i ZJ M fv - VVt- iiiwi 9mvnmmmn4t irw - ttttifaH iit.im& S-zWM&J wjWwtOTMrfi?,rwT;!iyir wiw,t)s.n. y,owr'Wv sr r:' fcl3 IX bx r: I Correspondents. C.ARMIiLI) Smith Bros, stacked iilfitlfiinn Moll ly. tleorgc Smith is on the sick list this week. Clyde llnwcii bus move I in his new house. iiowuwt Alles was on wind mill row Sunday. Will FMier finished drilling hi millet mi .Monday. George Coon and fumlly wore In (Sitrtleid on Si. ii iay. .Slacking alfalfa and replanting corn is the- onlfi of the ilny. Another uctitlc mill mi Kililuy llk the essence of d w drops Paul White was u pleasant caller on whul mill row on Sunday. Ethel Fisher lias quite a sore foot caused from stepping on a null. Carl Simpson and wlfo and l.eo Caldwell Sutidaycd nt Clyde llowen. Mrs. Loulscy Ailes is visiting with licr gland, children at Will Fisher's the Juro part of the wueh. Uuy Davis was in Garfield on Satur day night. He Is working north of the river but lit' tays that his Hope is tlll in (inrlleld. Ilttriy Vondy nnd Warren Sutton weie lu this neck of the woods setting up iiiuehinery for Wolfe and Whltuker one day last week. George Hauls, Flunk King, Koy Kent, Will Fisher, Binltli Urns , Chas. Sliultz and Fred Uairls bought eaeli one u new mix foot MoCormlck mower hold by Wolf u and Whitakor. COWLES 13. T. Vance of Ilttst liifTH was lu Cowles Monday. We heard home one .say its getting tlry. It may bo ho. 11. T. Foe and K. II. Foe went to Blue Hill Wednesday on business. B. T. Foo, .las. Moliride, and Geo. Holt weie callers In Red Cloud .Mon day. F, A. tSood and Chas. Bennett were lu (Juldu Rook for a short timu Tuns day afternoon. Prof. Urcgtiiy hasuoeepteil a position us clerk in Saunders Itios store in thu abenee of Morgan Davis. Thomas Penman of Denver, Colo , formerly of Ked Cloud, was on our . streets for a day or so last week. Curt Morgan traded his property In the southeast part of town for a tract of land on the west side of the Blnlno place. '' r. and Mrs. Mnrj(it!i Davis left. Sun day In their Brush auto for Beatrice, Nebr., and Balleyville, Kas. Tliey ex pect to be gone two or three weeks. City Council The city council net lust evening in regular mpion, Mnvnr Tnrnitre, and ('null' Hun u Son- , Sjierviiod and Cowdi ii, prc'f.fiii. MiuutvH of previous iint-ttfK' ivi ch and npprovtd IUquenls of Mi. 44 .Jc--i- k I! vis' mid M. A. Albright to tnovv buildings from present sites to street during construe of new building'. Granted. Henry Dl'-derirh, secretary of the fire department ticked council to con struct ordinaure for fire prevention. The mayor appointed Aid. Cowden and city attorney to a. t with the depart ment. MrA-thur, Ross and Wullhrsndt ap peared and iirked council to fill up the "Panama canal" along the north aide of 8th avenue. No action taken. Moved and curled tint the rlty treasurer he instruct-d to transfer $700 from occupation fur.d to electric light fund. Estimate of expenses and income for the year wus considered The following claims were allowed: S. It. Florance, expense $ 483 70 0. C. Teel 51 68 Mark II a, salary 1)181 Fred Youugieii, salary 75 00 W. A. Patten, salary 44 00 Charley Fox, salary 50 00 Joe Jackson 17 00 Carrie Fry, dray age 3'J 40 G. H. HollUter, labor W. T. Buhrur, lahor K. William?, labor Saunders JJros Westinghouse Kommeyur Co., supplies. A. C. Slahy, salary Dave Clark etal labor.... 