner
Sunday at the I'uittnu Cnfe.
3l)itrh Plumb giunluated this wi"l
at the state iinlotsHy of Iowa, Iowa
City. He has taken the pti" nlieil
cnur-u' to ('inn his titgiee as a llmiuo
mil lilt' i tli v -t .ti He Is now mi Ins
way to lutioil, Michigan, wlnie he
win piacitiv in iiio uoinv'ipat nie uos
pllul of that elty for a ji'iir This
should lit htm to enter upon the pi no
lice of his piolessloit with elllcleiit
prtputatloii. Mr Plumb Is the second
of the giadiiatcs or our public schools
to lit'uome a gi.uluate physiolau, ami
tho Chief, with its paitlallty for Rod
Cloud giiulu.iltv, hopis that ho will
achieve success in Ills chosen oealion.
Will R. H.iiloy ot tho llailej A Bailey
shoe stole, left Sunday for Walnut,
lowti, whole ho wasutilteil in inaiilage
to Miss Miule Buike. The eeiouiony
took place Tuesday motning at the
Cutholio church at 8 o'clock al Walnut
Mis. Bailey is well known hoie as she
has taught in our public schools for
suvul ul eats. Mr Bailey was hoi u
and ini-cd in Webster county and Is
well known Tlitn nriiveil home last
night niul will he at home in their
dwelling south of the Lincoln t-chool.
Tho Chief along with Mr. and Mis.
Bailey's many friends extend congra
tulations ami wish them much joy ami
Tuesday inoinlng at Liberty, Mo.,
occurred the tuarrlago of Miss Pearl
Bryan and Mr Chuiles II. MoKlunncy
of this plucu. Tho wedding took place
at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs.
U. C. Coon. Rev. Coon of Grand Is
land ntliciated. Tho bride is well
known hero as she taught in 'our
public schools for tho past four years
The groom is n salesman for Swift A
Co., an 1 1 lias made this city his home
for the past si veins and is well
known hoie. Tho Initio and giooin
left Tuesday for the east for a two
week's visit. They will bo at home In
this city after Juno 21. The Cli
along with Mr. ami Mis. McKlmiucyV
frlentls ctiml cougi at illations antl
wish them unit!) joy ami liiipplnc-s.
Red Cloud D. of H., Lodge
Visit Guide Rock Tuesday
The I), of If., lodge of Red Cloud
accepted an invitation to visit the
Guide Bock lodge Tuesday .luuo II
Tlie G. B lodge met us tit the train
alid cscoltod us to the hall whom they
entertained us until noon. Tlun wo
wore ushoiedlo the dining loom wheie
wu paitook of thu most sumptions
meal that It bus been our piivilodge
to pai take of for some time.
Lodge opoiuif at '.':Uo p. in. The
drill team of G. It Initiated a o.iiidl
date ami they ceitalnly did lino work.
They also gave the meiuorial services
which was grand. Theie were several
good readings antl a dialogue by the
U. H. lodge in which a new lodge was
orgunieil and prlvilodgcd to sec the
reul goat.
Ice ere a in and cake were served mid
they then accompanied us to the train.
It was iudced with regrets that we saw
the day, which was so fraught with
pleasuies, pass away. Wu proclaim
the G. It. lodge to be the best enter
tainers that we have over seen and
this has been a day thut will forever
linger iu the memory of each one pre
A member of the Red Cloud lodge.
Real Estate IraMTera.
Beal Estate Transfers for week end
ing Tuesday, June 11th, 1013.
Compiled by,M. V. Carter & Son
Bonded Abstiautois.
Edwin T Foe to B F Morgan
wd, pt sen, 4 2-10 and all block lr,
FoeMcBride add to Cowles if 1500
Edwin T Foe to Stella Hard wd
pt swi4 2-10 2000
Edwin T Foe to A A Boren wd,
Its 20 to 2:i and 28 and 20, blk 10,
FooMcBrido add to Cowles :I00
Edwin T Foe to F A Good wd,
pt soil 4 2-10 7.10
Edwin T Foe to E Clark Fickel
wd Its 1, 3, U, blk 12, Foe-McBride
add to Cowles .' 150
Edwin T Foe to Samuel Deakin
wd all blks 4 and ft, Foe-McBride
add to Cowles 6.10
W C Frahtn Co. Treas. to Oscar
Auderson, tax deed to lots 80-91
blk 1, Kaley & Jackson's add to
Red Clod 1
Oscar A Anderson & wf to An
drew Soderlin, i(cd Its 80 81, blk 1
Kaley & Jackson's add to Ked
Cloud..', ' 1
Oscar A Anderson He wf to An
drew Soderlin, wd to lots 15, 10,
17, and 89, 88, 84, blk 1, Kaley &
Jackson's add to Red Cloud '. 700
P A Jernberg & wf to Andrew
Soderlin, wd lots 1 to 5, block t,
Kaley & Jackson's add to Red "
Cloud. ... 1000
J 8 Ollhant referee to Henry '
Wllmot. eeferee's deed to lots' 10,
11, blk 31, Red Clond 988
Angelioe Robblne 8c hns to Irv
ing C Walker, wdlta7, 8, , blk
7, LeDuo's add to Red Cloud. ... 1500
U S L Btilrkey guardian, to .
Louisa Haney, , guar.' "deed to Its
5, 6, and pt of 7, Mk 1, Smith
Moore's add to Red Cload 80
(-". u . i eu i v f
i. i
ml jH
'jW iHI
I f
paying the price doesn't always secure the desired
effect. Wherever men are known for taste in dress
wherever they put a premium on quality
The House of Kuppenhelm
is the guide to "what's what" the passport to dress
distinction. Remember we put our money in them
before we ask you to. We take no chances, nor can you.
Kuppenheimcr Suits . $ 1 8.00 to $30.00
Cloth Craft " . 10.00 to 22,30
Some Summer
Cloaks Still Left
...Get One
Ele&ant Selection of Press
40 in. width . . . $1.50, 1.25 and 85c yd
27 in. width . . $1.25, .75, 60 and 50c yd
18 in. width . . $1.25, 1.00, .75 to 25c yd
Wide Bandings $1.00 yd
All widths and prices in Galoon Bandings
Now is just the time for the embroidery
Summer Dress
Wide range of patterns and prices in all
classes of Summer Dress Goods, prices
from 60c yd down to 5c yd.
Just received a shipment of New Shoes, all dif
ferent leathers, styles and prices. Its our
business to keep up on all lines of merchandise
and we're here with the goods
Turnure Bros.
THE CHIEF Recognizes no
Equal in the Advertising Field of
Red Cloud or Webster County
Keep Posted
p On Styles
The Best
STOP in hero and
range through this
Special Stock of
Now Spring Models in
Kupponheiiner and
Cloth Craft Suits.
If you'll spend some
time here you'll save
some money at the
start and in the long
And you'll get that
grace inherent in all
Kuppenheimcr clothes
something most men
are willing to pay anv
price to get though
at a Price...
ajA Jt.Aflw' J." 4't&!vt&' .W'-r,!
1 ' '
" ' -' - 1 . n f '..