The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 13, 1912, Image 4

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Roil Cloud, Nobrnskiv
i:ntnM In tlmroMoitlioat Itul clotnt, Noli.,
ni Hrcoiul lluti Mailer.
run oni.v nnMocuATic i'aim'.h in
All Hint tlio timll order housed sho-v
In tin: price; Hit; homo, met uliiuit shows
tlio pricu it it (1 tin- goods.
Our grand-duds built tills town by
pnlrolil.lng It; tboy never figured tlmt
wo would do otherwise
This town was built nroiiud tlio Hist
Htnrc; not around 11 mull order cata
logue. Deputy Fire Warden, John Trouton
has Unturned from Ihn western part of
the stale. Allied Cloud he, ordcre I
twenty old buildings torn down. Fif
teen buildings lit Ilohlrege mid the
Name number lit Mlndoii wvie 11K0
condemned. Lincoln Journal.
Wo have thought for 1111110 time that
our baud concerts should be held In
the court limiho park. In this place
the families of the city could congre
gate and be comfortable. The object
ion to holding these concerts on the
trcet is that people are compelled to
stand and thon the street Ih no place
for children. Wc heartily suggest the
The most critical condition that the
new administration has had to meet
is tlio water problem. They have taken
prompt measures to relievo tlio situa
tion and such is the difference between
an administration in whom all tin
people have confidence, 0110 flint they
all supported, and an administration
composed of bi-partisan members tint t
our citizens' have turned over the run
ning of Iho city to the city nllluiiils
with Hie full assurance Unit, the right
thing will bo done. This Is 11 most
hopeful sign and a strong iii'llcutiou
of progress it is but fair to any ad
ministration to say tlmt the problems
from tlio inside have a dilVerent look
than those same problems do from the
outside. Itlnone thing to have the
responsibility and another thine to
nay whit wc would do under slmillar
clicumstiinees. A continuation of tills
policy of implicit confidence in our
ollleluls will mean much to this city.
The Chautatiipia is an institution
that has coino to stay. Every year we
look forward to the time when the
university Is brought to our door for
that is the real meaning of the ohaii
tauqua. For ten days we get outside
of our shell and get a taste of some
thing different. Men of ilpe exper
ience bring their very best to us and
wo hmo the benefit of nil their jour
of toll and research. We are pil
vlledged to listen to tlio very best
artists of tho musical world. We ie
celve a new hold on life and we go
Clinton N. Howard
mmmmmmaaat " 1.X YjI sH
Lecturer-Preacher Reformer
-Will Appear -M the-
R.ed Cloud ChaLUtfeAiqua.
-Afternoon and Evening;
Sunday. July 28th, 1912
In two of hia Famous Lectures
Afternoon--"The White Rhinoceros"
Eveninf--"Wnted--An Earthquake"
Rev. F. IV, Cliffcx York, Nef in a private letter:
"You are the talk of the city this morning. Where
ever I go people are shouting to me compliments for
you. Everyone was greatly pleased. Many think
your lecture the finest thing rver heard."
r i
I b.iel to our tiiim! task w lb something
to leticsh an I eho u 11 1.
' The I! I 1 10111I Chiiuliiuquti x-. iM be
j lie't this j ear that we have evi r hud
I tlvoiy number will be Instinctive and
j otiteit lining. The inaiingeiiient hu
been ni'iM successful in stM'ttriug the
verj best of eveiylliiiig Among oilier
leeluiersof iinlloual lepuliilloli vim
will appear on our platform this year
U Clinton N. Unwind Ihu noted pi ouch
er tmd roiormcr. Uverywliero lie goes
he Impresses his iersi)uallly upon his
hc.iivm In sneh a maiinei' that they
cannot got away from his vivid do
liiieatlun of hum in luleresl subjects.
Me Is au or.ilor, entuilaiiier and In
structor, lied Cloud is fortunate in
deed In si-curing the services of Clinton
X. Howard for the summer eluiiituu-
rf (in.
K. C. MeCull or Webster county, Xeb ,
reports thai ill that section of the Hi
ptihlicfiu liver valley farmers are look
ing after Ihelr corn with great dili
gence. .Mr MeCall stales that farniniH
have begun to cultivate it, and Hint
they will keep the- glowing eoni per
fectly clean from tlo very start. "We
are now letllnir tro Ihu last of the fed
cattle, ami fiom this time on, we. will
be In a position to devote our entire
time to the crops," Mr. Mcfall said.
Kansas City Stock l)i overs Telegtam,
June Ith.