10 01) 4 00 io no 149 15 56 00 3 33 GO 00 50 05 Adjourned to meet June 7, at 8 pm. Kent Estate transfers. Ileal Bstate Transfers for week end ing I'liesilay, June 1th, RUa. Compiled by SI. W. Carter Son lliiuded Abstractors. Mary S. Creighton and hush, to Cecil .t Malvern M. MeCall.wd. sof, s'$ no'4 sec l'.i-1-ll 001)0 Corn M. France to Stephen II. Denton, wd, lots 8, 0, 1 1 lie. .'), Sptniee's 1st add to Klndeii ... till) .lulia M. Miner to Mary S. Creigh ton, wd. pt lots ID to 'J I, Itlk. SI, Red Cloud '.'00 Ida Ii. (iilnini'e and hu.sb. to John I. .Christian, wd, n sj 'ill-1-10 v 'Mm l.enora H. Warren mid hush to Nellie II. CJi lines, wd, pt 1i5 sc'j Bile. I, Be. Due's Addition to Ked Cloud I William Junius Vance and wlfo "" to William F. Uenkol, wd, lot 7, Itlk. l'J, lnavale !J0l John F. Peterson to Clara C. Chairee, vd, s.'i swjj, west 11) acres so '.f sec 7-1 1 1 ftOOO John F. Peter-on to Faankie Val entine, wd, lots '2, !J, sJ(J neU 1-1-11 or.oo John F. 1'etersoii to M.try Alidcr- D GUIDE ROCK. Miss tirace Batch spent Sunday with friends in I'M mi r. Miss Bloise Kgee is visiting at the C. 13 Vaughaii home Mrs. Johnston, mother of Mrs. U. Htlokley. Is ou the sick list. Mrs Hannah (iarber, mother of Mis. Ma Hayes, is reported very ill. Mrs. Abe Schoboiirg of Holdregu Is here visiting this week with friends and relatives. , Chester Cooper eamu up from For- imisii, Kansas, s.itunluy evening to spend .Sunday with Ills family. Misses Inn Crow and Winifred Cooper bpent lrtst week lu the country with their cousin, Mrs. (Jeo. Parker who as sisted them in oil painting. Mr. add Mis. K. .1 Moore started Thursday for Trenton, New Jersey, In their auto, where they expect to spend the summer with their sons Frank and, Charles. Misses Deulali DoiuIiih, Ueill.a tiny nud Maoet Simpson departed Satur day morning by way of Lester for Kearney where they will attend Sum mer Norui'tl. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vaughaii went to Lincoln Sunday to visit this week with relatives. Mrs. Vanghan's sister, Mrs. Irvln Bly, of Rej Holds, is here caring for their childi en and visiting relatives, Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Watt entertained u number of their immediate relatives and tiicnds Sunday. Those who weio there are: John Oglevle, (leo. Hunt, Klmor Watt, W S. I.unbeit and fami lies, Peter (irawburg, nud tirnndina " Hunt. At the homo of Mr. nud Mrs. Andy tiny on Wednesday evening, .1 mm 5, occui red the wedding of their daugh ter Mabel to Bdmiind Fairlleld. Abuut nixtv guests woro present MlssCuneo Uureh played Ili7 wedding march and Miss lioue Crow sim, "ltuoaiise I hve i'ou, Dear." son, wd, east l'Jo acres, se"-l-11 Charles Kraiisu and wile toUn jainin Aluhloison. wd, nej, set Jt-4-M DiuiGiuber to HuKh W Colli ford, wd, lots ;i:) to II. Itlk :i, tiarber's 2nd add to Ued Cloud I). 10. Suunders, et nl to Frank .-000 1000 '21, Ulk. 'J, Kndcllir's Add to Ked Cloud , 1 W. H. Saunders and wifoto Frank White, wd, lots Klto'.'t, lllk.;i, Umber's Add tj Red Cloud.... 1 John II. Blaine, et nl to BIwinT. Foe, wd, pt nw'j see, 1-1 10 and lot 10, Ulk. 21, Cowles 10.7.M) Blinbeth Uesse and hush, to Miller A. Albright, wd, cast. O'J feet lot 'J, Ulk. '20, Ued Cloud.. B.lwln T. Foe to Jessie M. Ilrooks, wd, Ulk. '2. Foe & Mo- Uride's aihl to Cowles Mortgages tiled, SI 1,000.00. Mortgages released, SlO.OSO.nft. MCE RuddG arage Exclusive Agent for the South Half of Webster County for the BUICK, R-C-H OAKLAND Touring Cars. AND AUTOS ( These cars range in price from $700 up to $3,000.00 and are fully guaranteed. You are requested to call and investigate Ve Carry a Full Lir.u oJ misiiiM