The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 25, 1912, SECTION TWO, Image 15

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1. 8 M. lime Table
No. 14 ThrmiKli train, ilopiuts ........2:00 n. nt
No. IS Local tmsstiiKcr " yloft. m
No. 174 Accoininodnlkiii North ex
cept Momlny mul Wed., tlepnrts . 1:30 p. in.
No. 170 Accommodation North ...
Momlny and Wednesday departs llilWa.m.
WKsr 1I0U.NI
No. 13-Throiikth train, departs 0:2.1 a. ui.
No. 15 l.ocnl passenuer " B.30 p. in.
Foil Sale -Old pnpurs tit this ofllce.
A. E. lleolc left for lilntlcu Wodues
lay. Ray Minor of Guide Koek Sundayed
a town.
Don't forget the hand concert Friday
Clms. Hunter of Itinvulo was in town
S. E. Woiilen returned to Guide Rock
John Ileal of Cowlcs was in town
L. L. WtilHer of Superior was in town
Bernard MoKeny was in Hastings
I. C. Umld roturned from Lincoln
R. A. Wylle of Hastings was in town
Gorden Kline of Ilardy spent Sun
day in town.
Ned Grimes and wife spent Sunday
in Blue Hill.
E. E. Drown of Hastings was in
town Friday.
Chris Wooley was up from Guide
Rock Friday.
Mrs. Geo. Warren visited in Blue
Hill Monday.
D. H. Rich was a passenger to Hast
ings Monday.
All kinds of Electrical work done by
Morhart llros
Henry L McKay of Lincoln was in
town Tuesday.
Leo DeTour of Guide Rock wus in
town Saturday.
Fred Temple of Kunstis City is in
town this week.
K. O. Hunt of Turkio, Mo , spent
Sunday In town.
John Crans returned from Kansas
City Wednesday.
Ed Kellogg was a passenger to Lin
coln Wednesday.
F. M. Horten of Grand Island iv.i.
iu town Monday.
Farm Loans
Thero are several reasons for seeing
J. II. Bailey for a farm lonu and here
they are.
He is solo ngent for Trcvclt Mattis
& Urikcr.
This company is here every day In
the year ready for business and not.
hero this week and gone next. They
loan on anv farm having the value iu
it improved or1 unimproved. You don't
wait from two to four mouths for your
money but surely get it on the day
called for. They give the best option
in the market.
Big Ben
has something to say
to people who like to
get up promptly in the
He guarantees to call
them on the dot juBtwhen
they want and either way
they want, with one pro
longed, steady call or with
successive gentle rings.
And he guarantees to do
it day after day and year
after year, if you only have
him oiled every year or so.
! I've known him ever
since he was "that high"
and I'll vouch for every
thing he says.
J. C Mitchell
The Jeweler.
"George Stulhelt of Superior was
our city Monday.
The county commissioners are
session tills week.
L. P. Albright was a passenger to
Hastings Monday.
A good sewing machine for sale. In
quire at this ofllce.
Geoigc Wairen visited his father at
lleatrice Thursday.
Cash Scrivncr was n passenger to
Cowles Wednesday.
E. R. Hendrickson of Cowles was on
our streets Monday.
Mrs. .Tunics Garrison was up from
Guide Rock Monday.
A. T. Anderson of Wellington, Kas.,
was iu town Monday.
Hurry J. Gillmm has sonie Bulf Or
pingtou eggs for sale.
John M. Sutton of U littler visited
friends in town Friday.
Mrs. Carson Hildreth of Franklin
visited in town Friday.
Mrs S. E, Mcllrldo roturned home
from Holdrcge Tuesday.
Sam Welder of Lebanon, Kas., was
on our streets Saturday.
Miss Sula I'llley is visiting her par
ents at Cowles this week.
R. E. Madersou of Liucoln was iu
town on business Friday.
Archie Johnson of Sutton was in
town ou business Monday.
H. A. Roth of Grand Island was in
town ou busiuess Tuesday.
A good rain fell Saturday which will
help everything lu general.
Win. Smith of Grand Island was in
town ou business Saturday.
Miss Delia C. Flanders of Guide
Rock was in town Saturday.
