K?J- flK- . ..f- T tsrj av.'-r Tl .. . ., Jlvtt: j.s - wHrYwrwa'rraswyTta'!WWln, w f i , V; ?y flip fly TjfiffiW"'W ' TnBBrX'SBBBBMyWHKSEjcShzrij-.i -rBMaTWBMMiMPWnBBBBrB A BEhlhhHikhLlHjivShhhB VOLUME XX XX. THE New Banking Law is now in force and the payment of every dollar of deposits in this institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 In See that shoulder? The cap screws down tiffit against lit thereby forming an absolutely ink-tight cham ber for the point That's the reason Sell-FUUna Fountain Pen. never leaks in your pocket tvr siuuia yuui uucis when you take off the cap to write. All that in addition to its matchless utfjilliitg, iilf'tlmning and superb writing qualities. $2.50, 13.00 and up. C. L. COTTINGV THE DRUGGIST a9 1 faLmiLJiijb Prieesl I Cream Bailing PoWder. Mmdo from grmpm Crmmm of Tmr iar mbsoMoiy from from mlum. For sixty years American house wives hare found Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder a guarantee of light; pure and wholesome food. GARFIELD I (See! Wus'nt it wind; and dusty Sunday. I Evorj body In (lartleld is to busy ' planting corn to en (lsliiug. luck B.irnos and family and (Jeoige Jennings were visiting at (toy Barnes' Sunday. , Harry Harris and family and Will Smith and wife were pleasant callur.s at Smith Bros., Sunday. i Joe'Muild. had Ids neighbors helping liliu haul hogs to lied Cloud Tuesday and lit shipped tlii'in to uiarUet Wed- uehday.u.-. Pete Mclllhuney iiinl (Juy Barnes weie the til st to get done planting corn in (Jarlleld and they think the early bird gets the worm but if it is a cut worm no them over it'. one will quart el with COWLES Chas. Xorris I ought a new Chalmers car of M. It. A ''unison &. Co., this week. Cashier K. T. Foe went to Hastings Wednesday to attend a Bunker's con vention. Mr. Uedrick of Red Cloud was up last week plastering for Jud White andJ. D Puller. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Clood whs in ,Red Cloud Tuesday on a visit with Paul Storey and family. Samuel Deakin is having walks laid around the house out uf cement. F. A. Good is doing the work. It. Greeuhalgb and B. T. Foe went to Red Cloud Thursday to see about having the ordinances printed. Wm Costello, our hustling cream man, is having a phone put in his place f 4 Newspaper That film The News Fifty ttED CLOUD, S ISIHIASKA. 1 A Y S,U i 1 2. of business so ln can set vo tlu pit hit i! butter. Tho following persons have hud walks laid this week: Fred llurd, J. I). Fuller, Christian church, F. A. Good and C. V. Fuller. The village board mot Tuesday even ing and adopted ordinances to govern the village. If the citizens of Cuwles live up to the ordinances and the state laws we will undoubtedly have as clean a town as there is In the state, Mr. Bngslow, the cvangalist, who has been holding a successful revival in the M. E. church, luft for Eckley Tuesday where ho expects to hold meetings for an iudeilnete period. He had over a hundred conversions to his credit at this place. Further Bird Notes I have been requested to write a bit about increasing the birds mound our homes. (3ood observers testify that they have lucre ised visibly since the early days. There can bo no doubt about It. The two causes that have contributed to this end are shelter and food. The trees and shrubs that adorn our yards in city and country make the shelter without which shy birds like tho Hrown Thru-dier, Cat ltird aud Chewink cannot be content and without which tho bolder birds like the. llobiu, Kingbird, Orioles, (Jiuckles aud Blue Jays cannot find nesting places Tho Cardinal, Hose-breasted Grosbeak and Black headed (iiosbeah are beginning to nest in this city. These arc charming songsters aud of gay plumage. They Hud a hearty wel come and will doubtless stay among us. The fruit that is now cultivated so commonly they will share with us, in return for the Injurious iusects they destroy And who shall begrudge thorn .their shaio of what they have saved for us! A few suggestions as to increasing their number and at the same time saving our fruit will be In order. 