The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 25, 1912, Image 3

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4-riurifc. . sUr 4 -w Z' y PH sbbbskQbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVbbV
--r .ejBBV i WissY v' ' f . l ii . jWjbbY
m ii imm- w ., .mmJk h a i , v m
iHL'' w m LitLiuA Ii VAT
-eBi m rt rrinrno tim cHni nf in II iKJv tpV Wi&HffiQt. r VHPWl'nWSSlBarJBXSWfiHBtL. ' Bbf
JL T vf an occasion which has slg- II Ha II 2tvj5sLN 'l-iFlvSyiEjCPftKWIl'Q(lBr
tJ T niflcanco of ono kind or an- Hk ' ll'WKwS9r
WA " ot,U!r 'a a number of differ- )jP ! J'vy9ZMBtr
TT ent countries. For us latter- jtW HMslil
J ,: J day Amcrlcnns probably the vftil. fciiiagmSSS!!SSS?!!?!MB
I ibsm greatest prcBtlge comes I HHBf wfaSKtllSKKtBKttfftSSMtfOftRM
I k.H tnti circumstance May I S&tSN , jJBBMlMWjiBBBjWf Mjj M
w ' M D:iy 1b n,8 "Uowcy I SSiSBBmnBWWmSBt I
," AH meaning tho IvVwihIb1bhHb1Qb1bbbbBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVmBIK I
I ?1 tlmt nicn,ornn'c Bering morn- M'lipJHHHHBBI I
Wm I ,,v1i,p nnvnl 1,cro ook h,B m bBMJWHcj" Iiw y I f MF .BP r y F I grMBHi'iilBLW I
Mm9m M fleet into Manila liny nnd II HC -i .iJb'u 0&, ' 'AVVXH ' ' V, 71 jf W rS' fP IWHI
MJ"! dealt the blow which did HPST. fl,' f,, H iH ' - I F f W l 'T' r I'vfll
HKIMH more than any other slnglo UKP $", mi!, I. m sLH ' I lit o9r I ? I ' ibbI
(5v iKBBBBBHBBJPB s ',,. BaVBaft S w
'& BIVbbmW - "" ' sH mftiw1
HAT a varied and versatile
holiday Is May Day, meaning,
of course, tho First of May
an occasion which has alg
niflcanco of ono kind or an
other in a number of differ
ent countries. For us latter
day Amcrlcnns probably the
greatest prcBtigo comes from
tho circumstance that May
Day is also "Dowcy Day,"
meaning tho anniversary of
that memorable spring morn
ing when our most notablo
living nnvnl hero took his
fleet into Manila liny nnd
dealt the blow which did
more than any other slnglo
incident to determine tho out-
como of the Spanish-American
war. To bo sure, It Is not tho custom of tho
nation to Indulge In spectacular observances of
"Dowcy Day," but there Is a general display of
the flag on residences nnd public buildings in
honor of tho occasion and it is a favorite occasion
for banquets nnd speech-making.
To go nt one to the other extrcmo In cata
loguing the functions of Mny Day it may bo noted
that May Day is also "moving dny," meaning tho
date on which expire most leases of residential
property and when, in consequence thero is a
general flitting to nnd fro of tho folk who live in
rented bouses nnd In apartments or flats. In
some communities April 1 is more generally ob
served as "moving day" .than Is Mny 1, but in
most sections of tho country tho later date Is
preferred. In more recent yenrs, too, custom has
given October 1 some significance as a moving
day, but for the great majority of our people who
move only onco a yenr, at most, May 1 still has
tho call as a fixed festival for the shifting of
household shrines.
May Day Is a date marked for Its own by or
ganized labor not only in tho United States, but
pretty much throughout tho civilized world. In
many cities there are on this day each year
monster parades of the union labor organizations,
and it has long been accepted ns tho most auspi
cious occasion for Inaugurating great general
strikes in the various trades. Some May Days
have been rendered memorable by riotous dis
turbances, but during the past few years the ob
servance of the holiday has, for tho most part,
passed off quietly.
To all American children Mny Day Is an event
to be looked forward to. There are May-polo
dances and frolIcB of various kinds In tho parks
If the weather permits and theso are bo organized
as to enlist the participation of tho kindergart
eners nnd the smallest children na well as the
older ones. When weather or other conditions
prevent the festivities in tho open air, special
exercises are held In the school rooms. In short.
May Day Is for tho whole body of American young
people an occasion of relaxation and Jollity, but
for all that there are so many frolics, dancing
pnrtles and social gatherings on the date, there is
ono discordant noto in the dearth of weddings.
