The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 02, 1912, Image 8

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The Chief
C, B. HALE, Publisher
Bandits Who Terrorized Paris 8ur.
rounded In Garage and Blown
Up Celebrate Birthday
of King Otto.
Oklahoma City. Thlrty-ono portions
nro reported to bnvo Keen killed by a
tornado tlint Bwept iiouthwoBtorn Ok
Inhotnft and the southeastern corner of
tho Texas panhundlo lato Saturday. A
tlozon townts wcro struck and fanning
communities suffered.
Communication facilities nro prim
lyzed, and It Is Impossible, to conllnn
tho reports of loss of life or to ac
curately estimate the property dam
ne. Tho greatest loss of llfo reported 1b
8t Lugcrt, where It It) said fifteen
persons wero killed. A special train
Bent from Altus with physicians and
nurses, when It was reported n pub
setiKer train had been blown from tho
rails, picked up ton Injured perGons
and started back for Altus. Two of
taosc, .Mrs. Less Stnnahiml am! Miss
Eva Stanaland, died on tho train.
Sensational Capture of Bandits.
Farls. llonnot, tho leader of an or
ganized Rang of automobile bandits
who havo been terrorizing Paris and
tho surrounding district for months,
and DubolB, a notorious anarchist,
wcro shot to death Sunday In the most
thrilling encounter In tho nnnnls of
French crlmo. A garage at Cholsy Io
Rot, near Paris, In which tho bandits
had taken rcfugo, waB blown up by
dynamlto nfter tlicso two men Aiad
kept at bay for hours a largo part of
tho pollco force of Paris, a contingent
of gendarmes, two companies of re
publican guards and a company of en
gineers. Ten thousand spectators
viewed tho battle from points of van
tage, i,
Celebrate Traditional Event.
Munich. King Otto of Bavaria
entered upon his sixty-fifth year Sat
urday, and Munich, with other Bava
rian towns, in honor of tho occasion,
displayed flags and bunting, sang To
Deums, had a review of troops and
perfunctorily drank to tho health of
the king, who remains shut up In tho
cnstlo of Fuerstcnrlcd, hopelessly In
eano and carefully guarded. All theso
celebrations aro merely n matter of
form and in nccordauco with inonar.
chlal traditions.
Care for Chickens Costs Her Life.
Omaha. Mary Peterson, 18 years,
old, was mangled beneath a Missouri
Pacific freight train Saturday after
noon as sho was crawling beneath a
ear to Join her husband on tho other
Bldo of the track. Tho woiiihu'h legs
were cut oft nnd sho died beforo sho
reached tho hospital. She. with her
husband, lind been picking up corn
along tho right of way to feed her
Confederate Memorial Day.
Atlanta, On. Friday wbh observed
ns confederate memorial day through
out Alabama, Mississippi, Florida and
Georgia. Tho holding of memorial ox
erclses nnd tho placing of dowers on
tho graves of confederate dead formed
tho principal features of tho program,
Noted Englishman Dead.
London, Eng. Tho body of Justin
McCarthy, historian and novelist, was
burled In Hempstead cemetery Satur
day. Among thoso in tho procession
to tho grave were T. P. O'Connor, John
Iledmond nnd nenrly all tho national
1st members of parliament.
Bad Fire at Damascus.
Constantinople. Tho great bazaar
quarters In Damascus have been de
stroyed by lire. Soveral persons
wero killed und many Injured nnd tho
damage is estimated at 810,000,000.
The lire began at midnight Friday and
lasted until late Saturday night.
Washington. Eight hundred Odd
FellowB gathered Saturday to cele
brato tho ninety-third anniversary of
tho founding of tho organization and
applauded Congressman Norrls whon
ho advocated the admission of women
to tho lodge. Tho speaker raid tho
day 1b not far distant when tho laws
of tho order will bo altered so as to
admit women to membership, adding
that no radical changes in the ritual
'or secret work will bo necessary In
order to accomplish this.
Restored Campanile at Venice.
Venice The Inauguration of tho
now Campanile of St. Mark's to ro
place that which fell ten yearB ago,
took placo Thursday morning In bril
liant weather nnd assumed an air of
1 nutlooal Importance.
Flood Losses Reach $15,030,000.
Tallulah, La. Estimates of Hood
losses In eleven parishes of northeast
Louisiana sot tho damage at fifteen
million dollars. Thousands of fertile
aores are Inundated and will be unlit
for crop planting this year.
Conditions In Mexico Assume Serious
Shape Mr. Bryan Predicts Black
Horse for Republican Pres
idential Candidate.
