The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 30, 1912, Image 12

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Somewhat Curious Problem las Been
( Railed by the Decision of '
a Learned Jude.
After the Illustration Mrs. Jones Was,
Able to Understand Just How
It Happened. ,
Mr. .Tonra b.ll ved that no one need
ever Tall down It was pure cnt el ess-
' Suppose yntt owned n dog nnd n!
hrlghbnr asked the cour'u to conipe,
you to keep It from burking nnd olp
liv day nnd nlclit. Interfering wltli,
jilb business and causing Mm mid his
family lors of Bleep, nnd r lpposu t'
court handed down a dot no retpilrlnp.
you to rcstru'n your dng fui.i bark
Ins. ye pine end howling. "eeopl It
cases of burglary or flic." Low would
you pi-t nbmil obeying t'it order? ,
If J'"l flx It so tho ''K e.i"."t biirN
nt all mid ! ' s Inv (.' your doml
olio o- Din bicik" "t nti I - dos
caiinri Imi'-. you inv In '' 1 o'l
murdf"d In iof,l i r x the,
injunction tlr jot r ' of tin)
linrklng, J''l n'-t rti1 ! '' , clinll m
tend only to t! co i ...s when Mxrj
i no burglary or Pro. For the order'
expressly llmlta your right to restrain;
nny linrklng, yetpltiR nnd bowling
nforcsnld by those exceptions.
Must you sit up nights nnd look out,
for burglars and fires nnd bo ready to.
remove your restraint of the dog's
vocalization when cither or both nn-.
Yes, you might get rid of tho dog.
of course, but there Is nothing saldi
nbout thnt. The law docs not prohlh-i
it you keeping tho dog. All It is eon-
ccrned nbout Is that you shall not nl
low tho dog to become n nuisance.!
You havo to place It under restraint.)
Hut you can at least congratulate)
yourself thnt, unlike tho trusts, you;
do not have to worry nbout whnt con
stitutes reasonable restraint because!
thero's not n word about reasonable--ness
In the lnw. All you hnvo to doi
is to restrain tho animal from bark
ing, yelping nnd howling, except Inj
cases of burglary or fire. Tho excep-i
tlon may, It Is true, seem unreason-
nble, but the law Is made to bo obeyed)
eomehow nnd It leaves It to you trj
And out how.
Duck Raiser Found Pepiln of Consid
erable Value, But He Has Dis
continued Its Use.
Refusing to cat nny kind of rood
offered to them, Charles Koch or Port,
Chester, N. Y., concluded that his)
,IIock or one dozen ducks had lylorm
of dyspepsia nnd decided to doctor
them hluiseir. Ills method wns not)
entirely original, for he procured pep
sin tablets and, dissolving them In'
(water, he contrived to get the fluid)
flown their throats with tho aid or n
metal tube. Releasing them one by
one he snt down In tho houso to scet
what happened. '
Almost magical effecta woro noted.,
Jnstend or declining their usual pro-'
vendor, they nte It with avidity nnd;
.en me back ror more. Scraps from thoi
family dinner table nlso disappeared!
In n similar manner. Delighted with'
tho success or his experiment Kocbj
administered additional doses or fluid:
pepsin. Ducks eggs were one result.'.
Hut now the entire flock seems to
bo always hungry. That has Its dlsn-J
.grecab'o reaturcs. Seven o'clock- In
the mcrnlng Is the cuatomnry reeding;
time for tho ducks, but It Is different
now. Tho ducks whero Koch
sleeps, nnd they acscmblo under Ills'
bedroom window nnd quack In chorus
bcrore five o'clock, keeping up the'
tlln until ho throws some lood to
them. Two hours or so later they re-,
mime their clamor. So it goes nil clnv.
Koch Is. getting eggs, but ho Is JoHns
"Take It rrom me." ho says, "1 have
stopped tho pepsin."
Pleasant Quarters for French Prisoner
A retreat rather thnn a prison Is'
the now Institution which has been',
raised nl Kvrcux, on tho road from
Paris to TrouvIHe, says a correspond.'
cnt of th London Globe. It Is ovoid1
In form, much In appearance to that
or n largo cantle, and is surrounded
by a wall over HO feet In height.
