The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 30, 1912, Image 8

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    in, rSUTpmt!
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The Chief
C. n. 1IAM3, I'ubllBhor
Convicts to Be Employed on Dlfferen;
Public WorKs Baltimore Hostelry
Destroyed by Fire To Hasten
Washington. Insurrection and tilt
ordcTH In Cuba, which threaten tin
life and property ofv Americans am
uro bcllovud by the United tftittuH It
bo HprcudltiK beyond control of Uu
Cuban government, Iiqh caused the
American government to taku active
Btcps In preparation to copu with any
Bituatlon which may wIho In the
Island republic. Two dlvlHlonn of the
Atlantic battlcHhlp licet were ordered
to take on their full cjuota of murlucu
making a total of 1,,'iOO, In addition to
the 701) now en route to (luantauatno
on the I'ralrlo and reiidezvotiH at Key
West, ready to move to Cuba ut the
Instant their prcHenco 1h needed. In
all a dozen wurnlilpB will bo in tho Im
mediate vicinity of Cuba wlthlu u few
i Thinks Experiment Successful.
Lincoln. In pursuance of tho plan
of Governor Aldrlch to employ Idlo
convlctu of tho tjuiiltentlary oil dllTci
ent public workti, ten prlnoncrs Satur
day completed their first week's worK
ut the Btato huHpltul for tho Iiihuiui
and enough ouloim were sowed during
tho week to keep tho Institution li,
that vegetable for a your. Knrly over
morning a squad of prisoner) uudet
tho charge of two guards haa been
taken from tho prison and employed
In tho fields surrounding tho hospital,
far away from ttlt nrnutcs of tho lut
tor Institution. Tho first trial of tho
governor's theory, according to Super
intendent Williams of tho hospital,
has been moro than successful. Not
tho least trouble bus been experienced
with tho men during tho week and tho
prisoners after their long confinement
in tho cells have been glad to work
in the Jidda.
I Have to Hunt New Quarters.
Baltimore, Sid. Tho Kutaw house,
one of tho largest hotels In Baltimore,
was practically destroyed by Uro Sat
urday, Involving a damage of $100,000.
Five persons narrowly escaped death
and wcro taken to hospitals badly In
jured. Tho Names started in tho cel
lar. Tho hotel had accommodations
for 1,000 guests and every room had
been secured by visitors to the dem
ocratic national convention next
Trying to Hasten Adjournment.
Washington. linger dally sessions
of tho senate have begun this week
with a view to expediting legislation
and speeding adjournment of congress
ns much as possible. Republican load.
ctb like lodgo of Massachusetts and
Smoot of Utuh uro trying to bring the
session to a closu by the lutter part of
June. Others cling to tho possibility
of an adjournment by June 15.
Dynamite Wrecks Newspaper Office.
El Paso, Tex. Shortly before U
o'clock Friday night tho office of Paso
Del Nort, a Spanish newspaper pub
lished in tho heart of the city and sup
porting the Madero government, was
wrecked by dynumlte. A bomb was
thrown at tho front window, producing
a violent explosion, which, however,
only wrecked a portion of tho front
of the building. No one was Injured,
Rio Grande Dam Gives Way.
Albuquerque, N. M. Tho main diku
which protects tho town of San Mar
ciul, N. M., from tho Klo Grande river
gavo wny Saturday under the pres
sure of a two-foot rlso In the river
and n vast volume of water at mid
night was ruunlug through the town.
No lives, so far as known, have been
lost, but the property damage will to
tal thousands.
Rioting at Buda Pest.
Buda Pest. Flerco lighting between
tho Btrlkcrs and tho police and troops
has taken placo lu Buda Pest, al
though tho strikers had been ordered
by tho labor leaders to cease their
agitation and return to work. In the
fighting tho strikers used revolvers
and atones and other missiles while
the troops replied with volleys from
their rifles. Many persons on both
Ides were wounded.
Eugollze Late Congressman Latta.
Washington. Tho late Congress
man James Latta of Nebraska was
'eugollzed in a special memorial ser
vice held by tho house of representa
tives Sunday. Tho speakers wcro
Representatives Stephens, Norrls,
Kinkald and Magulre, nil of Nebraska.
