The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 13, 1912, Image 10

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I i-jM
Graduation Exercises.
Owing to the long continued rain
the exercises of the Klghth Grade
Uraduatlor. was not as well attended
as bad been anticipated. Lean than a
third of the pupils were able to attend.
Aa a result only a part of the program
was carried out but this part ti ex
cellent In every respect. Mlsa Ger
trude Coon, our efficient county super
intendent, presented the diplomas to
those who weie present in a most happy
and pleasing manner.
The lecture was delivered by Rev.
K. N. Tompkins who said in part:
'We are living In a world of the
greatest foico, power and the sneret of
a successful life Is In knowing how to
harness and use those forces. I stand
In a great factory at early morn and
all its machinery Is sombre and silent
about me, there seems to be no sign of
the great activity that so soon shall
be found there; I hear the tramp pf
many feet and soon see the army of
tollers as they take their places at the
looms and wait but still there is no
motion of the wheals. The crying
need of the hour is for power. I stand
and look upon the scene before me and
recognize the fact that I am looking
upon the likeness of many a human
life. It has the equipment for great
usefulness but it lacks power.
8oon I can feel the floor begin to
throb beneath my feet and the wheels
and looms begin to hum and about me
I tee the rush of a great industrial
Jays toll.
- f Tatetaferautloa hssheea vreuffct
power ie the essjiae e. And the
great secret of edeeatlen Is to lad tht
key to unloose fewer lu
our lives, for U Is surely bound up In
every life.
It Is not only this that an education
should accomplish but ft should also
'glveaeaa aderatandlog of the us
of the great forces of the world in
whieh we litre for we are ia the midst
of a powerful dynamo of nature In the
world of which we are a- part I do
not thluk we recognteethe fact enough
that Qod has placed the 'sun, moon
and stars, and all the other forces of
nature to be the great engines of pow
er for man, and we but have to learn
their uses to make them the greatest
blessings to mankind. To Illustrate, a
number of years ago it became neces
sary to move a great quantity of
freight from New York to Albany, and
the mode of conveyance was very
limited; some one with u brain trained
to think suggested that tho moan be
culled Into service nnd ouo of its great
f 01 uus harnvHsod for the task, so thev
loud fd thu tons of freight on great
binges and when thu moon which con
trols the tides of the sea. rolled those
tides out into the river, raising the
waters In its mouth many feet uud
backing thu waters clear back up to
Albany tho barges were (touted on
the tide and the task whs accomplished.
The watuis then receding to the sen
took tho barges back with them for
another freight. Again in tho city of
Foo Chow, China there Ih a biidge
that has been the wonder of engineers
for years. It in a mite long and It I
built on great stone piers, the girders
being each one solid piece of granite 4
feat square aud 40 favt long, Mow did
its builders get those blocks lu place
with their limited machinery, or as we
suppose no machinery at all? That
was the question for many. years, nut
finally by much Investigation it was
found that some one. conceived the
Idea lu the distant past age of har
nessing the tide, and so the stone gird
ers .were floated up the river on large
raft, anchored directly vby the piers
which had been built aud when the
tides came in they blocked, the stones
upon temporary "supports uiitfll the
tide 'allowed the 'rafts too settle away
from' them ami thim heg blocked
them up again from the ' raft which'
11 tied them still hlgherwheu the tide
returned und so by 'the process they
were Dually lifted into place by the
powerof the moon. Tills power has
been there all through tlie agos but
some one must bo found 'who would
have a brain to unlock1 its' secrets. '
When the boy Watt, sal warming
himself by tho tire and noticed tho
steam us it hissed from the spout of
the tea kettle, he begun to set about
toidiscover the process by which' it
could be harnessed for tbeiuseof man
tho power had always b&?i- in tie
world since time began, but no'.otie
had befoio appeared with n bralu
capable or unravelling Us mystery,
but us we speed over the plului, and
mountains, behind the steam throb.
uuig engine, as we seo our great In
dustrial Institutions basing their llvli
hood on a dependence in this gimU
force, we cau but ho thankful that a
mail like Vuttecr lived who had u
training which equipped him for ueiug
the blessing to man that he eiuue to
Tho same may be said of Thos,
tidUou who has luu nessed the forces
of the clouds and by tho iimrvullou
use of the power of clccwiclty has
lighted our houses, (impelled our ems
and tri'lns, turned the wheels of many
of our great industries and is today
used to wash and Iron our clothes,
heat our buildings, operate our tele
piloses and telegraphs, and even in
thcto lattor days has come to Hurl iti
messages out thru space by mentis of
the wiich'ss ti'legraph. Mow much we
w utd all he mivii g now if n man iile
rJdlson with it ti'itltied and well equip
ped brain had never lived,
It is said that n common school
education Increases a inan' chances
for success 100 times, that a high
school increases UfiOdfold and a college
education looo fold, so we van see if
we wish to be the greatest blessing to
ourselves and to others It is essential
t ,tratn well lu these early years, for
the great latent forces lu our lives aud
in the world in which we live must be
harnessed If we make success here lu
this life.