It Is situated on high ground over-;
looking the town, mid to say the least
prisoners should havo n very comfort-'
nble time, Each Las his own coll
with hnmmopk bed washing utensils
nnd n table for books Tho cells are
lighted by electricity nnd heated Ir
radiators. The auMiorltlcH have not
forgotten the spiritual needs of tholi
botes. The consideration of tho
ministry of Justice ror tho welfare or
the prisoners la een by an electric
bell at the head of each hammock, an
that the detained, if ho be taken sud
denly III, can communicate with tho
The Spider Cheat.
Many species of spiders nro Interest
Ing on ncrount or their phvslenl con
struction or their habits, but tho most
curious specimens nro probablv to bu
found In the woods of Sumatra; nnd
these nntuialtats call, not without rea
son, "spider clients." This Insect. In
order to trnp tho flies, etc., on which It
feeds, hides on u leaf nnd spins n
web of neutral color, making an Il
lusion so perfect that tho prey not
only docs not fly, but seems uttructed
by the peculiar termination of tho
web on tho edgo or tho leaf. This Is
a perfect knot In appearance and gives
to tho trap tho general shape of n
miniature palm-leaf fan with Indented
handle. Harper's Weekly.
Another of the 8pecles.
, "Is this a little boy or a little girl?"
a teacher asked when the new scholar,
a boy with curls, came In.
', "He ain't none of 'em. He'a a sis
ay," one or the class volunteered. St.
LoiiU. Bfioubllo.
j ness, lit suld Anyone who walked
'ntrnlght. ns'.d did not dawdle touud,
was In no tUnger of losing his" balance !
lie said io to .Mir Toii"S many times,
but she only nmifd In n provoklngj
Ono bit: or e.o'd Jnnutiry morning he!
changed his mind Everything out-j
doors had a eo itii": of Imi. Tl o path!
loading tl.a 1 'rn to the house)
wns smooth as g! 'mi and slanted;
trenchornuFh' on either hand. On onel
f.Ido of it w... lit. n '! rrllnr, v.luto the'
house had onto stood Tones vt coii-.(
Ing from tho barn, . t.-r d' ' e t
morning chores, v'Mi u pall c' I 1 i
In each hat d. I! J was J.i t i
tho collar wit'-.- ; :t! out l!uv hi;
feet and down ho went on his back '
Tho next lti'tnnt he bad slid In n
shower of milk over the edge of the
cellar bole, and lauded on the bottom
with a thump that fairly took uwayt
his breath.
Ho looked round In a daed way for1
a moment, and then crawled to hl?j
feet. Arter mikln; reasonably suro
thnt none or his bones were broken,'
ho climbed out nnd went llmpfng Into,'
the houso to tell his wire.
".Matilda! Matilda!" ho called.;
"Come out hero!"
Obediently she camo. "Why, Hiram,;
whnt has happened? Are you hurt?"1
she exclaimed, startled.
"Yes," answered Jones. "I fell clovr,
thnt old cellarway. Como hero and,'
I'll Bhow you."
Mrs. Jones followed her husband,
"See, Matilda," ho suld, as lie reach-'
cd the spot and turned, "1 stood right
hero like this when"
Onco more Jones's feet flew up, nndj
in precisely tho same manner ns be
fore he lauded in tho bottom of the)
cellar. Slleneo reigned while .Mrs.,
Jones gazed at tho spot where her)
husband had stood. Then she saw)
his bend appearing over tho top of;
tho bank. ,
"1 1 1 rain," she said, "you needn't ex-!
plain nny further. I understand ex
actly how It done." '
Hut Hiram's nnswer was a thorough
ly Ill-tempered grunt. Youth's Com
In Many Localities, There Is No
Closed Season for Those In- '
defatig.ible Laborers. '
Although bees nro apt to turn out
on any sunshiny day, tho bulk or their
,work Is dono by the tlrst or Novem
ber nnd they havo retired ror their
winter's sleep. Tho beekeeper must,
now nut cushions into the tops of
tho hives, tnklng only whal honey he
Is sure can bo spared by the bees
.and leave them for their hibernation;
In Florida there U no such work toj
'do, says n wri'er In O'ttlng. The bees
work nil winter, n.'l they huvo ns!
good teed in IV,i'ury nnd March as
they do In Ju'y. The ornrga orchard
nro alive with tho honey g-itherers,
and their bc.zings blend Into almost
n roar In March, tor that is when tho
orungo flowers nro open; but It trust
bo confessed that tho honey has a'
twang, something Hko the nclduy or
nn orange, nndjt docs not compare nl
all with that mndo trom tho bass
wood. Besides Tho orange there aio huc-4
cesslvo llowetlngs ol legumes or all
sorts nil the year, every one hnvlng a'
positive flavor and very tew or them'
giving to honey a familiar flavor. Yet!
