The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 25, 1912, SECTION TWO, Image 18

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    rtoGtr rvtii
?Jf .
Royal has no substitute for
making delicious home-baked foods
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
13 ATI N
Oos. lluvel lost a Huo colt last week.
Discing for corn Is tho order of the
Jos. Aubrecht Is working for Jos.
James Ilubutkn is doing assessment
work this week.
Adolph Sldlohus his new hog shed
almost completed.
The ruin Saturday was a flue thing
for tho wheat and oats
Jess Dodrlck bought n load of alfalfa
from Lo,u1s Vnvrieku this week.
Will Hoffman had the majority for
commissioner over (hind in this dls
Charley Harpham and wife spent
Monday ovening with Louis Vavrleka
and wife.
Charley (Huriiey bought some corn
from Mike Kolur for 72 cents u
John l'avlkk shelled corn one day
Inst week, Krudua brothers doing the
Prank Kudrna and Ed. Ztijlo return
from Omaha Friday whoro they had
been on business.
Mrs. Steele, who bus been sick, wo
;arc glad to say is much better.
Jas. MuHiido is having sidewalks
laid along his property. Let the good
-work go on.
We are glad to-lcarn that Miss Mary
Waller Is able to be out again after
tier severe Illness.
George Denton shipped u car of fat
' cattle to Kansas City Monday. He no
' uompunled the same.
Mrs. .1. 13. Butler of Red Cloud came
up Friday for a short visit with her
Ulster Mrs. O. A. Wells.
E. T. Poe loft for lllrd City, Kansas,
"J Friday for usuort visit with his daugh
ters and also to look after his laud in
.torests. 'Tho writer was out Tuesday and
'wltuessed an attempt to work roads by
-dynamite. It was some what a failure
us it did not tear enough of the bank
sawoy to pay
Rev. Aiuglow has commenced an
evangelical meeting at the M. E.
church. He started .Sunday aud ex
pects to be with us for some time. He
is the young man who hud such good
success here four years ago.
CoHftrcftalloial Church Notices
"God all and in AH" will be tho sub.
jeot of the sermon in the Congrega
tional church Suuday morning,
A special musical program Is being
prepared for the Sunday school hour
at 10. Come and hear the children
"The Wreck of the Titanic" will be
'the subject of a specially prepared ad
"dress by the pastor for the evening
Mid-week meeting on Wednesday
evening at 8. John J. Haynk, Pastor.
Some Try.
Can a man love a woman he's afraid
oil Cincinnati Commercial Tribune.
Before and After.
Before she is married a girl wants
'.to bo somebody's darling. Afterward
.sue uppsurs to desire to bo somebody's
"ifOBB, Exchange.
Giants of Other Days.
While excavating tho rulno of St
Plran's oratory, Cornwall, Eugland,
many skeletons have boon dug up,
several of them of human beings sev
en feet In height.
Cheaper Than a Bridge.
A railroad engineer in Ottawa, Kan,
rwent to a dentist to bavo u bnd tooth
i treated. The dentist told him that
It would, be necessary to put In a goll
bridge, which cost $25. The rail roue
man looked In the glass at the depart
ed molar, and then said: "Bay, da tor.
just put lu m vwEnw wiw .. . ivu jvuio iui ihu
'4t It fft'at that." Topeka Capital. J dwellings of medium size,
iit nut In a concrete cuiveri an
Kate Field, Excellent Judgeof Char
acter, Confident He Might Have
Been Great Actor.
No ono ever paid a much higher
tribute to Dickens than did Kate
Field. Sho had tho soul of a poet, a
discriminating tnsto In art nnd liter
ature and wide knowledge of tho
world. In montallty sho was fully as
strong ns either of her brilliant broth
ers, David, Dudley, Stephen J. or Cy
rus V and sho certainly was ns good
If not a better Judge of character.
