WSiHSi(l(t!MMtJi Stimuli JW3MRJSRWW! w&mm .J. i h M rfi V t s J 1 $ . I'S1 I it K m I'-fW ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made fromRoyaicrapeureamoi i anar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE fShe CHIEF 8d Cloud - Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY IIIUKSBA? ntim1 In the FoMofflco AtiHwl Uloutl.Ncti.. m Second Clima Mutter. 0 li. HA LI? l'I'lll.IMIKIt THE ONLY TlKMOUItATIU l'AI'KH IN WK1IHTKH COUNTY Bach succeeding year emphasizes the fact that we ought to have a purU or grove belmiKlng to' tho city. The city owes It to the inhabitants to pro vilc healthful, harmless, Interesting rccrentlnn andti parte Ik the ideal place where all tho city can gather and en joy h restful day out of doors. Now that a portion of Webster fttreet is being fitted up with cement gutters we think that the entiro business sect ion should catch the outhuslam and construct gutters also. This Is the first stop towards paving and shows progress and prosperity. Strangers judge u city as much by Mts streets as they do by the buildings they see. If the streets are clean and well kept, it denotes a thrift impossible to convey in any other manner. Lot the good work go on. We luivo reason to feel proud of the showing that our high school athletics made nt the control and western Ne braska tournament at. Hastings last week. Our boys were In fast company going upngain&tthe Kearney academy, the Fiunklln academy and tile high schools of Hastings, Iteatrlce. North Plutto and others. While tho lied Cloud team did not capluie the Hag they finished ahead of North Platte, Cambridge, Edgar .and York. Tho grounds were In very bad condition owing to the heavy rains but several irood stunts were nulled off. For in stance je the hammer throw record was,, eet while at the state University 131 feet during, the seme, week the distance made was only ill feet. With the practice that another year will give them "Our Boys" will undoubtedly push up to first place. Collier's Weekly, of the 27th ult., devotes two pages and part of a third to a written description and pictorial illustration of the efforts of the people of Merlden, New Hampshire to pro mote tint increase of the wild birds in variety, in number, in the neighbor hood. A few years Hgo the oflleluls about tho court house took a llitle pains to encourage the disposition of tho squirrels to make their homes in the trees of the court house park. How much genuine and innocent pleasure their attention uuve to the children lii the north part of the city is ditlicult of estimation. Not tho children alone, but most of the adults, found an added Intel est -in life he cniiMi of the active movements and friendly, cheii-dil mnnncrs of theagile ittlil P'trthtlly tamed animals. The. cultivation of the birds piomlses still more plea-ore vi h an element of utility added Independent of the sweet songs and the varied beauty of VU . . .. .... ... Torm, color ami motion, the hinls will W. .., Vl'IW. ..... ...... w.., ... . .u "III, easily repay the food and care given them in the destruction of worms and insects. Doubtless a large portion of the people of the city go to and from their daily tasks without noticing the songs that thrill tho Hir of the streets and the lawns with melody. Many of these same people will pay money and go to some inconvenience, to sit for an hour op uncomfortable chairs in the. opera house and listen to a tolerably fair imitator of the music that may be ' had without money and price in the fresh air under the shining sun from j tho more cheerful songsters that al- ready make this city a spot of joyous harmonies. A trip to one of the treeless villages'! , of the west will give Miiy one tho feel- ing of an unconscious lonesomeness and sadness. It may be ditllcult, at Urst,ito account for the change. The absence of the trees and the silence of the waste pluccs strike home to the heart, even, though one may bo unable to note at once the caiif-e of tin lack of a cheerfuliiPMs mid gayety and rest- fulness. Itev. Hates is hereby requested to give attention this matter of the at- traction of different birds to our midst. The Chief will gladly give him unlimited