Florida Ik n natural homo or the bee,
nnd honey In the southern states will!
yet become ns lnmlllar n. product as
cano sugar.
In the Mississippi valley nnd else
whero professional beekeepers carry
their hives to the couth to meet the
coming or the flowers early in tho
season, turning around toward tho
north nnd carrying them to gather tho
later sweet ti rrom later flowering ap-;
pies nnd berries. In this way, or by
enrrylng them up and down mountain
sides, the feedlngspclla on clover or
hnsswood nnd other trees can bo
greatly lengthened.
Yellow Writing Paper Easy on Eyes.
OcnllstB havo often cnlled attention
to the fact that tho eyes aro easily
fatigued by the reflection from white
paper, especially when tho surface Is
under a strong light, since green la
known to be tho color most restful to
the ees, It Is a common practice to
iibo wall papers and draperies of that
color In libraries and private studies.
Tor writing paper, however, green I
nn unsatisfactory color. It Imparts a.
reddish appearance to the writing, nnd
makes It hard to read.
Yellow writing paper Is not open to
tho same objection. In strong day
light It Is softer thnn puro white pa
per, nnd In nrtlflclal light Is not too
dark. Black letters on a yellowish
.background show clear and distinct.
'Many mathematicians use yellow pa.
per In figuring long nnd difficult ral
dilutions, nnd many writers have
adopted it for mamiMTlpts, It 1ms the
additional merit of cheapness.
Youth's Companion.
"Swallowed a WoroV'
Little Mary was telling what she
thought was an exciting utory nbout
a 'licam. She stuttered In nor effort,
gulped nnd paused 'lnpulctisly without
eoni'i'ctlny the te'i'eneo.
"Why child, vlmt U the matter?"
hei moth i nrlted.
The ; ' '. i.irl el iimrulfo. and
rt.'liv " r. - c J ,i wAi.1."
j ON
9 i
Cultivators and Corn
FrL, May 31 & Sat, June 1
Red Cloud
Hardware & Implement Company
C. F. Itose of Red Clout! was on our
streets last Fritlny.
Jus. MeUride was In ltltie Hill Tues
day between trains.
Mr. and Mrs. .Imi Ualley were visit
ing In Cowles between passenger trains
Miss Maud Hayes who bus been
teaching out near Trenton is home
for her summer vacation.
Miss Avos Itltohoy returned home
Friday from Des Moines, Iowa, whete
she 1ms been attending school.
C, W. Kuley made h lsit ut Klmer
Simons Tuesday and while here at
tended the commencement exercises,
Miss Leonard of Inavale oame in
Tuesday evening to attend the grsdu
Htiiitf exercises ami make a short visit.
Miss Leonard was it former tuiieher ut
this place.
Mr. Titus of Fairfield, Nebraska,
preached at tho Christian church Sun
day afternoon and evening. He ex
pects to como back and preach again
in two weeks.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Km I Paul, Miss Klma
Stniires and MKs Florence Squires
eiime in from Hastings Tuesday even
ing in mi auto to attend Commence
ment exercises.
It. Ii. Thompson left on the train
Tuesday for Marlon, Vh., where his
sister lives. After h short stay his
stater expeots to return with him for
no extended visit.
John Brush bought a now Chalmers
nuto of the M. It. Adamson Auto Co.,
lust week. We nro glad to see the
fanners able to buy such cars ns they
are the means of a good deal of p eas
, ,, , i -
ure as well as convenience.
Commencement exercises were held
in the M, K. church Tuesday evening.
Misses Stella and Dorothy Huvlor.
