The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 09, 1912, Image 4

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    mAMTtyXimHpvptr && .r tJtjmp ?, j&m , j A A. - ,
httHU,Wi Mmiif ! m.n liHiiHHnWIWiw!!" ! wi.m4' W.(IPi(II
W.flM -
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4JiUB3&Ji! flB auCliaaJr-i
V,t ftWIPJ"
Cloudy - - Nebraska FA'KKV ! HUM SI) AY
nUtti wffci''Poi(flmcp tille1 Cloiul.Neb.,
I tfiftb PoKofflce ttilleq
" W'Alocoiiil (!Ium Sutler
Wo now know why pioress Is us
ually so slow. People lirtvo u hesilontiy
to move. It nt, we do not blaiuo tlieiu
for tliio, at least that is olio wiiy wu
feci just at present when wo have Jiml
moved Its nwful to mote. Hut we lire
nicely mitlled in our new quartets and
are Rind of it. Wo invite you to come
In and visit uh in our euuiodlons room
and you will find us ready mid anxious
to servo you in any way that wo can.
Tim llloomirigton Advocate opened
Its editorial put'" .last wcel with the
suggestion that nil party news bo
eliminated until aftet the nomination
of the presldenlal candidate and then
filled a column of political observa
tions. It in no use to try to avoid the
subjoct Uro. Crane the nir is surcharg
ed with politics 'Die striking of n
little match will produce a big ex
plosion anywhere within the coufliH-s
of the United States.
Presidential jeur is haul on the pro
fessional base ball games. Instead of
oponllig tho daily piperto thesportlng
page the average man reads (list the
latest development of the political
fight. Tills is more interesting more
exciting. Tho politicians seems to be
master hands in the art of keeping the
public 'on tie tiptoes of expectancy
and anticipation. Issues and men, men
and Issues are mixed in one great
rough and tumble fight may the best
mau win
Not In years lias thore beou such a
profusion of sweet scented flowers
and blossoms in tills city The nlr is
filled all tho day long with fragrance
giving pleasure to all Nature semis
to bo relenting for the little dash of
extreme cold she 'itve us during tho
winter and now wishes to show us what
she can do wheu she is in a pleasure
mood. The gin in fields, the gardens
and the meadows are nil thriving as
only they can thrive when Nebraska
is at her best. Indications are that
there will be an abundance of all kinds
(t fruit and all signs point to a bounti
ful harvest this year.
Tlicic Is one thing which the Chief
does not like with inference to com
mencement exercises. Tlieie is an
omission ofull proiston for partici
pation by tho alumni of the school.
The alumni of the high school alteady
exceed in numbers the uudcrgi aduates,
aud tlie commencement season .should
be an occasion for them to assemble
and by their participation, unite the
past, the future and the present in
terests of the school together. Theie
are many names among tho nluinnl
which are gaining credit and distinct
ion abroad, aud our school system
would bo vitalized by the expectant
Aud iu all seriousness should it not
bo looked upon as deplorable, that
two ini'n, high in olTice aud iu tho es
timation of their countrymen, should
be hulling uncomplimentary remarks
at each other which would oidluarily
be expected from a couple of quarrel
ing brrrcom loafeis. If the things
which acli of the moil hos said about
then her should be umdo to appear
true in even u general souse it would
not bo surprising if ihou and of soil
ous minded voters would yet decii'e
that neither man is needed iu the
white house at. Washington after
Mttroh t, lulfl.
Absolutely Pure
Used and praised by the most
competent and careful pas
try cooks the v world over
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of
Tartar made from grapes
Tnft and tV'hl.v; Teddy or Taft. Tli
exciteuieiil mid nutse'stliied up by the
two Is getting to the point that they
are net nail? drawing attention anny
fruin,tliu big league gamfsand even
iiow,tUIi thuelecflqn sIx'pBonths off,
therri are almojil as manypeople who
buy paper to'ft6$it the political news
n'nd to search, ouj' the spurt auction.