Go to the 1'urltnn Cafe, Sunday for
your chicken dinner, price 33c.
Al Groat of Oxford was In town
Wednesday visiting his father.
Miss ilh Green of Smith Center vis
ited frlemlsiu the city Monday.
Dr. R. F. Raines is home to st:iy nnd
will attend culld day and night.
W. A. Kent left Wednesday for Dun
ning where ho went on business.
The I). A. U. P. club meots with Miss
liertha Potter tomorrow evening.
Ralph McConkey of Nelson was in
town Tuesday visiting his parents
M. N. McKciizie of Acra, Kansas
visited friends in town Weduesday.
Go to the Bon Ton Cafe for the best
Ice Cream and Soda Water in town.
Fred Gund and family of Blue Hill
visited relatives iu town over Sunday.
Art Sheely left for Hastings Satur
day where he will icside in the future.
R. C. Borum of Ft. Morgan, Colo,
was in town this week visiting friends.
Mrs. C. E Cross nnd son roturned
home from Fiiiukliu Saturday morning.
Miss Lottio McMurry is relieving
MUs l'illey at the bell central this
Mrs. Robert Mcliride returned from
Holdrege Monday where she hod been
Mr Kollet was in St. Joe Monday
with a ear of cattle that he had been
W. L. ltreils and H. L. Fahbringer
of Chester were in town on business
The best and purest Ice Cream and
Summer drinks iu the city at the Bon
Ton Cafe.
Dr. Damerell returned from a busi
ness trip in the western part of the
state Sunday.
Lew Honisec of the Argus office
spent Saturday and Sunday in Hebron
with his folks.
John Hamilton of Guide Rock spent
Sunday in Red Cloud with his brother
Wilbur Hamilton.
L. C Thompson of Salt Lake City,
Utah is visiting his Bister Mrs. John
Potter this week.
Miss Alfa Longtin left for Concordia,
Kansas Monday to visit relatives and
attend a wedding.
The Diamcni Electric Vacum clean
er demonstrated in your home free.
Call Phone Red 97.
The Puritan Cafe is furnlshinga fine
Sunday chicken dinner for 35o. Try
it and be convinced. '
Rev. Tompkins departed for Lincoln
Wednesday morning to attend the M,
E. Bishops meeting.
Mrs. Zlnt retnrnVd tJf'Her home at
McCook Sunday after visiting her sis
ter Mrs. John Person.
Mrs. Arthur Beck and baby returned
from Lincoln Tuesday where she had
teen the past months.
Miss Gertrude Mllllgan returned to
her homeat McCook Sunday after vis
iting at the homo of Chris Zeis.
The finest tine and best assortment
of Harness ever carried before. Call
and look It over. Moiuiaut Bros.
Call rural phone 305 if you have
cream or poultry to sell.
J. O, Caldwkli,.
Levi Block, the Cincinnati horse buy.
er will be in Red Cloud on next Satur
day, April 27, for the purpose- of buying
horses and mules, He will pay yon
the highest prices for your stuff as he
Is buying for eastern markets.
WE too, are doing our
Wc are plowing through our
stock, and clearing our shelves
of all canned goods, hence the
following bargains:
Apricots 15c
Corn 3 for 25c
Gallon Apples 3 for $1.00
B. E. McFarland
All the Phones
Special attention given to diseases
of eye nnd car. Glasses accurately
fitted. Dr. Stockman, Red Cloud, Nebr.
Miss Mildred Simmons of Cedar
Rapids, Iowa arrived Tuesday for a
visit with hor sister Mrs. Edgar Cow
Art Vance of Cowles was in the city
Monday betweon trains onrotite to
Superior to join the Superior ball
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hendorson went
down to Red Cloud on 1 1, Saturday, mi
a visit to relatives. Monday's McCook
Dr. Cross will bo in his olllco over
the Stato Hunk everyday in the week.
Hnvinir discontinued his visits to
Fon Sali:; Tho two buildings oc
cupied by the Chief Olllco nnd K. II.
Xewhouse's jewelry store. Inquiro of
E. H. Newhouso.
Miss Ethel Brady of Kansas City
was visiting .Mrs. Fannie Moranville
Saturday and Sunday. She left for
Fnlrbury Monday.