Chihuahua, Mex. That congress
has requested Madero to resign thu
presidency, und that he had agreed to
do bo by Juno 1, is tho nubstunco of
11 telegram lecclved at tho rebel army
Federal Government Makes New Move
Roosevelt Men Balk on Pro
posed Chairman Cuban In
urrcctlon Growing.
Cfclcago. Ormsby .Mcllarg of New
York, ono of the managers of t'oloucl
Roosevelt's campaign for the repub
lican presidential nomination, declares
that Uooscvelt forces will refuse to
abide by thu election of United States
Senator ICllliu Hoot of New York as
temporary chairman of tho national
convention and will Insist on the
naming of men In accordance with
Roosevelt policies. The names of
(lovernor Herbert S. lladlcy of Mjs
sourl, (lovernor Hiram W. Johnson of
Wlnthrop Murray Crane, United
States senator from Massachusetts,
has announced that ha will not be a
candidate for re-election. Ha succeed
ed Senator Hoar In 1904.
California and Senutor Mobcb E. Clapp
of Minnesota were mentioned by Mc
llarg as being acceptable .In this con
nection to tho Roosovclt forceB.
Arguing the Coffee Case.
New York. Questions of Interna
tional magnitude have come to tho
front since tho federal government
proceeded with Its noweBt move un
der the Shermon law to break up tho
"Brazilian coffee trust." Prominent
counsel clashed with tho government
attorneys, and Judges of the court of
appeals took Issue with somo of tho
propositions mudo by the federal pros
ecutors. Tho Issuo mainly resolved
Itself into the right of Uio United
StateB government to seize and sell
$10,000,000 worth of coffee, tho prop
erty of a foreign state, because of an
alleged Illegal combine In control of
the coffee market.
Insurrection Is Growing.
Havana. Reports received from
Orlente province and emanating from
other than governmental sources
leaves no room for doubt that the In
surrectionary movement in tho east
ern end of the island, the main the
ater of tho Insurgents, Ib growing with
alarming rapidity. Theso reports ap
parently receive confirmation In the
extraordinary reticence of the govern
ment, In Its Increase of the Infantry
soldiers, Its activities In enrolling vol
unteers nnd the determination to dis
patch Major General Montoaguedo to
take supreme command of the troops
operating in Orlente.
Louisville, Ky. Tho general assem
bly of tho northern Presbyterian
church has refused to open the way
to pulpltH for women candidates far
tho ministry. Tho proposal was mude
In un overture reported by the com
mittee on church polity, with a recom
mendation that tho assembly hold "In
expedient" tho proposed admission by
presbyteries of women candidates.
Industrial Walkout In London.
Ijndon. A calmness resembling
Sunday prevails In the streets of I Lon
don owing to the ubsenco of tho lino
of trucks and drays duo to tho trans
port workers' strike. The order to lay
down tools nffects upwards of 100,000
men In central Ixmdon alone, but
those engaged on Jobs will be permit
ted by the transport workers' federa
tion to complete them before joining
tho walkout, The full effect there will
not be felt for several days.
Philadelphia. After being Idle for
forty-four working days, tho ten thou
sand mine-workers throughout the an
thracite coal fields of Pennsylvania
havo resumed work under tho new
wage ngreement, It 1b expected that
in a week or two mining will reach Its
normal condition,
MinnenpollB. Francis J. McConnell,
president of riepauw university, Green
castle, Ind., is the fifth bishop to bo
elected at tho present session of the
general conference of the Methodist
Episcopal church.
BaRawk ajfiatH
0m JPIiw
m-iittmmBs JEt 131 tuklW&m W
fp&aE&SEs&SBBBBBBBBsBiaiEr'VF r '- rw"iir l"B A
Senator LaFollette In New Jersey
Ohio Battle Not Yet Ended Mexi-
Federals Victorious
Davis Not Guilty.
Columbus, O. With tho general ro
suit of t ho presidential primary in
Ohio known, interest is now shifted
to tho outcome of the lights in the re
publican and democratic parties for
tho control of the state conventions.
Tho republican convention will be held
In Columbus June .1 and 4 and the
democratic in Toledo June 4 and 5.