May 1, nnd, Indeed, every day in May, would seem
to bo Ideal for weddings, but tho old superstition
that May marriages are unlucky restricts the
mumbor of brides on May Day and on the thirty
days that follow.
May Day, although not always, of course, known
by that name, Is one of the oldest holidays on the
calendar. In the church calendar the first of
May Is the combined day of St. Philip the ApoBtle
and St James the Less, but the festivities which
mark the day in Great Britain, France, Germany
and other countries are what may be termed the
direct descendants of the ancient Roman Floralla
and the Druldic feasts In honor of the god Bel
the Baal of the Scriptures. Indeed, the origin of
the holiday seems to date still farther back In
the history of India and Egypt, and In both of
those ancient countries the May-pole was a recog
nized and conspicuous emblem.
History relates that the Druids celebrated the
first of Mny by lighting Immense fires In honor
of this deity, and It Is Interesting to note that
this same custom (for all that It has lost Its re
ligious significance) Is yet followed by the Irish
and the Scotch Highlanders. Among these rem
nants of the Celtic stock the festival Is to this
day referred to as Beltino or ncnltaino mean
ing, literally, "the day of Bel's fire." There are
other reminders of tho ancient May Day rites yet
to be observed in certain portions of Ireland and
Scotland, but theso have lapsed to a certain ex
tent with the advance of timo and tho Invasion
of a new population and the curious person who
would behold tho observance of tho traditions
of May Day In all Its pristine glory must pene
trate nowadays to some remote or Isolated ham
let in the Highlands.
Where the old customs yet obtain all the youths
of a township or village meet on May Day on
the nearest moor. A round table or altar is cut
'In the green sod and the entire company station
themselves in a trench which is formed around
the table. A Are Is kindled and a custard pre
pared of eggs and milk, a huge cake of oatmeal
being meanwhile kneaded and baked on the em
bers. The custard Is eaten but the cake Is merely
divided into as many pieces as there are persons
In the company and these pieces are all thrown
,(13y V.. O. H:t.M-:ilH, Director of Hvnn
ItiK P(iartinint, Tho Momly Ullilo lit
Ktluilu of CliU'tuto.)
I.KSSON Ti:XT-Mntt. f!!t-1l
riOl.DKN TICXT "JtUimi'it nro tlm puro
In hiiirl for tlioy nliull (Ni doubt iibnuti
It) Kfo Uol." ,
rc,rr- s if.jiv - "
bbbLbV. bT EP' ' bmJJSBbbbuBb. Lbbbbbkbk
aVdHflkV MbbV iBBW'jBJJBH'BBma
MH bbbhbbbm " '"IbVIbbH
IbbbM CJ JibVJbbHI
BByT7H B "BlBBBBVf ''tiBBfBk. IH bV
BIIIH b''vbbbbT
BBBHBHillTajrajBWi' '. w' ii-':j h- ,r 4.
gjiii'iiwsy iir yx. t yy&i.r&s'm
xHy2ty.SSxe,jw ibbsbi
c jZ7jr?7&?'
Into a bonnet, ono piece having first been black
ened with charcoal. Then all those present are
blindfolded and each draws a piece of the cake
from tho bonnet It falls to the lot of the lad who
draws the blackened piece to leap three times
through the flames of the bonfire, although ac
cording to tradition the man who In ancient times
was unfortunate enough to draw the blackened
piece was supposed to give himself a literal sac
rifice to the flames In the hope that the god Baal
might be induced to grant a prosperous and pro
ductive year. To this same origin Is traced the
modern Irish custom of making the cattle pass
between fires, lighted at short distances, or of
having fathers Jump or run through the flames
with their children In their arms.
The ancient Romans, unlike the Druids, made
May Day a festival of flowers Instead of an oc
casion for sacrifices, and consequently It is rea
sonable to suppose that most of our present-day
Ideas as to the May holiday In this country may
be traced back to the Romans. Indeed, the
Images of Flora that graced the Roman festivals
had their prototypes in tho May-dolls which were
until a few years ago universally popular In Eng
land and which, In some sections of the country,
are yet paraded on this eventful holiday. Some
people aro Inclined to believe that these May-dolls,
In turn, suggested the Queen of the May, who was
once an Indispensable sovereign at every May
Day festivity and who yet presides over every
such merry-making that attempts to fully live up
to tradition.
