Mifft t : i; .SfcBrtWSUIBWWlSB r 5 I-', I The Chief 0. B. HALE, Publisher RED CLOUD NEBRASKA ARER COFFEE TRUST COMBINE COMES NEXT IN LINE FOR PROSECUTION. RETAIN AMUSEMENT PARAGRAPH) Dancing and Card Playing Still Under, Ban of M. E. Church Precby- tcrlans Also Insist on Discipline. New York. Attorney General Wick crHlinm Iiiih moved ngnliiHt tho un called coffeu trust, or ilrnzlllan valor isation schomo. In a petition In equity tiled in tho United States court hero, tho valorization plan Is'declared to ho a violation or tho Sherman antitrust law. Tho court la nuked to decree tho fcchemo unlawful, to enjoin tho valor ization committee from withholding coffee from the market and to appoint u receiver to noli tho .0,000 bags, val uel at J 10,000,000 now alleged to bo stored In warehouses of tho Now York Uock company. No Change In Discipline. Minneapolis, Minn. With tho de cision of tho amusement question ami tho continued ballotlm; lor bishops, delegates or the Methodist Eplr.copal general conference here made rapid utrldeu In tho completion or tho btinl ncss or tho Hpanlon. Hy an aye and nay vote or C4 to III!!), tho conference voted to Icavo unchanged In tho , church dlHciplIno the paragraph UliO, which prohlhlta dancing, card playing and kindred nmusomenta. Golf Responsible for Non. Attendance. Louisville, Ky. "Ono hundred thou sand caddloH nro kept from Sunday Hchool hy golf," nccordlng to tho re port proparcd hy tho committee on Sabbath observance for presentation to tho ono hundred and twenty-fourth general assembly of the northern Preshyternan church. "Sunday sports blight character," continues tho re port. "Nine-tenths or the men In prison can traco their start on the wrong road to Sabbath breaking." Demand Absolute Separation. Warrenshurg. Mo. Absolute separa tion or tho church from such "worldly amusements" as dancing, card-playing, drinking Intoxicating liquors and gambling will be Insisted upon hy the general assembly of tho Cumberland Presbyterian church. Such was the Import or discussion by delegates at Sunday's session here. Action was de ferred. Find Railroad Responsible. Washington. Oillclals of tho Hal veston, HarrlBburg & San Antonio railroad were hold to havo been at fault for tho explosion of a locomotive boiler at San Antonio last .Mnrch. when twenty-six persona wcro killed and thirty-two Injured, In n report made by Inspectors who conducted an Inquiry. Tho explosion was duo to excessive steam, It Ih Bald, caused by hn Inexperienced oraployo tightening tho screwB or tho saroty valve. ' King's Body Lying In State. Copenhagen. Tho body or tho late King Frederick of Denmark reached tho Danish capital Friday and Is now lying before tho altar of the old castle church at Chrlstlausberg. There It will remain until May 24. when It will bo taken to Iloskildo nnd interred In the tomb containing tho bodies of most of tho former Danish kings. Houston Has $1,000,000 Fire. Houston, Tex. Flro in tho business district Sunday destroyed $1,000,000 worth of property beforo being brought under control. No lives were lost. Tho flro spread rapidly from a large six story building to Biirroundlng Ktructures and tho resulting conflagra tlon burned practically tho wholo day. Tho loss Is estimated at $1,000,000. llaton Rough, La. Tho town of Mel ville, threatened slnco tho present flood began, was Inundated Sunday morning when the lovee on tho west of tho Atehafnlaya river, sixteen mllcr; north, broke. Exciting Chase After Burglars. Falls City, Neb. Racing to Verdon In an nutomobllo to rapture robbers surrounded In a store, SherllT Fcnton arrived Just after the burglars had mado their get-away after a revolver battlo with tho townspeople. They caught a freight bound for Falls City, nnd tho sheriff and deputies raced the freight back to this city in time to capture ono or tho men as ho was Jumping from tho train in the yards, Tbo others, escaped, Pender Man For Indian School. Washington. Commissioner of In dian Affairs Valentine has decided to offer Lovl Levering of Pender tho po sition of superintendent of the Indian ssTiooI at Eufnular, Okla. Levering recently passed tho examination In Washington, Postpone Further Inquiry. "Washington. Tho house committee on expenditures in tho agricultural de partment has postponed Indefinitely action to Investigate tbo meat Inspec tion service. niGHESOyYSTEniG DOOMED MAN IN A STATE OF MEN TAL COLLAPSE. DEBS PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE National Socialist Convention