The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 16, 1912, Image 6

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-V.' .
The Chief
C. 11. 11AL13, Publisher
Omaha 8oclety Will Present Bill to
Next Legislature Florida Officer
Decoyed to Death Cannibal
ism In China.
Conejos, Mcx. Twelve hours of
brink flKlitltiK on the desert plains
three hundred iiiIIch south of the
.American border, between u forco of
Ti.OOO rcbclR under Orozco and an
cqutilly HtronK'body of federals undur
Ocneral lluerta rcHtiltcd Sunday In u'
decided advantage to tho government.'
Tho Ilglitlng begnn at daybreak and
at nlglitfull tho Bandy mosus betweeni
hero and Yertno, fourteen mlleH north,
whero the InmirractoB were gradually
forced bnck, wero covered with dead
and wounded. Nearly tiOO arc believed
to have been killed and wounded on
both uldcH.
Want Marriage Laws Amended.
Omuhu, Neb. Tho locul society for
the prevention of crime has prepared
for presentation to tho next session
of tho legislature a bill amending tho
tnnrrlngo laws of Nebraska by which
it is hoped to stop tho growth of the
divorce evil as well us decrease crime
and pauperism and general raco de
terioration. Tho proposed law for
bids the marriage or confirmed pau
pers, criminals, imbeciles and drunk
ards and portions suffering from con
tagious and venereal diseases. Gov
ernor Aldrlch hats npproved of the
bill nnd tins promised to recommend
It in his next message to the legisla
ture. Eleven Will Compete.
Lincoln. In tho llftli annual stato
championship debate of tho Nebraska
High School Debating league, which
will bo held on High School Feto day,
Saturday morning, May 18, at tho
University of Nebraska, elovon repre
sentatives of schools In all sections of
tho Btnto will compete for tho honors.
Theso contestants will be members ofi
tho teams that have now tho cham
pionships in tho several districts Into
which tho seventy school league Is
Cannibalism In China,
Shanghai. Itcports of terrlblo suf
fering from starvation, and horrible
tales of cannibalism, hnvo been'
brought hero by courier from tho dis
tricts of ICinngsu nnd Anhwel. Fuming
has been imminent since lnut Septem
ber, when tho floods swept over tho,'
rlco tlelds nnd ruined tho crops. It la
said that one-third of tho population
has already starved to death, nnd In
their desperation tho survivors aro
eating each other.
Much Progress In Red Cross Work.
Washington. Moro progress has
been mndo In first aid work in tho
United States during tho last four
years by efforts of the American Red
Cross thnn during nil tho preceding
period, although this country is still
behind mnny others in this work. Ac
cordlug to Mnjor Charles Lynch, U. S.
A., In charge of tho Red Cross first
nld department had Instructed about
15,000 persons last year.
Officers Decoyed to Death.
Gainesville, Fla. Marshal C. II.
Slaughter and Deputy Sheriff Charles
White of Archer, Fla., wero decoyed
to a lonely spot near hero nt 3 o'clock
Sunday morning nnd assassinated. J.
Manning, another deputy, feigned
death and escaped after being wound
ed. Ho shot ono of the murderers,
capturing him nnd three of his sons,
who aro now In Jail.
Eastern Stars at Fremont.
Fremont, Neb. Five hundred mem
bers of tho Order of tho EnBtern Star,
will gather In Fremont this weekj
when tho annual grand chapter ses-'
elon will bo held here. Tho lodge re-,
quires tho delegates from tho various
chapters to attend.
To Test Otoe County Soil.
"Washington. 0. Smith of tho do-,
partment of agriculture has gone to'
Nebraska City to prepnro for a soil!
survey of Otoo county, which tho de
partment has authorized, ufter sev
eral months of effort on tho pnrt of
Congressman Mngulro. Chemical testsi
will bo mndo of overy acre of soil liij
tho county, and tho work will rcqulro
tho entiro summer to complete. This
1b the first work of this character done
in Nebraska since 190C.
Were After Life Preservers.
London. It came out during Frl
day's hearing that the firemen of tho
Titanic, when the water entered their
quarters, raided tho third class saloon
for llfo preservers. Certainly, us Is
pointed out, thoy wero not needed by
passengers, ns the vessel carried only
a small proportion of her complement
of third class passengers. That Im
portance Is attached to tho action of
the firemen, howevor, is shown by the
answer to the question put by Lord
Mersey as to how tho firemen reached
jtbat part of toe vessel.