The crowning of the Queen of the May (and her
possible consort, tho King) and the dance around
a May-pole are easily the most picturesque of the
May-Day customs which have come down to the
present generation and been more or less gener
ally acepted by them. The regulation May-pole
should be of birch and adorned with flowers and
ribbons. The latter-day custom has been to set
up the pole for the occasion on May Day eve, but
In London somo yearn ago thero were May-poles
standing permanently In tho streets. Ono famous
May-polo, erected with much ceremony, wns of
cedar, wbb put in plnco by twelve seamen and
had tho astonishing height of ono hundred nnd
thirty-four feut. Tho Puritans who settled our
Now Englnnd states frowned upon tho custom of
frolicking nt a May-polo nnd ono of tho early gov
ernors of Massachusetts cut down a May-polo In
God's name.
Tho celebration of May Day In Sweden Is very
picturesque nnd embodies many reminders of its
ancient origin. On tho previous evening huge
bonflrcB aro built In every hamlet and around
theso tho young peoplo dnnco merrily until all
hours. May Day Itself is characterized by a fan
tastic sham battle In which tho opponents repre
sent, respectively, Winter and Summer. Of
course, Winter is always defeated, as becomes an
occasion that ushers in tho truo Spring season,
and nt tho conclusion of the strug
gle a flguro representing Winter Is
burned or buried in effigy. May
Day is in fact the chief and almost
tho only gnla day of tho Swedish
children, nnd thoy nre wont to In
clude as n feature of tho occasion
a splendid banquet to which all tho
housewives are expected to con
tribute good things to cat.
In tho United States, Mny-pole
dances can bo mode especially ef
fective from a spectacular stand
point by reason of tho fact that our
national colors, red, white and
blue, when utilized in tho stream
ers or festoons of tho Mny-pole,
make for n color scheme that Is
particularly pleasing ns tho stream
ers aro entwined during tho prog
ress of the dance. There is no
May-pole dance moro pleasing to
tho eye than that In which the
dancers skip lightly In their en
circling mazes on a levol groen
sward, but May-pole dances on
roller skateB, on bicycles and on
inrmback are among tho novelties
-m, iinv been lntroduocd'by persons who love
Si w,.E? MaV Day has become a favorite for
PantomtaTpertomance. and for outdoor comic
Says in which the always popular clowns play a
most prominent part
Abdul HamjcTs Days
Abdul Hamld, otherwise acclaimed as "AMul the
Damned," Is uow sixty-nine years old. In his Aiad-din-like
villa, where he Is closely kept out of sight,
It is said that he occupies himself with working at
the carpenter's bench and arranging elaborate din
ners with his chief cook. The Young Turks have
not sought to take away a reasonable amount or
what the old man considers necesBary to his com
fort and amusement, provided he will not plot to re
turn to power, In which case they will cut off his
subBldy. "Since his dethronement," says Le Crl
de Paris, "he has added 20 Circassian girls to his
household, and to theso, qulto recently four more,
and the Ottoman treasury pays the expense of these
It Is said that the old sultan as thoroughly de
tests his Jailer, Rassl Bey, as did the great Napo
leon his Jailer, Hudson Lawe, at St. Helena, and
has not addressed ten wordB to Rassl since bis cap
tivity began.
j&st A&x
Call to Duty
'1 try to do my duty," said the excedlngly sincere
person, "and I do not hesitate to remind others of
their duty."
, "Go ahead," replied the easy-going citizen. "You
may prove to be a very useful member of society.
But when you get through you'll have about as
many sincere friends and admirers as an alarm
"Shorty" Was An Angel
atsman's Good Right Arm Responsi
ble for Credit Given to Heav
enly Agency.
"Shorty" Griffin, third baseman of
the old Jersey City baseball club
flvo feet two, but gifted with intellect
and with such an arm 1 was return
ing from the grounds one day when
he ran Into an amateur game. "Shorty"
could never pass one of these con
tests. The score was tied In the
ninth. The team at bat was eager to
win at all hatards, so they agreed
upon a scheme to "ring in" their best
hitter out of turn. A wordy argument
"Shorty," without the slightest hesi
tation, entered the confab In an effort
to straighten matters. Did he manage
to right the difficulty? Certain It is
that by the time the field was cleared
he was at the plate, coat off, sleeves
rolled up, borrowed cap on bis head,
bat In hand, awaiting tho pitcher's of
fering. A fast out-curve was deliv
ered and "Shorty" swung heavily.
A few blocks away a little boy
heard something drop with a resound
ing crack a foot away. Picking up
the ball, he ran home and cried:
"Oh, motherl See see the baseball
an angel throw to met"
New Honey.