Name the Indiana Man Floyd Allen Is Found Guilty Suicide Pact In Omaha Jail. RoEton, Mass. Clarence V. T. Itloh cson was stricken with an attack of hysterica) delirium in the death cham ber or tho Charleston stuto prison while being vlBlted by Prison Chaplain Stchblus and his counsel, William A. Morfco. Twitching and clawing, tho condemned man rolled ami tossed from side to side on his bed, raving about two men whom he cried out "were watching and following" lilm. Tho attack was marked with spells of groaning and moaning, after which the prisoner would lapse Into Inter vals or unconsciousness. Then ho would revive nnd continue his rav ings. Tho ravings of the condemned man were attributed to tho strain upon him by the constant vigilance of tho two death guaids. Jury Finds Floyd Allen Guilty. Wythe vllle. Va. Flod Allen, llrst of the Illllsvlllo mountaineers tried for the Carroll county court house " , '-MBBBBBBBm 1iBBBBBBBBBB I iBBBBBBB AV jSBBBBBBBBBBBk sw 'BMiij wBB sW "" -1 ,j0lmU kw s 'mlsw BBBBBBBBBHBHBSrS7lCA,'3SBv Bk SBBBBBBBBBT i k bbbbbbbbbbe''' JbbV bbbbbbbbbbbI KVjfgft sbbbbbbbbbV BBBBBBBBBsBBwlh-'BBBBBBBBBBfl BmbwWbT v bW . JbMbmbmbiHIbm D. B. GILBERT Of Lincoln, Nebr., Nominee of the Pro hibition Party for United States Senator. murders, was adjudged guilty nnd will pay tho penalty of his crime in tho eleotrlo chair at Richmond. Tho Jury was out all night. Floyd was charged speellleally at this time with the murder or Commonwealth Attor ney Foster, prosecutor In tho Cnrroll county court nt Illllsvlllo last March, when tho trial or Floyd Allen culmin ated In tho killing or five persons, Presiding .ludgo Thornton Massle, Prosecutor William Foster, Sheriff L. F. Webb, Miss Elizabeth Ay res, Juror August Fowler. Socialists Name Debs. Indianalopls. Eugono V. Debs of Terro Haute, Ind., was nominated Fri day as n candidate for tho presidency of the United StateB by the national socialist convention. Emll Seldel, for merly mayor of Milwaukee, was nom inated for vice-president. Mr. Debs was not In tho hall when the result of tho ballot was nnnouueed, but Mr. Seldel, In a few words, thanked tho delegates and promised that he would make tho campaign as "lively as the capitalist parties had ever seen." No Drouth In This Town. St. Joseph, Mo. Winthrop, Mo., said to bo the "wettest" town of Us slzo In the country, Is to be limited in the number of saloons. Tho town has elghty-threo Inhabitants, including the women nnd children, and the county court has just Issued licenses for four additional saloons. It now has six saloons and six wholesale liquor houses. Tho members of the county court declare that thoy will Issue no moro saloon licenses. Thoy will limit the number or liquor houses to one ror every bovoii persons In tho town. Morley Sentenced for Life. Lincoln, Neb. Charles Morloy, sur riving member of tho trio of convlctB who oscapod from tho state peniten tiary in March, was sentenced to life Imprisonment for his participation In tho battlo which ended in tho death af tho prison oillclals. Ho received tho sentence without a tremor, telling Judge Stewart In a calm, dispassionate way that ho had no reason to give why sentence should not bo pronounced against him. Lincoln. In the prcsenco or over 12,000 rrlends and parents, tho school children or Lincoln held their second annual play festival at tho Antelope baseball park Thursday afternoon. Nearly 1,600 children were on tho dia mond at different stages of tho pro gram. Tho day waB Ideal, and this, coupled with nn entertainment that went through without n hitch, made tho occasion one of rare enjoyment for the spectators. The crowd filled tho park to overflowing, and it Is estimat ed that 3,000 were turned away from the gates. THE & & NO HOPE OF SAVING RICHES0N THINKS HOME STATE WILL DE CIDE THE NOMINATION. Governor Fobs Refuses to Commute Sc.itence Iowa Instructs for Clark Nebraska Pythians Elect Officers. Cleveland, Ohio. Replying to the claims of Theodore Roosevelt that he had Wi'i delegates to tho national con vention, President Tnrt in a public statement has pointed out that Mr. Roosevelt has only Hull delegates and ror tho tlrst time admitted that the NEW KING OF DENMARK. Christian, crown prince of Denmark, who becomes king bocause of the de cease of King Frederick, who was found dead In Hamburg. result of the primaries in Ohio will sottlo tho question of tho republican nomination, "Tho vote in Ohio, my home state, much to my gratification, will be the