While down in the south part of the
county not long since wo noticed in
the vicinity of Ited Cloud that there
were many permanent cement bridges
and culverts This In our opinion is
the right method for the county com
missioners to adopt and will in the
long run save the county thousands of
dollars. If Hie commissioners believe
that this method is good for the south
part of the county why do they, not
adopt the same methods in the north
part? We do not wisli to complain
but It seems to us so long as the coun
ty pa) 8 the bills that we are entitled
to have our share of cement bridges
and culverts. Thoso improvements
are paid by Hie county as a whole and
the same treatment should be accord
ed to all parts of the county. We be
lieve that 11 petition should be circu
lated and pieseuted to the county
commissioners at their next regular
meeting -Itladen Enterprise
City Treasurer's Report
lied Cloud, June 4, 1012
Honor.iblu Mayor and City Council,
Red Cloud, Neb.
Gentlemen;'--! pubmit herewith state
ment of receipts and disbursements of
your treasurer for the period from May
7, 1012 to June 1 1912:
Occupation Fund
Amt on hand May 7, 1912 9 266 24
Receipts 10G0 00
1326 24
Disbursements 212 25
Ual on hand June 4, 1012 1113 09
Water Fund
Amt on hand May 1, 1912 333 86
Receipts 123 69
457 55
DisdnirnementH 301 57
Hal an hand June 4, 1912 155 98
ValT Ie- Pin I
Amton haul Muj 7, UP.', .... It'l j7
UecelpU 43j 00
iiS'J 07
DUbtirsemenM . ' IIJH (!.
Hal on hand June I, 1012 50 01!
General Fund
UecelpU 1100 0')
Overdraft May 7, 1012 103 00
Uisbj'SuinentH -lol 70 H31 70
Hal on hand June I, 1012 103 21
Electric Light Fund
Amton hand May 7, 1012 1 S M
Receipts 610 10
Disbursements 612 SO
Hal on hand June -I, 1012 384 Kl
Electric Light Levy Fund
Amt on hand May 7, 1012 200 37
Receipts 610 00
009 !I7
700 75
I)J-diurnemcnta . on hand June 4, 1012 ...
Judgment Fund
208 62
N no
1050 U0
Amton hand May 71012 ...
llul on hand June 4, 1012 . . . ,
Firemen'H Fund
Amton hand May 7, 1012
Dal on hand June 4, 1812. . . ,
Occupation fund
Water fund ,
Water levy fund ,
General fund
Electric light fund
Elrctric light levy fund
Judgment fund
Fireman's fund
1C50 00
50 20
50 20
1113 99
155 98
150 02
168 21
384 53
208 62
1630 00
50 20
Total $ 3S81 55
No registered warrants outatanding.
S. R. Florance, City Treaa.
Doliift Housework by Motor Power
It Is now possible to do a great deal
of 01 dinary housework by motor power,
thus relieving niiich of the drudgery In
cldeiital to keeping house. To tlio-e
who wonder why mechanical power
was not applied sooner to wonian'.s
woik as well as In the machine shops
where men 1110 employed, it Is only
necessary to explain that not until the
small electric motor was produced wa.s
It possible to got power into the house
without a great deal of noise, confus
ion, Inconvenience ami dirt.
Kieutrlu power can be carried all
through the house on small concealed
wires and Is instantly ready for what
ever task you wish. Tho electric motor
is au ideal source of power iuasmueli
as It will give just as much energy as
you desire, from the smallest fraction
of a horse powr up. It runs practical
ly noiseless without dirt or danger
and cm be operated by u child. ,
It Is surprising, when you ston to
consider It, how much work about the
home can bo safely entrusted to the
electric motor. It will swoen and dust
carpets, floors, upholstery, draplngs
mm ciotning with the aid of a vacuni
cleauer. It will polish the hardwood
lloor with a tloor polishing machine,
aud it will also polish the silverware
and brass work with a small bulling
motor. It will wash and wrinc the
clothes with an electric washing ma
chine aud it will dry the clothes quick
ly Indoors with the assistance of an
electric fan. It will beat eggs, grind
cotfee, ruu the meat aud vesetable
chopper, turn the lee cream freezer,
suarpen knives and it will keep the
nousecool in summor with electrln
fans. It will ruu the sewing machine
raster aud better than it was ever run
before. It will dry the hair after a
shampoo or provide a massage. And
11 win operate tho refrigerator, keep
ing it at just the right cooliug temper,
These are a few of the ordinary
things about the home which can be
easily, quickly aud economically done
wiin tne aid ot electric motors. Elcc
tile Newsservice.
I) Will C. Crelder
The Tailor and French Dry Cleaner,
up stairs ovor Burden's grocery. Moon
Best Laundry service in the city.
Both phones.
CMftitftatlml Church Nttkes.
"Children's Day" will be observed
Sunday morning at 11 a.m., immedi
tely following the Sunday School.
The program will consist of songs,
drills, recitations and other exercises
by different classes. There will also
be special music by the church choir.
Subject of the sermon Sunday evening
will be: "Man, the keeper of Hod's
The church social has been postpon
ed till next week. Choir practice Fri
day evening. The Brotherhood will
bold its annual meeting for the elec
tion of officers Vid the transaction of
other business, on Tuesday evening at
6 o'clock. Mid-week meeting Wednes
day svenlog at I o'clock.
