The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 02, 1912, Image 10

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KNTLY, cousin. If you make
Black growl you will bo badly
noted In this house."
Ho had JOBtlcd a bad-tcm-pcrcd
old pug. Blender youth,
proud, laughing, with Ironic
mustache, ho thanked the sour
Sophlo for her wnrnlng, an she
passed tho chateau.
It was May, 1853, In tho
park of Posscnhofcn. Sho was
tho eldest daughter of Maxi
milian, duko of Bavaria, a
crank convinced that nil his
dogs had boiiIb. Ho was Fran
cis Joseph, emperor of Aus
tria, king of Hungary, Boho
Itnla, Dalmutia, Croatia, Esclavoula and twen-ity-throe
years old.
Ho had come to demand tho hand of So
jphlo. Ho had soon her. She would do. The
'Wlttelsbach, though plain homo folks, woro
ipf exalted blood,, fit to eBpouso a Hapsburg.
tills own mother had arranged tho match. Ho
'would ask Duke Maximilian after tho banquet
and mako a prompt get-away to Vienna,
kwboro pleasure waited.
Alone beneath the trees, a nun came romrv
ing to him; and a fresh, sweet young voice
cried: "Dick, come back!" And ho marveled
at tho vision, a beautiful girl of sixteen, supple,
lender, of proud, pure type, laughing flower
on a tall forest stem. She had been running,
and stopped, blushing, breathless: "Please ex
cuse DlcK, monsieur!"
"Don't apologize for Dick, mademoiselle.
Mil friendship Is a recommendation. I know
the ways of the bouse," he answered.
"Father thinks so," she laughed.
"Your father? Then you are "
"Elisabeth Amelia, duchesB In Davarla."
Francis Joseph had already started in for
h flirtation. He stopped, troubled. Holding
jout his hand, be asked:
"Why have I not seen you bofore?"
Very young, serene and haughty, yet Im
pulsive and tender, unafraid of the youth in
tourist tweeds and struck by sudden admira
tion, Elizabeth held out her beautiful white
"I am too young to flguro at tho bannuct ."
she said. And Francis Joseph understood. His
undo wlBhed to marry off tho older daughter
first. He whispered to tho younger girl, touch
ing, tomptlng:
1 "Be dressed, on tho lawn, before the ban
quet I'll arrange."
It was tho first escapado of Elizabeth,, mid
lit had the excuse of love at first sight. She
dressed and descended calmly, pursued by
affrighted tiring womon. On tho lawn Francis
Joseph offered her his arm. The effect was
theatrical. Duke Maximilian was wild with
anger. After tho banquet the young emperor
drew him aside:
"My uncle," ho said, "I have the honor to
ask the hand, not of my cousin Sophie, but of
my cousin Elisabeth." ,
"My nephew," said the duke, "It Is Impos
Ible." "Then I'll ask for neither," said Francis Jo
seph. So he quitted PoBsenhofen. Three months
later, on tho birthday of the emperor," all Ischl
(was en fete. To the imperial villa many great
onrs were Invited, notably Duko Maximilian,
Ills duchess, their three sons and four daugh
ters. The church of Ischl waa packed for morn
ing service. To universal surprise, as tho im
perial cortege entered, tho proud mother of
Francis Joseph humbly stood aside, nnd mo
tioned young Elizabeth, the, blondo Elizabeth,
to pass before her.
And the young emperor took her by tho
sand. Approaching tho altar, he said to the
"My father, here Is my fiancee. Dless us."
Their wedding tour passed In Moravia. It
Kau an Ideal honeymoon In a mountainous
country, where tho young emperor waB wor
shiped by a loyal peasantry. They rodo from
town to town, almost alono, Francis Joseph
(triumphant, Elizabeth happy. Sho had found
itlio Prinoo Charming of her dreams.
All changed when they returned to Vienna.
Tho first morning tho blooming beauty
was refused entrance to her husband's study.
An usher in green and gold, with gold chain
land Ivory wand, barred her way, bowing cere
moniously: "Pardon, your Imperial maJeBty
may not enter to hla Imperial majesty without
being announced."