Glen Ralph left Sunday for Beukle
mini where he has a position hs com
positor at the Chronicle otlice. Wo
wish you success Gleii.
Mr. Christian and sou of Red Cloud,
Neb., came lu today with n shipment
of finished porkers. Monday's St. Joe
Stock Yards Dally Journal.
F. B. Wilson, chief clerk of the Bur
lington freight department with head
quarters at Denver visited his sister
Mrs. C D. Robinson over Sunday.
Don't forget we mako farm loans,
money ready the day the title is ap
proved. Gariikk, Hutchison & Salauen.
Dr. Warrick, the specialist will meet
eye, ear, nose and throat patients and
those neediug glasses properly fitted
at Dr. Damerell's office in Red Cloud
Tuesday, May 7.
Ed Burr, the Guide Rock horso buy
er, brought up a carload of horses
Sunday and shipped them on No. 14
Monday morning to Dallas City, 111.
He chaperoned them.
Whenever you go away, get married,
die, or have company from away or
have a baby born at your house phone
it in to us. We have both the phones
and are always looking for news.
Levi Block, the Cincinnati horse buy
er will be in Red Cloud on next Satur
day, April 27, for the purpose of buying
horses and mules. He will pay you the
highest prices for your stuff as he is
buying for eastern markets.
LAN d We have for sale farms on
easy payments and special terms,
worth the money. Several mighty
good deals. The largest list of local
farms from which to select.
Dan Gaiuikr & Company, Chief Office.
You will find our line of material
sufficiently large enough to meet all
the demands of turning out a neat,
tasty job no matter whether large or
small and our prices are as low as any
quality, quantity and workmanship
Kudrna it Zujlc of Cowles. Neb.,
contracted with the.W. L, Huffman
Automobile company for the sale of
Hupraobiles in Webster connty last
Thursday. They expect to build a
new garage soon and anticipate selling
fifty cars during the season. Sunday's
Omaha Bee.
There was 17 cars of horses and
mules shipped out of Red Cloud the
past few months. These horses and
mules were bought in the country sur
rounding Red Cloud and the buyers
left several thousand dollars with our
farmers, It paya the farmers to raise
good horses and mules now days.
Good house to rent. I. W. Edson.
Col. Wiggins Is very sick this week.
Bert Harrison's mother is hero visit
lug htm.
Alf McCnll went to Kansas City
Cecil K'uig eaino homo from Lincoln
this week.
Geo. W. Lludsey went to Kansas
City Sunday.
The High school track team govs to
Franklin Friday.,
Mrs. M. S. Martin suffered a stroke
of paralysis Sunday.
Miss Erum Grimes visited her broth
er Ned Grimes Friday.
Don't forget the first open air band
concert by the Red Cloud bund Friday
Mosdtiiues A.J. and A. A. lloreli of
Cowles visited with Mrs. L. L. Boren
Fob Sam: A new Rag Carpet about
twentytlve yards. For further parti
culars inquire at this olllco.
Rev. John J. llayuo will proaeh al
the Indian Creek school house Sunday
afternoon at 3 p. in. Let till come.
Mrs. E, S.Giirber wont to Guide Rock
this morning to visit Iter mother who
lias been sick for tho past It weeks.
The Chief expects to move to its new
location In tho Nowhome building tho
first of tho week. Woareglad are you?
Mr-t. Jus. K. Kldd and family of So-
dulia, Mo , are visiting at tho home of
her mother, Mrs C It Besse this week.
Tho I), of II., met Tuesday evening
and Miss Velum McKimmey entertain
ed the members with a piano selection.
It is reported that trains No. 4 and
11 will bo put on May 5 nnd will run
f.tom Oxford to Hastings and return.
Geo. L. Carter came down from Red
Cloud this morning on his wny to
Nelson. Wednesday's Superior Ex
press. Dan (ttirber nnd J. B Wlsecarver,
who arc farmltnr near Riverton, enmc
down Friday to vote ami visit old time
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kllng and daugh
ter near Cowles were visiting at the
homo of her sister, Mrs. It. G. Rnucliey
Edwin Jurboc will preach nt the
Brethren church in Garfield township
next Sunday tit 10 a. m., and also in
the evening.
