h' ..jf r. skt- 'i " WV: .-' "VJ? : S .! ? V -" !- 1 : it LSI If i-f I" M. Ii?? iO "V V tff, iv VV The New Prices: 15 Watt Miiz.it i'h l!.'i ' ' JO " " tjo " " 100 " 1M) " ' 2.'0 ' " " T.uitiilcius 10 80 :io r.ir 100 Coins w THE HOME GROCERY P. A. WULLBRANDT, Prop. ssbss We Carry a Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, also the Latest Patterns in HAND PAINTED CHINA WARE It Will Also Pay You to Remember That in Order to Secure the Best in Canned Goods Obtain " A. B. c. " CANNED GOODS Bell Phone 201 "Ml- jkMONQ rou rArEHB thrru'n none tlmt mux RUiUIiily he come more important tlmn your tire Iiihui'hiico policy. Klre is no respecter of either time or perhor.s ami it tua): he your turn next to Miffer from It ir Yowmc not insured butter Ii tve us atteml to the mntler at once. The fact Unit oi have escaped lite so far iloi.'sn'l for an instant mean you will always lie -so foitiiiinti'. o. c. Reliable Insurance. N. II ywvWlm 1 JlxS-Sll V"w "'V'V WV. V "VW vA'V Come and See Me When in Need of ELECTRIC LAMPS - , G. C. Bailey Agent For Si xnr.AM Ixc.VNKKsri'.Ni L.mi- Company Olllce mill Stock In tin; IU-I Cloud Tlu Ilr.ru r, S'pJ ip I 'a W v far 70 V .'Jo s I I ) . 'X-'V Independent Phone 44 S AxSAA-b Fresh and Salt Meats AAA John E. Yost "The Dutch Butcher." trdlnaRce N. 89 AN OBDINANC'B OKAX'TINO TO THE CHICAGO, IH'UI.INUTON ,t (JUINCV UAlLKOAiM'UMPANY, A tOUI'OllATIo.V, Till: UKillT 'I'd liV AND MAIVI'UN UN'DEU NEATH THE SUIlrWCE OF 'IIIK UK !' N I J A 1 INK ()!' WATEIl PI PK EKiHT (S) INCHES IN DIAMETER, IN A POUTIdN ()!' t'.li.M HTUEKT. TII1UI) A V E N V E, W E IIST E l .STItEET, DIVISION STJtEBT AND CEDAR STREET, IN TUB CITY OK HBO CLOUD, WEltSTER COUN TY, NEURASKA. lie Itordallicct by llic Mayor and Council of tliu City of lied Cloud, Wi-1.u-r i oiiuty, Nebraska. .Section I. 'I lint there Ii hereby itmnti-il to tlicClilciitt". IliirllimtuiiA Uuliuy Itnllroml Coiiipiiny tliurlt-lil to lay iiml iiiiiliitulu, at a depth ut (our (I) feel iiullcrueiilli the stir face til the uroiilid, a llnt'iil water pipe fclbt Cv Inclici In dlit iiii'ler In tin' follow InNtri'itM In ilii'Clty of Kid cloud, Nebraska, to-w It: In that part of Clin Street ujcIuiiiIIiik from thu north linn of tliu MiiiUmem (matter (SW M) of auction thirl) -hIk (ID), township two (J) north, rauiii'i'li'Mit (II) ist, which N tin-norih llni' of thu lorporutu limits of IhuClty of Hi'il I loutl, louthirly to Third Avi'iiui', ami westerly In mill Third Acniie to Wi lister street, aiul Hoiillurly In mild Wi'ltttcrHtrii't to DHMoiiSlriit, and wiKt urly In said Division Street to Cedar Street, aiidsimtliirly In said Culir Sin it In thu rUfil of way and igroundMif llicsnlill'lilcaiio, lliirlliujtnu.i (iulncy Uallro.id t'ouipaiiy. Miction 2. 'I liu nifeiitH and employes o( nald Itallroad Company Hhall Iiiim' tliuilxtil lo enter upon thu ahou discrtlxd streets and ecaate a treneh In ulilch to lay .said line ol water pipe, and bald Itallroad Com pany, Hhall at Its own i-xpi'intv Mil up nil trenches or excavations made, alter said pipe llnels laid therein, In n workman-like manner and to the satisfaction of (he City KntOnecrof said City of lied Cloud. Section :l. Thu Chlcano, lliirllnnton tt (Jnlncy Itailroail Company hereby arees to saoand hold harmless thu City of Ued Cloud In any clulm ol damage on account of luyliiKand nialntalnliii? thualKivu ItescrllnMl plpu Hue under the grant herein made. Set tlou I. This ordinance shall taku ellect and hu In force from and after Its passage, approval and publication ns required by law. Passed and approved UiU'Jth any of Mny A. I). I'Jl'J. AirKsi: O. C. Tkki., D. W. TlfllMMtK, (.Seal) City flat. Mayor. Grand Colony Excursion For Ladles and ticntlcmrn Will be Given Throuih the Auilcrs of The American ToNnalte t?. of Jian Antonio From Missouri. Kansas, Okla homa and Nebraska to Texas. A town lot unit live ncro tracts will Ge mjIiI for ft-t.it tmil truck fnrins summer timl winter home", for thiet hundretl ilolhirs; (en tlolhus ilown ami ten (lollniN per mouth, no inteiest 01 ttixes until paid for Special cars