Heturns indicate that Roosevelt will
secure thirty-two of the delegates to
the natlonnl convention and President
Gomez Is tho recently proclaimed
"provisional president" of Mexico who,
being disowned by the rebel leaders,
fled from Juarez, where ha had estab
llshed His capital.
Taft ten, as tho result of the primary.
Tho six delegatesat-largo will be
named by tho convention and these
aro being claimed by both sides. Nu
merous county convention will bo
held this week nnd a vigorous fight
will bo mado by Taft and Roosevelt
Appeals for Votes on Principle.
Elizabeth, N J. Senator UFollotte,
in his campaign speech hero Thursday,
assailed Colonel Roosevelt bitterly and
President Taft hardly less vigorously.
"I want your votes If you will give
them to me on principle," the senator
said. "The balance of power in tho
Chicago convention will lie In a hand
ful of voteH, and If I have them neither
Taft nor Roosevelt will get tho nomi
nation. The time to decide this is now,
for thero will be no change in the
condition of people if their votes aro
cast for either candidate."
To Market Alaskan Coal.
Washington. Walter It. Fisher, sec
retary of the Interior, Wednesday told
the scnato commltteo on public lands
that the futuro development of Alaska
lay in the construction 'of a railroad
from tidewater to the YuVon valley.
He said thero was a superabundance
of coal of all grades In the Matanuska
and Bchrlng river fields and urged
that this area should bo opened under
a leasing system so as to get the coal
Into the market.
New York. Steps looking to tho for
mation of a new political party aro
being taken by the National Manufac
turers' association. John Klrby, Jr.,
president, spoke in favor of a new
party and a committee was named to
draft resolutions and to plan ways and
means of inaugurating the movement.
Exemption of labor organizations from
the operations of tho Sherman anti
trust law was denounced In a resolu
tion as "class legislation." Another
resolution called for tho appointment
of n permanent uon-polltlcal tariff com-mission.
fell v -'jijR
bbbK '.i-lJS' iaaaaBfew
ILbbLbV"! UJjLbiH
LSBBaBflBflBflHV ' SaBBflBflBflBflH
BY MORE THAN 25,000.
President Taft Starts at Camden1-
Final Count Will Make Little Dif
ference In Ohio Ivy Day
at Lincoln.
ColumbuB, O. According to returnn
In hand Thursday from approximately
4,500 of tho r-l!ili precincts In the
state, Colonel Roosevelt's delegates to
tho national republican convention
carried Ohio primaries by a plurality
of about 25,000 votes. It now seems
scarcely possible that final results
from the primary poll will change tho
number of the district delegates for
either side by more than one or two.
The best figures available show that
Roosevelt has thirty-two of the forty
two district delegates selected and
that President Taft has ten.
Ivy Day at the State University.
Lincoln. Ivy day was celebrated by
students of the state university Wed
nesday with a full program, on the
campus In tho morning und at the uni
versity farm in tho afternoon nnd
evening. The day Included tho plant.
Ing of the ivy, tho reading of the clasu
poem and the delivering of tho clastf
oration and the crowning of the queen
on the morning program, intcrclasti
athletics, a baseball game and nn.
nouncement of Innoee.its In the after
noon, supper on the farm campus, am)
a band concert nnd play by the Dra
matic club in the evening.
Crete, Neb. D. B. Perry, president
of Doane college, and for nearly forty
years connected with that school, died
ut Battle Creek, Mich., at a late hour
Tuesday night. Information concern,
ing his (leather reached hero Wednes
day morning. Dr. Perry had been con
lined to u hospital for somo time, but
it wob not known hero that his Illness
had reached a critical stage. He had
suffered from pneumonia und was on
tho road to recovery when complicn
tlons set In.
Mexican Federals Are Victorious.
El Paso, Tex. Relano, over which
the main columns of federals and
rebels In northern Mexico fought for
more than twenty-four hours, has
fallen into the hands of the govern,
inent, and the federal cavalary Is pur
suing the rebels north of Relano. This
information has been Bent to the Mex
ican consul hern by General Heurta,
the federal commander.
Omaha Slams Down the Lid.