decisive ono and will settle the ques tion of the nomination," said tho president. Rlcheson Will Pay the Penalty. Boston, Mass. Clarence V. T. Rich eson's last hope of escaping the death chair for the murder or Avis Llnnell of Hyanuis expired when Governor Fosb announced he would not refer Rlcheson's petition for commutation of sentence to the executive council. Tho statement from tho governor fol lowed closely the filing of the reports of the special insanity commission, which declared the man sane, although subject to fits of hysterical insanity. Tho commission found that Rlcheson was sano at the time or the murder, and that ho Is sano at present. Knights of Columbus In Session. Omaha. All Nebtaskn councils aro represented at the state convention or Knights or Columbus In session here. Including visiting delegates and of hears there nro about 100 Knights In attendance. Tho report or Stnto Dep uty W. E. Straub or Lincoln shows 4,003 members or the order In Ne braska and 272,000 In the nation. Fra ternal greetings from every state in the union were reeclvcd today. Anti-Injunction Bill Passes House. Washington, Supported by all tho progressive republicans, the house has passed the Clayton antl-lnjunctlon bill. Every democrat present voted for It, and the result was announced to the accompaniment of a remarkable demonstration. Tho legislation Is re garded as one of tho most advanced steps yet taken in the Interests of or ganized labor. Eugene V. Debbs will again be nom inated for president. In tho opinion of socialist leaders. bibV -SbbK LbbbbV jbibVBIH$ ObHHsBBbIbbbI r B " jRSbbbIbbbK WSIbVbIbbBbt'jb ' JbbbbbbETC&bBF ft ' 0b1BB4. llBBBBBB5lEBt'' LlBBlBBlBBlBBlBBlBBlBHBiflBWyBllfi LbbIbbIbbIbbIbbIbbIbbIbbIbbbV X V V! 4LH HERO tvato frirA'cH' COAT OF TAR AND FEATHERS CHRISTIAN X BECOMES MONARCH OF DENMARK. Resent -Arguments of the "Anarchist Queen" Washington Republicans Hold Rival Conventions To Settle Contests. Copenhagen. Christian X was pro claimed king or Denmark from tho balcony of tho palaco at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon In tho presence of a huge concourse or people who had gathered In the bquaro In front of tho royal residence. In Hands of Vigilantes. San Diego, Cal. With Emma Gold man and Ren L. Itcltman, her man ager, safely In Los Angeles, tho ex citement of tho last Tew days has completely calmed down. Reitman was takem from his apartment in a local hotel by armed vigilantes, placed In an automobile and hurried to a spot nine miles from this city. There ho was given, it Is said, a coat of tar and feathers, the letters "I. W. W." put on his back and left with only his rail road ticket and money and virtually no clothing. Ho reached San Rerun dlno, twenty-llvo miles northeast of San Diego, after walking all night, bought clothing and food and trudged on to Escoudldo, five miles distant, weary and apparently suffering much from his experience. No Republican Party in Louisiana. llaton Rouge. La. As un organUa tlon, tho republican party no longer cxistu In Louisiana. Its franchise was lost when ofliclnl returns of tho April returns were read in tho joint session or tho general assembly and the re sult formally promulgated. Only -l.OGt votes were cast for tho republican candidates, and ns this Is less than tho 10 per cent reulred by tho stato law, the organization no longer oxists. Names of nominees can be placed on the tickets In the future only by peti tion. Suicide Pact In Omaha Jail. Omaha, Neb. Sick at heart, as well ns physically, from the effects of eat ing scraps and other foul foods, and believing death far moro enjoyable to the life in the county jail "bull pen," eleven prisoners formed a buI clde pact and attempted to take their own lives Friday morning. Tho course they chose was the gas route. Plans miscarried and tho plot was discovered before any fatalities oc currcd. Bible Society Report. New York. The American Bible so ciety has Issued Its ninety-sixth annual report and nnnounccd that an Increase of 459,479 volumes was Issued over tho preceding year. Tho report dwells on a number of translations of parts or the Blblo Into strange languages throughout the world. The total num ber of volumes Issued during tho yea nmounted to 3.G91.201. Aegean Sea Closed. Tripoli. The occupation by Italy ol tho Islands of Knrpatlios, Kaso, Pis copl (Ttlos) and NIsyro, In the Grc clan archipelago, and belonging to Turkey, together with the capturo o? the Turkish islando or Stampall and