space for a full state- Ment and description of the birds we mow Tiavc and tho birds which we might expect to attract ,by proper methods. If in cold New Hampshire the people can add to tin' charm and happiness of life by u little consider ate treatment, of the will bird, what may we do In sunny Nebraska? The Chief would rather see the money expended in removing the cheerful dandelion from the court house park devoted to the encourage ment of the joyous music of the feath eied singers. Hume kind friend sent us a copy of the Appeal to Reason of ''ate A pill '.'7. The stated oil dilation of this paper ,is 2,7.r.l,r)(lo. Were It as well, as It Is boldly, edited, Its influence would he a very significant factor in the forma tion of the public opinion of America One can not read it, however, without some misgiving as to tho correctness of its statements and tho fairness of Its opinions, because of tho evident bias it exhibits. In the Issue under consideration, it attacks the judges of the federal courts without any pre tense of respect, and to the utidisciiiul Hilling reader its attack will seem justified by tho facts It alleges. The thoughtful reader, on the other hand, becomes suspicious that tho facts are not fully presented, and he, therefore, questions the conclusions. The Chief has no doubt, but that the facts give color to the charges made, and, while nut questioning the person al Integrity of the judges so bitterly assailed, we do most emphatically be lieve Mmt the adminlstratlon'of law In this count ry Is a disgrace to the Intelli gonee of a free and enlightened people. We have no sympathy with the pre tended humility which protects the procedure of our courts from the sov ero.t scrutiny and the utmost critic ism, provided that criticism he of a character to appeal to the thoughtful hcss rather than to tho passions and prejudice the people Mr. Tuft's defense of the sacred dignity of the courts should be ruthlessly brushed aside- Mr. Kooscvclt'scritlclsmshnuhl be directed with gutting gun precis aild "effect, against, not the st oision state judges elected by the" popular vote, on i me letierm judges who nave oeon appointed after consultation with the high-salaried' members of the bar. Many of thom have been a disgrace to the bench they are incompetent to adorn, and tho cause of righteousness and justice has been the least consid ered element in their adjudications. Mr. llryau's suggestion, that the Presi dent file with his nominations the recommendations upon which he bases them, does not seem to us sulilciently comprehensive to afford the relief de sired. The appointments would be made without recommendations, or sutllcient recommendations could readily bo procured by tho nominee after u hint that they would be useful. The whole trouble lies in the life ten ure of the iufoiior judges. Congress should abolish all the inferior courts which the constitution will penult, and create now ones with judges whose shortness of tei in would lender them more obedient to the public will and more considerate of public opinion. Paved Streets The Improvement already commonc- f'll htm HllPfrnbtt.fl tfl Hi. Ilifl mnfittAf f - " WC. -.. . ... ..-. '."'. .V J f making still farther improvements. ' We are satisfied that tho cement plac- jed for guttering would answer the purposes of a pavement of the street Itself, The law authorizes the city ' .wtl..t. .41 t.v .M..nin n ..! .11. ..!..! against which it may issue bonds pay able in fifteen years for the cost of the paving, assessing the lots iinprov ed with the expense. Suppose the council should create a paving district consisting of two blocks intersected by Webster street and Fourth avenue, The pavement could be laid for about the cost of the guttering which has already becu laid. That is 8..10 per square yard. To the center uf tho street would be, say 14 yards; that would be 821 per lineal yard, or $175 per lot of a.ift. front. This would not be an expensive amount for each busl- ness lot to pay. They would at once become that much more valuable, The corner lots, of course, would have a great ileal more to pay. The nil- dltioual charge to them would be about 810(10. Hut corner lots