will lie in service, n Intn quct will tie (.'iven at Hotel l.nS.ille, a fii'i: oyster anil cliim litilui will lie served in wove near I'oauli. KihiiiK unci ailin will he at your pleiisUioiitSeiulrlft ami Port O'Connor. This trip will he the event of your life. Bvery hotly come anrl biini? your friemls. This train will leave Oiniihu ami oilier points in Nebraslui, Jute 7th, Kauwis City, Juno 8th, at 2:20 h. m. Oklahoma 'City and Muskogee, June 8th, and intermediate points. Route and tickets on the M. K. it T "Katy Flyer," Kansas City to Dallas. T. & B. V Dallas to Houston, St. L. II. & Mex. Houston to Port O'Connor Under all circumstances connect with the "Katy Flyer." For further information address: DOC! OR C I nUTCHASON, . Savoy Hotel, Kansas City, Mo. (Iletnember this, Its Rold to yon.) (Mention my name at our olllce ) Real Estate TmisTers. Heal Estate Transfers for week end Injr Tuesday, May 2lst, 1012. Compiled by M. V. Carter it ISouded Abstractors. Charles II. Miner and wife to .Julia M. Miner, qcd, to lots 1 to 5, east fill ft lots 10 to 24, Illk. 21, Ordinal town of. Ued Cloud William J. Rodders et al to B. U. Overman, w d, sjij sw.U 28-2 It C It &Q. It. It. Co., to Peter Marsden, tjed, nw'f 21-M1 C. It. it Q. H. it. Co.. to Peter Marsden, qcd, wf sw'4y 21-1-tl Frank M. McCarter and wife to S. It Florance, w d, w4 twxi, n i se( XI-l-lO II. C. Andrus to School Dlst. No. S.-., w d, pt sw4 sw'4 0O-10.. . . Mabel O. Howard to Samuel Son 1000 480 :iSo 8000 l.indsev, w d, lots lit, 20, Illk. 11, lied Cloud .V'O Ida M. Warren and liusb,, to Clurenco U. Carpenttr, w d, lots!!, I.B1U. 1, Smith it Moore add to Bod Cloud 1200 MortKBjjes tiled, 911,105 51. MortKKeB released, S'?tV5ri.(ir. The Democratic Convention Prmulnunt democrats over the stttto are nuking reservations on tliospeelnl train to the Ualtimoru conveiitiun to leave Omaha the evening of .tune 22. It is said that more than two hundred, many of them ladles, will go on this uiaguiticuut ttaiu. Many republicans will go and enjoy an eastern visit, us pen goii most any where east with thirty dHy' t'nie, ,For full particulars address Henry C. lUuhuiond, Omaha, Neb. qf. THE OLIVER GANG PLOW I " saaaaaaasaasasasaaaassasasaaaaaaaoi We Are Showing the Largest Line of KITCHEN CABINETS Ever Shown in Red Cloud Let Us Show You m m m i m m A. E. J. C. SLOSS Wall Paper, Paint and .Varnishes. Room Mouldings, Pict ure Framing, Pictures and artist Material. The Only Exclusive Store. Widow's Pension. I he recent act of April HHh, t!0S gives to alt soldiers' widows a pension i-2 per month. Fred Maui or, the torney, lias all necessary blanks,' at- DR. CHAS. E. CROSS OENTI9T VE STATE BANK Red Cloii Nebraska Ul II g$ r Wl W r Come In And See The Makes of Four Factories Including "The Hoosier" ATKINS, HAVE YOU It TICKET HEAD "IIIIULIXOTOX." SUMMER TRAVEL RATE BULLETIN Pacific Co9t roir.-Speeial V: tours to Portland and Seattle lln. '21 and '28, June 3-tJ, June lS7-3uJiily V-S, .Inly 11 and 12. ' hpculal .".' tours to Sail Francisco and Los Angeles June 12-V.O. August "3 to September A. From June 1 every day to California, Portland or Seattle, ?(') 15 higher to include California and Portland. Big Horn Mountains: -This is one of the most beautiful mountain re gions in America. A special llig Horn lenflet is on the press, but in the meantime, it would pay yon to write the Secretary of the Sheridan Cham ber of Commotco for information about the various ranches mid resorts itt jttni locality. Colorado:- This Summoi vacation laud is nearer than any other to Xebuts. ka people. You have only to reach Denver or Colorado Springs, ut the cheapest of railroad fnros, when you have a choice of a hundred nearby rosoits, among them Btes I'aik, only levi-uty-Jlve miles Noith of Denver reached by automobiles from Lyons or Lovelund. Ask for special Jennets' ,xyvAvvNAMvywvv s s It ili ili It & Or 0 0 to to to All Of The Phones The Furniture Man and Undertaker. to If. r. FOE, Ticket Agont. L. W. WAKE LEY, Qenmral faiaenger Omaha. Nabramha. Agt. ?C ) N ! .i.. M V I A ' a M 'l! ( k 1 & i .? mm