John Martin of Goodlond, Kits., ar
rived in town Tuesday called here by
the serious sickness of his mother,
Mrs. M.S. Martin.
The Mibjoet Sunday morning tit the
Baptist church will bo "Forgiveness."
Evening subject, Law Enforcement."
A cordial invitation is extended to all-
Ri:v. Cor.i:, Pastor.
Levi Block, tlio Cincinnati horse
buyer wilt ho in Red Cloud on next
Saturday, April 'J7, for the purpose of
buying horses and mules. Ho will
pay yon the highest prices for your
stulY as he is buying for eastern nun It
ets. Owing to an unusually large amount
of advertising The Chief tills week
reaches you in two sect ions, or twice
tho size of the regular issue. The
Chief is rapidly coming into its own,
namely, that of being recognized hs
the best publication printed iu Web
ster county botli from a news view
point and ns an advertising medium.
The unofficial count on election re
turns up'untll this morning, did not
change the figures from the first indi
cations which reads: for president,
Roosevelt, 38, 197; Clark, 10,100. For
senator, Norris, 28,179; Shallenberger,
10,005. For governor, Moorehead, 18,
894; Aldrlcb, I4,rr8. For delegates to
the national convention from the Fifth
district, Besse, 373; Swanson, .133.
Mr. John Throne, wife, and child, of
Red Cloud, Nebraska, arrived in Ex
eter last Friday and are guests at the
home of their old friends, Mr. and Mrs,
A. B. Sellers. They may decide to
locate here as they like the country
very well. Mr. Throne is a highly
educated gentleman, capable of doing
most any work and will no donbt be
able to secure employment that he is
aatisBvd with.-The Exeter (Calif.,)
Ole Erickson of Webster county,
Neb'., is authority for a report that in
that section of the state no wheat
fields will be plowed up, as the wheat
is very promising. On the divides and
high lands, wheat is raised, and on the
bottoms corn and alfalfa are the chief
crops with us, he said. "Wheat looks
especially promising, and in no case
that I know of will any of it be plowed
up. Everything now looks very
springlike and seeding is going on."
Kansas City Drovers Telegram.
W. D. Edson, editor of the Argus,
met with a very serious aud painful
accident last Saturday while feeding a
job press in his ofllce. It seems that
some of the cards which he was print
ing slipped down undor the prels and
reaching for these Mr. Edson touched
the cog wheels and these drew bis
arm into the meshes tearing jthe flesh
from the bone. His cries for help
brought assistance and he was re
leased from the machine. He suffered
a great loss of blood but fortunately
no bones were broken and at this
writing he is improving as rapidly as
could be expected.
n v p ia li 4m fc"" Wv .By
Idea of Clothes
P ICTURE in your own mind the kind oE
clothes you want the cloth, the style,,
the fit, wear and serviceability;
Then compare your ideal with Clothcraft. You will find
they tally in cvety particular except perhaps in the price you
thought you would have to pay. For Clothcraft Clothes guaran
teed to be all-wool, to hold shape and smartness, to give satis
faction in wear and service; yet cost less than other clothes of the:
same high quality $10 to $25.
All the new styles in Hits, Shoes
nd Shirts now in. Come in and
look them over. ....
(The Clothcraft Blue Serge Special, No. 5130, at
$15, is guaranteed to be all-wool, to hold shape and
I to give satisfactory wear and service.
Cowden-.jvaley Clothing 0,
c 8
s ' r-v-j
t iIHIi
) mm
Spring Goods!
anticipate your wants
in Spring wearing apparel.
Wc are selling
Ladies9, Misses'
and Children's
-finest line of goods of this
class on the market today-
Our best advertisements
are the people who wear
these garments. They art:
satisfied as to Style, Fit,
Workmanship and wear.
We are glad to shew these
It is a WHITE SEASON and in view of this
fact we have bought an extensive line of
White Gloves-Kid and Silk
Ladies', Misses
and Children's
Oxfords and Slippers
All leathers-all prices
See our
White Buck
Oxford at -
r i
Turnure Bros.
As an Advertising Medium The Chief has No
Equal in Webster County
v I HI
'. J ".a a
1 . 11 .JflA