She once wroto an I appreciation of
Dickens in which sho declared tho
world loBt its greatest actor when
lloz beenmo n writer. Sho gavo n de
scription of one of Dickens readings
that was masterly In Its vividness of
detail. Such versatility ns she cred
ited Dickens with displaying as he us
sunicd tho character of first one and
then another of his creations, tho pa
thos, tho humor, tho tragedy ho put
Into a tone; tho marvelous way in
which ho stirred the emotions of old
and young In his audience, would ap
pear to bo a bit extravagant wero it
not that now nnd then in later years
somo old man, looked upon ns stern
and unemotional, told with faltering
voice how ho stood In lino all one
night to buy a ticket to ono of Doz'
readings, and then wont on to talk
Just about as Mlsa Field wrote, only
before ho got as far along in his
story tho tears wero running down
his wrinkled cheoks his old heart
strings still atuno to tho muglc of The
Difference In Icebergs.
No two lceborgs appear to bo ex
actly alike in slzo and shape. Some
look, for all tho world, like Arabs'
tents as they glide along, and others
llko cliffs, castles, cathedrals, yachts,
and occasionally they resemble somo
well known animal. Somo of the pin
nacles of a large berg rise nearly
1,000 feet above tho water, while tho
baso may occupy an area of ten or
twelve ucrcs. Seen through a power
ful glass, ono may detect waterfalls
upon theso Islands of ice, and all
kinds of arctic birds, and perhaps a
few seals.
Then tho colors are almost beyond
description. Tho stately pinnacles
glisten In the sun llko powdered glass.
At times tho berg Is pure white, at
others It looks greenish. From Harold
J. Shcpstono'a "Icebergs" In St. Nicho
"Liked to Be Gulled."
Sir William Gull, the well-known
London physician, was once tho vic
tim of an amusing pleco of rcpartoe
on tho part of a fellow practitioner.
Tho occasion was a dinner party at
which several distinguished medical
mon were present. The conversation
happened to turn upon the subject of
quackery, and Sir William Gull ev-
pressed his conviction that a certain
amount of It was essential to success
In practice, adding: "It Is an exam
ple of the old saying, 'Populus vult
decipl'" (people llko to bo deceived).
"Quito so," Bald tho host; "now, can
any one present give an English
equivalent to that?" "Nothing easier,"
dryly remarked a well-known physi
cian of one of the Manchester hos
pitals. "The public liked to be
'gulled.' "
Prosaic "Ghost."
Thinking thoy had seen a "ghost,"
a number of Dundee (Scotland)
townsfolk, whllo walking through tho
cemetery recently, took to their heels
and summoned tho nearest gatekeep
er. The "vision" which hod nrouscd
their ulnrm that of a figure In scanty
tittlro standing behind a grnvestono,
hnd vanished when they returned with
reinforcements, aud all there was to
he scon wob a lnrgo piece of red Han-
nol. It afterwards transpired that tho
owner being greatly Irritated by tho
flannel, which was next the skin, bad
gono to tho cemetery with tho idea of
getting rid of It, which ho could not
do without shedding his garments.
Move to Aid the Poor.
The government has undertaken to
solve the high cost of living In Vienna
by making a grant or $250,000 a year
for ten years for tho erection o!