Rhodes, completely clores tho Aegean sea. Turkey Is thus blockaded and Isolated from tho Mediterranean ami sho is consequently unable to send warships or troops to Tripoli. Dropped Dead on Street. Hamburg. Dressed in an ordlnarj business suit, Frederick VIII, king of Denmark, dropped dead while alono In the streets of Hamburg Tuesday night, and his body, unidentified, lay oia slab with several other bodies In, a harbor front hospital morgue until found at 3 o'clock nwt morning by anxious searchers fo.1 the king. Con siderable inybtery surrounds tho death of the king;, and the authorities appeared to bo endeavoring to conceal the fact that Frederick died on the street BRIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA Tho brass band at Franklin has cen reorganized. Stanton contemplates tho building f a new town hall. Tho Nebraska dental association R-ill meet at Lincoln tho last of tho week. Mrs. Conrad Schlatee, eighty years ot uge, or Plattsmouth, is In a critical :ondltiou from a stroke of paralysis. Fruit prospects are very good around Sterling. Wheat Is somewhat killed, but there will bo an average yield. William Urotcka. residing near North Bend, is critically 111 with blood poisoning, which developed where his rubber boot rubbed his heel. A Mr. Adler has donated to tho city or Alnsworth an elegant site with n building thereon to be used aa a homo for tho library or that place. Mr. Scollehl, who was so badly In jured by u rail from the roof of the ce ment works at Auburn three weeks ago, Is still alive, but unconscious. Miss Louise Burr, a University of Nebraska senior, has been olected sec retary of tho Young Women's Chris tian association at Iowa university. Andrew Carnegie has offered to do nate half the coat of a pipe organ fdr tho new Methodist church at Peru, provided the other hair Is raised lo cally. Nebraska eggs ate In demand at Vancouver, British Columbia. Deal ers all over tho jtate aro sending largo quantities to that Canadian mar ket. Members or the German classes at the Fremont high school gave a Ger man entertainment at the public li brary uudltorlum which is highly Bpoken or. At a recent city election nt Table Rock tho question or saloon Ilcemo was voted on, and carried by a major ity or two, under the Initiative and referendum. C. H. Challls, editor of tho Ulysses Dispatch," is dead as the result of a brief illness with erysipelas. Mr. Challls was well known among tho newspaper men of tho state. Tho village of College View has voted to Issue bonds to the amount of $25,000 for tho purpose of Installing Its own water system. The proposi tion was carried by a vote of 213 to 70. The second annual May festival at Peru promises to bo n greater success than the one held last year. Tho nor mal chorus nnd orchestra will present Mendelssohn's great sacred work, "The Hymn or Paradise." Orchards In Dodge and adjacent rountles aro showing the effects of the freak weather of tho past year and are damaged oven more thun some of tho nurserymen will admit. Policeman W. J. O'Brien of Norfolk was shot In tho leg by V. St. Clnlr Mitchell, a traveling salesman, who mistook tho officer for a burglar. Both were pursuing tho thugs In the dark. Tho St. Cecilia society, an organiza tion composed of ladies musically in clined, held its second nnuual musi cal festival with houses crowded to the doors of the Bartcnhach theater at Grand Island, Ex-Senator Luce nnd wife, of Re publican City, had n narrow cscupo from death when tho team they were driving Jumped from a bridge into tho crook, wrecking tho buggy and bruising them up considerably. A horse, frightened by an automo bile, Jumped into a hayrack full of Tekamah high school students on their way to a "sneak day" picnic, wounding nnd bruising several, but fortunately no fatalities resulted. John McLaughlin, son of tho Into William Mclaughlin, has paid to Ian caster County Clerk Sommcrlad $2, 297.7ri, In scttlcmont of tho shortngo In tho treasurer's ofllco during the period when Mr. McLaughlin was treasurer. During n recent violent rain storm the residence of John Hargons at Uehltng was struck by lightning and Mrs. Hargens, the only occupant of the place at tho time, suffered from the effects of tho bolt, though she was not seriously Injured. F. E. Prntt, proprietor of tho Gold en Rod dairy at Fremont, realized $10. 