Illinois Will Try Innovation In Scien
tific Farming Heavy Rains In
South Amusement Clause
Yet Undecided.
Now Orleans. Heavy rains and high
winds have played havoc over a largo
urea of the flood district, and many
places that had been considered prac
tically safe ure how facing threatened
levee breaks and Inundation. The
rains ami winds are general over a
section extending about 100 miles up
the river. At Raton Kongo and New
Roads the situation Is particularly
grave. Lashed by a forty-mile gale,
water at Raton Rouge, already within
a few Inches of the top of tho levee,
is being blown over the embankments
ilnto the town. A large force of men
are working trying to protect the city.
It is estimated at New Roads that
four Inches of rain fell there Friday.
(lrno fears aro felt for tho Inhabit
ants of that section, who wero or
dered to places of safety after four
Gen. Thomas H. Barry, now super
intendent of the military academy at
West Point, will bo the next com
mander of the eastern division of the
army, succeeding the late General
dnyH of Improved conditions. That
town had been a concentration point
for refugees for tho territory farther
north, but tho overflow from tho Tor
r.'iH has again become threatening.
To Try New Scientific Farming.
Chicago. A movement to put u
country agriculturist In every county
of tho state, to make a study of local
conditions nnd suggest plans for sci
entific farm management for the pur
poso of obtaining a larger crop yield
has received impetus from tho an
nouncement of a gift of $1,000,000
from a Chlcngo concern to further the
plan. Tho project is fathered by the
crop Improvement committee of tho
council of grain exchanges, which in
cludes mcrcnntllo bodies in ninny of
tho principal cities of tho country.
Epitomized, the project calls for the
co-operation of tho commercial, agri
cultural nnd educational forces of each
county, tho appointment of a county
committee on crop Improvement nnd
county development, and the appoint
ment of a trained agriculturist by the
local committee to act as a gonernl
adviser on agricultural matters, organ
ize farmers' clubs, arrange for ex
hibits of farm products, and cooper
ate with the superintendents of
schools in teaching tho rudiments of
Minneapolis, Minn. Paragraph 260
of tho discipline of tho Mothodist
Episcopal church still la undecided
and the question of whether dancing,
card playing and kindred amusements
are to ho left only to tho "conscience"
of tho members of tho church remains
a bone of contention In tho commlttco
on tho stato of the church.
Socialists May Nominate Debbs.
Indianapolis, Ind. Kugeno V. Debbs
will again bo nominated for president,
1n the opinion of socialist leaders who
nre gathered hero for tho national
convention, which opened hero Sun
day, others mentioned for tho head
of tho ticket, if Debbs should decline,
were Kmll Scidel, Milwaukee, Job
,'Hnrrlnmn. lx)s Angeles; Max HnycB,
,Cle eland; Duncan McDonnld. Spring
field. 111., and Charles Edward Russell,
Now York,
Praised Penitentiary Conditions.
Lincoln. After an ull evening con
ference with Governor Aldrich, follow
ing half u day spent Inspecting tho
stato penitentiary, Mnjor R. W. Mc
Claughry, warden of tho federal peni
tentiary at Leavenworth, Kan., re
turned homo. Ho will mnko o report
to tho governor on what ho saw, his
opinion of the entiro institution, and
.his recommendation of needed
'changes. He waB not rotlcent about
,lt, but talked freely, giving unstinted
praise of the efforts being made by
Warden Melick and Major AntJes.
Bh1sbbbbbbbbsV:-v. iSkBBBBBK. yy
BsssssssaSM&swb&- " xv'sx1 J
fEkj&p' ,T '-:
Bk i! . f -3&: s""!! BssssssssVasSsvkBsski
fMkv : .y. t' --i.jft-it.iw. JMlKVTfcMaW-S
Will Try to Offset Bryan's Attacks
England's Prime Minister Gets
an Ovation Troops
Stay In China.
London. Tho government lino car
ried the homo rule bill on its second
reading in tho house of commons by
a majority of 101 us against 94 for tho
first reading. The vote was 1!73 to
', It was the most largely attend
ed house of the present parliament.
Hotli sides had done their utmost to
secure every favorable vote. Mr. Dal
four, former opposition leader, and
Mr. Churchill, tlrst lord of tho ndmir
ulty, returned trom We) mouth In
order to bo present. The announce
ment of the figures showing un In
creased majority occasioned enthusi
astic demonstrations on the govern
ment side, anil the prime minister
was given a great ovation on leaving
the house with his wife and daughter
by' the crowd assembled.
