The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 09, 1912, Image 5

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-,. .JI! - WKK-SHB-f-T, (Hi
,J' i ''! fc "nl . . y L,i1t.
K x.zr .WTW.W..T " s. TS-iWIlKEKaKSr,! .
wtefjB.'JMttK?.iJ?.tIT . .
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fi M. lime Tabic
No. II riiromjh train, do, nrls
No. 10 Local imbsciuit " ...
No. 174 Accommodation North ex
ci-pt Monday nnd Wed., dinrts..
No. l70-AccommodntlonXurtli ..
Monday aril Wednesday di parts
Wl-sr llol'.Mi
No. 13 -Tlirouigti train, departs
No. 10 Local pasicimtr " .. . ,
2.00 a.
9.:B a.
1:10 p.
11:30 ft. in.,
8.30 p.
Dig up Hie (l.uulclloiii? I
Sec l)r. CinsoviM State limit. I
Foil Sam:-()I1 pnpeiw at this ollleo.
O. F. tlowiird was in Almu Tuesday.
Mrs. A. P. Kly loft for McCook Satur
day. Corn planting is the order of tlio
day now.
J, 12. Dalloyof Reynolds was In town
S. C. llumunugh of Beatrice Sunday
ed in town.
Ed Oarber BUd wife spent Sunday In
Guide Rock.
P. P. Collins was down from Frank
lin Tuesday.
F. A. Ilaldwin was up from Guide
Rock Tuesday.
Albert Tutyorn of Dewltt was in tho
city Saturday.
All kinds of Elcutrlnul woik done by
Morhart llros
O.K. Jones of Ilolmcsville was in
town Saturday.
Mrs. S J. Fair Is reported seriously
Hi at her home.
P. II. Woodhether of Hardy was in
the city Tuesday.
Go to P. L. Hanson for your Harness
and Machine OIIr.
R. A. Wyllo of Hastings returned to
Hastings Tuesday.
A good sewing nmolilno for sale. In
quire at this olllce.
Oscar Sampson of Harvard spent
Sunday in the city.
Bernard McNeny was in Lawrence
on business Friday.
Mis9 Florence Kindig is visiting in
Rosclaud this week.
Col Denny of Guide Kock wns on
our streets Tuesdny.
Agent Foe is able to bo out ngnin
after a weeks illness.
J.J. Ranfram of Ayr was in town be
tween traius Monday.
Connie and Chris Starke returned
from Omaha Saturday.
A. U. Kaley has let a contract for a
new modern residence
Rev. Tompkins was in Prosser Mou
day attending afunral. ' .
Mrs. J. L. Grimes is in the city visit
ing her son Ned Grimes.
C. J. Rhoadcs of Hastings was in
town the flrstof the week.
H. B. Thomas of Shickley was in
t wn on business Tuesday.
Jerome Denton of Chester was in
town on business Monday.
Jerome Wright of Hebron was in
town the first of the week.
The High School Base Ball team
plays at Guide Rock Friday.
J. W. Guthrie of Alliancespent Sun
day in town visiting friends.
Charley Met, was up from Guide
Rock Suuday visiting friends.
Go to the Puritan Cafe, Sunday for
your chicken dinner, price 35c.
Farn Leans
There are several reusous for seeing
J. H. Bajlny for a farm loan and hero
they are.
He is sole agent for Trcvelt Mattts
& Baker.
This company is here every day In
the year ready for busiuess and not
hare this week and gone next. They
loan on any farm having the value in
it improved or unimproved. You don't
wait from two to four months for your
money but surely get it on the day
called for. They give the best option
in the market.
IF YOU are going to buy
a Silo this year, let us
figure with you and tell you
what we have.
Our Silos come direct from
Washington, which means con
siderable saving to us in freight,
meaning cheaper Silos to you..
Dr. It. h ItniniH U lioinu to mtiy nnd
will titteiiil nilli il.iy ami night.
Mra. Gins, Jt nhlu vWtod Jier
brothti-'John H.jvel'ovei' Sunday.
Dr. JMoiHnvlllo went t
t6 .Lincoln
y .
Wednesday to enter a Mititturiuiu.
Byron Furlong and Walter Verbeck
of Supeilin spent Sunday in town.
Go to tln lion Ton Cafe fnr'Ou bis'-,
loo Cream ami Soda Water In town. '
Dr. J. W. MoiHiivlllii and wife re
turned from Boulder, Coin., Friday.
Mrs. W. I). Edson went to Grand
llatid Saturday to visit her parents.