149 from tho sale of 100 head of cattle when he closed out his heard of milch cows and calves. He was forced to do 60 becauso tho river flood left his pas tures under threo inches of sand. Phillip Keller, a young farmer of Plerco, Neb., marketed a load of Bteers at South Omaha Tuesday morning, which sold ror $8.05 per 100 pounds, tho highest prico ever paid In that market for cattle. Tho twenty head averaged 1,433 pounds, making tho total of tho draft $2,479.09, or an avorago of $123.9r per head. The annunl May day celebration at Kearney was held on tho Normal cam pus. Tho exercises Included n lawn feto and picnics. Dandelions wero re moved from the campus,-students and instructors turning out to dig tho nox ious plants. Tho churches of Shubort probably broke all records last Sunday for Sabbath school attendance. Tho popu lation of Shubert is 311; out of this 248 were at Sabbath school, 204 at tho Christian church and 41 at tho Metho dist church. An Inch of rain fell in ten minutes at Fremont Saturday afternoon. It wan tho worst cloudburst for tho brief time It lasted that bas swept over Fremont In years. Aftor a hearing lasting nearly two flays, JameB Hcanoy, who was arrest ed tin the charge of stealing somo shelled corn from a Rock Island box ear in Beatrice, was acquitted. Preparations havo been made to 'r rlgate tbo tract of alnd west ot Kear ney for tho purpose of raising sweot corn and sugar beets. About 160 acres of tho best land In the county will be planted, v Write For This Free Book Shows 20 Beautiful Modern Rooms tells how you can get the very latest effects on your walls. Contains a sample of the Color Plans our artists will furnish vou. FREE, for any jlta&stmtlfofy rooms you wish to decorate. AlabasBne The Beautiful Watt Tint comes in 16 exquisite tints. More artistic than wall paper or paint at a fraction of the cost. Kalsomitie colors are harsh and common beside the soft-hued water color tints of Alabastine. Absolutely sanitary easiest and quickest to use, goes furthest and ill not chip, peel, or ruh off. i DiKin't nml in eiprrt to put I tin. lair illrrrtlons In mryl cicluzc. full lb. I'kz.. white. 50c i rciulir tint. SSc Alabastine Company M GfttMlk tut. Crzil Mb, MIA, fc York Gtr, tkik J. IDS ttittf Stmt DONT FAIL to WRITE FORJHEFREEBOOK REAL MISTRESS OF HOUSE In Olden Days, Among Other Accom, pllshments, Woman Was Re quired to Be Expert Carver. In the matter of old time etiquette nt the table one recalls the part played by tho lady of tho household. In the elgtheenth century she was mis tress of the ceremonies she carved and she denlt the whllo her loid mere ly "pushed" the bottle. She was also the menu, for If sho gave a dinner of several courses It was her duty to announce to tho guests, seated expectantly, what was clue to appear at table. A dinner of one course nnd sho remarked that "they saw their dinner." Then her powers of gentle persua sion came Into play. A guest when he had stuffed sufficiently plnccd tho handles of bis knife and fork Into hla plate nnd the sight of a knife In posi tion was the signal for the hostess to inquire "If ho would please to havo something snore." In the art of carving, of course, tho mistress of any country hotiso was a past mistress. One recalls Iidy Mary Montagu's flight nfter perfec tion under tho wing of a professional carving master: "She took three les eons a week, that sho might be perfect on her father's public days; when, In order to perform her functions with out Interruptions, sho was forced to eat her own dinner alone an hour or so beforehand." A Surmise. "That." said the musician, "Is a Etradlvarlus. It is worth thousand-." "H'ni!" replied Mr. Cotnrox, rather wearily. "I suppose music Is some thing llko tho drug business. Things cost more when you call 'cm by their Ijxtln names." The Difference. "Pop, will you tell mo ono thing?" "Yes, sou." "Is n mobllo countenanco tho samo thing ns the auto face'.'" You may navo noticed thnt about tho time n shoo begins to reel com fortablo It looks llko a candidate for tho refuse wagon. A man may not know who Ills friends are, but ho usually bas his enemies spotted. Freedom Is won through hard obe dience to the truth. William James. When the Appetite Lags A bowl of Post Toasties with cream hits the right spot "Toasties" are thin bits of corn; fully cooked, then toasted to a crisp, golden brown. This food makes a fine change for spring appe tites. Sold by Grocers, and ready to serve from pack age instantly with cream and sugar. u The Memory Lingers' Made bjr Poitom Cere) Companr, Ltd. Pure Food F:lorlc DatlU Crk. Mich. tfcrm 4T I All AIM WmBBSgW f m.i.v "Ssas!s V ' & !)