As Elisabeth, slmplo Bavarian princess, pro
tested that Bhe would pass, a high oftlcer cor
roborated tho flunkoy's words. Ashamed,
-wounded, angry, sho was forced to wait, feel
ing the smiles of tho courtiers behind her
(back, until word camo that tho emperor would
receive her. ' Dlttorly she complained to hlra,
but Francis Joseph declared that etiquette
must be observed.
Scarcely soventeen, Elizabeth had no ex
perience to struggle against a hundred con
spiracies of the court suggested by tho brutal
(diplomacy of her mother-in-law.
This relentless woman had desired her son
near to
G first Love
Emperor Francis-Jos6jK
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to marry Sophie, whom she could rifle. Forced
to yield to Francis Joseph's Infatuation, she
resolved that tho blonde Cinderella should not
long rulo over the light and thoughtless heart
of the emperor.
Tho first deceptions were wrapped in mys
tery. HIb mother feared to risk tho tears of
At that moment they spoke of a beautiful
Italian countess. How had sho entered the
closed circle of Vienna?'' Just before the birth
of Elizabeth's first child, when the mother-in-law
again directed ceremonies, tho Italian
woman waB Invited to a great court ball, and
Francis Joseph paid her such attentions that
sho wub at once dubbed favorite.
Within twenty-four hours a charitable soul
Informed the tender Elizabeth of her misfor
tune. She was so stricken that sho fell grave
ly HI, but remained faithful to her system of
silent dignity.
Time passed.
The birth of a little son, Rudolph, was a
great joy to Elizabeth; yet before ho was six
months she learned that his bringing up was
to bo taken out of her hands.
"But be Is my son," she faltered.
"He Is the heir of the Hupsburga," replied
the Archduchess Sophie.
"But tho emperor has authorized mo "
"I withdraw the authorization," said the
terrible mothcr-ln-law. Tears, protests were
without result; the baby boy was given a wet
nurse and governess, replaced later by a tutor,
the Count Bombolles, who, many years later,
took part In tho orglo of Moyerllng which ter
minated Rudolph's lite, which shows the char
acter of tho tutor.
And Elizabeth was only at the beginning of
her troubles. ,
At this moment there appeared nt tho pal
ace theater directed nnd flnanced by tho em
perora Mmo. Roll, actress of small talent
but radiant abeauty. During a wholo season
tho court asked ono question: "Who Is Mme.
Roll's protector?" It could not bo the em
peror. Ho was never aeon with her. At vaca
tion, when It wob learned that tho Roll wojld
take a villa at Ischl, summer residence of the
imperial family, overyouo Bald, 'Now wo shall
know who Is tho protector!" Tho bijou town
was too small to keep a secret. And within
a week It was known to tho general stupefac
tion. The phantom lover of Mmo. Roll ap
peared unmistakably. It was the emperor!
It was too much. 'Never before had he
flaunted a favorite so publicly. Elizabeth
told him that ho must chooso between Mmo.
Roll and herself; and tho emperor pretended
to send away tho actress. But tho wife was
not deceived. She waited. Sho had -taken a
Tho occasion was a hunting scandal. Fran
cis Joseph, with certain gentlemen, had gone
to MurzzuBcblag, and when he did not return
v.lth them a strangely piquant story was con
fided by one, Count K to his young wlfo,
on oath of secrecy. The emperor had been
struck by the beauty of a peasant girl of ten
der years, whoso conquest had details worthy
of a ruder ago. Now tho emperor was staying
"to console tho child."
The Countess K hurried to tho tea of
the empress. In a circle of spiteful young
women all the details of tho adventure were
whispered with such tact that Elizabeth beard
every word. When the last guest bad kissed
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ber band she called her old nurse, brought
from Possenhofen.
"Pack my valises," said Elizabeth, "we
leave tonight.
"For long?"
"For always."
The two women slipped from the Hofburg
and took the first train at tho southern station.