And it seems to borrowing worst as
time goes on. v "
Therefore. Without nnv reward to
the nieiits of the 'quarrel, we eiimot
but deplore tlie quairel Itself. That
two men, presumably of the same
political beliefs and ranked us working
together In the work of right national
leadership should feel called upor
seemingly eneli In hW own personal
intoicsl to someicllessly Hay tho other
oarniot but be looked upon us unde
sirable and little tended to forwaid
the best intctCHts of the nation us a
whole For the sake or all concerned
we wish they would agree to drop it.
-Wichita Kglo
Tho rotirlng members! of tint school
I l i i - I l H..U...l.. tt tli..
uoitiu iiuve em neu " ijiniiiuuu ui .
district by their faithful attention to
the duties of their otllco. The ofllce
involves a gieut deal of labor and sacri
fice, much more then is generally sup
posed, and the rewards are too ollen
nothing but adverse criticism and nu
Just censure; especially Is this the ease
when the community Is divided on a
matter of school policy. No matter
what our previous dllTerencPR have
been, we believe that the people are
ready tintv to accord the rctliing mem
bers of the board best motives and a
true regard for tho bot intorestsol the
district. The incoming members will
have no dltllciiltles to encounter such
as be set Hie out-goinsr members.
Everything betokens a harmonious
The new mayor and council duly
iisiumcd their duties Tuesday night.
Tills administration commences its
woik with the unusual advantage of
enjoying tho respect mid confidence of
eacli oilier mid the rcspict and con
fidence of iho community. It w oil Id
seem almost Impossible for tho mayor
aud council to determine upon any of procedure which will not
have the general support of tlie public
in advance. Tliy me representative
business moii of tho city, giving of
their time anil energy to the city's
good ami enjoying iu an unusual de
gieo tlie confidence of ull tlie people.
They weic unanimously elected and
the Chief believes thst their coi duct
of municipal matters will be such that
futiite administrations will bo choice
in tho sumo rummer.
The. people of the Congregational
chinch hud u very enjoyable time last.
Tiiuitulsy evening, according to reports
brought to this otllce. The storm pre
vented many from attending, but those
who w ere present were very much pleas
ed with the cut ei tain niout provided
The liist pait of the evening was con
sumed in looking at the shadow pro
files of well known persons connected
with the chin ( h. There were twenty
five or thirty of these, and each specta
tor wus prov hied with pencil and paper
to write the nanus belonging to tlie
pictures us he guessed them This
proved, a pleasing occupation, and
gave ilso to much animated conver
sation. The people were then seated
and a musical contest followed.
Paper wus again provided, mid Mrs.
James Mitchell played a measure of
each of a number of familiar songs,
which wctc to bo instantly mimed
Hy far tho largest purl of tho ass nib
l.ige consisted of young people, who
were given ample opportunities for
pleasure. In tho judgment of the
Chief the church should furnish some
thing of this sort weekly. Much more
oTectlvc than thepinytr meetings for
t io oiii areuie meetings ror r lie young.
Tho laughter of childhood is more
sincere than tlie groaus of the saint,
and also more pious. When ministers
"it Id others roil'?." tbrU the tluo'oglcnl
dlsciisoiriiix which tickle the deacons
should give place to exercises that
at tract' the young, I ho church will get
upon flu right track to appeal to tho
coming generations.
A Word Of
The old council has passed into
history and a new a drninlstratlon has
resumed the inunngHiiiont of the city's
affairs. There Is one tiling for which
the out-going adminUI ration deserves
ciedlt. Tho sheets or tlie city liue
never been In such good coditlou a'
the beginning of the year us they aie
at prchcut. Notwithstanding the
abundant shown of the winter and the
amniiiitnf water from thosprltigthuws,
tlie grades of the streets have been
maintained and the middle of the
street has been high and dry. What
work was done on the streets last year
was well done There was not the
waste of labor and money that have so
often attended street grading iu the
past. Tho new administration will
find something to perserve mid enlarge,
not something washed away and to be
done over again.
Another thing to bs credited to the
out-going administration is the fact,
that, notwithstanding the necessity
of purchasing additional engines and
machinery, the debt of the city has
not been sonsibly increased. So far
as the financial affairs of the city go,
tlie'relirlng mayor and council have
deserved well of the pcoplo.