must ex- peel somedlsiulvantagesto compensate their advantages. In tho end the owners of the lots would be fully com pensutcd. In addition to tho added value of the lots; the marked Impiove- ment. of tho streets, the expenlturo of the money, about sixteen thousand dollars, the main part would be for saud and labor, thin would be u won- ilorful tluiii1its t t'" ,'U-lti'' nnd ! growth of the city. Wo lru.t that the city cm. neil will Klvc tins mutter li ! staut consideration Red Cloud Boy Makes Good Every alumnus of the Red Cloud schools, and, for that matter, all the under graduates, the teachers and pa trons of tho schools, should obtain and presei've a copy of the Chicago Tribune of last Sunday. That paper contains a full page picture In colors by Omer Holler of the class, of '03. The picture is entitled "At the Tele phone". Were It on better paper it would be suitable for framing and hanging on the wall of a parlor. It represents a beautiful young lady sealed at a table with a telephone bo fore her and flowers are in her hair. The people of Red Cloud should feel it good deal of pride in the fact thatonu of our boys lias won the notice of ;i newspaper of the character of the Chicago Tribune, and has accomplish ed It that, a paper, which not un worthily claims to be the greatest newspaper in the world, accords such prominence to the production of his pencil. Mr Butler Is but twenty-six yours of age. For an artist of that age. to have gained u permanent posi tion on the pictorial stall of such a publication promises woll for it highly successful future, Mr. Duller was married two weeks ago. His present Manny, we lire informed, is 'Js per week, or a little less than fifteen hun dred dollars per year. The other members of tho class of '03 arc Will Overman, Earl Crabill, W I). Edson, our Argus friend, Mrs Ned Grimes, and the Misses Vui'i llutchiion, Mary Sheldon and Pearl Pope. They will be pleased to learn of the distinction their clus-mato lias achieved. The Influence of Example A pleasing illustration of the power of a good example Is now being given to the people of the city. U. W Tur mire came to the conclusion that he would do something towards removing the mud holes which have disfigured and disgraced the main portion of Webster street. Ho consulted Saun ders Iiros., as to tho Cost of making n cement gutter in front of his recent purchase, the Moon Block. Tho lum ber linn suit! t lint, it would put in a gutter on Fourth Avenue in front of the lumber yard, ami thus aseeitaiii the cost of tho work, This was don lust week, and the cost cstiniHti'd at fifty cents per lineal foot. Mr. Tur uure told the firm to go ahead and make the improvement before hi property, work was commenced Tues day afternoon. Thereupon Dr. Dam orall suggested that his property on tho north corner be improved in the same manner at the same time, Adam Morhurt thought the Opera House front should receive a like treatment. This took in nil of the Webster street frontage of that block except the bauk bulldiug owned by John Uentley, who is in Arkansas. He has been written to, and will doubtless agree to a like improvement. Across the street the Overing Iiros., signified their willing m ss to do likewise. Dr. Cook gave in his adhesion. Wade Koontz, of course will not bo backward. The same spirit has been exhibited by several of the property owners in the block south. Within a week it is very probable that Webster Street and Fourth Avenue will bu improved by permanent gutters for two blocks, thus making a flue st.trt towHids the cleanliness and beauty of the business streets. Kcnl Estate Iransfers. Ileal F.state Transfers for week'ond Ing Tuesday, May lUli, 1912. Compiled by M. W. Carter & Son lloiided Abstractors. Clara E. Smith and hush., to C. li. & Q. R. It. Co., U iV I) to pt notf neK U5-M1 Daniel M. Uarber to C. It. & Q. H R. Co., It V D to pt seK 3.V2-11 Charles N. Uuruey and wife to C. B. .t Q. It. It. Co , R W D to '26VM1 Johnson B. Wlsecarver and wife to C. li. A. Q. R. R. Co., It V D to pt ue4 ne4 Sec. 35-3-11 . . . . Melissa A. Hedge to C. B. i, Q. II. R Co., R W D topt 23-2-U ao J Go is 25 loo Ivan D. Franklin aud huso., to Mary A Simpson, w