Never before in hlstoiy has there
been such a cry for well trained men
to fill responsible places in life but It
is not the indolent on the sluggurd
who Is ca'led to these places but the
man who lias been equipped lu mind,
heart and baud who will till the places
of great power in politics, religion,
social aud luduslilal life.
Within each one of our lives there
la a dynamo ofreat ioree mud p6wer
when it lies dormant It is as useless as
the great dyuamu which furnishes the
light and power for this city it the
torlisb euglne- which operates its
armatur were to be disabled or de
tached from It. It must be counected
with the engine aud steam must be
constantly replenished to rush Into its
cylinders and make it get the power
out of the dynamo. And so to get tha
power out of oar lives it is essential
that our brains shall be connected
with oar grant educational systems,
ad that the mind be continually re
plenished by the best books and the
best learning that comes to our hand
year by year from oar great inner
power plants men may feel the in
fluence of our lives, an the forces that
are geuorated there and sent out over
the lines of our lives activity, may like
the current that leaves the power
house qf this town and goes out over
the numerous lines of wire to benefit
and bless our Uvea go forth in tbq
world and make' men bless the day
that we had lived and wrought and
served, our dod, our fellows, and our
selves. Graduates.
Gertrude Ilailey, Gladys Wlunle.Hat
tie Kailey, Winnie Fowler, Mona
Baker, l'aul Rued, Esther Brehm,
Francis March, Glen Ely, Ralph Guy,
Marie Uo., Emmu Schultz.
District ,1.
Kdith Chaplin, Zellu Chaplin.
DtsrnicT 0
Homer Fettv, Huel Harvey, Frank
Daily, Italph Keiter, tlouevleve Miller,
Dorothy Iiurtwell, Kuby Harvey, May
Follet Fox.
Oscur Jensen, Dewey Adams, Lola
Uisiuin id.
Floyd lloluigruiu, Willie Olmistcde.
District 12. "
Carrie Gunn, Vein Stout, William
District 13
Gusslc Kuierlm, Walter Hartmau
Mildred Arnold, Howard Arnold, Lo
rone Hhull.
Margaret Kellet, Floyd Deviaen,
Bsrtha Metcalf, Orla Davison.
DlSTIUCT 15. ' '
Grace White. aa'jp.
DiSTlUfT 17,it7
Distinct J8 , ,
Kichman LJpplncott, Nettie Drake,
Mathilda l'etersou. ,'
.',' , Dl9TJUT 2L
Verna Francis. ' '
, , ,,' dJstrict'iW.
George Ktur,,Auua Ipughran,. , ,
tj. District 26.' , ,
Milly Polnlcky.
District 'ii.
Veter Slrdbl, ,
Distiiict 28.
Jesse Klohardsou, George Richard
son. x Disirict 29. t
Erma Churches, Albert Moody.
iiDinitt tit.
Kenneth Ilendieu, Mae Doatnn.
jlliith Turubuugh, lllanche Rath, Lylo
Jones, Howard Hall, Alfred Denny,
Harold Denny, George A. Roes, Ches
ley Gunn, Radford Bennett, Paul
.Dettner, Lloyd Easterly, EstaUcCoy,
lLoha McCoy, Maysol Mead.
Distiiict 3'.'.
Ellis Davidson.
Distiut 34.
Earl Saladen, Revere StovenV, Nor
ton Steward.
District 30.
Carroll Allen.
DlSIRtCI 38.
Lena Heiijsmln,
Disuilci 30.
Ora V Shuck.
DlvruiUT 40.
Lydla Koertuer, Stella Koertner,
Marie Uerus, Albert Husebrook, Mary
Hasebrook, Pauline Koertner, Nella
VI. Rust. Martha ltust
District 41.
Charlie Plchler.
District 43.
Elsie Mllller, Clara Mllller.
m C. H. Rudd Garage
Si C.
y '
District 40.
Thelma Parker, Clara raters, ; 4
District 5qA: "
Carl Woods, Fred Siebrass, Karl
Dvoracek, Martin Siebrass.. . V.