On general principles the provident
Scotsman objected to paying Import
duties, yet he expressed bis willing
ness to pay whatover the government
demanded for a Jar of heather honey,
says the New York Sun.
'That Is about the only good, thing
In the eating line that the New York
palate has never learned to crave,"
he said. "I have Inquired In many a
New York market, but nowhere have
I found pure heather honey. Clover
honey abounds, and buckwheat honey
and the common mixed honey, but
heather honey, which Is best of all,
seems a luxury that New York epi
cures have not yet learned to appreciate."
It Often Happens.
"I guess I got a littlo too gay," ad
mitted the landlord. "I wouldn't paint'
a doorstep for the old tenant"
"And be moved?"
"He moved; and now I've got to
paint the entire house before I can get
a new tenant"
It was St. Augustlno who first gavo
tho ordination nddress of Jesus, after.
choosing tho twelve, tho tltlo of "Tho
Sermon on tho Mount," u tltlo now uni
versally accept ml. It Is bet lor perhaps
"Tho Gospel of tho Kingdom," telling,
us of tho clmrnctvrlBtlcH of theso moiiii
hers of tho now kingdom .lesuii camoj
TO (SUUIIIHIl. IMO llllllieiiro H llll-HU
members uikmi tho world, and Is a com
incntiiry upon tho laws of this king
dom, It Is this, and more, for It Is n,
prophocy of tho church at work and'
nlno a test whereby o aro to know
who belong to this Kingdom.
Their Spiritual Meaning.
Thero nro in reality only seven of
tho Hcalltudes, tho "blessednesses"
and seven 1b nlwnyn typical of perfect
ness. They nro written lii Old Testa
jnont language, but gtvo tho old form a
now and spiritual meaning. Tho To
wards aro not arbitrary, but aro tho
loglcnl outgrowth of tho character de
pleted. Tho first four nro passlvo virtues.
Happy aro thoso who nro poor In spir
it, not tho poor-spirited but tho humhlo
minded ones conscious of their need.
It iu tho poor, as to this world, that
nro to bo rich In faith and to bo heirs
of that kingdom which Christ has
promised to thoso that lovo him (Jas.
2:G). Happy nro thoso that mourn, for
they mourn not as thoso who hnvo no
hopo, they, shall bo comforted, yea,
they shall be strengthened. Paul tolls
us of that sorrow which Is unto salva
tion nnd need not to be repented of,
but tho sorrow of tho world worketh
denth. Happy nro tho meek, thoso who
nro not proud. Tho prldo of man Is
soon cut off ns grass. In him, tho
meek nnd lowly, wo aro to find rest to
our souls. Wo nro exhorted by tho
meekness and gentleness of Christ to
rccclvo Instruction nnd Peter tolls us
that our ornamentation that shall bo
of tho greatest prlco Is to bo mock and
quiet In spirit.
At this point tho master begins to
mako his prnctlcnl application of tho
lives of thoso having theso character
istics, upon tho world about thorn.
Happy uro the merciful. Tho with
holding of mercy tends to poverty, but
tho llborul soul shall bo made fat, for
to tho merciful ho will show himself to
bo merciful. Foreboarlng, nnd forgiv
ing wo enter Into this happiness, being
kind, forgiving, tender-hearted, even as
Christ hath forgiven us.
Righteousness Defined.
Happy nro tho puro for thoy may
draw nigh unto God In full nBSiiranco
of faith for themselves and on behalf
of others. Indeed tho writer of He
brews tells us that without holiness
(purity) no man can sco God, not our
own righteousness wherein wo might
boast but tho righteousness of Christ
which is by faith.
Happy aro the peace-makers, the re
ceivers and tho dlffusers of this king
dom. Not merely peaceable men, nor
pieces of men, but rather as Tyndale'a
version is, "the maintainors of peace."
Led by tho spirit of God they aro not
pnly called the sons of God, but aro
the sons of God (Rom. 8:14). "The
cause, not tho pain, makes the
martyr," said St. Augustine. Thoso
who are presented for righteousness'
sake, not thoso who seek persecution,
are possessors of this kingdom; pos
sessing It thty are persecuted.
Being is doing doing does not pro
duce life, and we have here a linking
of the old law and the new gospel. His
kingdom brings blessedness, happi
ness; satan's kingdom turnB to tho ap
ples of Sodom. God says, speak out,
enduro for others. His kingdom is dis
tinguished by altruism. Tho kingdom
of darkness says: "Keep still, live for
yourself." This kligdom knows not
the essence of brotherhood.