Only the next morning did her mother-in-law
learn of Elizabeth's flight An hour later the
chief of police had discovered that the empress
was on route for Trieste and the imperial
yacht. A telegram was sent to retard Us de
parture on some pretext, while high function
aries followed on a special train.
What they were empowered to promise Is
not known, but Elizabeth returned.
The scene was terrible, between husband,
wife, and mother-in-law. Francis Joseph, fear
ing scandal, dragged himself on his knees be
fore Elizabeth and even reproached his mother
for her cruelty.
But nothing coujd change Elizabeth's deter
mination. Sho would only consent to avoid
-scandal. That night Professor Skoda of the
Vienna faculty, after much repugnance and
long discussion, signed a bulletin declaring
that the health of the empress demanded a
milder climate than Vienna. The next day, ac
companied by high dignitaries, she left for
Antwerp, where a magnificent yacht was hired
to take her to Madeira.
Sho tired of Madeira. The imperial yacht
was put at her disposition. She visited Nor
way, tho Mediterranean, tho Adriatic. Francis
Joseph came on her unexpectedly at Venlco
and persuaded ber to return temporarily to
Vienna, for tho sake of appearances.
To distract ber mind she spent millions
on a chateau at Lint, where' her great pleasure
became to break In young horses. This was
the period of her friendship with tho famous
clrcuB woman, Eliza Renz, whom Elizabeth de
clared to be a better lady than any of the Vi
enna court. Finding Lin? too near Vienna, she
spent other great sums on the chateau of Goe
doolloe, In Hungary, where her taming of the-man-killing
stallions of Count Festltlcs became
almost a historical event.
It was whispered that Elizabeth was try
ing to get killed without the sin of suicide.
There woro reconciliations. To return to
her husband waB represented to her a religious
duty. Each time, however, tho interest of
Francis Joseph In the theater seemed so para
mount that she started off again.
She returned for Rudolph's marriage, whore
she wept bitterly. She rejoiced a while In
Rudolph's baby child. On the morning after
the tragedy of Moyerllng It was to her that
Count Bombelles brought tho awful tidings
Rudolph had committed suicide with Mario
Votschera, and it was Elizabeth who broko tho
news to tho emperor.
Her hobby now became her palaco at Corfu,
the Villa Achlllelon, which will remain famous
In history as the greatest folly of luxury and
art of a prodigal sovereign. It cost above
William II. or Germany now has It.
Only a terrible craving for Bleep .caused
Elizabeth to leave Corfu. Now commenced a
round of climates and specialists. At Baths
Nauhclm the population so followed her about
that sho decided for Switzerland. Francis Jo
seph, who had joined her for a week, objected.
"I havo bad reports on Switzerland," he
said. "Full of anarchists."
"I am only a poor woman, Francis," Bhe
replied. "They will not hurt me."
Yet Lucehlnl stabbed ber as sho boarded
the lake steamer at Geneva like a simple
tourist, with a single companion. None sus
pected that she was more than Jostled. The
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boat steamed slowly out Tho Hungarian or
chestra struck up a lively csardas.
Elizabeth fainted. The Countess Sztnray
cut her corset stringB and found a tiny tri
angular wound below the left breast.
J "Quick, a doctor. The empress la wounded!"
There waB no doctor, nnd tho boat put back
to Genevu. Opening her eyes Elizabeth asked:
"What Is tho matter?"
"Do you suffer7" faltered the countess.
Elizabeth smiled "no" nnd feebly waved hor
hand In tlmo to tho Jaunty music of tho csar
daB. Thcro was a melancholy smllo on her
fuco nB sho slowly Bhut hor cyeB.
Elizabeth had died In beauty.
An nged emperor dines nlono on gold plate
from tho famous service whoso central decora
tive plcco Is worth $15,000. There is but ono
guest a general aide-de-camp or high official
of the court. The proudest monarch of Europe
is nlono with ono gueBt. Etiquette demands It.
Five gorgeous flunkoys in pale blue, buff,
pink and gold, servo tho two men. There have
been no flowers on tho table Blnco tho tragic
death of tho Empress Elizabeth; but the lights
of wax candles glint tho golden service and tho
rare wines In cut glass. They flit from his
toric tapcstrleB to carved wood furniture and
panels 'such as no museum posseBBes and
make dancing shadows In the distant corner.