Gov. Harmon to Take the Stump.
Columbus, O. When Governor Har
mon returns from Cleveland, ufter
muklng un address before a reunion
of foreign organizations, he will con
fer with Ills campaign manugers rela
tive to tils Itinerary for u tour over
tho stnto in un effort to offset tho ef
fect of Colonel Rryun's attacks upon
him. Although it has not been defi
nitely decided, it is stated that Cov
entor Harmon may spend all of this
week on tho stump.
To Remain in China.
Washington. Tho Fifth United
Statos infantry, which forms pnrt of
the international forco sent to China
to keep open tho railway from Poking
to tho sea, probably will remain there
for some time to come, although part
of tho marine guard already has been
withdrawn, American Minister Cal
houn has not indicated that it would
he desirable to take the troops away
at this time and unofficial advices re
ceived at tho war department tell of
unsettled conditions still existing
along the railway lino.
Holy War Talk Increasing.
Paris. Tho call for all Moslems to
participate in a holy war, which was
launched at tho start of tho Turco
ltallan war is, according to the corre
spondent of the Temps In Tunis, se
cretly enveloping all Islam and mov
ing steadily from tribo to trive in
every Mohammedan country.
Minneapolis. Z. H. Austin, presi
dent of the Hennepin County Demo
cratic club, and Guy A. Thomns, a
prominent democratic leader, have an
nounced that headquarters for Wil
liam ,1, Bryan for president would bo
opened In this elty nt once.
Will Meet to Decide Contests.
Now York. Tho republican national
committee will meet In Chicago Thurs
day afternoon, June 0, to decide con
tests among delegates to tho repub
Ilcan national convention. Tho call for
tho meeting has been Issued by Wil
liam Hayward, secretary of tho com
mittee. This will bo tho earliest meet
ing held for many years by tho com
mittee and will glvo it twelve days to
consider contests before tho conven
tion opens on Juno 18.
Fremont Gets Next Meeting.
Hastings, Neb. At tho closing moot
ing of tho Stato Association of Com
mercial clubs Wednesday, Fremont
was chosen over McCook as tho place
of meeting for next year. V. E. Wil
son of Stromsburg was chosen presi
dent for tho ensuing year. Tho other
officers elected aro: Secretary-treasurer,
R. B. McFadden, Hastings; vice
presidents, E. II. Wescott, Platts
mouth; P, B, Fodrea, Omaha; James
Henderson, Central City; Ed Lorn
kuhl, Wahoo; Max Uhllg, Holdrege,
and Willard F. Bailey, Kearney.
Situation In South Continues to Inv
prove Kansas Instructs for
Roosevelt To Advance
on Federals.
Independence, Kan. Adopting
strong resolutions fnvoriug the entiro
progressive movement, and leaving out
tho time-honored custom of laudatory'
planks In pralso of state and govern
ment olllclals, the republican state con
vention Wednesday named four dcle-gutes-ut-Iurgo
to the national conven
tion with iron-clad instructions for
Theodore Roosevelt for president. Wil
liam Allen White of Emporia was en
dorsed for national commltecmun.
From tho minute the convention
opened the one hundred and four dele
gates bearing instructions for Presi
dent Taft were working to get through
some of the things they desired, but
the Roosevelt majority of 790 was
too great.
Refugees at Baton Rouge.
New Orleans. Generally, tho flood
situation in tho lower Mississippi val
ley is much improved. Another day
of sunshine gave the workers on tho
lovces some advantages nnd reports
aro favorable as far as more breaks
are concerned. Pitiful tnles of suffer
ing continue to como In from severa
sections. There aro now 40.000 refu
gees ut Raton Rouge. About 500 wero
taken there from New Roads, to which
placo they had been sent from the sur
rounding territory.
To Be the Turning Point.
Orozco Headquarters, Near Escnlon,
Mexico. General Pascual Orozco haa
given the order to his troops to ad
vnnco on the federals. The latter have
been coining northward from Torreon.
Within u short time tho greatest body
of rebels and government troops thaf.
has ever como together will clash. In
what Is expected to be the turning
point of. tho present revolution
columns of 10,000 men each
moved along parallel lines east and
west of the railroad to attack Bcrml
Jillo and Mnplca.
Grand Island, Neb. C. C. JohnB ofi
this city, secretary of the Nebraska,
PresB association, announces that tho
program of the coming session of tho1
association at Lincoln on June 3, 4i
and G, Is nearly completed and will be,
sent out at once. The program will
include all Nebraska speakers on
topics pertaining to the Interests of
tho publishers of tho state.