Southampton, Eng. Tho White Star
liner Olympic, which had been held off
Hyde, lulu of Wight, since Wednesday,
by a strike of her llremen, has aban
doned the scheduled trip to New York
nnd icturlied to port. This course
was iiuulo necessary by tjiu desertion
of her seamen when the liner attempt
ed to replaco tho striking firemen
with non-union men. One hundred
umr' twenty-one passcngeis who were
ntvultlng the Olympic m Queunntown,
have been transferred to the Baltic,
Miss Lathrop, who has been ap
pointed by President Taft as head of
the new children's department, has
been associated with Miss Jane Ad
dams In the management of Hull
House, Chicago, and Is one of the best
known social workers In the country.
which will leave hero Tor New York.
Fourteen hundred sacks of mall which
wero to havo been forwarded by the
Olympic will bo held at Queenstown
for tho Cunard liner Lusltanla.
Worst Battle of Revolution.
Culiacnn, Sinulno, Mexico. Tho
fiercest battle of tho revolution on tho
west const took place at Topic, where
U.OOO rebels styling themselves Zapa
tistas engaged in n determined effort
to tako tho town. There was n heavy
Iosb of llfo when tho big Topic cathe
dral, crowded with refugees, was
razed. Tho Btate houso was torn
down and the reBidencoH of n. number
of tho wealthiest citizens wcro looted
and torn down. Tho battlo began at
10 o'clock Thursday morning and con
tinued until C o'clock Friday morning.
Some of tho heaviest fighting occurred
In Mexico street, near the Bola Do
Ora, where, in a short time, the pave
ment became slippery with blood.
Tampa, Fla. Declaring ho believed
tho result of tho Roosevelt-Tart fight
would be tho nomination for tho pres
idency of a third man by tho repub
licans, W. J. Bryan, in u speech here,
used tho alleged words of each against
tho other. "Indeed," said Mr. Bryan,
"I am dally apprehending the sugges
tion that I bo nominated as n com
promise republican candldato on tho
declaration of Roosevelt that I am
moro progressive than Taft and of
Taft that I am less dangerous than
Canton, Ohio. A hundred women
- uun jumuu nnii mum
strikers and went to tho rescuo of
Mrs. J. Gombonni whon officers arrest
od her on a chargo of being an agi
tator In the Metropolitan Brick com
pany's strike. A riot rollowed In
which olllccrs opened fire on tho
Washington. Senator Brown called
upon Secretary of War Stlmson and
urged the retention of Halsey E. Yates,
Nebraska us commandant, of tho
cadets. The senator was fortified with
letters from prominent men In tho
state, and a strong letter from cvSen
ator Burkutt recommondlng Yates' re
tention. The secretary said ho would
gUe tho matter his personal atten
tlon, and that If it woro possible un
der tho law to leave Captain Yates at
his present post ho would do so.
To Bar the Curious.
Hnllfa, N. S. To prevent the crush
of a morbidly curious crowd the
militia department has acceded to a
request that the cablo ship Mackay
'Bennett on Its arrival hero with its
dead may dock at tho gun wharf. This
la tho most carefully guarded military
property in tho city nnd no visitors
aro ullowed within Its precincts un
less their business is mndo known to
tho Boutrios In charge. Only such ns
Bcek admission for tho purposo of
Identifying tho dead will bo allowed
within the limits of tho property.
bhsbv QiaEmmmmmmmmssssssM
BET' sbbbmeeKbbbbbbi
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Many May Never Come to Surface
Slayer of Warden Davis on
Trial Freed from Mexi
can Prisons.
North Loup, Neb. The ajorthbouud
Union Pacific train. was blown from
the 'track by a tornado near North
Loup Thursday. James Davis, clerk in
a drug store at Ord, was seriously in
jured .and u number of passengers
wero cut and bruised. Davis may be
fatally hurt. Brakcman Levi Hamil
ton was also badly cut and bruised.
After the storm had passed only tho
engine nnd one pair "of trucks re
mained on the tracks. Tho coaches
ure lying In the ditch by tho side of
tho track, far enough away to clear a
train on the track. The tornado, which
camo from the southwest, struck the
train fairly on its side and the coaches
were overturned In a twinkling.
Have Picked Up Many Bodies.
Now York. Two hundred and five
bodies of the victims of tho Titanic
disaster have been picked up at sen by
tho cable steamer, Mackay-Bcnnett,
and are being taken to Halifax, X. S.