Repairs, Oils and Automobile Accessories We carry the very Best grade of Filtered Gasoline. . . . Ring us up on either line t C H. Rudd Garage 1800 500 Uses of the Monocle. "Why do you wenr a monocle In parliament?" "Well, you Bee," replied the candid tourist, "some of those speakers arc deucedly dull, but you can't well go to sloop, you know, with one oyo propped open with a bit of glass." Cannot Endure Human Gaze. Wild animals nvo Irritated by tho gnzo of man. If you uro without nrms, It has neon I mind a good plan to protend not to see tho liensl nt all. Ho takes' thu gnzo as a chnllengu. Curious English Custom. I Every Easter a curious custom la" observed In rurul England, the auc tioneer putting up n Hold and accept ing bids only bo long as a nuhibcr of boys aro running n race over a Hxed course. Tho moment tho hlndeniost boy reaches tho goal tho hammer falls and tho meadow is knocked down to him who has made tho last bid. This ' having been satisfactorily Bottled, ' thoso present sit down to a meal or bread, cheese and spring onions. Lon don Tlt-Ults. i ( Seems Immune to Earthquakes. Earthnuakeii oeeur with eowldfr able freijiiniey In Now Xenlnnd. but no damage hns so far boon nolle ,' In the eafo of ro-lnforu'd concrete. Tho CO. i, Feed SJcrc of Feud, Uuy. Wo carry a fell lien Flour, Oils nun i!:i . Try our Machine OU uii j'oiu numvr At present wu havo some tdiolcu Cauu and Mlllutu'd, eoum In anil con tract what you need beforo Its gone. F. K. HiNURltSON. Makes Foracry Impossible. The forgery yf all Hank of Eng land notes Is qulcPy detected be caiiKu of secret murks which are eon stantly being cluuiKod They' 1110 vlslblo onlv under the micro.coiio. " Dolly 7! v. '.'t. "All mou choiilij ceitlvtte a H."o.l nnd firm dcteni.lnntlcm, mid vow tl'a'. what they onco uiulettako they v 111 novor elvo up," Turnovers. A boy remembers his mother's turn overs wlthmoro joy than his father's. Omaha Nows. . j Mistakes Must tie Expected. Most people go over the same rou tine every day. They rlso at the same hour and He down at the same hour. In all that space of time between their rising up and their lying down they are doing familiar things. Every movement they may make is one that they made- yesterday, and the day be fore that. There Is no excuse, ap parently, for errors. Dut every man wlio Is familiar with olllco work, shop work or any other form of human en deavor knows that thcro la always a certain perccntago of mistakes to bo expected. Grcnt Expectations. Now and then a man does some thing really worthy of praise; but tho trouble with tho critter Is that hu gets Inter ii blue funk If ho Isn't per potunlly reaping verbal boitnucta for the thousand nnd one unimportant nnd very ordinary samples of his handiwork. Wanted 'Em Back. "Our engagement is at an end. Leave my presence at once, sir, and forever!" said the angry maiden, fitnmplng her foot. "Oh, very well," answered the young man, calmly, "I'll gladly leave,, your presence, but I skull take mv presents with me." Bee's Eye for Landmarks. Thoro can bo little doubt that so in. tclllgent an Insect as a bee has a long memory nnd a keen eyo for land marks, This 1b testified by the fact thut almost all bees lly by day, wherch as such creatures bb moths or no fixed home or occupation fly In the darkness. A bee would be lost at midnight becnuse It could not recog nize Its surroundings. fmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm IlLjJLin Ui-iVlYO 111 Not a Happy Thought. "Yes," snld the preacher, "money Is