The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 02, 1912, Image 1

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-" - -s t-i : .k- 'g? rmmtaT: "Hai paasisai isvp
'PHE New Banking Law is now in force and
the payment of every dollar of deposits in this
institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty
Fund of the State of Nebraska.
Webster County Bank
CAPITAL $25,000
See that
The xpscnsws down "
tigjitagpinstit '
thereby forming an
absolutely ink-tight cham
ber for the point Tftat's
the reason
Self -Filling
Fountain Pen
never leaks in your pocket
or stains your fingers
when you take off the cap to write.
All that in addition to its matchless
tilfilling, tilf'cleanwji and superb writing
qualities. 12.50, $3.00 and up.
1 ??jM&
I g
Halty Biscuits
Healikf ul Food
made wiih
Dr Prices
Grapes .
UtMreftstlMil Church Netlces
"Building the WiiU" will bo the-sub
ject of the Hermou Sunday morning,
Sunday .sphool meets at 10 o'clock.
Kvcriipft-iiGrvice nt H. Tho pastor
will begtu iiseiies of sermons on the
Renerul subject: "The life, teaching
and mission of the Apostle Paul. Tho
address this coming Sunday evening
will deal with his boyhood, his college
life, bis oonneotion with the first
ChrUtlfcu martyr, his conversion, and
bis Gospel "
The .lliotherbood meets Tuesday
evening. a?t. Mid-week prayer-meet
lug on Wednesday at 8. All cordially
Invited to the above services.
j John J. IUynk, Pastor.
Parentr Meeting
.There will baa parents and teachers
meetlug held in the high school room
Thursday evening, May 9. The follow
ing is tho program: l
Industrial Education . . . v .Judge A. D.
Discussion Mrs. A.McCall
ftluslo in Schools L. P. Albright
. All peoplo of the district are cordial
ly invited.
PrsdRce Nearly All fsr twii Salt
Michigan In the second salt-produciug
state ia Importance in the Union, being
surpassed ouly by New York. The out
put of silt in the state In 11)10, accord
ing to the United States Geological
Survey, was 9,152,022 barrels, or 1,323,
283 ton, valued ut (2,231,002. Our
total salt production in 1910 was 39,
3()5,CjG barrels, against only 079,300
barrels imported, valued at 1370,922.
At the same time wo exported salt to
the valuo of 8320,920.
The Indications are that the salt pro
duction for 1911 will show an increase
over the figure for the proceeding year.
A Niwsaer That film The News Flfty
f)St6r COUIlty
Some Very Interesting Facts
Taken From the Files of the
Chief of ftbs 3i 876itllt"'wasnujlo"K,!hiui"n,,,iwc,tvjHt
I known. Another change is that cattle
RiarK namer EQIlOrs
Webster County, Nebraska, lies In
the valley of the itpubllcuu, is l'O
miles west, of tint Missouri river and
touches the slate line on the South.
Winters arc mild and dry; very little
rain or snow falls lu that seusnn so
little hi fact that cuttle live nil winter
with no hay or grafn. Plenty of rain
falls in the spring and summer. The
summers are not disagreeably warm,
as there is always a cool breeze espec
ially in tho evenings. Tho county
first began to settle in 1870. In 1871
the county was organized withapopu
ation of 45. Its population is now be
tween 2500 and 3000 and Is rapidly In
creasing. There are at prevent 38 or
ganized school districts within its
boundrlea and vcbool facilities are
therefore ample better than those in
some Eastern States. The apportion
able school fund furnishes nearly
enough ntoney to pay teachers,' WBges,
Farmers-can buy R. K. land from 81.50.
to tO per acre -with ten years, time,
There is yet a considerable amount of,
government lands for homesteads and
pre-emptions. As a stock raising
country It is hard to excel. Cattle do
well, and for sheep it cannot be beat
en. It is just suited to that. For
tunes can be easily made by raising
sheep as the expense of feeding is very
small. That corn, oats, barley, pota
toes, buck wheat,- and all kinds of
roots and vegetables, are grown here
with little labor. 35 bushels of sod
corn to the acre is nothing new. Wheat
averages about 23 bushels to the acre.