Louis Kltchey, Freda Simons, Flossie
Sb id 202 Discount
On all Corn Tools on Hand
Motter, Ida Hill and Cecil Swngart
were the 10th grade graduates for this
The follow! in; program was rendered:
I'iimo Hunt -"The Sleighride"
.. . , Eugene Walter
Freda Simons, I.ois Kitehcy
Invocation Itev. A. M. Steele
Music-''Thinking of You". J. A. Parks
Lndles' Qimrfetto
Oiatlon "Conservation" Ida Hill
Oration ''Where the II rook and
River Meet Kstella Baylor
Music ''Over t ho Meadows"J. S. Fc.uis
High School Chorus
Oration "Wonrin'h Kingdom. . , .
Freda Simons
Oration -"Knowledge is Wealth"
Clam Scbilliuger
Music "In the Gloaming" . ,. ,
Meta Orred
Male Quartette
Onition "By Their Fruits"
Flossie Motter
Oration "Your Part" ..Cecil Swigart
Mule "Farewell Greeting".!. A. Parks
Ladies' Quartette
"Class History and t'roplieey".
.. Lois Uitohey, Dorothy Bttylor
Music "Where Duty Calls" ..Uiinynti
Presentation of Diplomas
Mr. J. It. Morse
Music "At Parting" .1. A. Parks
High School Chorus
Benediction Rev. II. E. Lliiinger
Ciuy lltti lies and wife were visiting
in town Sunday.
Al Smith and family were culling on
KVL Ilm-rta Kbnwlnv.
- T a i it j .
A mack Bros , got in a car load of
,' ... , . , , , ,
stock cattle and took them
pasture on Friday.
Misses Ruth and Katherine Harris
were pleasaut cullers on Muriel aud
jtj, Fluher Monday.
i i ....., . m
A largo crowd attended the play nt
the opera house Saturday night glvon
by the graduating class.
Everybody is thru pjantiiigeorn for
the first time but tliere is a good many
that are planting over on the account
of n, poor stand.
More wind tli'iu rain in the past feu
days, lint wluit Is the use of kicking
it will ruin some of theso days before
long whether wo need it or not.
Oilcloth Wrinkle.
Very little water should bo used In
washing oilcloth, as some of It will
Bonk through the cloth beneath and
rot It. Use a flannel cloth well wrung
out and wlpo the floor until clean.
Sal soda will nld greatly. Wipe the
white spots caused by spilling nny hot
liquid on the oilcloth with a few drops
of itinmcnlti.
Structures Have Proved Lasting.
The most distinctive manifestation
of old North German architecture
takes the form of a heavy framework
of timber . filled in with well-baked
brick, tho timbers remaining visible.
Structures of this kind havo stood tho
test of tltno on boII often marshy and
yielding, and In tho country districts
this stylo of building Is still followed.
Naturally Hi Was Sick.
Ho came creeping in at the usual
hour when a man finds It convenient
to cntMhls house with as llttlo com
motlonTps possible. He replied, In
response to the usual wifely query
put to gentlemen who arrive home at
that hour of the night that he had
been sitting up with a sick friend.
"A sick friend, Indeed! And what
ailed him?" "W-why, bo lost 87."
Sanses of Lower Animals.
Most animals, such ns the fox, the
wolf' and the rabbit, find their way
back to their lalia by a combination
of sight, memory nnd smell, The fox
could smell his way homo If bo were
suddenly struck blind.
By No Means a New Fad.
"I am afraid Mrs. Wapplng la a ter
magant," remarked Mrs. Pllcher. "In
deed," sold Mrs. Bluntsome, with a
slight elevation of hor eyebrows.
"Some people take up every new fad
that comes along."
Man's Hard Lot
Gee, but It's tough to hnvo to tell
a bright, pretty, attractive, fascinating
girl, the fervor of whose proposals
I snows how undying her nffectlon Is,
that you can only be a brother to her!
Boston Olobo.
They Don't Grow .Old.
There is a law In Germany thai
when a dog or cat has passed tho ngi
of six years thoy must be turned ovei
to the police to be killed. Not 8
dozen animals nvc tumni rvn o ,.-
No matter how old n cat or dog be
como tiio owner vows thnt the ago li
live yearn to u day.
Breeders Attention t
I will keep my Stallions and Jacks
durlug the season of 1012 Ht the 6ld '
Day Barn, South Elm Street, where I
shall be pleased to have both my new
and old customers call and see me.
- .
Jf sLrr"siBW
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Hi M " ' lls-B-Bltt
H. A. Johnson
Phone, o-2 I I
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