The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 02, 1912, Image 9

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OU have been wanting to buy a monument
but you haven't made up your mind JUST
what you want. We have a goodly number of
monuments which are all complete except the
inscription. Come in and look over our large line.
Selected Material
J1 HEN we have the designs. More than a
thousand of them. All good ones. If we
do not have something that exactly suits we can
make it. You will also find that our prices are
very moderate workmanship and quality considered.
-:- Fine Workmanship -:-
Overing Bros
Red Cloud,
Moved to Our New
You will find ua now In our new location
with our largo lino of
Alway miad r vu '
No Cause To Doubt
A Stateaeit ef Facts lacked ky a
Street Caaraatca
We guarantee immediate and positive
relief to all sufferers from constipation.
In every case where our remedy falls
to do thin we will return the money
paid us for it. That's a frank state
mentof facts, and we want you to
substantiate them at our risk.
Rexall Orderlies are eaten just like
candy, are particularly prompt and
agreeable in action, may be taken at
any time, day or night; do not cause
diarrhoea, nausea, griping, excessive
looseness, or other undesirable effects.
They have a very mild but positive
action upon the organs with wblob
tbey come la contaot, apparently net
lng as a regulative tonic upon the re
taxed muscular coat of the bowel, thus
overcoming weakness, and aiding to
restore the bowels to more vigorous
and healthy activity.
Rexall Orderlies are unsurpassable
and Ideal for the use of children, old
folks and delicate persons. Wo cannot
too highly recommend them to all suf
ferers from any form of constipation
and Its attendant evils. That's why
we back our faith in them with our
promise of money back if they do not
give entire satisfaction. Three sizes:
12 tablets 10 cents, 8G tablets 23 cents
and 80 tablets Co cents. Remember,
you can obtain Rexall Remedies in Red
Cloud only at our store, The Rexall
Store. The H. K. Orlce Drug Co.
Her Preference.
First Saleslady "Are you goln' te
marry that gentleman that conies hero
very day?" Second Ditto "Nope.
I'd rather have a job without a ksav
band than a husband without a job."
Playing tafs.
"Did you stake up the list of the 20
greatest women that the editor asked
you to prepare?" "Not on your life I
But I've told at least a hundred wom
en that they were sure of a place oa
Body and Mind.
A UOtiml mind In n annn,t fcut... -
tho former bo tho glory of the latter,.
uiu iiuiur ih indispensable lo tho for
mer. Tryon EdwnrdB.
(CopTtlslii. ton. far AuocUtcil Lluftrr Phii)
"Whnt'a tho matter, sir?" queried
tho old "trusty" who wnH sweeping
out tho warden's prlvato olllco.
Ho asked tho question of n young
ninn who htul coino In from tho cor
ridor. Tho hitter, llko tho trusty,
woro a gray shirt gray In Mento
prison hi tho budgo of good behavior
though of slightly different cut.
He wan a pcrHonublo chap, lltho, vig
orous and orect, on this hIiIo of thirty.
Now ho breathed heavily, ns If from
recent exertion, his hair was rumpled,
and from a cut beneath his right cyo
blood was llowlng.
"The deputy warden hit mo and l
fell niralnHt the corner of tho window
ledge," ho panted.
Neither noticed n young girl who
had coino to tho door of tho public
office, and had heard the young man's
Now her little hands wero
clenched; her expressive fnco woro a
mingled look of pity and Indigna
tion. Sho ciuno swiftly into tho room.
"Pardon mo, but did I hear you say
tho deputy warden struck you?"
"Yes, ma'am," answered tho young
man, ns ho applied a handkerchief to
his Injury.
"And they say this Is a model pris
on!" was her spirited comment.
"I'd llko your nnmo and number
plcaso, nnd a full description of the
deputy's attack upon you."
"Why, ma'am?" queried tho young
"I am my mother's prlvato secre
tary. She Is MrH. Campbell llunnor
man, chairman of tho prison com
niltteo of tho State Federation of
Woman's Clubs."
Tho young man's quiet humility
changed to lively concern. "You
mustn't, you know I" ho cried. "That
wouldn't do at nil. Pleaso don't men
tion a word of what I told youl"
"Why?" quorled tho girl.
"Oh, becauso I" began tho young
man, nnd checked himself. Ho be
came tho model prisoner again. "It-
might be better for me, ma'nm," bo
said quietly.
"I understand. They would seok to
revenge themselves if they knew you
told, llut I want you to promise
ono thing, pleaso."
"I'll promise you nny thing! "assured
tho young man.