Tho captain of tho Mackay-Bennctt
confirms the Identification of Gi-orgo
D. Wldener, bou of P. A. B. Wldener
of Philadelphia, In a wireless dispatch
to the Whlto Star lino, and gives tho
further Information that tho majority
of tho bodies will nover come to tho
surface. Bodies aro floating upon the
sea many miles east and west In latl
Uulo -)7.:sr north and longitude Ib'.tf"
west, Bays the wireless.
Americans Are Released.
El Paso. Tex. After thirty-eight
days in the unspeakable tilth of tho
penitentiary at Chihuahua, abused, In
sulted and starved, although there
was no chargo against them, T. K.
Barton, nged thirty-five, of Marlln,
Tex., und John Anderson, aged twon-ty-flve,
of Boston, Mass., havo arrived
here, having been liberated at Chihua
hua through the effortB of United
States Consul Murlon Letcher. They
boro evidence of the ordeal through
which they had passed. Barton loBt
twenty-five pounds and Anderson
about twenty In confinement. They
had sold their clothing to get a little
food and arrived here In tatters.
Grand Island. Carl Bock, a young
man employed In tho filtering tank
works or tho Union Pacific shops
hero, strangled to death In a peculiar
munuer. His cont sleeve became
caught in the machinery nnd IiIb
clothes were wound about his neck In
such a manner as to bring death al
most Instantaneously. Tho clothing
stopped tho mnchlnery, and rellow
workmen discovered Bock's body.
Crazed Over Titanic Disaster.
Spokane, Wash. An unidentified
man entered tho editorial rooms of the
Spokane Chronicle, drew a revolver
and shot and killed E. H. Hothrock, tho
city editor. Tho Blayer fired without
warning, and his motive has not been
ascertained. Hothrock's slayer Is evi
dently Inaano as tho result of brood
ing over tho sinking of tho Titanic.
When questioned by tho police, ho ro
peatedly spoke In a rambling way
ubout the disaster.
To Open Military Reservation.
Washington. Representative Kin
kald appeared before tho public lands
committoo In support or his bill 'to
open tho abandoned military reserva
tion at Fort Niobrara to Bettloment.
It Is understood that tho subcommit
tee) to whom tho bill was referred will
leport It favorably. Its passage has
been rccqminondod by tho secretary
of tho Inlerlor In a letter rccolvod by
tho committee. There are about &3.000
acres in the tract it Is proposed to
open, of which about 8,000 acres will
be ellglblo to settlement.
t J I
Omaha Has Fire Loss of $150,000 Ob
ject to Collapsible Lifeboats
Mr. Bryan Still Object
of Discussion.
Southampton. When tho Whlto
Star liner Olympic, sister ship of the
Tltnnlc, was ready to sail fiom hero
Wednesday ror Now York, .'500 firemen
and engine room workers quit the ves
sel, declaring that the collapsible
boats on tho Olympic were unseawor
thy. Tho Olympic Is lying off Ryde,
Isle of Wight, with 1.400 passengers
aboard. There wero reports that somo
of the passengers had refused to sail,
but for the present they all remain
aboard the steamer. It waB also re
ported soon nfter tho strike wus In
augurated that tho company hud suc
ceeded lu getting men to take the
strikers' places, but tbls proved to bo
Near Panic at Omaha Fire.
Omaha. Fire starting from an un
known origin Wednesday evening de
stroyed the Cusack building at Twen
tieth and Harney streets, causing' a
financial loss to tenants and on tho
building of ubout JlfiO.OOO. Three com
panies of tho Nebraska national guard
had a joint armory In the building,
and their entire equipment was de
stroyed. Thirteen thousand rounds of
blank ammunition nnd soveral thou
sand rounds of ball cartridges explod
ed, causing n near-panic In tho blK
crowd which had gathered In tho
vicinity, but no ono was Injured.
Discussing tho Bryan Problem.
Washington. The visit of Willlaa
Jennings Bryan to Washington Tues
day and his conferences with the vur.i
ous party leaders here, particularly in
tho senate, waB followed by wide
spread discussion of the possibility
that tho distinguished Ncbraskan,
might again be tho democratic candi
date for president. Democratic sena
tors, in discussing their Informal talks
with Mr. Bryan, were inclined to the
belief that under certain conditions
Mr. Bryan would not decllno tho nom
ination. In short, the impression was
left that should Colonel Roosevelt be
the republican nominee, Mr. Bryan
would liko once moro to take the
field against him.
Accept Home RUIe Bill.