Berlin. Tho trial begun on March.
26 of the men charged with being rc-
sponsible for the wood alcohol poison-;
ings which occurred at Christmas)
Two salesmen named Xaetrew andj
Meyen wero given two months in jail.
May Not Adjourn for Some Time.
Washington. That neither early ad-,
journment nor a recess of congress;
during tho national convention pe
riods is among the probabilities was!
made clear in the senate at tho begin-'
ning of tho discussion of the metal,
tariff bill Tuesday. Senator Cummins)
addressed tho senato, Baying he would,'
do all ho could to prevent either re
cess or adjournment until ufter tho
revision of tho metal, tho sugar, tho
wool and the cotton schedules.
University Place. Tho seventeen
mouths old child of Mr. and Mrs. Os
car Wnllen of this place was strangled
to denth Tuesday aftornoon. Tho child
was playing In tho yard In front of Its
homo with another older child and
the ropo on a swing became wrapped
around Its neck.
Omaha. Mayor Dahlman and his
oix associates, labeled by him the,
"square seven," wero victorious in'
Tuesday's municipal election, the first
under the commission form of govern-menL
What Is Going on Hers and There
That Is (bf Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
Lincoln. Although the final plans
of the tenth annual convention of tho
Nebraska Postmasters' association, to
be held in this city June 11, 12 and 13,
havo not yet been completed, It is
settled that several of the high offi
cials of tho postmaster general's de
partment at Washington, arc to be
here for the gathering. The postoilice
department has IsBUed ofhclnl notice
to tho effect that every postmaster oi
tho Btato will be granted five days'
leavo of ubsenco to attend tho meet
ing, and it 1b expected this will in
crease tho attendance of the annua)
Succumbed to Gas Fumes,
Grand Island. A Miss Clausecn
whs wus employed as u. domestic nt
tho home of O. A. Abbott, wub found
unconscious in bed, having apparent
ly blown out the gas before retiring
Physicians worked with her for 3(
hours, but the case baffled all effortt
to rcstoro her, and sho died without
regaining consciousness.
Verdon. Joseph Holccheck was
killed in an auto accident near this
placo whon the machine beenme un
manageable while going at high speed
nnd Buddenly turned over. Mr. Hol
ccheck lived about halt an hour after
tho mlBhup.
Looks Good for Fruit Crop.
Table Rock. Although a week oi
two later than usual, this part of No
braska has novcr looked prettier Ihun
at tho present time. Even tho psach
trees, which are "killed," by tho long,
hard, cold winter, are u veritable
wealth of bloom, promising an ubun
dant yield of fruit.
Dedicate Non-Sectarian Church.
College View Union church at this
place, represented by a membership of
sixty persons, drawn from nlno de
nominations, was dedicated Sunday.
Tho organization recognizes no creed,
it observes no rituals. Its motto is,
"The Blblo is Our Creed; God Our
Business Disqualifies Trustee.
Deshler. Albert Cnughey, who was
elected village trustee, did not quali
fy, as there is a penalty for a town of
ficial supplying tho town anything, and
Mr. Caughey is owner of tho only lum
ber and conl yard here. Gcorgo Beck
ler has been appointed to fill the va
cancy. Initiated a Large Class.
North Platte. Thp Knights of Co
lumbus of North Platto initiated a
class of eighty-ono candidates into
tho order. This is one of the largest
classes over initiated in thl3 section
of tho country.
Joo Teeter of Lincoln, newly ap
pointed commnndant of tho soldiers'
homo at Milford, haB filed his official
bond and taken the oath of office.
Fish Commissioner O'Brien hai
placed three thousand catfish ahd i
few bass in the Blue river at Beatrice
He also sent a fow black bass to Blue
Chief Game Wardon Miller arrest
ed three Greeks in Custer county or
tho charge of hunting without a li
cense and killing game out of season
Tho men are employed by tho Burling
ton railroad.
Victor Itosowater, a former regenl
of tho university, has accepted the' in
vitation to net as the Nebraska rep
resentntlvo when President Hibben. o:
Princeton, is Inaugurated. Mr. Robo
water is now In tho east.
Populists of the Btate, who several
weeks ago were making prellmlnarj
preparations looking to the holding o:
the national convention in Llncolr
lato In Juno, havo not yet determined
whether or not there will bo such s
Residents of Newark havo Bent i
complaint to the state railway com
mission asking that tho Burllngtoi
bo required to maintain a depot and
station at that town.