County Abstract
Of Votes
Below wo tflve the totul number of
votcH cast tor, uncli candidate at t lie
piiiiuiry election, held on lust Filduy,
Apt 11 HHh, on the Democratic, Peoples
Independent nnd ltcpubliuiiti tickets,
with tho exception of presidential
oloctois, and delegates to national
Woodrow Wilson Ill
Iiidsoti Harmon 1 To
Chump Clark 22
Unbelt O. Itoss It
United Slates Senator
V. H. Thompson H'l
Asliton 0. Slinllonberirer .'loG
Willis RKeed sH
Robert F Smith 23
Proposed Constitutional Amendment
No. 1, for. ...310 Against 53
No. 2, for. ...213 Against 105
No. .1, for . . . ,27
No. 4, for. ...307
Against 103
Against r0
Against 74
No. 5, for
John II. Morehead 217
Richard L. Metcalfe 2.17
Lieutenant Governor
Herman Dlcrs 21)7
Secretary of State
A. T (latewood 117
J.W. Kelley 211
Charles I'.Wliitosides 03
Auditor Public Accounts
Henry C. Richmond 419
State Treasurer-
Floyd Seybolt 102
Oco.E. Hall 283
Superintendent Public Instruction
John Spcedin a G7
Ernest F. Monroe 121
R. V.Clark 172
P. M. Whitehead 87
Attorney General
Andrew M. Morrlssey 102
M. W. Terry 2M
Com. Public Laud nnd Ilulldings
Willinm 11. Eastman 390
Railway Commissioner-
William G.Stamm r.O
Edward C. Simmons r3
Sam Hinklc 10
11. M. Simms 21
Clarence E Harmon 225
Ren H. Hayden 37
WillM. Maupin 73
Congressman Fifth District-
Roderick D. Sutherland 441
State Senator Twentieth District
William L Weesuer 411
State Representative 40th District
. W. Lludsey -. .275
J. II. Wlsecarver 187
Delegates to Nat. Con. 5th District
Frank T. S wanson 104
Charles R. Rosso 200
Geo. J. Marshall 174
t'eter W. Shea 205
County Attorney
Fred Maurer 433
County Assessor
Chris Fassler 420
County Commissioner 2nd District
C, F. Guild, 03
W. G. Hoffman 99
row Wllhon 17
United States Senator-
Willis E. Reel 1
Asliton C. Sliallenberger 10
W. II. Thompson r,
Proposed Constitutional Amendment
No. 1, for.... 19 Against a
No. 2, for.... 7 Against 11
No. 3, for. ... 8
No. 1, for.... 12
No. 5, for.... 11
Against 0
Against 7
Against 0
Richard h. Metcalfe 13
John H. Moorehead 13
Secretary State
A. T. (iatcwood r.. 3
J.W. Kelley 13
Charles P. Whltesides 0
Auditor Public Accounts
Henry G. Richmond 21
State Treasurer
FloydSeybolt 9
George E. Hall 15
Superintendent Public Instruction
Ernest P. Monroe 11
It. V. Clark 13
Attorney General
Andrew M. Morrlssey 14
M.W.Terry 8
Com. Public Lands and Buildings
William B. Easthara si
Railway Commissioner
Edward C. Simmons 3
11. M. Simms J
Clarence E. Harmon 10
William O. Stainni 4
Ben II. Hayden 4
Congressman Fifth District-
Roderick D. Sutherland 21
Statu Senator 201 li District
William L. Weesuer 20
Representative Kith District
- G. W. Llndsoy! 15
J. B. Wlsecarver 8
County Attorney
Fred Maurer 20
County Assessor
Chris Fassler ....;.! 17
County Commissioner 2ud District
W. G. Hoflmnn 4
C. P. Guild 3
Theodore Roosevelt Mil
Win Howard Tuft 107
Hubert M LuFollette 17o
Robert"! Ross 5
Vice President
Albert J Hevei idge fiWi
John O YeNer 2it7
United States Senator
Norris llrown 202
GeoWNorrls 511(1
Proposed Constitutional Amendments
No 1, For .500
Against 70
No 2, For :i:il
Against Nil
No!!, For 315
Against 12!)
No I, For MO
Against 1)1
No 5, For 205
Against 131
Chester II Aldrlch 571
Jesse E Newton '. 212
Snmuel Roy McKelvie 371
Martin L Fries 128
L A Vainer 84
LW Hague 112
Secretary of State
Addison Wait 0.10
HA Webbert 138
William B Howaid 238
Isaiah D Evans 102
W J Blair 128
State Treasurer
Walter A George 1(1!)