District rK ,t "
Frank McCartney.
t District 52. . Or
Gilbert Reed. .- '' ll
' , DiSTRirr f.3.
Fred King.
i . Distrct 54.
Stella DeMars.
Earl Fishcl, Gertie Crozler, rtth
FUhel. . ,, '
. District 50.
District tio j
Lizzie VanBooning, Verna Wrlarht
Vella lit Wright.
District til
M.zle Coplen, Nathan Hragg, Nel
Vaughn. f
s District 'G2. i
Maggie Nelbot, Joe Hlgglns, Ofinrjes
Duval, Verule Duval, Lewis Hansen,
Vernon Nelson,
District 04.
Ceina Saunders.
District no.
John Hanks, Alma Pearson.
Harold Fev, Mildred Noble.
Artie Dickenson.
Hael Slnwk.
District 73
Kmma Frey.
I)isi'iuci 7.1.
Klvira Anderson, Lauta McTaggart,
Delia Vise.
DlKiiuri 74 " " "
Muile r.gglestuii, Kffle Holl, Vivian
uller, Dora AShby, Dlanche DeOroWt,
, ' ..... ' .,. r:'
, ,, . , .,
Hazel Bulge, Kiuost Thompson, Cora
Bock, Pearl Magner, Leslie Wilcox.
DlSTIUCT 78. , v
Naomi Ranis, Blsle Long. '
Exclusive Agent
Half of Webster
These cars range in price from700 up
to $3,000.00 and are fully guaranteed.
You are requested to call anirj investigate
-We Cany
Repairs, Oils and Automobile Accessories
We carry the very Best grade of Filtered
Gasoline. . . . Ring us up on either line
- .
District 81.
uiarniui 0.1, -e
Dulcle Guthrie.
r' 4 DUTHICT 81.' k '"' 1
Aleatha DeWitt
t Distiict 87. j
iHUyley Cruse. -f: ih,'-'. -';
Pisae Solo, "Vsnity Fair" . . S.Wslleaaeia
... . .Thelra Pwkct
Invocttioa , ... V -. y Rev. J. J, B.yfe
Origuisl Story . . V? ' . . Nor. AAby
1 u...n tilt 1
Retding, "The Fsthioosble School Girl"
Msyiel Mesd
Chorui, (a) "Morninf Song". . . . Fatnm
(b) "Merry June" .... Viacert
Guide Rock Eighth Grade
Claw Ad'dreMTThe Dynamo of Nature"
Rev. E. N.-Thompkia
PreienUtion ol iplonai
, Supt. Gertrude L. Coon
Clayton t Grand March . . .'MiuBonnei
Song. "America" . . . . Clauo(l9l2
Hla Bualhaa.
"I hear you've left Stingo ft Co.'s"
I "Yes. I'm In business for myself
. now." "What nro you doing?" "Look
ing for another Job." The Pathfinder.
. , '
! FMt ' "Mtate Raoblts.
JJ?,? Cftyu8alet was swum by two
! V? ,Ag chBBethm
' into the water and they sought the
other shore for safety. ' This seems to
be as unusual aa occurrence as would
be the swimming of a cat to save Its
nine lives. Watklns Chronicle.
H. Rudd Garage
tor the South
County for the
Full Lin of
r-. 5
- -. ,
1 j -.
.. i
T i
If Like a Dead Dog
The Bark Is All Off!
. . . ' . . . . ' ' t. -
You'll Find No Bark on
. Our Lumber, Although
We Do (A Good Deal of
Barking About It.
We Have The Stock and
Feel Justified in The
Barking. When You want
The Best Lumber
1 a
Saunders Bros.
-i BeyBsssssLHseS sVb',.
f '
': 4
f mtn TOawW'
-fc - t sr- -i" -
amonq your fAPmmm
there's none that may suddenly be 1
come more important than your.
Are insurance policy. Fire Is nq,
respecter of either time or persons '
and it may be your turn next to '
suffer from it '
better have us attend to the matter '
at once. 'The fact that you have
esoaped fire so far doesn't for an
Instant mean you will always' be
so fortunate. 1
frt7.??rJ?r?fat tcT CmHHS."
uuijd metallic boxer., sealed wit:
Hlbboa Takm no oTBa. B ,
BIAllONB BUANU PULLS, for twcntT.if
uee.a ce)(lnsjpBjfj(t AlWffija KCJiaDM.
The finest liue and best assortment
of Harness ever carried before. Call
and look It over. Mohhart Bios.
, i!
oumond XJySm iRAD
rBR's A
O ndA
b SluelOS
c A2U? . WjR
jt Aiu
hiesriui ( imm