d, pt sej 0-4-11 3000 Oliver D. Hedge and wife to Charles II. 1'atton, w d, to West pt lilk. U, Kaley & Jack- sons Add to Red Cloud 1000 C. P. Morauvllle and wife to Hugh S. Reed, w d, to lots 1 to 0, Blk. 2, Talbots add toduide Rock Kute Watsou to I'eter Koch,wd, nJnwH 0-3-18 1500 U70O Ileurlch Koch and wife to W. B. Myden, w d,aw 7-4-12 10,000 Rudolph Prey and wife to Adolf J. Frey, w d, se4, s no 1-2-0 1 Adolf Frey to Ida Prey, w d, se'f, 8 ue ) 1-S-O 1 Herond Brauwer and wife to Edna M. Huntjer, w d, w n4 nwtfKM-O Mortgages Hied, SU.060.oO. Mortgages releabed, 812,720.00. I 3000 .VV'vr' MINER BROTHERS CO. Some Things We Sell Are Finer Than Others--But You Can't Get Anything Here But AN IMPORTANT MATTER nowadays is how to dress stylish and becomingly for the price you feel you can afford to spend. CJ We have worked hard to solve this matter for our customers and are ready to say to you that this year's showing of fine clothes, piece goods, furnishings and footwear, moderately priced, will do more to prove to you that this store is offering you the very best to be had for the price you choose to pay than all that could be said here. Q The values are here, the styles, the material, the manufacture and the assortments are so good that you will readily see by comparing them with others that nowhere can yon buy better merchandise for the price than at ...... THE MINER BROS. CO. Suits - Coats - Skirts - Waists - Under-muslins Dry Goods - Carpets - Rugs - Shoes - Groceries "A NIGHTY SAFE PLACE TO TRADE" nAnAnA Notice To The Public Rni Ui.oi-i, N'rnit. May S. lot1,' To Whom It May Com' ru Notice is hereby Kiven th'it the city of (ted Cloud will not he ru-p visible, nor will it consider any claims or de mands Multilist ihe city, which is not aeeoiiipan'ed by a duly executed iv ijuisitinn for tho requirement. needed Please observe the above requests and avoid complication. I) W. TfKXI'UE, Mayor. Canftrcftatlonal Church Notices. "The Reasonableness of True Re ligion" will be the subject of the ser mon Sunday morn i in,'. The llaecalu ureato sermon before the graduatim; class of the Hlfjrh School will be preached in the cliuruh In the evening. Sunday school at 10U Hiotherhood j Tuesday eveninat b iHlci-weoK meet ing Wednesday at 8 p m Ladies' Aid will meet Thursday after noon at '2:30 at the home of Miss Cott-! Ing. The pastor will lecture on the. Book of John. All ladies cordially Invited. -John .1 Bayne, pastor. Headquarters For Lumber FOR SHINGLES FOR POSTS That You put in tta Hole Headquarters for Roofing For Cement And For Lime; Things Yon Are Sure to Need Some Time. HeadquartersforNillwork For Sash, Doors and Blinds, Building Material Of all Sizes and Kinds. Headquarters For Prices ! The Lowest of All And that's why we ask you to GIVE US A CALL. Saunders Bros. - ya'v7 .... .- .rr;; :: rrr ..N''x,.v,vv,vA-. Moved to You will find us now In our new location in the NEWHOUSE BLOCK with our largo line of RUGS, CARPETS AND FURNITURE Always Wad To See You ED. AMACK LICENSED UNDERTAKER-NEBRASKA-KANSAS ALL THE PHONE Children's Economical Mothers Note tho Prices Dollars and Cents Saved are one good reason for buying those little garments. But F. NEWHOUSE Barhara Phares, Prop. Stiithwest District Sunday SchMl Cn veNtlM The southwest district including Line, Red Cloud, Inavale and Walnut Creek townships will hold a Suuday School Convention at Inavale, Suuday May llHh at 8 o'clock. A good pro gram, good fcpeakeis with up-to date subject. Bring your questions along and let us help each other. Every body welcome. All kinds of Electrical work done by Morhurt. lii-oi A good sewing machine for sale, quire at this oillee. In' What Has Merit. Our New not the BEST reason. Tk JlBa flljMfiSlM charm of the styles, the excellence of the materials and making would make them wise purchases at considerably higher prices from 50c to $2.50. Agents for Eutterlch Patterns D. D. Sanderson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Otllce in Moon Block. Bell, Black 4; Ind., 103 Residence, Royal Hotel. Belli 47; Ind., 27 Calls Answered Day or Night Ei ci.oun, nhii. Go to the Bon Ton nnf t i- t... .. Ice Cream and Soda Water iu town. I E9K333 , .,.! t.