.1. W. Trlnley of Gimwileaf, Kansas
was in the city on business Tuesday.
Mrs. John Nasser returned from
Supeiior where she had visited friends.
The 0 year old son of Rev. C F.
Rose Is seriously .sick with pneumonia.
Att'y Dorsey of llloomlugtou spent
Sunday as the guest of Bernard Mc
Neny. E.Tupper, 11. Hilton and II. il,
Sulirau of Lawienco wire in town
The best and purest Ice Cream nud
Summer dtinks in the city at the Bon
Ton Cafe.
Lyman Esslg went to Omaha this
week to bring a new auto home lie had
The Diamond Electric Vacum clean
er demonstrated in your home fiee.
Call Phone Red 07.
The Puritan Cnfe is furnishinga flue
Sunday chickon dinner for 3."i0. Try
it and be convinced.
Dr. E. A. Crclghtou Is in Lincoln
this week attending tho Nebraska S'a e
Medical Society meeting.
Fob Sai.k A new Rag Carpet about
tweutyflvc yards. For further parti
culars inquire at this olllce.
Father Fitzgerald exchauged pullpts
Sunday with Father Downey of Bloom
ington who held service here.
Ned Grimes has let the contract for
the erection of a modern residence qn
the lot north of Geo. Warren.
A Penny Social, at the M E. church
Thursday evening Mayuth. All come
and have the time of your life.
The finest Hue and best assortment
of Harness over carried before. Call
and look It over. Moiiiiaht Bros.
Call rural phone '203 if you have
cream or poultry to sell.
J. O. Cauhvixi..
Special attention given to diseases
of eye and car. Glasses accurately
fitted. Dr. Stockman, Red Cloud, Nebr.
If you are going to buy ti Silo this
year, come and soe us; wo believe we
can save you money. Platt & Frf.ks.
Alex Bentley is erecting au addition
to his residence ou his farm .south ml,
the river. Fred SUfTen has the con
tract. , J. Edwin Jarboo will preach nt the
Christian Church in Inavale next
Sunday, May I2th both morning and
evening. All are welcome.
The' month old baby of Mr. nnd Mrp.
Henry Coulsou south of Innvale died
Tuesday and was buried Wednesday in
the Walnut Creek oemotery.
If you are going to buy a Silo this
year, come and see us; we believe we
can save you money. Platt & Fiikes.
"R. W. Saunders left Wednesday for
Ballantine, Mont, where he will spend
the summer and look after interests of
the Sauudcrs Bros, lumber yard there
Don't forget we make farm loans,
money icady the day tho title Is ap
proved. GAIUIKH, HUTCHISON & Salaoen.
Miss Beruice Potter and Mrs. G. S
Albright left for Grand Island to re
present the Music Study Club who
hold a May festival the last 3 days ot
this week.
A large delegation of the young peo
ple from the Bretbern Church spent
last Sunday in Carlisle, Neb , attending
a special meeting of the Hrothern at
that place.
S. C. Schuck has let contract for
erection of a 5 room residence, iu the
Shuck addition, to Fred Steffen, and
also contemplates the erection of
several more houses in his addition
this summer. Sf-
- .- . . . .iST
II h
. i - ft
Doesn't make any diff
erence what it is or how it is
labeled the fact that it comes out
of our store is sufficient guarantee
as to its quality. We stand be
hind it.
B. E. McFarland
All the Phones
Dr. Cross the dentist, Is hmted over
the Statu Bank.
Try the International Calf Meal to
make tho Calves grow, sold by Cotting
Dora Cochrini of Klverton spent the
last of the week with Mrs. B.'SI. Grice.
Willa Outlier's now book "Alexanders
Bridge" is now on salo at Cottlugs
Drug Store.
Mrs. Cutuberl.ind sister of Mis. A.
E Atkins returned to her home nt
Geneva Tuesday after visiting horo the
past week.
Remember "Tho Penny Social" at
the M. E. church Thursday evening
May Dili. All come, and bring a few
pennies with you.
The Hastings passenger train, com
monly known as the Cotton-tail, has
chutigcd Its time of leaving. 8:10 Is
the new leaving time ami if you want
to go north you must be nt the depot
earlier iu the morning.
Jj A n d We have for salo farms ou
easy payments and special terms,
worth the money. Several mighty
good deals. The largest list of locul
farms from which to select.
Dan Gahiikr & Company, Chief Olllce.