Omaha, Neb. The police slamme4
"the lid" on with a loud bang Friday
night when fourteen chop suey and
chili parlors and other resorts wero
raided and their proprietors nnd many
Inmates were bundled off to tho eon
tral station. More than a hunUrett
persons were on the police register
charged either with selling liquor Il
legally or being inmates of such
Cuban Situation Serious.
Santiago, Cuba. Parties of armed
negroes, headed by Generals Er.tenoz
and Ivonet, nro roported operating In
the vicinity of El Caney, El Cobre and,
San Luis and also at various points
close to this city. The band led by
Ivonet passed through the Pirmeza
property of tho Juragua Iron company,
seizing a largo number of horses and
n quantity of explosives. The authori
ties consider the Bituatlon serious, but.
refuse to give out newa.
Bad Fire In Michigan School.
Flint, Mich. It is OBtlmnted that It
will cost l?ie state close to 600,000 to
replace tho building of the Michigan
schoo'. for the deaf In this city, that
was Btruck by lightning and burned.
Wednosday. Among tho Important
losses aro many remarkable pieces of
craftmnnshlp, the work of pupils of
tho Institution, All of tho 290 deaf
ohildrcn, teachers and employes, who
were asleep in tho main building at
tho time tho Uro broke out, were re'
cued without pauic or inlujy.
Deshler Is arranging to havo a big
fourth of July colebration.
Tho Nebraska Press association
Kill meet at Lincoln, June 3, 4 and 5.
Twenty-one students will graduate
torn the Tekamah high school thli
The Seward Cold Storage and Ice,
iompany started making Ice with Its
lew plant.
Preparations are being made to hold
1 big Fourth of July celebration In
Tekamah this year.
Rev. A. A. Brooks of Hastings will
deliver the memorial address for the
0. A. IVu at that place.
A move has been started for macad
amizing the road leading from Fre
mont to the Platte river bridge.
At a meeting of Broken Bow citizens
it was decided to eclebrato the Fourth
of July this year on a large scale.
William Chlldcrs caught seven
young wolves in a trap he had set for
them on the creek near Orcopolls.
The Nebraska State Association of
Nebraska Assistant Postmasters will
hold lt'i annual convention at Lincoln,
June 5.
A. .. Honey, ft Union Pacific brake
man residing In Omaha, had his foot
severed by a freight train In tho Fre
mont yards.
7. he public school at North Bend
has been closed by order of the board
of education because of a case of
icnrlet fever.
After an illness of two weeks, Mrs.
W. P. Bennett, mother of, Mrs. Snmuel
Avery, dlee at tho latter's home In
Lincoln, Wednesday.
Tho village council of Peru has
been reorganized with R. W. Kelley
chal'mnr, Frank Martin clerk and
Enrlo Fisher, treasurer.
Crvll'ie M. Klntz, while working near
Moyna.'d, fell, catching his little
linger and almost completely severing
the ncmbcr from his hand.
A freak of nature In the form of a
faunlcgged chicken hns been hatched
Dut In tho yard of August Lingbloom,
a Central City poultry fancier.
Charlie McCarthy and sister, Kate,
of Hebron were passengers on tho ill
fated Titanic. Only the Bister's namo
appears on the list of tho saved.
Tho Fremont Commercial club Is
taking tho initiative in repairing tho
Morehouse grade, tho principal road
between Arlington and Fremont
Ernest Martcll, a graduate of Au
gustana Lutheran college at Rock
Island, 111., hus been assigned a pas
torate of the Lutheran church at Have
lock. Tho motion for a new trial for Wil
liam Flege, found guilty of man
slaughter was overruled In the dis
trict court at Pender Saturday after
noon. Rev. Joseph Toms of Omahn, who
was recently elected to All the vacan
cy in the pastorate of the First Con
gregational church at Ashland, has as
sumed charge. '
To a crowded house at tho Metho
dist church the Rev. W. L. Austin de
livered tho baccalaureato sermon for
tho graduating class of the Platts
mouth high school.
Tho cornerstone of tho new court
house of Merrick county was laid Wed
nesday afternoon with Masonic hon
ors. A'jout two hundred visiting Ma
sons were present.