City Clerk's Annual Report
Tho following Is a statement of the
expenses of the City of Hod Cloud,
Nebraska forth Municipal year end
ing Vay 7, 11U2 us shown by the record
In the olllco of the City Clerk.
10 Gen. fund wan ants Issued fiWWl.OS
111 Elet-ic light ' " 8.S0JI8S
10 Elec light levy " " 18'2 00
85 Water " " 280". 4
21 Water Levy " " 14'!l) O.'i
82 OanipntiJti fund " " 2005 70
1 Firemen's fund " ' 457 50
JWO Warrants issued Total, $2078(1 12
The piesent condition of tho various
funds after deducting all outstanding
wai runts (except old L'ght plant debt)
at tho close of business May 7, 1012, wus
as follows:
General Fniul uncollected levy $1072.0!!
Electt 1c Light " " 03:150
Water " " -124 04
Oocnputiou nncol levy and polls 740 78
Judgment uncollected levy 1 003.0:)
Electric light levy, cash balance 200 "7
Water levy, cash balance 151.07
Occupation ' " 5U00
Water " ' U2 211
Firemen's " " 50 20
Total, $5(:J0.40
General Fund, warrants reg. COO 40
Elec light levy " " 092.58
Water ' 427.05
General fund overdrawn 200 0)1
Electric light " 108.05
Judgments uupaid 1700 00
Claims unpaid
Total Floating Debt, $005:) 01
Water Bonds Outstanding, $22,000
Elec Light Bonds Outstanding, $14,000
No bonds Issued or refunded during
the past year. O. C. TKUL,
City Clerk.
Card of Thanks
Wo wish to think tho kind friends
and neighbors who assisted us in tlie
sickness and death of our son and
brother and especially Mr. and Mrs.
A. C. Sluby, also those who so kindly
sent flowers.
Ma. and Mits. Nick Blankknoakkr.
Mil and Mrs. R E. Mitchell.
Mn ami Mrs. C. W. Rinker.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blankkmiakkii
Sunday School Association
to Give Attendance Flag
Omaha, Nebr., May Ol'.i. To stimu
late interest Hint Increase the attend
ance at Hie annual meeting of the Xe
lirusUa Surnliiy School Assuuiutlon,
which will be held In Oiiiuha on June
IS 19 Kiid :;0, tho otlk'er.H of thu nsso
eiiilion urn tho eomniittco in eluuge
have- decided to give a liciiuLlfnl hllh
IhiK us 11 piie to the di-trlut assucla
lion sending the hunent duleRittton
Tlie ting will lie awarded on the
mileage Irnsir,, the total mili'iie, count.
iiiK ntiniber of delegates and miles
traveled to detei mine the winner. A
similar prize wun given Just year lit
(2 rand Island and was won hy the
Omaha delegation with tho Custer
Count v delegation, hailing fioin Mill
den as u close second. The Oiihtcr
County assooiat ion hay tet its heart
on winning this year and will miihe
tlio other county organizations go tlie
Plans for the convention are well
under way. The prog ram lb being ar
ranged mid will he announced by the
Publicity llin can in a short time.
Chief Ads Bring Results
feSome Things We Sell Are Finer Than Others But
You Can't Get Anything Here But What Has Merit.
, how to dress stylish and becomingly for
the price you feel you can afford to spend.
I We have worked hard to solve this matter (or our customers and are ready to say to
you that this year's showing of fine clothes, piece goods, furnishings and footwear, moderately
priced, will do more to prove to you that this store is offering you the very best to be had for the
price you choose to pay than all that could be said here.
The values are here, the styles, the material, the manufacture and the assortments are
so good that you will readily see by comparing them with others that nowhere can yon buy
better merchandise for the price than at ......
Suits - Coats - Skirts - Waists - Under-muslins
Dry Goods - Carpets - Rugs - Shoes - Groceries
leftal Notice
(ioort-lana linker DcWItt, I'tnlntll!
Illnnelie Kt-'cers, el nl. PcfrnitnntH
In District Court Webster County NclinisUa.