Faith Ueb.iUah lodgo No 10, will
meet May 16 to prepare for district
moctlng. Every member Is kindly re
quested to be present as there Is work
to be done. Ai.JiniA Si.ajiy,
Noble Grand.
Vou will Hud our Wua of material
sutllciently large enough to meet all
the demands of turning out a neat,
tasty job no matter whether large or
small and our prices arc as low us any
quality, quantity and workmanship
State Superintendent of Public In
struction, James E. Dclzell, will at
tend the Teachers Reading Circle at
Cowles this week on Saturday. Prof.
Delzell has charge of one of the circle
lessons In the morning and will deliver
au nddress in the afternoon.
S. C. Buff Orplngtone Famous By
ers btraiu. First prize county fair
1010, 1st pen county poultry show J 11 1 .
Eggs Sl.f0 per 15, 4. SO per 00, 8f per
100. Chicks nud old stock for sale.
Write freely. 11. H. Duiiri:tt,
Lebanon, Kns.
Starke Bros , the enterprising farm
ers at Lester purchased a HhoUiic.v
Auto plow for use on their lanch. It
plows 3 rowb at n time or nbout 4 "
inches. Also has attachments for
power to operate hay bailers, corn
shelters and etc. The machine weighs
between 4 and 0 tons.
Johnny Riegge, the 14 year old son
of Jacob Riegge, who Ilvs one mile
north of Inavale was found lend in
bed Monday morning death being
caused by heart failure. The funeral
took place at the residence at 2 o'clock
Tuesday afternoon and intcrmeut took
pUce in the Red Cloud cemetery,
Barred and Bun Hocks Bred to Lay
and Win. Eight blue ribbons (lit
prizes) and the silver cup at the big
Noiton show. My cockerels have
never been defeated. Eggs, barred
W.OOper 15 straight. Hun's. Pen $'2
per 15, range S(i per 100.
W. II. Wiiloiir, Lebauou, Kas.
The truck team of tho high Fchnol
made an excellntit showing against tho
acai'e ny and high school team at
Franklin last Friday scoiing lfljf
points. This was tho boys first work
out and was indeed a good showing.
And at the big inter state school meet
at Hastings this month wo look for
our boys to hold their own.
Montgomery Doty while discing ou
the Throne furm several weeks ago ie
covered a gold watch that had beeu
lost right years ago this spring.
The watch was Irtst by Goo, J, Warren
while listing corn at the time, ho
owned the farm. The wutch with
stood all the elements of tho weather
for over eight years and alter being
examined by a jeweler will again bo
iu running condition by h few dollars
The Wolfe Patrol of the Boy yooiH
hiked to Franklin last Thursday s,o as
to alt -lid tlm tiuck me.i't theie Fiiday.
Some unique experiences overlook
them and slumber In an old musty
meat market at Rivet ton, and the soft
downey mattress of a cement i idge
intermingled with the pleasant melo
dious notes of one of the scout music
ians uuised Cnptniii Snuudcis to lead
his men over the hill Into Finn Id In
where a peaceful reposo.awalted them
nud for fin ther details ask the tuoiu
bars of tlio patrol.
Mis. Bull Clark Hughes, slate organ
izer of the P E. (). Sisterhood, was
present at the regular meeting of
Cluiptei Y. May Glh., at the homo of
sinter rouipktus. Mrs Hughes Is quite
a talented rc.idcr and gave Iwn or
three readings. At tho conclusion of
the chapter work a two course lunch
was served. Mrs. Hughes organized a
chapter m Franklin lust i.ight Chap
ter Y being Invited to assist Iu Hie or
ganization twelve members of this city
nccoinpiiuted her to Franklin.
U F. Oichnid, a foimcr resident of
the cmitity Is making a luief in
the the city. Mr. Oi chard was for
many eais a resident of Inavale.
Orlglualy a British sailor, In his youth
he tonic pait iu the battles about
Sevastopol lu theCiimeaii war. A few
ycaisngo the old gentleman conclud
ed to tiy the boasted climate of Cali
fornia nud located at Artesin lu the
southern part of that state. While
pleased with his nc.v location, Mr.
Orchaid does not claim absolute per
fection for the Faclne Blopo, and is
willing to tell the exact truth about
the soil, the climate and social coiidl
ditioiis to anyone who carosto inquire.
Prepare For Big Encampment
Mr. II. C. Wolf commandant of Gar
Held Post No. 80 or tho G. A. R , has
received notice that the .loth annual
encampment of the INobraska depart
ment of tho Grand Army and Relief
Corps will be held in Beatiice this
year, May H, 15 and 1(5.