John J. Bsyne, Pastor.
Mrs. Norton who has been tisltlng
at the home of hr daughter, Mrs. H.
M. Smith left Monday for JCmsm to
visit relatives.
Suits and
The Miner Bros. Co,
"A Mighty Safe Place to trade."
Nr.VfSpiiucr Announcement
There never was such a time In tho
history or this country for newspaper
reading-, and it is important to 1 e.ul , a
paper of impartial views one that is
freo fiom any olllce-seekiug or olllee
holdlug liillueiices Tho important
tiling to a gieat newspaper like The
Lincoln State Journal is to get trial
readers, us It has no trouble holding
them by Its quality. Tho cheapest
way to get new readeis is to make a
speelul price, which we now do only
2 for the daily and Sunday paper un
til January 1, lOKI-inueli less than
tho regular price. At that time the
paper will stop coming unless you
order It conttuued aud pay in advance
for it. You leally cannot alford to be
without this capital city paper when
you can secure it ut Mich 11 price. Send
i- to the Lincoln State Journal today
and the paper will come to you regu
larly the remainder of this year. It
will be 11 lively year, too.
Nullcu To Creditor
SlwXterUorS?,,5: f ! Tho rtmnty Court.
In tlie mutter ot the estate of John l'ttcr
Sturm, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby kIvcd to all persons huvlntt
olulms unit demunds against J 0I111 1'ctcr Sturm,
lute of Webster County, deceased, that the
lime llxed tor llllint ululnis iwilrut gala estate
U six months from the '-Mill day ut linn) IU1-J.
All Mich, persons are reiiulred to present
their claims, with the vouchers. 10 the County
.Indite of huUI county, ut hlsoltlue therein, on
or before tho'Jslh day of Ijcciii1h.t, ibIJ; and
nil olulms so tiled will be heard before the said
indue on theiwthduyof Di'cembir, loii; atone
o'clock p. in : umltlmi the administrator Is
uilowedone year from the 'isth duj of Mnyt
hit'.'. In which lo ii.iy the debts allowed nuulnst
.said cstato and settle tho same.
(K.W.) A. I). ItANSKV,
County .luilisc.
A special touchers' examination will
be given on Friday and Saturday, June
21 and '.'2, M)12, in all county certificate
subjects. No professional and city
state certillcato subjects will be given
at this examination.
The July special teachers' examina
tion will be given on Thursday aud
Friday, July 25 and !M, 1912.
Both tlie June and July special ex
aminations will be held at Red Cloud
(iKBTIIUDK h. Coon,
County Superintendent
Notice to Water and Light
All patrons of the Water and Light
Department of the City of Rod Cloud
must pay their bills to H. K, Florance
City Treasurer at the Webster County
Dank on or before tlie 15th., of each
month. On the 10th., of each month
all delinquents will be disconnected
by the Water and Light Commissioner.
No statements will be mailed out.
Please do not forget this.
Dated at Red Cloud, May 20th,, 1912.
O. C. Tkki.,
City Clerk.
.'?' Fara Loais
At. Lowest' interest, best option, least
xptpsa. Call for me at State Bank,
Bed Cloud. C, F. Catiier.
oj"r vsTv vvrv"s".v,N"s,yN's -kA"v''v"vr w" wvs7
nF ?4 H
Se Us Before Buying, Ours
are This Season's Goods
Moved to Our New
You will find us now In our new location
111 iiiuncinnuvab ULUbn
with our
Always Glad To See You
Economical Mothers Note tho Price
Dollars and Cents Saved are one
good reason for buying those little garments.
Barbara Piiares, Prop.
The best and purest Ice Cream and
Summer drinks in the city at the lion
Ton Cafe.
M. W. A. Doings
M. W. A. camp No. 608 will have B.
E, Kester, state deputy, here on Fri
day night, June 14th., with a stereop
ticon machine and over two hundred
views on the great M. W. A Sanitar
ium at Colorado Springs. This Is free
and public to everybody,
W W. Mmaks, c. r Walun,
Consul. Clerk.
For ice cream and soft drinks ga to
the Puritan Cafe.
funar ft nivi Mrcwwiiwgxanu .u-Jt'i jh i
I i 8 W s
large lino of
' v vsA WVvVyvx
But not the BEST reason. The
charm of the styles, the excellence of the
materials and making would make them
wise purchases at considerably higher
prices from 50c to $2.50.
Agmnt tor muttorlck Pattern
s ,
D. D. Sanderson. M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Office in Moon Block! c'
Residence, Royal Hotel. ' ,'
Bell, 47? Indi, 27
Calls Answered' Day tiinNlght
aan cloud, nso. '
r-, jl IV l(fi -
uo w tne lion Ton Cafe for the beetv
Its Creasa end Soda Water In tawn .
S; x-
Y"J '-
v: I.
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