When as heretofore, to-wlt: on tho 2olh
day ot March Hit'.', the ttinlerMKlHit, .1. 3.
(Illhain, releree, liavlnit heretofore been
legally iiolnU'i hy the District Court of
Wchtlcr County NtbiDHkH. wns onlcrul hy
salil court to nil the following ilcncilhctl
premises to-wlt: '1 ho Norlhwcnt (Quarter of
He tlon Twcntjonu, Towiihhlp Two, limine
Nino, West ol the mil I". M., In Webster
County, Nebraska, because the sumo could
not ho pnrtltluned without meat prejudice
to the owner Unreal, ami the uiulrrxlKiird
referee Iiumuk i;lcn bond iih required by
law with sureties wh'cli wero tipproved by
tho court a d hiivlim taken the oath re
quired by law: now therefore uottie Is here
by itlvcn tlml by virtue of the proceedings
had herein, the order of the paid court, and
theuiithorliy vtRtid In me by the .Statutes of
Nebraska, l,.l. S. (Illliam, the uudernluucd
refer e, will on the 1Mb day of May IM2, at
tho e.iHt door ot the court limine In Itcd
Cloud, Webster County Nubraska, oiler tor
nale and after the expiration of one hour hell
tothchlKho-t bidder for cash accordlnij to
the order of the court the above described
real estate.
Said site to be held open for one hour be
tween the Iioth ol two and three o'u'ock P.
M. on bald 18th day ol May IHI'2
Witness my hand this (lib day of April 11)12
J.S. OII.IIAM, Itefcrce.
Ilerriard McNeny, Attorney for I'lalntltl'.
High vs. bom Cost
The figuring of your
Cuts a Big Figure in tl e Cost
We Aim to Figure Low And
on Figuring Low
Saunders Bros.
J& & a!T IP I P A
1 aArE PIAI.h IO IK All"
'v's-kA,'AVkv '
Moved to
You will find us now in our new location
with our large line of
Always Qlad To See You
Economical Mothers Note tho Prices
Dollars and Cents Saved are one
good reason (or buying those little garments.
Bardaka Piiakes, Prop.
Real Estate IraiisTers.
Heul Ebtate Transfers foi wceh end
ing Tuesday, May 7th, 1U12.
Compiled by M. W. Carter & Son
llonded Abstractors.
Nellie U. Hpeiiee aud husb., to
Mrs. Olive A. Koss, w d, lots 1,
2, Itlk. 1, Snonce'sSnd Add to
liliiden 8-100,00
Henry U. Doyd and wifo to Al
bert Reed, w d, lot 18, lilk. ft,
Uoyds add to Bladen 10O.0O
Clareiicu lteuvo and wife to C. P.
Moranvillo, qod, pt Illk. 2,
Talbots add to Guide ttoclc. . . . 1.00
John M. RmeiHon to Nellie B.
Bpeiice, w d, ?u lots 1 to 13, pt
111. I
Our New
But not the BEST reason. The
charm of the 'styles, the excellence of the
materials and making would make them
wise purchases at considerably higher
prices from 50c to $2.50.
Agents for Buttcrlck Patterns
lot 13, Hlk. 1, Hponces and add
to liladen 370 m
Onno lloos and wifo to Kino
Uoos, w d, Kile. li, Ulite IHII.3O00 00
John C. Cutter and wife to Louis
Cutter, w d, pt uwj uwi 17-4-11
2.)0 00
A. D. Unnne.v Co. Judge to Webb
H. Heynolds, Decree, .f iutor
cmtoheK hce24fl.ll.'.
O 11. & Q. It. K Co., to John B.
Hlalne. qed, lots 7 to 10, Itlk. '
2f,Covles i60
Fred Copley to Roy R. Copley,
wd, all Illk. 10, Hoovers add
Blue Hill 800.00
Charles Reddon And wifo to Will
turn F. Arndt, w tl, ptswswjk
8-4-10 2725.00
Mortgages filed, 8n,8S0.00.
Mnrtgngcs released, 814,2SO,oO.
' 1
:t,l,..i"t tr DJIk .'"- i-
' i