Franklin C limner 200
State Superintendent
Jas E Dulzell 430
G W Whltehoin" 212
Attorney General
Grant C Martin 023
Com. Public Lands aud Buildings-
Clarence C Barlow 120
WllburS Walt 137
W L Minor 87
Henry Howard 102
SCBissett 1(3
Fred Beckman 120
Railway Commissioner
William Coltou 214
HG Taylor 11)0
Marshall T Huttiion 1. 1
C L Hedlund 1)3
Congressman, 5th District
Silas R Barton 380
PA Caldwell 110
Willard A Prince 140
it Li noisier u.
State Senator, 20th District
G W Hummel C81
State Representative, 40th Dlst
A B Pelrce 357
Harry A Ronts 804
County Attorney
B W Stewart 039
County Assessor
JO Butler 044
County Commissioner, 2nd Dist.
William McCord 77
LF Schmidt 120
Wanted Relief.
Suffering beneath the razor of' al
Incompetent harbor, the customer sig
naled to the operator to halt. "Yes,
sir?" Inquired the barber, inclining hli
head. "Give me gas!" said the ou
tomer. .
Kind of Him.
"I am going to ask your father for
your hand." "Oh, thnt will bo lovely."
"You are glad?" "Delighted! I will
call and bring you flowers every day
until you are able to bo out again.
I have never seen the inside of a bos
nttJilt" Pig's Costly Banquet.
Pat could neither rend nor write,
and it appeared that he bad alwaya
kept his records on potatoes by cut
ting certain marks In them for cer
tain persons nnd amounts. One day
his pig found his way Into the room
nnd made a sumptuous meal from the
precious "records."
8toDped Waste of Water.
Water-waste detection has been
made a science by the present city
engineer of London. By Its applies
tlon he has reduced the dally con
sumption ten gallons per head of pop
ulation. This saving Is simply enor
mous. In East London alone It la
enough water to meet the wants of a
city of 400,000 Inhabitants.
Breeders Attention
I will keep my Stallions and .lucks
during the season of 1012 at the Old
Day. Barn, South Elm Street, where I
shall be pleased to have both my new
and old customers call and see me.
H. A. Jobnson
l'HONK IND. 202
DUCK ssV9Blfcp -
Velvet SSlffili Metal
J Also Tans in Button Shoes and Oxfords. fl AH kinds
and at all prices. All new stock in a new store. J No left
over shoes to select from. .....
"Newhouse Building BAILEY &
"The East Side
HERB LUDLOW, Proprietor auss
I We have the
best meals in this city.
the best of service, is
J We also carry a full . line of cigars and
tobacco and serve ice cream and soft drinks,
having opened up our fountain for this season on
Easter Sunday
Bald Heads Not Wanted
Baldness Is too Generally Considered a
Slftn o? Advanced A&e
A bald-headed person does not have
an equal chance with ono blessed with
a healthy bead of hair, because bald
ness Is too generally accepted as an in
dication of nge. Many large corpor
ations brtvc established an age limit,
and refuse to take men over 35 years
of age as new employees.
Probably C5 percent of balcl-heHded
people may regain a good head of
healthy hair if they will follow our ad
vice and accept our offer. We have a
remedy that wo positively guarantee
to grow hair on any head, unless the
roots of the hair are entirely dead,
their follicles closed, and tho scalp has
hpGome dazed and shiny. We want
people to try this remedy at our risk,
with the distinct understanding that
unless It does exactly what we claim
It will, and give satisfaction in every
respect, we shall make no charge for
the remedy used during the trial.
We know exactly what we are talk
ing about, and with this offer back of
our statements no one should scoff,
doubt our word, or hesitate to put our
remedy to an actual test
We want every one in Red Cloud who
is suffering from any scalp or hair
trouble, dandruff, falling hair or bald
ness to try our Rexall "93" HolrTonlc.
We want them to use It regularly say
until three bott'.es have been used
and if it does not eradicate dandrult',
cleanse and refresh the scalp, tighten
the hair In Its roots, and grow new
hair, we will return every cent paid us
for the remedy for the mere asking.