Dublin, Ireland. The convention of
tho Irish nationalist party here voted
unanimously to accept and Indorse tho
ABqulth homo rulo bill, proposed in
tho houso of commons by tho liberal
government. After John Redmond,
the leader of tho nationalists in tho
house or commonB, had given his un
qualified approval of tho bill tho con
vention pledged tho support or tho na
tionalist party to tho measure.
Killed by Throw of Discus.
Macomb, 111. John Duncan, a first
year student In 'the Macomb high
school, is dead, aftor having been hit
on the head by a discus thrown in ath
letic practlco by Wayno Chadderdon,
a rellow froshman. Duncan's Injuries
woro at first thought slight, but a rew
hours nrter receiving the blow on the
temple he lapsed Into unconsciousness,
and lutcr died or concussion of tho
Conspiracy to Kill Madero.
Mexico City. With tho arrest or
Alfredo Robles Domiuguez, formerly
ono or Madero's trusted lieutenants,
tho secret pollco assert that a con
spiracy against tho government, In
which various locally promlnunt Indi
viduals were concerned, has been
frustrated. One of the objects which
the conspirators nro alleged to havo
had in view 1b tho assassination of
tho president. The pollco have not
divulged the Identity of others who
aro said to have been concerned.
What It Going on Her and Thsrf
That Is of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
Lincoln Bishops of tho Methodist
Episcopal church from nil over thf
world are In session at St. Paul's
church hero, tho occasion bolng thclt
Bcml-aunual meeting. Theso men arc
the chief superintendents of the
world-wide Christian enterprise of
one of 'tho largest Protestant denomi
nations. Tholr work or supervision
nnd direction covers five continents,
nnd several or tho bishops have Jour
neyed 10,000 miles or moro to meet
their colleagues lu Lincoln and will
Journey together ut tho close or their
meeting here to Minneapolis, whera
the quadrennial general conference ol
tho church will begin a month's sea
Eion on May 1.
Sulphur Plant for Fremont. ,
Fremont. Fremont may havo a buI
phur plant In the near future. A rep
rescntatho of tho Amctlcan Sulphui
Milling and Hcf'lnlug company Uai
been In tho city conferring with local
interests und looking over tho situa
tion. Tho company is operating mlnei
lu Wyoming nnd Intends to pluco a
plant in eastern Nebraska.
Monument to Pioneer.
West Point A marblo monument
to commemorate the virtues, memory
und public services of tho lato John
D. Ncligh and his wife, the original!
pioneers of the Elkhorn valley and ofj
northeastern Nebraska, 1b ono of tho.
projects agitating the public mind In.
tills vicinity at this time.
New Home for Fremont K. Pa.
Fremont Triumph lodge,- Knights
of Pythias, at a recent meeting voted
to purchase tho Women's Christian
Temperance union templo at tho cor
ner1 of Military und Park avenues,
and will put the property in shape for
lodge purposes.
NobraskaClty. J. H, Reslquo, who
owned a bection of land on the Mis
souri bottoms at Barney, eight miles
below this city, is minus the same be
cause the Missouri river has carried
away every foot of that land and la
now busy cutting away the lands of
bis neighbors.
Fullerton. James Weatherstone, a
farmer about forty-five years of age,
Is dead near this placo from tho ef
fects of a wound on the head received
from a scale weight thrown by John
R. Hack of Belgrade on tho evening
of April 13.
State Treasurei Georgo collected
f.'UL'.OOO In cash during the first three
mouths of this year, and collected
$457,000 the first three months or last
The stato railway commission hat
authorized tho York Wntorfompans
to Issue $10,000 worth of bonds for the
purpose of refunding $20,000 worth ol
bonds, taking up billy payable amount
lng to $1,950, building u vvater towel
of 150,000 gallons capacity, and ex
tending water mains and purchaslni
new pumping machinery.
A scientific analysis of tho brains ol
Convicts Gray and Dowd, dead in an
attempt to escape from the penlton
tlary, is being made by C. W. M. Poyn.
ter, professor of anatomy at the unit
verslty. The study of the two brains,
recognized sis typical of tho two typei
of criminal, Is to bo exhaustive, and
It will be months before the expert ii
through and ready to publish his re
port. Arbor day waB established and
named by the Nebraska state board
of agriculture In the year 1872 and bj v
law was mane a state Holiday in ihsi
and Is now observed In thirty or mon
states and is a legal holiday In man)
states. It 1b not a national legal hold
day. The custom of planting trees on
Arbor day originated in Nebraska and
Nebraska was also tho' first state In
tho union to make it a legal state
holiday. ,
Governor Aldr!ch, by force of polit
ical circumstances over which ho had
no control, will bo deprived of the
prlvllcgo of attending the republican
national convention as a delegato from
Nebraska, but ho has announced that
ho will do as he said before tho pri
mary election, that 1b, go to the con
tention bb a private citizen and as a
spectator. "I have nevor attended a
national convention," said Governor
Aldrlch, "and I intend to be present
at the Chicago convention."
