:& M '.( . :j K f, 'i .&:. viflR' ' --, !-tr-:tfBsi2fis.-,!ft4,3SSMM VOMITS! K XXXX. HE New Banking Law is now in force and the payment of every dollar of deposits in this institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 KAkf&&U3JJU See that shoulder 9 The cap screws down tigfit against it thereby forming an absolutely ink-tight cham ber for the point; That's tbe reason Self-Filling Fountain Pen. never leaks in your pocket , or stains your fingers when you take off the cap to write. All that in addition to its matchless itlf-JHIing, ttlf-cltaniiif'&Tl& superb writing qualities. $2.00, 3.00 and up. C. L. COTTING THE DRUGGIST MtAliMikk mimnm -JPI No anxiety on Baking-day ,W Dr Prices CREAM Baking i nsur hoi w some iiJfcwUMlWw.fc.t,lll.'H.Ir fJt.jyw ,", HMnrtoal Society ;vuV 5?'S?t. y": Blft Time At Superior Superior is preparing to cntcrlalu many hundred of visitor thi.s Thurs day, Friday uml Saturday during tlii'lr Aviation Moot On Saturday tho Kit Carson Wild West. Show will nh-o bu Ihero. On each of Ihu three days, Longrcti, the During A viator, with one of the worldV most powerful and best biplanes, will give a series of exhib ition flights, proving his mastery over tlie uir. Ho ha-, had tremendous sue eesi in liis work -s where aim liusir antecs at least In minute flights, sonr iug over the eaitli fur several thousand feet nud alighting at the same spot from ''whence he started The contract. wi(.h fhe aviators reads No Flight No Pay. Money returned before ledv Hig the grounds, unless successful tllght is uiude. Don't fail to come and see the (lights. Under auspices of Superior Muse Association. Conftrcftatlenal Church Nolicts. 'The Indwelling Christ" will bo the subject of the sermon Sunday morning at the Congregational church. The. Sunday School meets at 10:00. At t! evening service the pastor will give un address oil ''The Mfe, teaching and Mlssiouof Pan'." Mr. Hay ne will speak of "The llrst heathen Convert, the place where the disciples- were first called Christian, the First Christian Council, the llrst Ml-slonary tour, second journey and the unknown God made known." Special music at. both services. .John J. Ihiyue, l'ustor. Notice Examination for county mil for city state certilleates will be given May 17th and iBMi., lull!.. Ur.HTRUDK L. Coox, Co, Supt. mmmmimmmmsm if you use Powder s light, sweet food A pure f ream of Tartar Powder '! 4mm fcaHnt-..'. ':fe.i-'-fi,!sr A NswiSMpsr Tint fitvr.s The flr.ns FITtytKs Wnuks Ear.fi Year For Sl.fiO. BKD OliOUD, N ISKKA.SKA. "MAY !, UHS5. BEAVER C. Gigcr, A. Turnure, W. Bruner, A. Moritz The The nuw patrol of Uy Scouts is go ing to deserve the above descriptions. In the first place, the Chief likes the choiccof tltoboysns to name. Deavcrs are decidedly preferable to wolves. They are mote industrious, more hi telligeul and less u.ixlotis. The boys are uot so uniform in age as the boys of the first patrol, and theuverago size and ago area little lest The material is good and younger a boy is when ho enlists the less he will need to un learn. Of the new patrol the oldest is Caesar Qiger, seventeen past, The youngest is Allen Moritz, only twelve, Raymond Turnure, Kverctt. Stroup, Harold Ludlow, and Eugene Kyau are Board of Educa tion Neets Rei 'Cloud, Ni'n., May 0, l!i' Regular meeting of the Hoard called to order by tho president. Membeis; I resent Bcckwith, Itonn, Coon, Oll 1mm and Storey. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved Secretary icportcd total expenditure for the year 8ll7liG.:i7, total receipts sia.ini.:!.'