Mothers at Hastings to tho number
of abrut fifty met in tho high school
building and permanently organized
what will bo known as tho Parent
Teachers' association.
Elvira Falk. ten years old, of Oak
land, was badly injured when she
Jumped off a handcar on which sho
was riding and had her clothing
ciught In tho genrlng.
Prof. Elmer HIHb of tho Falrbury
high school Is holding a short session
of summer school in tho assembly
room or the high school in order that
a number of students may make up
lost work.
A three-week revival meeting, was
closed Sunday In tho Methodist church
at Lexlnpton. Every service had con
versions and tho meeting proved to
be a success, as nearly fifty people
united with the church.
Miss Fern Harmon of Fremont bad
hei face painfully singed by a puff of
Are from a gas stove. The fire camo
when she opened the oven door and
was probably due to a loaky pipe. Her
eyebrows were burned off and her hair
Fifty thousand dollars a day is the
estimated amount Nebraska peoplo
are paying for automobiles. Tho sec
retary of state is registering fifty or
more new machines each day and it is
estimated that $1,000 is a low average
for tho cost of each. .
Tho Central City school dl3trict is
sued $55,000 In bondB tojprovldo funds
for the building of a new high school
and a new ward school.
The conch of the Btato tuberculosis
hospital at Kearney, containing D. Fol
Bom. Miss Rlsser, J. E. Kennard and
Paul Garber, was Btruck by an automo
alio and badly wrecked.
Mrs. J. A. Goudlo of Beaver City Is
dead from Injuries received In -b run
awny at Stamford, and her grand
daughter. Miss Ethel Goudle, is still
suffering from serious Injuries.
Adventlsts at Union college cele
brated the anniversary of tho found
ing of that Institution by an elaborate
program, Including Informal '.alks and
speeches by many former teachers
and pupils.
Work has been begrv', at Franklin
on tho now Congregational chur-h to
bo erected, a number of tho members
donating their services for excavating
tho basement and other kinds of work.
Tho fourth assistant postmaster
general has Informed business men of
the state that carriers may deliver
packages weighing over four pounds
for hire, unon rcauest of their patrons.
IT '
I When
l Buying 1
J Baiting
I Powder
For this is f
,f the baking 1
aj powder that g
makes the
m baking better."
) It leavens thefood g
m evenly throughout; at
puffs It up to airy
lightness, makes it
delightfullyappetiz- at
m ing and wholesome. S
Remember, Calumet
S Is moderate in price 5
m highest in quality.
Ask your grocer for
Calumet. Don't take 1
1 a substitute. "
Dpofpfc f this paper desiring to buy
CdU61 3 anything advertised in' its col
umns should insist upon having what they
ask f or.rcf usina all subAi tutes or imitations
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 22-1912.
Nebraska Directory
CpCC OneModernBelMIeotlnir Iron and omflt
r l Ei C pivenfreetoonelaily liifivcUcomruiinltj-.
Omiha, Nebraska
Rooms from f 1.00 up single, 7b cents up double.
nnd Photo BnppHen of all kinds. We do fitltUP
IM nt PRIHTIM lor itmatrurn. Bend us your or
ders. LINCOLN rHOTO SUrfLT CO., Uach. Ntk.
The National Hall Insurance Co., of Lincoln,
Ntr Is the oldest Ball Insurance Co. in Nebraii
ka, naspald oyer MOO.OOO In losses. Write the
Uome Office todar. Delays are dangerous.
$k Cleaner-Dyer
Address C. H. BARSTOW, Box 918, Lincoln. Neb.
Auctioneers are not all
alike. 801110 aro much bet
ter than others. The better
the auctioneer tho larger
Tour check. The best elllng
enrlce casts you no mors
than the poorest. There's
profit, security and astltfse
(Ion In doing bualneto with.
Z.N. HHANHON, UnstMk K.UI., tt
iMnlsMritut, UllDU, laV
Lincoln Sanitarium
Sulpho Saline Springs
Ucstts on our own prtmltii and uted In the'
Natural Mineral Water
UnwrpiiMd In tho troatmtnt ot
Heart, Stomich, Kidney and Liter Dlieuti
1408 M Street Lincoln, Neb.
AbbW Jbbbbbt
taWW mr-sas "