E. ltoyse, secretary of the state
banking board, has announced that
the report of state banks called for
to bIiow conditions at tho close of
business on March 16, Indicates the
high water mark in amount of do
posits in the history of the state. He
is unable to say whether tho same is
true ct tho national banks, but 1b in
clined to bollevo tho fact holds good.
Department Commandor A. M,
Trlmblo has Issued instructions to
Garnd Army posts throughout the
state to fittingly observe May 30, Me
morial day. Memorial Sunday ser
vices will be held in church May 20.
Terrible Pain and Disorders of 'the
Kidneys and Bladder.
Mrs. Carrlo Sommer, 3422 N. Hamil
ton Ave., Chicago, 111., says: "A se
vere cold settled on my kidneys and
tho pains through my back nnd limbs
wero so intenso 1
could scarcely keep
from screaming.
My heart troubled
mo and I beenmo
so dizzy I could
barely stoop. At
last I took to my
bed and was in
agony for two
weeks, tho doctor
failing to help me.
Learning of Doan's Kidney Pills, I be
gan using them nnd continued until
entirely cured. For eight yenrs I havo
had no sign of tho oldi trouble."
"When Your Back Is Lnnie, Remem
ber the Name DOAN'S." 50c nil stores
Fostcr-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
How Old Was He?
In a country school tho boys of a
ccrtriln grade woro devoted to their
teacher, u young lady of many charms.
Ono Uttlo follow of rather uncertain
ago was constantly proving his devo
tion by llttlo acts of kindness, which
did not cscapo the notlco of tho teach
er. Coming up to him one day sho
put an arm about his shoulders nnd
snld: "I bellevo I will kiss you for
being so good to mo, but how old aro
"Oh, that's all right," he Bald, "1
nm old enough to enjoy it." Mack's
Nr.tlonal Monthly.
A Correction.
"Wo nro drifting toward a paternal
form of government," said tho econ
omist. "Pardon me Jf I correct you," re
sponded the suffragette, gently; "to
be nccurnte, yoP should say a mater
nnl form of government." Washing
ton Star.
Pa Knows.
Willie Paw, what does discretion
Paw Picking out a small man
when you aro looking for trouble.
When a bachelor is landed by a leap
year girl, he can imaglno about how a
fish out of water feels.
Coated ton (nip, vertigo, constipation are
all relieved by Garfield Tea.
Staying at home Is a tirtuo few
people try to cultivate.
Poor health and a gen
eral run-down condi
tion Is the outcome
ol a spell ol stom
ach trouble;
but listen
is just the medicine you need.
It aids digestion, keeps the
bowels open and induces per
fect health. Try a bottle today.
""UsffD A P I f M Used in French
I n&rmr 111 Hospitals with
BfB uldrtM nnlm for VEEK bookl.t to OB. LK CURt
liJRllfH FOR
W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 18-1912.
Nebraska Directory
rr.rriiii rrriii"iii,J J-
Pllnatod In bekutlful rcaldenrn nbnrb of IJncoln..
ilcnt uf rnru for MKDIOAL. Oil SlIIKJlCALciurs.
FULL COIN'S OK NUKHKS una pUylcln In at
tendance For full Information, Inquire It. II. Caw.
jer, M.l-. l'ojlcUoJn charge, Uucoln,Nobnuka,
Omihi. Nebrtiki
ItooraB from f 1.00 up single, 75 cento up dou
Auctioneers aro not all.
alike. Sumo aro mnch bet
ter loan athrrs. Tho better
tho auctioneer tho lurver
jonrcueck. Tim belt Belling'
errlco coita you no more
than tho poorom. Thero't
firotlt. teen rity nnd natltf o
lon In doing huslnem with
Z. 8. MIAN80N, Lira ntut
a4 Rial kuatt, If
YMftbprlMii, UMDU, tU,
Lincoln Sanitarium
Sulpho Saline Springs
Located on our own premlitt snd used In tho
Natural Mineral Water
, Baths
Unsurpaued In tha trtttmtnt el
Htsrt. Stomach, kidney and Liver Disease
DR. O. W. KVKRETT. Mffr.
1409 M atreat Lincoln, Nab.
" l-
7 ..
fr 1(1
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