!. The following bills were 'read and ordered paid: S. It. PI oi a nee ?: lied Cloud Chief Uuderwood T. Co. Underwood T. Co. Pope llros. W. M. WuImiIi Co. II Dlcderich I). E cPailuud .1. C Slo s BMsHliIHMiPIHpSBiKrMS ffinnpiiii fill. WCIBiliK9H r 83 Exp., Freig't 8.00 ltallots ):t 75 Duplicates (!.!)! Supplies I fi(l ' a. 30 " 0 75 Tiees -2 80 supplies 7 aft supplies Milwaukee llrnsh Co 7.50 Saunders llros. 87.8.1 Coal Up n recommendation of the Teach eis Committee tho followlinr niiui'd teachers were elected by ballot. ICindergai ten -Edith Knnney $'7.M Third grade Ethel (Jartior f7 50 Fourth grade Mary Sheldon 1,1,00 Seven h grader-Mliinle'Chrlstlan 57X0 High School - A. I. Ulehards, Principal '' tiO"0 Weltf-tcr Hay, Mathematics 80.00 Leta liiuch, Uoui'tio Art and Eng 7,1.00 losephiue Uichards, Com. & Hist 7ii 00 Olivo Jones, (lurman and Hislory 70.00 Nellie Ueece, Science , 70 00 Coder the rules, of the board the fol lowing named teachers signed conduct-, without election, tirade 3 Alice Coomb-, salary- W5 00 " .1 K itheryue Burke, ,17.fi0 0 -E'slo Arnold, " 550O 8 Hut h Johnston, ' " 65 00 tf Upon motion the building and grounds committee whs Instructed to lease the base ball grounds for one year at 8'.'5 for High School athletics. Hoard adjourned sine die. ' It. D. Moritz, Secretary. Board called to order by Mr, Storey Upon motion Mr. Henry Gilliam was '- " "S-s-" r 's-c -AJ33,Jtati?. J"v,"'-ur:y.'-'. .ggyg7'fif PATROL E. Stroup, H. Ludlow, B. Atkins E. Ryan Maic It fourteen; Uernard Alkius Is sixteen and Will limner is fifteen. Everett Stroup is the tallest, Eugene Itvau is the smallest. Tho picture shows a group of tine-looking anil promising Hoys, Already the people of the city m'i$ noticing good results from the organization of the first patrol. With out, lessening the sport and enjoyment of the boys a particle, it has clcvutcd them in the opinion of the men and women of the city to the rank of co workers, for tht) elty's welfare. The new paliol promises to be of great assistance and we trust that next week's issue will contain a pictuic of the third patrol which will? complete the llrst troop. elected temporary chairman. Moved and seconded that the temp orary organization be made permanent Carried. Moved and seconded -that It. D. Moritz be'electcd secretary. Carried. Upon motion Mr. Paul Sloioy whs elected Vice-President. The chairman appointed Storey, Ti limbic and Coou a linaucc commit tee. The attention of the board having been called to the practice of certain individual residents in school district No. 2 to list a part of their neisoual property in adjoining districts. It was moved and seconded that the II nance committee bo instructed to con fer with the county attorney and board of commissioners and take such action as is necessary and the law provides. Carried. UpMii motion Tiei-s llurwoud was employed us janitor for the year lllls i:s at $.10 per month. John Wolfe was Miiplojcd as janitor at $.10 per mouth services lo begin Sept 1, I '.Mi! to June 1, li:i. Upon uiiilioti, Biipcriiitfiuhut was Instructed to transcribe, the old High School records to the lose leaf system now in use. Also to prepare the old Kiiidcrgardeu IStiildiug for a Domestic Science room. Upon motion, the Superintendent wits instructed lo issue two comple mentary tickets to each graduate for idass night and comuieiicemeiiV and to penult each graduate to purchase six additional tickets before placing the tickets on sale to tho public. Moved and seconded (hat class night and commencement tickets be placed on sale at 75 cents for the two nights. Carried. I Board adjourned. ' It. 1), Morlt., Secretary. GAR