The nged emperor Is dreaming of the gor
geouB gala dinners of the paBt. He sees tho
ideal throngs of other days. Again ho hears
the three taps of the grand chamberlain's
cane to announce the entrance of their Im
perial and royal majesties. How lonely is tho
immense palace, full of biding courtiers, func
tionaries, servants. It Is still early,, not yet
Francis-Joseph rises. His guest takes cere
monious leave and the sovereign goes to bis
HIb real life begins.
A confidential volet helpB him Into hat and
overcoat. By a bijou elevator, whose door imi
tates a bookcase, he descends to the ground
He walks twenty steps across the little court
yard to tho door, where an auto-limouslno
awaits him. There Is no special secrecy It is
to avoid ceremony merely. Ho gives no direc
tions; tho chauffeur knows where to go.
Quitting the frigid, solemn Hofburg, out into
tho bright-lit bustling early evening of Vienna,
past crowds hastening to theater nnd music
hall, Into fair streets of residence, tho auto
stops at a comfortable villa. Tho old sovereign
onters the gate alone. The front door opens
as ho mounts tho three marble steps. When
the door shuts he is no longer the dread lone
ly emperor and apostolic king, but Herr
Scbratt, regularly called the "colonel," careless
and easy, negligent and slouchy, bright, warm,
cozy, snug among old friends.
Years ago, when the Burg theater was a
wing of the Hofburg, the great actress Hatha
rlna Scbratt the Sarah Bernhardt and Rejane
of Vienna was presented to Francis-Joseph by
Empress Elizabeth herself. For long, she too
has lived retired; and the mourning emperor
found ber so intelligent, bo fine and also good,
that old loves and sorrows having burnt out,
an affectionate friendship grew up to give him
a kind of peaceful solace.
Leaving crown and scepter on the hat rack,
he enters the bright llttlo cardroom that ad
joins .two bijou little parlors and takes the
best easy chair, while Madame Katharlna has
tens with the foot-warmer.
Herr Scbratt sprawls in unspeakable content.
The bell rings, nnd the partners of Intermin
able games of tarok a sort of Austrian bridgo
arrive. They are two ancient friends of the
great actress, become friends of Herr Schratt,
always tho same; Herr Palmer, director of the
Bank des Pays Autrlchiens, and an interna
tional private banker bo extremely Illustrious
that bis name is as well known as Franz-Jo-set's,
and a thing that never ceases to upset
tho court an Israelite by race, birth and reli
gion in the strict sense!
The Jewish banker and Monsieur Schratt
not the head of the Holy Roman empire are
fast old cronies to tho sorrow and scandal of
the Countess Chotek, morganatic but directing
wife of Archduke Francis-Ferdinand, heir to
the dual crown.
Often the emperor loses all the money In bis
purse a dozen florins at the nightly game of
tarok. He plays badly. Nono wants him for
partner; so they cut to see who takes blm. He
laughs boisterously. Meanwhile tea is prepared
in the adjoining dining room.
At ten o'clock tho auto-llmousine is an
nounced, and Madame Kathrlna helps the "col
onel" Into hat and overcoat.
The auto rolls through the streets of
Vienna, still bright and boisterous, to the
cold, solemn Hofburg. It stops at the little
door of the small courtyard. The old man en
ters, and a silent valet meets him. Up the
bijou elevator they ride, to the study he had
left three hours ago. The confidential valet
takes bis bat and coat.
Tbo emperor has returned.
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Simple Preparations That Will Appeal
to the Appetites, of Outdoor
Salad Eggs Boll hard as many eggs
&b will bo needed; chill them thor
oughly In cold water. Shell, cut each
longthwlso and scoop out tho yolk.
Mash this up to a flno powder In n
bowl and season with salt, ollvo oil,
n llttlo lemon Juice or vinegar. If
only adults are to eat the eggs a llttlo
cayenne nnd Worcestershire sauce
will be an addition. Mix well, stuff
the yolk back into whites, Ginooth off
top with a knife, and after putting
tho two halves together wrap In wnxed
Cream may bo used instead of the
oil for wotting tho egg yolk.