Fruit does extremely well. Every!
luruii'L una .ma uruunru gruwiiig. sur
est trees grow rapidly. Cottonwood;
boxelder, whitewobd, soft maple, and
many other kinds of trees grow into
timber large enough for fuel in about
three years Osage orange plants do
nicely, and in a few years your live
fences can be made. Moohanics find
employment and fair wages. Tho very
best and purest water is obtained bv
going from 5 to 100 feet. The cost is
very small when tho well , is bored.
.These wells never go dry. The streams
of this county are the Republican and
its tributaries which areas follows: on
the south side of. the river, Walnut,
Dry, Buffalo, Slate, Penny, Cedar,
Hicks, Asb, and Guide Rock creeks,
On the north side are Willow, Bin,
Cottonwood, Crooked, Indian, and
Farmers creeks. In the north part.of
tftw ceeaty4 the Blue river and1 its
The soil of Webster county If a dark,
rich vegetable loam. The wilt y ijmsm
are nutritions and abundant, aad
make most excellent hay, Tisaothy,
clover, Hungarian and millet will un
doubtedly prove a profitable produc
tion. Those who have tried them so
decide at least.
Our railroad prospects are good and
we will have a road as soon as we
really need one. Bat the farmers for
years will find ready sale for surplus
productions In the newer counties
west and to new settlers. By the tin
these markets are closed roads for
cheaper transportation east will be
Our climate is healthful; the air
pure and bracing, and aicknasa of any
kiad ia almost a stranger to the peo
ple here. '
The county seat, Red Cloud, on the
republican river, near the oenter east
and west and a .little south of the
center north and! south. Ia it, are
chances for business men to every
branch of trade. The eouatry around
is such as to warrant a 'good business
in every kind of merchandise. Bed
- twe Weeks Each Year Fsr $1.50
Cloud mid Guide llnck nro tho only
two laid out towns, further infor
mation ciiii lie obtained from any land
agent who advertises In this paper, or
nt this olllce.
May 2, 1912
Webster county stlR lies hi tho vnlloy
of tho Republican but wc can no long
ler say that there In a scarsitv of rain
'iHIld snow In tho winter. Tim nast
can uo ! live during the whiter
without hay or grain. They
fed The bulfalo grass Is a
must be
thing of
the p:ist.
The present population Is alxuit
m.OOO and Is still rapidly increasing.
Could the early Mittlt is J-ee themagiii
ticleut school buildings Ot'er the couittv
today they would feel amply repild
for their pionetr school work. The
government laud and, tho railroad land
is all gone and the same fat ins that
were sold then for 81.1H) to 80 per ucre
now bring froin ?(10 to 8125 per nero'.
Cattle still do well since this is one ot
tho greatest feeding couuties in the
state. The llurcau of labor on crop
statistics shows that tho average yield
per acre of corn is now 31.5, wheat 28.1,
oats 40,4, rye 22, alfalfa 3 tons, potatoes
50. Alfalfa has taken the place of
timothy and clover.
It has been, proven that every kind
of northern tree can be successfully
grown ftp this county. Peaches, pears,
apples, cherries and apricots are plen
tiful. The streams of '78 still flow and
they never gb dry. The soil is still as
good as it was then and the experienced
farmers now knows how to rotate his
crops and conserve the moisture. The
rail road has been here for years afford
ing u good market for all the surplus
produce but the greater parVof all
grains and hay is fed right at'' home.
Cattlo feeding is now carried ou so
largely that all crops are easily used
and tbe.fat cattle shipped to eastorn
The dreams of tho early pioneers
have been fully realized and we now
have acounty that is rich in product
ion, 'rich in schools, rich in buildings
and improvements It will return as
large dividends for the labor expended
as any county lu the middle west.
Hats Off To The Hens
Tho Chief has been t some pains to
ascertain the amount of the butter,
egg and poultry trade of the city
during the year ending with May 1st,
Tho total values brought to the city
are as follows: Eggs, 120,058.49; but
ter, 113,070,48; poultry, 914,480.77.
Of these amounts about one third
was resold by the merchants for home
consumption, and the remaining two
thirds was shipped to other points.