Man ever asks this old question:
"How may I be happy?" Thoso whom
JesuB selects as tho happy ones aro
looked upon by tho world as the most
unfortunate, but timo has proven nnd
eternity will Justify these declarations
of Christ. The good of this age be
longs to the Belflsh and self-assertive,
the good of the coming ago to the self
renouncing. It Is better to havo sor
rowed and to havo received his com
fort than mover to have sorrowed at
all, The message of the meek will get
a hearing as against tho censorious,
and tho supremely happy aro those
who shall see God.
Hunger for the highest and the
noblest can find a supply for all Its
needs in Jesus the Son of God and
only according to the principles he
here sets forth.
Jesus saw the multitude when he
gave us this sermon, which is not a
sermon at all, He understood their
need, the state of their hearts and
what was In their minds. He did not
see them as so many pawns upon tho
chess board of life; he saw their life,
their sorrows, thulr sins. Ho read the
Btory of human need and human des
tiny. Why rejoice over our reproach? Be
cause this is the path Into this new
kingdom. And when we walk "for
Christ's sake" we shall enter therein
and rejoice greatly for we shall have
"great reward in heaven."
St. Petersburg of Ruoala, Most Beauty'
tlful Metropolis of Nation, Founded
by Peter the Great.
St. Petersburg, Russia. St. Peters
burg, tho beautiful and majestic me-,
tropolls of ilussln, founded by Petorj
tho Great, Is constructed on n vcrltn-i
bio swamp. It Is Hald that molsturo'
underlying tho city can bo seen some
times oozing up between tho paving
blocks on tho Novsky Prospect, a busy
thoroughfare. Tho city Is not only
built over water, which often threat
ens to lnundnto It, but It Is visited by
rain nnd snow nt least two hundred
days of tho year. Tho city 1b prac
tically surrounded by water, fori
Rwamps abound on two stiles, tho sea
and tho river on tho other.
At the beginning of tho building of
St. Petersburg Peter tho Groat set
' pus. ujm- i mKci
Greek Church Architecture.
thousands to work, "under compulsion
or tho knout," to build dikes nnd re
claim tho Innd. Everyone, nobles and
peasants alike, hated tho placo, all
save Peter tho Great, who called the
city his "Paradise" and forbade the
'uro of Btone In building elsewhere In
Russia, ordorlng nil the stono acces
sible to bo brought to St. Petersburg.
Any peasant who wished to enter the
city could do so by fetching a cart
load of stone. This was his passport.
Indeed, peoplo did not havo to beg to
enter St Petersburg. Thoy were
forced by tbo czar's command to
abandon other places and come to
dwell In his "pot" city. The conse
quence was a crowded quarter whero
the poor herded together like so many
rats, living In squalor and misery.
Even to this dny, tho RtiBslnn metrop
olis Is tho most unhealthy capital of
But, In spite of all tho drawbacks,
St. Petersburg Is a beautiful and ma
jestic city. The Winter Palaco la
splendid, as nro also entire streets of.
beautiful buildings. It might be called1
a city of space, for tho streets aro
very wide, and nowhere save in the
slums docs ono find crowding. Ev
erything seems on a gigantic scale
cathedrals, public and educational
buildings, art galleries, etc. Beauti
ful statuary Ib seen In tbo publta
squares, the statuo of Potor the Great
,bclng a magnificent monument to the
glory of the ruler who built the city
In the faco of nature's and man's op
position. Novsky Prospect 1b the fashionable
street of St Petersburg. It Is only
three miles in lengtb, but It Is as cele
brated a highway as Regent street,
London, or Fifth avenue, New York.
Horaoo Emanual Havenltb, the little
son of the new minister from Belgium
and Mme. Havenltb, was born In far
away Persia three years ago. Horace
has crossed the ocean and may claim
three countries Persia, the land of
his birth; Belgium, bfs father's coun
try, and America for his mother,
Mme. Havenltb, was Miss Helen
Ffoulko of Washington.
Forbids Saloon Nesr Veterans' Home.
Springfield, III. In denying a
'rehearing in the case of the people
against Kaelber, tbo supreme court
upheld a decision that saloons shall
not be located within two-thirds of a
mile of the Qutncy home for veterans.
Left $2,000 for Parrot
Rochester, N. Y. Clare Ide, a
woalthy spinster who died recently,.
left an Income of 2,500 a year to care
for her pet parrot, "Captain Flint"
Priest le Elected Mayor.
Detroit, Mich. Rev. E. W. Dunnl
gas, a Catholic priest, was elected
mayor of Lapeer, near here, by a ma
jority of 100.
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