1. Plant Russian Mulberry trees wherever the ground can be spared for them, especially along the roadsides. They usually bear a heavy crop lasting six weeks. It is a strange faot that all the fruit eating birds will leave the cherries, currants, raspberries aud other small fruits and spend their time in the Mulberry trees. It may be partly because they are undisturb ed there, but they seem perfectly satis tied with them. 2. Put a shallow, broad pan of two to three inches of clean water on sup ports '.) to 0 feet high, where tho birds can drink aud bathe without having to look behind them every : seconds to see if a cat is ready to spring upon them. They must be able to roost on the odge and drink easily. It must be kept fil can and so should be fastened against wind, but not immovable. Set it out in the open, not too near the house or walks where they will be constantly disturbed. Birds love to drink often iu hot weather and will live near good water t they can H. Put up bird houses for Wrens aud Blue birds and Martins. For our tiny wren a very tame bird and sweet singer, culled the "Western House Wren" a hole II to 4 Inches from the bottom and not more than an inch aud a half in diameter is needed to keep out the English sparrow. If lie fights oil' the Blue bltd and Martins which must have larger holes, simply shoot him. 1. Kill tho stray Tom cuts that arc always preying on tamo birds and chickens. They are u constant terror to our bird neighbors, and have no rights that we uoud respect. J. M. It.VTKH. Results of the Douftlas County Tr.stlnft Association Ccw Tho Nebraska Experiment .Station has just issued uulletin No. i2i, on "Results of the Douglas Comity Cow .Testing Association." This bulletin may be had free of cost by tesidents of Nebraska upon application to the Agricultural Experiment Station, Liu- coin, Nebraska. - two Weeks Each Year Far $1.50. Franklin Takes Honors In Dual Track Meet (nv S. C.) Franklin took tho lot.g end of the points in the dual track meet lien last Friday. The local atheletes show up very good and the spectators one and all seemed surprised at the adopt ness In the way the boys went into the Held meet. For Franklin, Gor man led in points scoring 17 points. Ferki 1 1 points, OverhorT 1'2 points. For Bed Cloud Carey scored 18 points, Catlier 1(1 points and Illtchey 10 points The work of Carey, Cather, Kltchey and Atkins was extra good and espec ially in the pole vault Atkins outclass ed his opponent OverhorT. ,Thc following is the summary: Low Hurdles given to Franklin, t points. High Hurdles Franklin 1st place no runner, rente liiinhuu second, Mclnt.vre. 'Ird, time 18 L 5. 1(H) yd dadi (inrmiui. Franklin l-t; Catcy, Ked Cloud 'Jud, time ll seconds 11 at. High jump Overboil", Franklin 1st, Cather, Bed Cloud 'Jud, Carey, Bed Cloud ltd, height 5 ft. 1'C. Mile ruii-Kitohoy, Bed Cloud 1st, B.ving, Franklin '2nd, Whortoti, Frank lin Ilrd, tluiefcHOH. Shot put 12 Ibs-Caiey, Red Cloud 1st, (lOimnu, Franklin 2nd, Amtick. Bed Cloud .'Id, IV.) ft 1 Inches. Hammer throw 12 lbs Ferkn. Franklin 1st, Gather, Bed Cloud 2nd, Carey, Bed Cloud Ilrd, 110 feet 2"J() yard dash Gorman, Franklin 1st, Carey, Bed Cloud 2nd, Overboil', Franklin .'ird, time 2) seconds Hat. Pole vault Atkins, Bed Cloud 1st, Ovcrholf, Franklin .'ml, Carey and Davey tied for 3rd, height Oft 8 inches. Broud jump -Gather, Bed Cloud 1st, Goiinau, Franklin 2nd, Saunders, Bed Cloud 3rd, distance ID feet 0 inches. 410 yard dash Carey, Bed Cloud, 1st, Ferke, Franklin 2nd, time 08 4-r. . One half mile run Bitchey, Red Cloud 1st, Ewing, Franklin 2nd, Hutchens, Red Cloud .Ird, time 2:80. Discus throw Cather, Bed Cloud 1st, Overhoff, Franklin 2nd, Gorman, Franklin 3rd, distance l3 feet. Relay race, disqualified. Total Bcore Frauklin 57K- " Red Cloud 54j$. Judges Prof. Morltz and A. E. Stev enson. The D. A. U. P. Club Gives a Shower On last Monday evening May 20th., at the home of the Misses Potter and under the nut-pices ot the D. A. U. P. club occurred one uf the season's most pleasant preuuptial showers; in which Miss Pearl Bryan and Mr. Onirics Mc Kinney also Miss Mario Burke and Mr. Win. Bailoy were the principals. The ladles gathered early and spent the uvenlng pleasantly entertaining the brides to be, when the gentlemen who hud also hud a meeting decorated the grooms to be to suit their taste and after a pleasant hour had been spent among themsolues, the Messrs. McKinney and Bailey lead the march to meet their ladies. Upon reaching the home the ladles were called for and presented; then a circle was formed around the center table which was tastefully decorated and the Misses Bryan aud Burke broke the circle by drinking to the health of tho guests and the guests returned as honor with comp'jimciits, after whlidi everybody proceeded to enjoy themselves. Many valuable and useful presents were presented to each couple which will often times cause them to rellect their memories to tills -most pleusunt evening. A u lute hour all joluml In singing "Home Sweet Home" and all departed for their many "homes congra tulating the young couples for a happy future mid also fully convinced that the I). A. U. P. club was a most royal entertainer. Farm Loans At Lowest interest, btst