HELD PlttUtlugcorn is the order of the day In (2 ar field. Charley Campbell lost a nice colt by the barb wire route. A fine Nebraska raiu on Friday night and some ylud. Charley Sohull z bought ahorse of Will Fisher on Friday. iJfc-ji' 4 StfljaaaiteawHmttM I Will I'lshcrand children were caller at. T. V. White's S.mdav. Smith Bins, sliirted plaMuu cm n on Monday, May (ilh , with IwnlNli is. I'i(ter Mclnto'-h broiiitht. his cults over in (i'lt-liolil In pasture this slim mer. Mis. T. W. While and chlldieii wete in (tHrllehl on Kriilay attending the school entertainment. .loc Mudd traded Ills mule team to lieu Watt, for a buy team of horses on Monday and llity both c,ot bent. Sunday was- a nice warm suushluey day and was the llrst nice day we have had this year for It generally rains on Sunday. Miss Veula Henderson finished a vory successful school In district 85 mi Friday and they celebrated the occasion by the neighbor and people of the district bringing ill well llllcd baskets and having a big dinner. A line pro. gram was rendered by the scholars of the si'hool. There was a good crowd at the school house and the people weto well llllt-d up after dinner. The teacher gave several nice prizes to the scholars. Muriel Fisher received a nice prize fur regular attendance as she was the only one uot to miss going to school during tint term. Notice To The Public Rhd Cloud, Nkiiii , May 8, in It! To,Whom It May Ooucirn Notice is hereby given that the city of ited Cloud will not bo rosp-jiislble, nor will It consider any claims or de mands ngnlnst. ihu city, which is nut accompanied by a duly executed re quisition for the requirements needed Please observe the abovo requests and avoid complication. ; ,i.v.;ruuNuiiE, Mayor. '--fswar THE PURITAN CAFE sSSsHERB LUDLOW, Proprietor j---- CJ Wc have the reputation 'of sctving the best meals in this cily. This fact, coupled with, . the best of service, is the secret of our success. Q We aso carry a full line of cigars and tobacco and serve ice cream and soft drinks, having opened up our fountain for this season on Easter Sunday ' FURNISHED ROOMS IN CONNECTION . IF IN DOUBT LET The Canton 2-Row Weeder VVHE Season will Soon be here to use Tools to tend Corn. If you will spend a few minutes time looking our line over you will say it is the most complete line in the county. WOLFE & !- GENERAL - w 4MJ&i. hU UyAiUiXlMiJKrtlMVr.y. NUMUBH 15) Bring It Straight Back If you ever fet anything hero that causes the least trouble bring it back quick. Because we will make it right for you-we will make it right with you. That means we will either tix the article you have or give you another one to re place it. k We sell everything with this understanding and want to hear of every case where there is the slightest cause for complaint. Newhouse Bros., E. H. Newhouse, Prop. C. B, &. l Watch Inspectors All Aboard East Thunuinuer of reservations now be ing made for a place on the big Demo cratic Special TriJu to JhcUultimoro con volition indicates that, a great many Nobraskntis will go. Many aiu women, bound for a visit east and tuklng ad vantage of the best rata obtainable fli for the mini I tr""' Many republi cans will go. The. train leave. Omaha the night of Juno '22 and arrives in Haltlmore. the morning of Juno 'Jl, the lay before the big convention opeim. For particulars address HcNltV C. UiciiM(iNl), Oiniihrt, Neb. ;. ' US CONVINCE ?OU WHI TAKER BLACKSMITHS -:- I if a l . w 1 ; & M , -a; '"I 3 ' I 1 St 'i -m M . m .m ws ml ' -iz m mSRmm '.SI?' U&liill .SJ.L e 4. .iiMijjLtt'U i -klsL.i2-jrt. -Jii.- r 'ft,TMr dp'