Extensive preparations have been
made to Insure tho success of this
meeting. Generals Sickles and Uluck
and lion. Church Howe nud other
notables aic on the program, niul the
pcoploof Boat rice at o planning to make
the encampment the best ever held by
thusu patriotic organizations.
The fact that the rauks of the
vctoians of '01 to U' are rapidly thinn
ing emphasizes the Importance of each
gathering of tho stu vivois, and a large
attendance at this year's encampment
at Beatrice Is being worked for
Harvey J, Graham
Harvey .1. Graham, one of tho old
residents of tho part of Kansas liibu-tiu-y
to this city, was killed Thursday
morning by accident. Just how ho
came to his death is not entirely clear
He was alone. His body was found at
the foot of thu windmill tower, from
wlijoh li had been apparently swept
off. There wns some talk, at tlist, of
suicide, hut that explanation has been
given up and publicoplnlon has settled
that ho was the victim of accident.
The dead man was nearly sixty seven
years old For the past tweuty-Uve
years he has made his home with his
brother Frank just across the Hue in
Kansas. A brother, Hugh, and aslstor,
Mrs. Hattie A Hamlll, of Graudview,
Iowa, also suivlve him. Tho funeral
services were conducted from the
Mouut Ilopo church and the body was
Interred iu the cemetery nearby, Rev.
Hummel otllciated.
J. T. Lsev Is building an addition to
his hou-e.
Dr. Boron had a phono installed iu
his olllce Saturday.
Mrs CIiuh. Francis was In Red Cloud
between traius Monday.
Fuller & llenuutt shipped the bal
ance of their sheep Monday.
Alls. Paul Storey, and daughter were
iu Cowles Wedncsilay visiting
Mr. Earl Paul was in town for a few
days this week visiting his father.
Mr. Jnd White and wife autoed to
Red Cloud Saturday for a shoi t visit.
Miss Anna Gilhum had friends from
Red Cloud visit her between train
Mr and Mrs. Merrick of Red CIoi d
Sundnycd with Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
RItuhey In Cowles.
We nro having some flue Improve
ineiitH In tho way of having a now
sidewalk along the north side of main
Mrs.'Greenhalgh caino homo Tuesday
from Wilson. Kas., where she has been
visiting her sisters for a number of
Tho last number of tho lecture
course Thursday night was well at
tended and tho mullenee certtlnly en
joyed the addre-s by Mr. Adems.
Road work Is so oppressing with our
road supervisor, J, R, Morse that he
had a phone Installed iu his home so
he may receive calls night and day.
Mr. Geo Wells had tho misfortune
Friday of having his foot badly crushed
by tho wheel of a wngon He is gett
ing along as well as could be expected.
I - Ag v3
Clothcraft Your
Idea of Clothes
P 1CTURE in your own mind the kind of
clothes you want the cloth, the style,,
the fit, wear and serviceability.
Then compare your ideal with Clothcraft. You will find
they tally in evcty particular except perhaps in the price you
thought you would have to pay. For Clothcraft Clothes guaran
teed to be all-wool, to hold shape and smartness, to give satis
faction in wear and service; yet cost less than other clothes of the
same high quality -$10 to $25.
All the new styles in Hats, Shoes
and Shirts now in. Come in and
look them over
Si HiiiiHiwwiiMwunwiiiimMinimMiim m
The Clothcraft Blue Serge Special, No. 5130, at I
. $15, is guaranteed to be all-wool, to hold shape and 1
I to give satisfactory wear and
COwden-rvaley . Oothing (
Everything in New Summer
Goods now on our counters
All Reasonably Priced.
Voiles, Tissues, Silks, Flaxons,
Batist, Etc. All Colors.
Extra wide Embroideries
for dresses
85c to $1.50 Yard
27-inch Flouncings
50c to $1.50 Yard
18-inch Flouncing
25c to 90c Yard
See our special
assortment of Edges and In
sertions to match.
Hand Bags
New line Wash Hand
50c and 60c
LLBteaSL -
Turnure Bros.
As an Advertising Medium The Chief has No
Equal in Webster County
We have a new line of
trimmings in
Wide Lace Bands
Fringe Nets and Overlaces
all colors and all prices-
Best Corset manufactured
"J. C C." Brand
91.00 to 93.00
Genuine "White Nubuck"
3-button Oxfords
Don't fail to see this
elegant shoe before buying.
. 'ii 'filMW
i ,. r ' .&. ..m:i
.;..,v,;' .a& vaajAaMf'!