tho root of nil evil. It is dross. When money was invented a curso was laid upon mankind. It lu u stench in the nostrils. Tho lord snlth: 'Yo havo sold yourselves for naimht, nnd yo rdiall bo icduemcd without money.' Tho collection will nuw be taken." Hxtrcmcc. Dugald (In rcsponso to friendly In vitation) "Wool, man, I never touch whusky noo, unless I'm nt the Iiclcht o hllailty or tho depth o' deprcEslon; but 1 duurstty I'm at present Just in the state o' nilnd that wml justlflo a bit taste!" London Opinion. Sun Fatal to Monkeys. In Manila f.oino monkoya wero ox posed to tho Bur.hlnc and tiled in M3klna Use or "Luck." Wo don't deny that some mon ara "Incky." but ut tho same time did you ever notice- what a rctnnrknhlo apt!- niinut 75 mlniif.es. but other monkeys i tr.de they display lu taking ndvnnfr iiniinrli Kbndo of nn umbrella sot in1 Be of all the "luck" that bofalla tho sun vcro unhurt. thm? Perfrs". ' A .rm Ind'Mtnr. A now nhirni ..u' tor lor ftrmn BWltcliet, on u, . ii ioconl lls'i,, nt a point on u r.iup corrsBpondlug wlvh tho place from which tho tilaiM iJ cot. , Scientific Disillusionment. Ono of thoso scientists claims ho 13 i now nblo to prove that Evo was not a ! beauty. Tho next scientist will prob I ably try to provo that Adam married bar for hor money. THE wastage of grain by the iivernge Threshing Machine is far more than many Mippo.se. The Operator usually knows It, but he can't, help it with that kind of Machine, so he covers it up all he ean and lets it go at that. The Farmer suspects It, but. think he has to put up with It, and much of his hard-earned money goes over Into the straw stack. ' This great wHstagu Is thu result of employing on incompetent type of Threshing Machine that rushes tho straw to the stack, but does not beat the drain out t It It is up to you Farmers to siv what Machine will thresh your grain thi-, season. You havo wot ked hard to grow the grain and you pay tho bill for threshing It. You can't alford to divide your prollts with the straw pile, for every bushel that goes into the stack is money right out of your pocket. You Can Save Your Thresh Bill by Hiring a Red 'River Special to Do Your Threshing It. will save the grain for you: it will waste less of your time; It will do your jo1! (pilckei; It will clean your grain better; it will pay you all around. It is the only Thieihing Machine made that um' tho trim ant! sunt method of separation hy hr.utltiSJ the strain out cf the Straw jn-t iih you would do with a pitchfork. The Big Cylinder, the Man llchind the Gun, and the Shakers that toss thu straw up and hi'at It as you wsuld tb with a pitchfork save the tfialn that others waste, whether it lie wheat, outs, rye, Inn ley. Max, peas, rice, alfalfa, timothy or other grains or seeds. THE KBU III WAl S1M1CIAL WOKICS OX AX ENTIRELY IMF FBKKXT I'UIXUII'LBOFBEI'AUATION fiom any other make, fytyialslt out while other makes hurry the straw to the stack and expect the gnilti to fall out, which it. does not do. Have your thrcshiiiu done this year by a Bed River Special. IT WILL SAVE YOUR THRESH Bill. Write us or cull on our Branch House or Dealer for the proof. NICHOLS & SHEPARD CO., Battle Creek,' Mich. r'n- inly 'i i'ilir it tlio It nl Itlvor Sje-IU Tlirmliur, HuiM-'eoucrt, Wind MacKciH, WfiuiieriMiuii ' tt. to. Tt.iciioii stttim i:iiKiiiiH,ui.(JnH Tractors iiiul Kvcry thins; tor Die I lircriliernmu. STRAW STACKS GS'za&s3SMEEZQ Gzsmxsmm a 1 v A V j w IF s c .Vi ' ys: iMiyKx A..V .il..,jUw.wUiwfcWMfMtwvUJaai)W 1 1 jti.j'