"It's only this," she replied .hastily,
confused n bit by the look in his eyes.
"If they Ill-treat you again, write me
at Eyredale Ethel Ilannerman."
Sho opened her bag, fumbled In n
tiny pocketbook and produced a ell
ver dollar.
"It's nil tho money I hnvo here,"
timidly. "Mamma hns enough for
both of us. Pleaso take It."
With a sudden Impulse sho offered
her hand. He took it, gently, his
warm pnlm met her own. She smiled
faintly In farewell, but there wero
tenrs In her eyes.
"It was all wrong to deceive 1er
that way," said tho young man, to his
own reflection In the mirror, when
sho had gone. "Hut I couldn't let her
go and forget me. I had to get her
Interested. Now, I wonder If she'll
forgive me when she finds out?"
"She's n good little girl, and a
mighty sweet ono, too. Why, sho
wanted to cry ovor my troubles." Ho
paused for n moment, In glowing,
boylfih awe. "By Jove, I must seo her
again. Now to waylay Mrs. Banner
man." He plunged into the making
of a speedy toilet.
Two hours later tho visit of tho
officers and prominent commlttco
members of tho state federation was
over. Tho president, Mrs. Lucretln
Lorno Hammond, rode back to tho
city In the same automobile with
Mrs. Bannerman and her daughter.
"A visit to a prison Is a saddening
experience," remarked Mrs. Ham
mond, with, the enunciation of tho
public speaker; "so many hopeless
faces, so many broken hearts,
"I noticed ono queer thing In thero
and It's supposed to bo a model
institution. I met a young prisoner in
tho corridor with a bad cut on his
face. He looked as if he'd.beon fight
ing. Do you suppose they still havo
corporal punishment hero In spite of
their denials?"
Ethol Bannerman leaned, forward
with eager, wide open eyes, her
lips parted. Mrs. Bannerman smiled.
"Was ho a tall young man with a
gray shirt?"
"I believe ho was," replied Mrs.
"Handsome; brown-eyed?"
"I couldn't tell about his eyes; I
suppose he might be called hand-
some," admitted Mrs. Hammond, aus
terely. '
"That isn't a prisoner. That's Ger
ald Primrose, a member of the prison
board. He's here because there's a
meeting of the board today. The gov
ernor appointed him because he's
wealthy and can give his time and
thought to prison problems. Warden
Stone speaks very highly of him." '
"He seems rather peculiar," com
mented Mrs. Hammond. "I think I
saw him again, Just as we were leav
ing. He had changed to bis ordinary
attire. He' was holding a sliver dollar
in bis band, and looking at it like a
miser. Why, he acted as though ho
wanted to eat It!"
"Ethel, you look as happy aa a
bride," she observed presently.
"I am happy," Ethel replied, with a
sjgh of content "And this has been
a deligbtul day!"
Unkind Inference.
"Now, caddy," said tho clcrgymnf,
about to start off with his golf gnmaj
"I'm very particular when on the
links, nnd 1 don't want you to opes,
your mouth during tho game." "Theti
I takes It, sir," replied tho boy, "thaj!
you Intends doln' your own owenrin.
sir!" Yonkors Statesman.
What 8he Couldn't Understand.
A charity export was talking about
charity. "It's altogether erroneous;,
tho prevalent Idea of tho rich man's;
callous, stupid attltudo In tho fnco of:
poverty and suffering. That prova--lent
Idea Ih Illustrated well in tho.
story of Mrs. Gotma Uoldo, to whom a.
charity wtirkor said: 'Thousands, of
poor peoplo freeze to death every win
ter.' 'Dear mo!' MrH. dobsa Ooldo re--piled,
'why don't they go to Coil-,
fornla.' "
D. D. Sanderson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Olllco In Moon Block.
Hull, Black 4; Ind., 11)3
Residence, Royal Hotel.
Bull, 47; Iud., 27
Calls Answered Day or Night
Fresh and
Salt Meats
John E. Yost:
"The Dutch Butcher."
cannot save you entirely from loss
if a fire breaks out at your place.
Even If be saves the house from
destruction, he cannot nave it
from nil damage.
Firm Insurance Protactm
you from all loss whether It bo
total or partial. Have us issue
you a policy today. JCven a very
little lire would cost you more
than many yeuru' premiums.
Rtllablm Insurance
Wall Paper, Paint and
Room Mouldings, Pict
ure Framing, Pictures;
and artist Material
The Only ExclutiYe Store.
evit srAIWArm
RtCCIf Ml NetoMfcft
A 1.1