There is no formality expected, and
we exact no obligation from the user
We are established right hero in Red
Cloud, and make this offer with a full
understanding that our business suc
cess entirely depends upon the sort of
treatment we accord our customers,
mid we would not dare make theabove
offer unless we wore positively certain
that we could substantiate it in every
particular. Remember, you can ob
tain Rexall Remedies In this commun
ity only at our store The Rexall
Store. Tho n. E. Grloe Drug Co.
Htntoof Nebraska tu
County of Webster ( ""
To All I'crsonH Interested In tho Kstato ol
John l'etcr Sturm, Decauwd.
Whereas thoro Is on tllo lu tho County
Court ol said county an Instrument purport-
Ins to bo tho last will and testament of John
Peter Sturm, lato of said county, deceased,
and Caroline Oluustcdo has tiled her petition
heroin praying to have tho same admitted to
probate nnd tor tho Issuing of letters testa
mentary, which will relates to both real and
personal estate.
I thoroloro appoint tho 30th day ol April
ItU'j at 'i o'clock lu thd afternoon at tho
county court room lu said county as tho
time and place lor hearing said will at which
tliuu and place you mid all concerned may
apptar and contost tho allowing ol tliosnine.
Ills further ordered that said petitioner
lvqptotlcotoAll persons interested lu said
estate of thoponduncy of this petition and
tho time and place hot for tho hearing ot tho
same, by causing a copy of this order to bo
published lu tho lied Cloud Chief, a news
paper printed and published In said county
lor three weeks successively previous lo tho
day sot lor tho hearing.
In witness whereof I have hereunto sot my
Ihnnrt aud ottlclnl seal this loth day of April,
(Skai.) A. I). IIANNKY,
County Judge.
BAILEY Red Cloud' Ncbn
Shoe Store."
reputation of serving the
This fact, coupled witn
secret of
our success.
For Goodness Sake
Buy Our Lumber!
It Can't be Beat
No Better Lumber Grewl
We Have the Stock,
It's Sound and Dry,
We Make the Prices Too!
We Figure Low
And That You Know
Means Everything to You!
Saunders Bros.
Leftal Mice
Cleorglanallakcr PcWItt, l'lalntliri
vs. f
Blanche Eggers, ct al. Defendants (
In District Court Webster County Nebraska.
Whereas horotoforo, to-wlt: on tho 23th
day of March 1012, tho undersigned, J. B.
Ullham, rcforco, having horotoforo been
legally appointed by the District Court of
Webster County Nebraska, was ordered by
said court to sell tho following described
promises, to-wlt: Tho Northwest quarter 0f
Section Twontyono, Township Two, Kango
Nine, West of tho 6th 1. M., In Webster
County, Nebraska, because tho same could
not bo partitioned without great prejudice
to tho owners thereof, and tho undersigned
referco having given bond as required by
law with sureties wh cli wora approved by
tho court and having taken tho oath re
quired by law; uow therefore notice Is here
by given that by virtue of tho proceedings
had herein, tho order of tho said court, aud
tho authority vested lu moby tho Statutes of
Nebraska, 1,. I, H. Ollhaiu, tho uiidorslgnid
rofcreo, will on tho 18th day ol May 11)12, at
tho east door of tho court house In lied
Cloud, Webster County Nebraska, oiler for
sale aud after tho expiration of ono hour sell
to tho hlulioit bidder for cash according to
tho order of the court tho above described
real estato,
Kald siilo to bo held open for ono hour be
tween tho hours of two and tlirto o'clock 1'.
M. on said IHth day of May IU12.
Witness my hand this 6th day of April 1UI2
J.H. UlMlAM.ltotcreo.
Ilernard MoNeny.Attoriicy for I'lalntlir.
The GhM does all Ulnds of Job
PrintluR neatly, accurately and
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