Labor Commissioner Guyo bellevei
the agitation in favor of Jewish colon
ies in Nebraska haB done somo good i!
It has not drawn large colonies from
Chicago. Ab a result forty famlllei
of Jews living in Nebraska have taken
land under the Kinkaid homestead
law in Grant county, nenr Hyunnis
nnd will endeavor to farm the soli and
rolse llvo stock.
Governor Aldrich has consented tc
deliver a Fourth of July address at
Curtis. The state school of agricul
ture at Curtis has not been completed,
but the citizons of the town propose
to celebrate the Fourth In a patriotic
Chancellor Avery 1b expecting to go
to Chicago this summer to attend the
annual convention of the department
of higher education of tho national ed
ucation association. Mr. Avery 1b
president of tho department, and is
billed for an address on tbo second
day of tho meeting;. The sessions will
be beld July 8 and 9,
All He Wanted Was Just Plain Eggs.
A youth entered ono of tho "ham-and-row"
cafes on Grand avenue and
ordered eggs. "Up or over?" asked
tho man behind tho counter. "1 Just
want eggs," replied the prospective
diner. "But do you want them up or
over?" repeated tho waiter, and again
tho guest asserted that ho desired
"only eggs." Tho third tlmo the party,
of tho second part Insisted on his'
query, whereupon tho patron, with a
sigh of despair, said "I guess I'll take
a steak." Kr.nsas City Star.
His Opportunity.
"Going to Wombnt's wedding, over
on tho north side?"
"Nat I. I was engaged to the girl.
Wombat cut mo out."
"Well, come to tho wedding. You
may get a chance to biff him in tht
Jaw with an old shoe."
Cure for Insomnia.
"Dibble says ho can't sleep."
"He ought to read the war news
from Mexico."
Many have jnnoked LEWIS Single Hin
der cigar for the pant sixteen years. Al
nay found it reliable quality.
Tho man who wnnts tho right of
way wants It right away.
UnFlchtly eruptions disappear aftcratourvo
of Garilild Tea.
The man who steals our thunder is
naturally under a cloud.
When the appetite is poor
When the stomach is weak
When thebowels are clogged
When you are run-down-is
a short course of
Try a bottle today and be con.
vinced. All Druggists.
Your Liver
Is Clogged Up
That's Why You're Tired Out of Sorts
Have No Appetite.
will put you right
in a tew days.
They do.
their duty..
Cure Con-J
Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache,
Genuine must bear Signature
I tMal I II LmV iX7HbKB fc
Nebraska Directory
Pltuuted In beautiful rraiaoncogulnirb of Lincoln.
llrat of i-nrn (or MKDIOAL OH BUlKilCAl.rahcaT
J ULL 00H1J9 OF NUIWhS and nhy.lllans In nfc
tendance. For full luf urniatloo. Inquire 11. II. Saw
jer, M. IJ, fbjrslclan lu cnargc, Ltnooln, Nebuufau.
Omaha. Nebraska
Kooma from 1140 up ulngle, 75 cents up double
". rniua.! kcasonable
Auctioneer aro not all
alike. Home aro much bet
ter than Dtbcrt. Tbo better
tbo auctioneer tbo larger
Tourcbvck. Tbobcstaclllng
rlco costs you no morn
than tho poorest. There's
pnidt,i.ecurltyand mitfac
tlon in doing biislnon with.
Z.8. UK ANSON. Unottk
ul RmI IiUM Aaellr, li
Ttn kiwrltiM, LUUIU, KEB.
Do All Your Hard Work
with a
Kino wives extra team
at iiurn'hv, oui us tbe
I'DKinn lor an work
up to &li. d. Weliibt
underSUIlbt Consumes
Kamnno according to
fnll capacity. Kajr speed Unlit ..n tn.-
.... ". .. IWJI hi
guarantee. Hook free. Add.
CtihmanMalorWerka.3tR3Ntt .lifted
Lincoln Sanitarium
8ulpho8aline Springs
Located on our own premliea and used In the
Natural Mineral Water
Uniurrjajwd in the treatmant ol
Haart. Stomach, Kidney and Liver Olieaias
I40S M tr.W' eV1""T. Mgr.
I40S M Street Lincoln, si.k
w...y .VWWV
mmm ittle
mar iiver
4 BiJLbsbssssssH
mwo r
IK rVMaftisssskt V ,A I '
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- tJy.V Sk '