Grilled Meat Sandwiches Droll lean
bacon 3lIcos, or hnm or salt pork, and
put between them slices of gluten or
graham bread, pared of crust. A ten
der lottuoe leaf put against tho bread
will bo a dcllcnto addition to these
substantial Bandwlchos. With the
aurno breads delicious fillings con bo
inado with slices of fresh tomato or
sucumbor or tender letluco, either of
theso mixed with mayonnaise.
8alad In Applo Baskets Bright cat
Ing apples uro scooped out and filled
with any Balad mixture liked, the top
of the applo being afterward put on
and fastened with toothplckB. There
must not be enough dressing to run,
although when fastened up tight tho
apples hold their contents very neatly.
Old bread just now takes a now form
in bread-crumb cakes. Soak tho bread
In buttermilk and use flour to thicken
tho batter.
Bo careful never to use too much
butter in cake. Use a scant amount
rather than what' the rule calls for, and
it will savo many a poor cake.
Cold water, a teaspoonful of am
monia and soap will remove machine
grease when other means would not
answer on account of colors running.
A llttlo vinegar put into wator in
which eggs are poached will keep them
white and prevent them from spread
ing. A scented bag that will keep moths
away Is made as follows: One-halt
ounce each of cloves, nutmeg and car
away seeds.
When next frying oysters, dip them
first In mayonnaise and then In crumbs
before Immersing in the deep fat.
They, will be found delicious.
If gilt frames are coated with copal
varnish It will preserve them, and
they can be washed with water with
out removing the luster from tho gilt
To remove wallpaper take warm wa
ter that is softened with borax or am
monla and apply with a sponge. The
paper will aoon become soaked and
blistered and may be cosily stripped
off. It is well to do this a day or so
before the new paper is put on.
Boiled Mutton.
"A second appearance of this some
what Insipid dish may 1)o more appe
tizing than the first. Cut the meat,
which should bo perfectly cold, Into
rather thick slices and lay these In
the caper sauce which went around
with them yesterday, or when tho moat
was hot. Heat slowly to a boll and
send to table together In a hot platter.
The sauce imparts richness to the
Or Lay the sliced meat in a mix
ture of lemon Juice and salad oil "a
marinade," as the French call ,lt and
leave them there for an hour. Then
roll In fine crumbs. Set In Ice for
another hour and fry lightly. Drain
off every drop of fat before serving.
The meat should be salted and pep
pered on both sides before it Is marl,
Stsamed Rice Pudding.
Heat three cups of milk In a double
boiler. Cook one-half cup of rice In
one cup boiling water five minutes.
Add to hot milk and cook until rice 1b
tender, then add one-half teaspoon
lalt Beat one egg light add two
tablespoons sugar and stir thla into
hot rice Just as you take it from the
Are. When well mixed, turn Into serv
ing dish, eprinklo two' tablespoons
sugar over top and dot with one heap
ing tablespoon of butter cut into small
pieces. Allow about ono and ono-quan
tor hours to cook.
O'Brien Potatoes.
Peel and dloe Into a baking dish
nine cold boiled potatoes, salting well.
Chop one green pepper line and par
boll for three minutes. Mako a sauce
of three cupfuls of milk thickened
with two tablespoonfuls flour, stir in
parboiled shaedded pepper, add to
potatoes, turning grated cheeso over
the top and bake 20 minutes. This
recipe is for a large family.
Cucumber Salad.
Those who are ond of gelatine
Will like a cucumber salad made by
placing tbln slices of cucumber and
a small quantity of chopped celery In
a clear white Jelly, Bervlng on let
tuce leaves and garnishing with brok
en nuts. Mayonnaise or a French
dressing is good with this.
Roast Duck.
Roast duck is considered quite nour
ishing, healthful and palatable. It Is
cheaper than beef or pork; costs over
one-half less and with dressing and
a nice sauce Is fit for a king.
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