option, least expense. Call for me aTState Bank, ' The Manual Training School The bo.xsof the liiyh school manual training class have a large display of thoir handiwork in the south window of the Atkins furniture parlors. Those who are unacquainted witli the work of tlds class, the display name as a complete surprise. Surprise because of the many d liferent useful articles made, surprise tiHcmtso of t lie neatness llttil liiinult Mt frlut liritl 1 M'lutft n A tripods made by these boys that are If t-tlllj I'I tMV. tlt'll 1IIVIV IIIC far better than the general run of the commercial product, tvools, racks, pool tallies, games and a general as sortment of useful articles that are really meritorious Kvery joint Is well put together and every piece of wood eaiefnlly made. When it is known that made from all these ui tides were the rough lumber t'- belter appreciated 1 he wot k will lie hell er it boys have done their own designing, their own sawing, planing, titling and oiling all from the rough. They ate to be congratulated on their skill and the eulcieney of their work. The peo ple of this dlsli let. have reason to be proud of this class. The buys having articles ill the display ar: Claud Pierce. Beliard Atkins. Wyeth Fogul, Paul Polnicky, I'm 1 1 i'oltilcky, Hlton Pope, Walter rope. Leroy Goble, Dow Kaley, Evcret Stroup, Cui-ar (Sreger and Chits. Perry. Requirements for Free High School Certificates Flee high school certificates may bit issued only to pupils who have passed the state eighth grade examinations From section T of subdivision (1, I quote: "The patent or guardian of any pupil desiring to take advantage of the provisions of this act for free high school education shall make ap plication, in wiiiri.so, to the county superintendent on er halera th second Honday In June each year". Please note. Application must be made kacii ykaii. A pupil who Is now in the ninth grade must make applica tion for free high school tuition for the tenth grade and so on throughout the high school course. Application blanks may be secured from the county superintendent! Gt:KTKi;m: L Coon, Co, Supt. Small Cause for Wonder. A sergeunt In the Bavarian army was discharged the other day on ac count of lung disease. It appeared that for several years he had been in the habit of drinking 20 quarts of beer per diem. No wonder his lungs were worn out. Ho mtiHt have spent about 14 hours a day-holding his breath. The Canton 2-Row Weeder -WiHE Season will Soon be here to use Tools to tend Corn. If you will spend a few minutes time looking our line over you will say it is the most complete line in the county. . ! .-I I II. . ! . !.- !- - - ! I ' I ' ' I I I I II WOLFE & WHITAKER - GENERAL BLACKSMITHS -:- in in -mmmmmm I I i NUMJIEU 21 For That Wedding Occasion You'll be looking for a suitable present. You don't care to pay such an lot still you want it to be dainty and to help to do hon or to the occasion. There is nothing like gett ing among a nicely selected ) .. slock Ot JCWClry tor this pUf- pose. t Such a stock for instance as this store has to show you. We've a splendid array of suitables for presents not only for weddings, bul other occasions as well. - but for Look in on us some wheth er interested or not, we want to meet you and get better acquainted. Newhouse Brc ros., ,11. II. Nuwlumso, Prop. c ( Watch inspectors C. B, Rubbish Any intelligent man who looks at the wastes of which tho people of this city are guilty, with a little thought, ought to be able to devise numerous methods of maMug a living from the utilization of the yearly refuse. 'On this tteeless prairie the brush consum ed In bonll res should support the man who will use it up to advantage la this county devoid of minerals, there Is enough old iron rusting, in some body's road and an offense to most of us, tlrere is enough tin plate In old tin cans that are a nuisance, to furnish profitable employment to men who will take pains vo collect It at the right time and preserve it in proper shape for handling. What we need Is intelli gence aud Industry to make the most of the opportunities about us. An Italian gardener would take the ground in Bed Cloud that Is untitled or badly tilled and make himself wealthy by Its cultivation. Americans give too much time to politics, to big enterprise or drams of big enterprise to avail themselves of the little things and the obvious methods of elllcievit toil nnd economy. All kinds of llcctrlral work done by Morhart Bros. V i9 Cw 14UE Bad Cloud C. r. CatUi. 'm f.wvi hf&M .r' .'.. kMi X, ( ' j '' lUfV Jj,k,.X .), Mv .?.. 3.' k -- ffW-a?MirrilBh'iaY'-itfTlliittir'"'' - a . i VWM V jV,. ?. Ji