The butter brought to the city re
presents about one third ot the market
ed dairy product, the remaining two
thirds having; been sold in the form of
The, total poultry and dairy product
handled in the city during tho year
amounts in round nwmbers to the
value f 175,000.
These Bgurea: Indicate the rapidly
Increasing significance ot the cow and
hen, and the corresponding Importance
of the alfalfa pasturage.
No portion of the state is so well
adapted to the cultivation of alfalfa as
Is the vlolnity of Red Cloud, and, prob
ably there is no city of the state sur
rounded by a larger acreage of this
grass. Yet but a small fraction of the
area in sight is now covered with this
highly nutritious and productive vege
tation. '
There are no signs that the prices'of
last year will suffer a sensible dlmin
1st Ion. On the other hand the upward
tendency of prices for dairy and poul
try products would seem to bo assur
At these prices, every farmer, by a
little attention to the barn yard can
make .the cow and hen easily supply
the-needsof the family in groceries
and dry goods and provide pocket
money tor the wife and children.
New Factory for Red Cloud
Willlnm Dumas of Dos Moines, Iown,
arrived in the city Friday and is pre
paring to open a cigar factory hi tho
Moon block, In the old lodgo rooms
formerly occupied by Motoalf's studio.
Mr. Dumas is a musician, and through
thoelfurthiif Prof, lletr. mid tho .local
business men, was brought to the oily
to open thu factory. Mr. Dumns
comes well recommended and is a com
petent utgnr maker. Mr. Dumas will
move Ills family here as soon as he Is
permanently located. Tho Chief joins
tVo citizens and business men of Hod
Cloud in welcoming Mr. Damns to our
Christian Church Announcement
There will bo services every Lord's
Day as full time is now arranged for.
Prayer meeting every Wednesday even
ing, choir meeting on Friday evenings.
The subject for next Lord's Day nt 11
a. m., "Plans to Attain Higher Ideals."
Evening subject, 8 p. in., "Tho Mission
of the Holy Spirit." There, will bo
special music, we will seek to entertain
by imparting Instruction from the
Scriptures so that individuals and
community will become more and more
Christ-like, your preseuco will be ap
preciated. C. F. Rosk, Pastor.
Gives Quick Action
C. L. Cutting reports thatA SIN
GLE DOSE of simple buckthorn bark
glycerine, etc., as compounded in Ad
lcri;ka, the new German appendicitis
remedy, relieves .constipation or gas
on the stomach, almost INSTANTLY
W handlo
' I ., . ' ."V. ' " -'.'
wt2.--. -.:.' .- -. X .... - Vy,
smrajrammmmml BliimmmMmmmammH V immtM
HI K jaay HKimWg mKflflt
lM SHvBBwHnHsmmWHfiMj lL '
VM .immwflVLmto. M' .immsmHmmmw B
kS IsiflmmlEmwiBmmmmmmm emmmmVmmsmmimmimmmmimmmmmmF
. Tho Famous
Boatrica 2-Row Cultivator
Grand DeToiir Implements
Des Noines Silo .
' A Car Load of '
. Qoctrical Wold Wovon Wlr Fanca
Hoavy. Hardwaro, Ropo, Oils and Groasos
A full line of repairs carried
in stock.' . s. . . t
Before You
Buy By Nail
Iking us the ad, that -inter- .
ests you.
1 1 you will do this, you wbn't
buy by mail that's certain.
Because you will have ho rea
son to.
Any article of jewelry or
watches or silverware or any
thing else in the line ;an be
bought here at prices every'i,
bit as loras ahy where else :
near or fr.
And yqtyhave this advant- ',
age yon see, handle and
examine to your hearts con- i
tent anything that is of inter- ,v
est to you. ""' '
Bring us that catalog and
let us prove it to yu.
Remember "Satisfaction or
Your fyloney Back. '
NeWhotise Biros.,
3 K. u. Newhouse, Prop. -
0. B. A Q. Watch InspeiqtQj.
v ' -'i
v . m ' ,.- ' (,ir.:.
2-Row Lister
tho foUowing:
Utttr Cultivators
N v
I. -a?
$. A
'T !--.
.y: &&$imkk
'(d M&
.. . 'Am.1.' j-Jfi